Angels & Demons

By Lunox02

3K 220 181

#117 in "Heaven"{05/12/2019} ~Cover made by AllieStar_~ Jason Gray is a boy who has lived with his grandpare... More

The Day It All Began
Light In The Darkness
Lumen Academy
Lumen Academy(2)
A "Perfect" Start
What Am I?
This Can't Be Real ...
Beanca's Island
The Douchebag's Story
Back To Earth
Angel On Earth
Unexpected Company
Heaven Under Siege
The Mission
Arrival In Hell


107 10 5
By Lunox02

So, for this being the 10th chapter already, I really want to thank all those that read my story, really appreciate it! I also have plans for a new story, but what do you think of that? It will be quite different from this story, so I'm not sure if you'll like it ... Feel free to leave your opinion and maybe some tips in the comment section! Thanks to all of you, hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


'Ugh, that really hurt ...'

I feel the moisty grass tickling my face. I carefully try to stand, but I'm still feeling quite dizzy. I take a quick look around me and see someone lying on the grass, right next to me. It's a girl, the one that was standing next to Isa when we were at the house.

"Ohw sh**t! Are you ok?" I just start thinking she fainted when I see her arm move. I quickly hurry to help her up, before she falls again.

"I'm so sorry! I couldn't see you because of the fog and there ..."

'Should I tell her about that thing that was chasing me? Maybe better not ....'

"You indeed could've been a little bit more carefull, but it's not only your fault ufcorse. I'm ok, I'll just get a big bruise but that's all. This fog is soo anoying ... Why were you even running so fast? Don't you know that it's really dangerous in this thick fog, you might had even bumped into a tree, and with all these soul animals around here ..."

"I'm sorry, I just lost my friend and wanted to hurry back to the house. With this fog and these animals, you see ..."

"Yea yea, just try to be more carefull next time, I wouldn't want you to get eaten or something.", she says with a quick wink.

"Ugh, thanks for your concern ... I'm Jason, by the way, Jason Gray."

"Nice to meet you, Jason, I'm Talissa. You haven't found your soul animal neither, I see."

"No, not really. I wasn't really able to look for it, I was a bit too busy trying not to bump into something while running ..."

"Well, good job! You sure didn't collide! ... Ah well, need some help with searching? I haven't found mine neither, and I also lost my friends in this thick fog, so we might as well just stick togheter, right?"

"Yea, great idea! But ... do you have any idea where we should go to?"

"Nah, not really. Let's just go this way, we'll find a way out in no time ..."


After walking and talking for about half an hour we leave the trees and fog behind us and enter a large meadow with long, yellow grass that reaches our hip. Far in the distance I can see the bright red of lava.

"Let's cross this field, I believe mine is around here ..."

"How do you even know that? I can't see anything."

"I don't know, I can just ... feel it."

She starts fastly walking through the large field. I take a quick look behind to check if nothing is chasing me like before, but I can't see or hear anything coming from the foggy forrest.

"Hey, wait for me!" She's walking really fast, so I got to run to catch her up.

"Where is she ...", Talissa says while looking around.

"Whut, she? Who is she? What are you even talk..." Suddenly a shadow flies over us that gives me goosebumps. It passes us and then turns around, heading straight at us.

"Watch out!", I quickly shout, but I'm too late. It's so fast you can barely see it, but it's flying straight at Talissa. I try to push her aside but I'm too late. A sudden burst of wind blows me away ...


Yet again I'm laying on the ground, but luckily the grass made sure I had a soft landing. I try to stand and look for Talissa. When I see her, I'm completely astounished.

She's still the same, but there's some sort of big bird sitting on her arm. It's about half a meter high and doesn't really have feathers, it's more like it consists out of the air with pink glitters through it. On it's belly it goes from pink to blue and purple, and it has a large tail that goes to pink again. The creature gives light and has shining black eyes and 3 large white feathers on top of it's head that point to the back.

"Wh..what is th...that?", I ask with my mouth wide open out of astounishement.

"I believe this is my soul animal.", Talissa says with a big smile on her face while looking at the beautifull creature.


"What exactly is it? Is it a ... feniks?"

"I think so, yea.... She looks amazing, doesn't she?"

"Yea, she does ... Wait, how do you even know it's a she?"

"I don't, I can just ... feel it. It's hard to explain, you'll probably also feel it when you'll find yours."

"If I even have one, of course, which I seriously doubt."

"Oh come on, don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure you'll find yours as wel!"

'Yea sure, the devil's son is gonna get a soul animal...'

Suddenly Talissa's feniks jumps of her arm and starts flying away towards the lava.

"Come back!! Where are you going?!", Talissa shouts in shock.

A few meters in front of us she hangs still and looks at me with her black eyes like she wants to tell me something.

"I think she wants us to follow her.", I say while looking at it's shining eyes.

"But why? I don't understand ..."

"Me neither, but let's just follow her. We don't want to lose her now we just found her, do we?"

"You're right, let's go." Talissa says while nodding and she starts running after her.


We both run through the high grass following the feniks untill we reach the end of the meadow and enter some land covered by black ashes and hot lava. There are no plants and there's not a single living soul around apart from us.

"Why would she take us here? There's litterly nothing apart from some dead land.", Talissa says with a frown.

"I really don't know, but she's still going. Let's just try following her and see what happens."

We run after her again through the black ashes, carefully avoiding the lava. After a few minutes Talissa's feniks stands still in the air and waits for us to catch her up. When we reach her, she lands on Talissa's arm again.

"Why have you brought us here, I can't see anything?", Talissa says while giving her soul animal a quick look.

"Well, there's obviously nothing here, let's just go back to the island ..."

Just when we turn around and start walking back, I hear the same voice again that feels like a little breeze which I heard in the hospital room.

'Just wait a second, Jason. Look really closely and open yourself, you'll feel and see it ...'  ,the little breeze in my head says.

"Wait a second, Talissa. Let me try something ..."

I relax and try not to think of anything, just like I did when I first deployed my wings. Suddenly I feel it: something is here ... I look around me and start walking further through the ashes and lava. The feeling gets stronger and stronger and all of a sudden it feels like I can nearly touch it.

And then I see it ...

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