Stilinski One Shots | Editing

By MadelineClair67

54.3K 1K 97

These are a bunch of One Shots. It's a bunch of Stiles pairings. There will be smut. If you don't like that... More

My Pillow | Sterek
Can't Sleep Without You | Sterek
Baby! | Sciles | Fem!Stiles
I Want More | Stackson | Fem!Stiles
His Lover, and His Protector | Stol
Missing You | Stamon
Not So Good Anymore | Stiklaus
New Kid | Sterek
I Love You | Sterek
Red | Stamon
Help Me | Stamon
Hello Genim | Sticklaus
Who Could Be In That Damn Coffin? | Stol --
Save Me | Sterek
Author's Note
The Witch Twins | Sterek
Mój syn | Sciles

Mountain Men | Stilinski Twins AU

2.7K 40 8
By MadelineClair67

Author Note:

Derek's Family Cabin ^^^

I do not own these characters.

They are from Teen Wolf.

Technically there are two ships in this one.

Sterek and Stackson, which means...

Stuart and Jackson

Stiles and Derek

"Stuart! Get your lazy ass up! I'm leaving in 15 minutes whether you're in the Jeep or not."

I heard my brother groan as he finally got up from his bed.


The pack is going on a little vacation to one of Derek family homes. It's up in the mountains, with a huge lake in the front and a forest with trails that we can go dirt biking on. Stuart and I already call dibs on the first drive.

"Stiles! Have you seen my coat?" I sighed fairly loudly before running up to help my annoying brother.

"Why couldn't you have done what I asked last night, and packed then?" He glared at me before running into his closet.

"Shut up Stiles! I had a plan. I was gonna wake up early and pack but I overslept."

"You never wake up early. Why did you think you would this time?"

"I don't know!" I hugged before walking out and getting started on loading our stuff.

By the time I was done Stuart was running down the front porch with his coat and an arm full of snacks.

"You do realize Derek stacked the whole place with snacks right?" He gave me bored look as he tried to put all the snacks in our Jeep.

"These snacks are for me. We all know Derek only got your favorite so I had to make sure I got mine." He gave me a cheeky look as he got in the Jeep.

"It's not my fault that our Alpha is my Mate. And for the record, I made Derek get everyone's favorite. I got yours in the back."

He froze in his spot and slowly turned back to me with an eager expression. I laughed in my head as I tried to keep a straight face.

"Which favorite?"

"Your only Favorite."

Next thing I know, Stuart is in the back throwing out everything I packed and loaded so he could get to his snack. It's called Chrupki Kukurydzain. A polish snack our Mather used to get us when she visited our family in Poland.

"Oh your my most favorite brother in the world!"

"You dick! I just packed all this crap!"

I was about to strangle him when my most favorite person in the world wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

"It's ok Babe. You go ahead and get the Jeep and I'll help Stuart with the bags."

I gave Derek a big smile before kissing him and grabbing the chips from Stuart. I glared at Stuart when he tried to protest and just walked into the driver's seat.

By the time they were done I had already finished eating the whole bag. I have Stuart a cheeky smile when he saw the empty bag.

"Ok babe. We're all finished. Now, are you sure you can drive all the way there?"

"I'm fine, Stuart is going drive the last half of the drive so we'll be good."

"Fine. But I'm gonna have Liam and the girls drive behind you guys."

I rolled my eyes at my overprotective mate. He always worries about me. Even when I'm with him.

"It's fine Der."

I kissed him one last time before rolling up the window. Derek frowned before walking to his camero. I could clearly see Jackson and Scott fighting in Derek's car as the guys tried to stop them. The girl are in Lydia's car arguing over the radio and the twins are gonna drive with us whenever they get here. Apparently, the pack wanted all the twins to be together.

"When will they get here?" Asked Stuart.

"I don't know. Oh look there they are." We both laughed when we saw Ethan and Aiden stumbling out of the woods with their bags.

"Shut up." Snipped Aiden.

We just chuckled as we waited for Derek to start driving. He's going to lead the way since no one but him and Cora know how to get there. Then Erica and Boyd will follow them and then it will be me the guys, after that, it will be Liam and the girls.

