Sucked Into The Manga (Book o...

Da HerLovelySanity

391K 11.5K 6.8K


Getting sucked in, Literally
The black book thief
Daddy! Mama!
Tears, tea cups and female kisses
Beating you to the punch
Quitting the Host Club!
Kidnapped than blackmailed by twin devils!
the twins act up... again
Pianos and the Tropical beach trip
lets play miss tough
Cross dressers and The Koyuki sickness
The scary letters
Yuu, you are busted!
Honey gets bitter / Koyuki gets a visiter
Koyuki in wonderland!
Forgiving and Punishing Koyuki!
The day without the host club!
Happy birthday Raingi, just don't touch any mangas!
Not kyoya's; Don't touch the Takashi's
Without Koyuki
Dreams anyone?
Their Talk
Planning from the future Mrs.Ootori
Now entering French Chocolate Pastry! (It needs more spice)
Lady French Pastry Toenail
Needs more chocolate
Could this be the end? Part 1
could this be the end? Part 2
Farewell Ouran, hello, who??
Message from Author-chan(PLEASE READ)
Message from the Author-chan. MUST READ!!!

Guess who's back!

7.8K 393 308
Da HerLovelySanity

       Heeyyy everyoneee. *bows* I apologize over and over for the lack of updating. I know I promised to update sooner but I couldn't! Ive been sooo busy and dealing with so much. Its no excuse, I'm suppose to be there for my fans and make sure you guys have updates. Well, here it is.. I really, really hope you all like this chappie. its gonna be kinda short but it should be gooooooooodddddd. I lovee you guys soo much! 

*Jumps into Mori's arms and allows him to carry her away*


        I got to go home the next day as long as Kyoya promised his families doctor that he’d make me take everything easy and I wasn’t allowed to walk on my own. I had to either be carried or in a wheelchair. Since I hate wheelchairs, I get to be carried around by Kyoya and Mori, who he and Honey have moved into Kyoya’s house for a few weeks to help with me. My sister bawled her eyes out when I had came home. I wasn’t mad at her at all. I was really thrilled to be home.

“Koyuki, medicine time.” Mori said, coming into mine and Kyoya’s room. 

“But Mori they’re nasty. And I’m not in pain.” I pouted. Mori narrowed his eyes at me. 

“Koyuki. Medicine. Now!” He snapped. I huffed and took the medicine from him. I sat up and took it. He smiled and ruffled my hair. “Good girl.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Where’s Kyoya this morning?” I asked, suddenly realizing the space beside me was empty. Mori held his arms out to me. Instead of telling me was he just gonna bring me? Thats so like him. I reached up and allowed him to scoops me up. “You know, I feel so helpless with you boys carrying me around all the time. I must be heavy.” Mori shook his head. 

“Not heavy at all. Now shh.” He walked out of the room and down the hall. He lead me outside. 

“Mori I’m in pajamas! Why are you bringing me outside?” I smacked his arm playfully. He just smile down at me. Kyoya was by his families pool on the phone, while Raingi was swimming. 

“I don’t care, she’s not happy being stuck inside all day. She needs to attend school and such. She’s missed so much of it already. She’s going today and that is final!” Kyoya snapped his phone shut. My eyes widen. 

“I can go?!” I jumped from Mori’s arms. Kyoya turned in time to catch me.

“Koyuki.” Kyoya’s tone was serious. I stuck my bottom lip out. He rolled his eyes and pecked my lips. “Good morning darling. Are you well enough to attend school today?” He asked me. I flung my arms around him.

“Yes, yes, a million times yes! Can we have to host club meet today too! Please Kyo! I miss it so much!” 

“You can have whatever you want.” He said kissing my forehead. I grinned wide. I was finally going to school!

“Lets go get me dressed!”

“Wheelchair.” Mori said, making my body freeze. I peeked over Kyoya’s shoulder at Mori.


“Wheelchair if you’re going to school Koyuki.”

"Fine." I grumbled.

We made our way to the enterence of ouran academy. My body tingled with excitement! It had been so long since I had attended school. I was beyond thrilled be going back. Mori pushed my hideous wheelchair forward.

      "Ready?" Kyoya, Mori, and Honey asked me. I nodded. I was finally going back. This was it.

Mori pushed me through the familiar doors. Ouran greeted me instantly. I was swarmed with people expecially the rest of the host club. Haruhi, the pedo twins and Tamaki had no idea I was coming back today. The twins and Tamaki threw themselves at me. I let out a screech and was suddenly lifted up.

        "Tamaki stop being such a baka." Kyoya had been the one to lift me up into his arms. i smiled gratefully at him then couldn't help but laugh realizing he had just called Tamaki a baka. He usually sticks with moron or even a bastard but no, this time he used baka. Kyoya raised an eyebrow at me while Tamaki went into a emo corner.

        "You said baka."

        "That I did. You, my dear princess are making serious changes to me." I giggled as he kissed my nose.

        "Welcome back Koy-senpai." The twin evils said at the same time.

