When Her Mate Moves Into Town...

By SheLovesHerWords

639K 12.6K 1.1K

Lane Connor. Adored by many and rightly so. Kind, at times to a fault, a smile that lights up any room she en... More

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)
When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)
Chapter One- Whispers of Permission. *Edited*
Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*
Chapter Two- What history we make in History. *Edited*
Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*
Chapter 4- Hope For Maybes *Edited*
Chapter 5- Caution: Chair Will Cause Blushing. *Edited*
Chapter 6- Relief in school. Safe? *Edited*
Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*
Chapter 8- Holding Pinkies *Edited*
Chapter 9- Reminder: Thank the girl that pushed me over.
Chapter 10- Help. Looking for lost hickey.
Chapter 11- Sweet and Scary
Chapter 12- Ruining people. The good way.
Chapter 14- Next step? Why not?
Chapter 15- Can soon come sooner?
Chapter 16- We have an announcement. And another. Oh, and another.
Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.
Chapter 18- Beating me at my own game. But hey, I'm a good sport.
Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.
Chapter 20- Lane meet Leah. The evil side.
Chapter 21- We Do Things Short 'Round Here.
Chapter 22- The moments, before the moment of truth.
Chapter 23 - Putting trust to the ultimate test.
Chapter 24 - Love from those just met.
Chapter 25- Ryders POV
Chapter 26 - Two day compromise ends quicker than expected.
Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter!
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 13- Tingles as a wakeup call. That's new.

19K 407 55
By SheLovesHerWords

A/N Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter. Just a heads up, I'm jumping islands for about a week to spend some time with family so I probably won't be able to update. BUT! I just found a charger for my laptop so I'll take that and try to write whenever I can.

This chapter is dedicated to HH1098 for thinking that I have what it takes to enter the Watty Awards. That means a lot to me! Thank you! :)

Hi to my new fans! I'm stoked you all like my story enough to fan me! Also, thank you if you've added this story to your library and for the votes/comments! Makes me really happy. Thank you so much! :)

Here you go everyone! Hope you like it. :)


Ryders POV:

What the fuck just happened?! This is bullshit! LC is mine and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take her from me. Screw Judge for choosing that Alpha prick over me! I’ll show him what happens to people when they mess with me and what’s mine.

I can’t believe she didn’t come to me when I told her too.  They must be holding her against her will. They have to be. She loves me. She told me so herself.

‘I’ll save you, baby! I promise we’ll be together soon.’ I growl.

It’s been about an hour since I left LC’s and I’ve been running in my wolf form trying to let out some frustration. It’s not working though because I can’t stop thinking about LC and how she’s not with me right now.

All of a sudden I’m pulled from my thoughts and I stop in my tracks. Rogue.

I hunch forward, getting ready to attack and inhale deeply. There’s something different about this wolf.

I look around slowly and then I see it. Or her. My Light Brown wolf towers over her Brown wolf by at least two feet. There’s no way she’ll be able to take me. I’ll let her live. LC would want that.

I snarl at her and shift back into human form.

What is it about this wolf that’s so different? I can’t put my finger on it and I feel my wolf trying to tell me something but I’m blocking him out. I don’t need to hear anything he has to say. Probably more talk of how LC isn’t my mate and all.

“SHIFT!” I yell standing at my full height trying to intimidate the rogue.

I guess it works because she does so immediately and although she may not be as beautiful or as sexy as my LC, I think I’ve just found a way to let my frustration out.

She stands at around 5’8. I like them short. She has short Brown hair. I prefer long Auburn hair. She has Brown eyes. I love Gray-Blue. She’s fit I’ll give her that but what Were isn’t? She’ll have to do.

As I was scrutinizing her, judging by her smirk she takes that as me checking her out. She looks me up and down and licks her lips.

My wolf is relentless and keeps trying to push into my mind and that puts me in an even worse mood.

I growl and stalk over to her. Her eyes light up with excitement as I grab her and slam her up against a nearby tree; wrapping her legs around my waist in the process.

I’m going to fuck her brains out and hopefully some of this frustration will leave me.

She doesn’t even put up a fight. Instead she just looks at me with a smirk and tries to move me to her entrance.