"Hurry Stiles! Derek is pulling out and you haven't even started the car."

"Shut Stuart. You will not be a back seat driver today. If you even try to manage my driving I will throw you back there with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb."


I laughed as I pulled out of my driveway. I laughed every once and while when Stuart would start insulting Ethan or Aiden. I don't know why the pack decided on them driving with us. They should have known we would all fight. Don't they know brothers fight!

We barely got halfway to the cabin before Ethan literally threw Aiden out of the car. The whole pack had to stop so we could get Aiden back in my car. Then not 45 minutes after, Stuart started to be the pest he is and I ended up slamming on the brakes making him fly forward and hit his head on the console.

"It's not my fault you don't wear a seat belt, Stu!" I yelled at him on the side of the road.

Derek claimed that we needed to calm down before we started driving again.

"You fucking Dick Stiles! I think I have a concussion!" He tried to swing at me but I dodged it and launched at him making us fall to the floor.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Not before I do!" We tumbled off into a ditch making the pack run to us and pull us apart.

"Enough!" Derek yelled.

Both Stuart and I stopped trying to murder each other when we saw Derek's mad face. Both Stuart and I smirked at each other before busting out laughing. Derek and the pack rolled their eyes before heading to their cars.

"Truce?" Stuart asked with his hand out. I looked at him skeptically before shaking his hand.

"Truce." I wrapped my arms around my brother as we walked back to the Jeep. I didn't start the car until Derek started to pull out. Soon we were back on the road.

"Why do you guys always do that? You fight over the stupidest things." Asked Ethan.

"You guys fight too. Ethan, you threw Aiden out of the Jeep!" Stuart yelled.

He huffed in the back seat making Stuart and I chuckle.



I picked up my phone and smiled when I saw that it was Derek.

"Hey Der."

"Hey Sti. We're almost to the cabin. We're gonna take the next exit and then just follow me. There are going to be some back roads that are rough so just take it slow. Once we reach them, we'll just stay in them till the end."

"Ok, bye Der. Love you!"

"Love you too Sti."

I hung the phone and turned to Sti who was looking out the window sadly.

"What's wrong Stu?" He turned to me shocked but covered it up quickly.

"Nothing." He murmured.

"Come on Stu. I know you. Somethings up." He shook his head sadly before looking down.

"I-It's my.....mate."

I slammed on the breaks so hard Ethan and Aiden hit our seats. Thank goodness we're on a back road.


"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was just.."

"Just what?"

"Look, it's Jackson."

I froze when I heard his name. Jackson? How could that happen? Jackson and Stuart?

"What? When did this happen?"

"When Jackson came back last week from London we found out."

"He didn't reject you did he? Because if he did I will beat his ass."

"N-No, I did though."

"What!" We all yelled.

"Look, I was shocked. I didn't know what to say or do and I thought he was going to too."

"So you didn't even give him a chance!" Ethan yelled.

I was to shocked by what Stuart said to even think about why Ethan was angry.

"Look, you don't understand. I've had a crush on Jackson for years. When I found out he was my Mate I panicked. I thought he wouldn't want me. I'll never know anyways. I left after I rejected him."

"So that's why Jackson has been acting off lately."

"Guys you can't say anything to anyone." Stuart pleaded.

I looked at my brother's scared face. To anyone else, they would see him trying to keep his mate a secret but I knew why he was really scared. He didn't want them to tell Jackson that Stuart cared for him. He was scared Jackson would complete the rejection.

"I won't say anything, Stu. I promise. Neither will they, right guys?"

I gave them my "you better agree with me or I beat your ass to a pulp" look. They nodded their heads fairly quickly.

"Perfect. And good timing too, cause we're here."

Stuart's face turned to fear when he saw that we had arrived. I watched as his eyes went immediately to Jackson. Apparently, Jackson felt him starring him cause he looked over and looked directly at Stu. I saw pain flash threw Jackson's eyes when he saw my brother. I knew then that Jackson felt the same about Stu. If only my brother wasn't so stupid.