        "Thank you. I am glad to be back." Kyoya placed me gently back in the wheelchair. I sighed. Stupid wheelchair. I was fine. I had painkillers and it was just a small accident.. that happen to put me in a coma. Kyoya kissed the top of my head then pushed me to our classes.


I groaned as the time came to enter the host club. Since my coma, I ,missed so much school work and had piles on piles of work to make up. Well, I know what Ill be doing in this episode today. Wait, speaking of episodes. What episodes had I been missing since Raingi shoved me and made me fall through that glass table?

       When Kyoya pushed me into the host room, I saw what everyone was wearing and knew exactly what episode i was in. It was the episode Bosanov- I mean, Kasanoda tries to be Mori's apprentice.

I sighed as I braced myself. This was going to be a weird episode. I just know it.

"Koy-senpai, we had mom make you an outfit as well. Except, we used a different tyope of show for you. We got you the outfit from Kekio in Inuyasha." The twins exclaimed holding a red and white outfit. Inuyasha looks normal to them? Thats odd. Well actually.. not really. Both are anime. I thanked them and went to stand but Mori  shot me a look. I narrowed my eyes at him. He wants to keep playing this game, then fine. Let us play. I held my arms out for him. As soon as he wenr to pick me up, i let out a blood chilling scream. Everyone including Mori froze. Mori placed me on my feet. I crossed my arms and gave a satisfied smirk. 

"Don't play dirty Yuki." Mori said, uing my nickane. I rolled my eyes at him. 

        I carefully walked into the changing room and dressed as Kikeo the high prestiest. My once again long black hair was tied back with silk ribbonnow.

        i think I actually looked perfect. I walked out of the room just as kyoya stepped out of his changing room. I smiled at him. He winked and made his way to the guest. I grabbed my book and laptop and followed him.

        When we reached the outside it was already happening. Mori had rose from his seat. He raised his machette and smashed it down on the set. Everyone froze. Tamaki being the baka that he is, started to freak out majorly. I took my sandal off and bashed him over the head with it.

        "Baka, trust mori. Besides, it looks like we have a surprise guest. Bos-Er, Kasanoda, please wont you step out and reveal yourself." I called out to behind the broken set. Red hair poked out before we saw anything else. Kosanoda cried out Mori's name, and lunged for him. Well, thats what the guest and the host members thought, besides Mori and I. Kasanoda bowed in front of Mori. When he looked up, his face was pleading with Mori.

"Takashi Morinozuka! Please take me as your apprentice!" He cried out. A gasp spread across the host room. Moris cool eyes suddenly opened wider then normal. He slowly turned and gave Tamaki and I a 'help me' sort of look. Tamaki and I were taken aback by this.

I expected that to go to Tamaki, but not towards me. Tamaki stepped back and regained his composure. I smiled at Mori. I bowed while tamaki grinned.

        "From this day on, Bosanoda shall be known as Mori's apprentice! Or in other words, the host clubs new kitty cat!" He decalred. Kasanoda cringed and scowled. 

        "Its Kasanoda!" He growled. Everyone screamed and Tamaki went pale, and hide behind Haruhi. i rolled my eyes and stepped forwrad. Kyoya grabbed me and pulled me back. i narrowed my eyes and looked up at him. What the hell?

Why was he acting over protective of me? Thats so unlike him. He never played any part in this episode really, why start now since Im here? because youre sleeping with him and get yourself into lots of trouble? the voice in my head reminded me. Okay, besides that.. what the hell.

        "Koy, he's dangerous. The last thing you need is to ger hurt again." Kyoya said. I wiggled out of his grip. I leaned up close to his ear and whispered, 

"dog house," before kissing his cheek and walked over to Kasanoda. I heard kyoya curse as I stuck out my hand and smiled. Kasanoda wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't hurt any girl.

"Welcome to the club Kasanoda." He gave a weak smile as he shook my hand.

"Wow, youre not as sc-" I cut him off.

        "If you try to pull anything, just remember my boyfriend is an Ootori and I know you've heard all the juicy rumors involving his family." Kasanoda went pale. I pushed my glasses up and walked over to the sofa. I only threaten him because Kyoya originally did in the episode.Tamaki pushd me aside and started going on about how Honey is Mori's 'lovely item'. I rolled my eyes and went over to a sulking Kyoya, and placed a kiss on his head. "Pouting doesn't do you any good Mr.Ootori." Kyoya pulled me on his lap. He nuzzled his head into my neck.

"Ill pout about not being near you always, Mrs.Ootori." Kyoya mumbled. My eyes widen and I went flying out of his arms. I cursed loudly as my body hit the floor. All eyes went onto me. 

"D-did you just say?..." My voice trailed off. Kyoya scooped me up in his arms.

"i think its time for us to have a chat." With that, he walked away.



Herroooo, this is a really short chappie i know but i had to get something out to you guys.. NO I AM NOT DEAD PERSON WHO SAYS IM DEAD >.< I IS ALIVEEEEE. 

vote, comment, follow? I apologize for my lateness.

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