"We won't tell Stuart."

I watched sadly as Jackson closed off his face and scowled at my brother. Stuart practically whimpered when Jackson turned away from him. I knew then that I would spend this entire vacation trying to get them together.

"Come on Stu. We need to unpack quickly. Derek wants us all to go on a hike before it gets dark."

Usually, Stuart would mouth off some sarcastic remark like I would but today he just nodded his head heading to get his bags. He didn't even look at Chrupki Kukurydzain! He just grabbed his bag and headed inside.

I sighed as I picked up my bags and headed inside. Everyone was hanging out in the living room, which was magnificent by the way. Once I entered I nodded my head to the other room so Derek would know to follow me.

"What's is it Sti?"

"Are the rooms all soundproof?"

"Yes, why?"

"Even this one?" Derek gave me a bored look before nodding. "Ok, 1. Stuart and Jackson are mates 2. Stuart rejected him because he has had a crush on him since we were little and he thought Jackson would reject him 3. I need you to assign rooms and Stuart and Jackson need to be together and far enough away so they can be alone."

Derek looked at me shocked. I knew he would be. I mean, Stuart and Jackson? No one saw that coming.

"O-Ok. Yah I can do that."

I laughed as Derek tried to process what was happening. He made a cute little face as he tried to think through all of my demands.

"You Good Der?" I asked teasingly. He gave me a playful glare before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a kiss.

"Alright, let's go play matchmaker."

When we walked in I noticed that Jackson had tried to put as much distance between him and Stuart. Although every once and a while he would look over to check on him. Stuart caught his glance every no and then making him frown sadly.

"Alright, everyone! Erica and Boyd on the first room on the right on the second floor. Scott and Allison, your right across from them. Cora and Liam, your in Cora's room. If I even hear a bed creek, I will be separating you two. Kira and Issac are next to Scott and Allison. Lydia and Aiden will be beside Erica and Boyd. Then Ethan and Danny will beside them. Jackson and Stuart will have to share a room on the third floor with Stiles and I, because there are no more in the second. Just because I'm nice, you guys can be on the opposite side of us so you don't have to hear anything.

"Oh! Derek wants everyone out on the back porch in 30 minutes. We're going on a hike, so get some good climbing shoes and some warm coats!"

"Yes, Mom!" Derek laughed at their nickname for me. Stuart hates it when they call me that.

I waited till everyone was gone before I turned to Der and gave him a big kiss. Derek immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. He growled when I pulled away, to look into his eyes.

"Thank you, Der. I can't stand my brother being this upset. You should have seen him when talked about Jackson. He was so afraid of rejection and being alone that he threw it away before anything could actually happen."

"Calm down Stiles. I promise, by the end of this vacation, your brother and Jackson will be together."

I gave Derek another quick kiss before taking him up to our bedroom. By the time we got out of the room and changed everyone as waiting for us outside. I gave Stuart a smile before turning to Derek.

"Ok guys, stay together, don't wander off, and always stay with your buddy. Your buddy is your roommate. There will be no complaints, no whining and Erica and Lydia go change your shoes. Healed boots are not hiking shoes."

I snorted when both girls glared at Derek before storming off. We all waited patiently on the porch, talking and laughing. Everyone except Stuart and Jackson. They were too busy trying not to look at one another.

"Stiles, what are we gonna do with those two?" Derek asked in my head through the mind link.

"I don't know. My brother is dead set on believing Jackson doesn't love him. But look at him! Jackson can't keep his eyes off him. Every time Stuart makes a noise or moves Jackson's eyes dart to him to check on him."

"Yeah, I noticed too. Maybe we should lock them in their room so they have work it out."

"Sounds Good Der."

"Ok, we're ready!" Yelled Lydia.

"And we're in ugly shoes." We all ignored Erica and started walking towards the forest.

Cora and Issac lead the pack, then Scott and Allison. After that, it was Erica and Boyd, then Stuart
and Jackson. Ethan and Danny walked with Lydia and Aiden. Derek and I stayed behind to keep watch on everyone.

I decide to each look at the forest as we walked. It was positively beautiful. Since it was fall everything was red and orange and yellow. The forest came alive every time the wind blew.

"Stiles, look."

I could help the smile as I watched Jackson help Stuart over a fallen tree. Jackson's hands slid from Stuart's hands, up his arms, down his back, and around his waist. Stuart looked deep into Jackson's eyes. You could see the love their eyes.

"Hey, guys hurry up!" Someone yelled.

I grabbed Derek and pulled him into a kiss before Jackson and Stuart saw us starring. Luckily it worked and Jackson and Stuart practically tore from each other and continued walking, with five feet between them.

"Dammit! They were so close!" I yelled.

"That's it, I'm going to lock them in the basement tonight."

Time Skip

It's two a.m. and Derek and I have snuck over to Stuart and Jackson's room. I can very clearly hear Jackson snoring on the farthest bed so that means Stu is closest to us. Derek and I are gonna give them a sedative so they don't wake up for another hour. I told Derek to get Jackson first since his wolf side will freak if Stuart isn't nearby.

Once Derek got Jackson, I quickly injected Stu and helped Derek take them down to the basement. Luckily Derek's family were very paranoid so they had a cell down there that we could put Stu and Jackson in.

"I hope this goes well." Said Derek.

"Me too."

Stuart's POV

"Stuart? Stuart wake up. Stu please, I need to know your ok?"

"Just Shut already I'm trying to sleep." I murmured trying to keep warm.

I tried to find my blankets, thinking I may have kicked them off when I slept when I felt concrete beneath me I shot up gasping.

"Finally you're awake. I thought they hurt you or something. Are you ok? Are you in pain? Dammit Stu, answer me!"

Jackson ran his hands all over my body, looking for wounds or broken bones. I laughed lightly and grabbed his hands and led them to my heart.

"I don't know where we are but I promise I'll get you out of here."

"I'm fine Jacks. Listen to my heart, I'm not lying."

Jackson focus on the beating of my heart, which was very erratic since we were so close. Once Jackson realized I was ok he wrapped his arms around my waist and dug his head into my neck.

"I'm sorry," He whispered letting me go. I practically whimpered when we scooted away from me. "I know you don't want to be my mate and all. I just needed to make sure you were ok."


"No, it's fine. When we get out of here I promise I'll leave you alone. I'll just move back to England-"

I couldn't listen anymore. Before he could finish I slammed my lips to his. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

"Don't you dare leave me. I'm sorry I rejected you. I-I thought you didn't like me, so I rejected you before you could reject me. I've liked you for so long, I just couldn't do it. Please forgive me. I need you Jacks."

Jackson's hand lifted my head so I was looking into his eyes. I practically broke when I saw the admiration in his eyes. Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at the man who I was In love with.

"I love you Stuart." He whispered.

"I love you too Jackson."

When his lips crashed to mine it was like a flood had broken. All our live went into that kiss. When they say you feel fireworks when you kiss your one true love, they are night lying.



Jackson and I broke away quickly when we heard the yelling. Next thing we know Derek and Stiles are at the open door dancing and celebrating.

"They wouldn't have." Said Jackson.

"Oh, but they did."

"I knew it would work!" Yelled Stiles.

"I'm gonna kill you, you dick!"

"What the hell is going on? It's three something in the morning." We all looked up the staircase to see the rest of the pack looking at us angrily.

"Jackson and Stuart are mates!"

Everyone looked at Stiles confused. Just to prove it Stiles threw me to Jackson and immediately I was wrapped in my mate's strong arms. Jackson buried his head in the back of my neck making me blush. I playfully elbowed him to make him stop but he just snuggled closer.

"Holy crap, Stiles isn't lying."

"Come on guys. Let's go to bed." Derek said.

"Yes, Dad." Everyone replied sleepily.

Stiles POV

I couldn't help but awe at Jackson who picked up my brother and took him to their room. You could hear their laughing through the whole house until they reached their room. Jackson would be a good Mate for my brother, and if he isn't.

I'll make sure he pays.

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