‘Whore!’ I think as I thrust into her.

She moans and throws her head back in pleasure.

I shiver in disgust and continue to thrust into her. I want this done as soon as possible so I start off rough not caring if I hurt her.

She’s moaning and I can’t stand the sound of it. It’s making me soft so I cover her mouth roughly with my hand and for some reason she takes that as a signal to moan louder.

I don’t think I can handle much longer of her so I think of LC. I think of her being the one up against this tree. I think about her tight little pussy being wrapped around my cock. I think of her sexy voice moaning for me.

I moan and start to work her pussy faster.

I feel her start to come and thinking about making LC come sets me off.

Thinking fast I pull her off of the tree and lay her down roughly. I lift and grab her hips tightly and pump into her a few more times and pull out.

I come on her stomach and grunt, “LC!”

All of a sudden I’m pushed off of the rogue.

“WHY DID YOU PULL OUT AND WHO THE FUCK IS LC?!” She yells and my face scrunches in disgust at the sound of her shrill voice.

I get up and groan realizing that instead of letting out frustration it just added more and now I feel guilty that I fucked another girl when I’m with LC.

“That’s none of your business, rogue.” I growl.

She looks at me shocked for a second before replying with, “None of my business?! When my mate yells another bitches name while he comes I’m pretty sure it’s my business!”

I see red. No one calls my girl a ‘bitch’. I slap her and she stumbles back a little.

“Don’t you dare call her that!” I say harshly.

She holds her cheek surprised that I hit her and glares at me.

“Did you not hear what I said? What is wrong with you?” She yells.

I don’t have time for this. I need to go back to LC and beg her to forgive me for being with another woman.

“Great, I got an idiot for a mate.” She huffs to herself.

“MATE?” I yell in disbelief ignoring her insult. Coming from and easy lay, it means nothing to me. There is no way that is my mate. LC is my mate.

She nods smiling as if I just accepted her.

“No.” I simply say and turn to head back towards LC’s.

“What?! Don’t walk away from me! You know I’m your mate. I know you feel the connection. Our bond. No one can make you feel like I do. I’m the one that made you come, baby. Remember?” She said trying to sound seductive and running her hand down my chest; towards my member.

I shove her back hating her touch and glare at her.

“You.Are.Not.My.Mate. Get that through your head.” I say through gritted teeth. She starts to argue but I cut her off; getting in her face and harshly whispering,

“I was thinking of her while we were fucking. SHE made me come. Not you.”

“You’re mine!” She yells and stomps her foot like a five year old. “I won’t stand by and let some whore steal my man!”

I grab her by her throat and slam her against a tree.

“I find out that you go anywhere near her and I will kill you. I promise you that, rogue. LEAVE! If I see you again I will end your life.” I say fiercely and before she can say anything I shift and run off. Leaving her stunned.

I run for about half an hour and now I’m standing in front of LC’s. I growl when I smell that he’s still here. 

I huff angrily.

Everyone obviously believes that they’re mates and after tonight they will all be on high alert. I won’t be able to get in unnoticed. I need to get her alone.

Tomorrow, LC. Tomorrow I’ll save you.


I’m lying in bed and I can smell breakfast being made downstairs.

I’m hungry but I’m too comfortable and I feel this incredible warmth around me that I know my blanket does not provide.

I think nothing of it and start to doze off again when I feel little tingles all over my face.

I shake my head not knowing what could be causing them. It stops so I settle and try to find sleep again.

Not even a few seconds later I feel the tingles again. This time instead of shaking my head I move my hand towards my face to wipe whatever it is off when my hand collides with something warm.

Tired and confused, I move my hand around to feel what it could be and I hear something like a chuckle.


I feel the tingles again and this time it moves towards my neck.

I’m slowly starting to wake up when I feel something nip at my neck.

I yelp and jump up, only I don’t make it far in the air because something incredibly warm that’s on me is preventing me from doing so.

Still a bit tired and not sure what’s going on I rub my eyes with my fists and blink a few times to see clearer.

I hear laughter and when I fully open my eyes I see Honey colored ones staring right back at me with amusement and love showing brightly in them.

I gasp and hear laughter.

“Good morning, my love.”

“Chase?” I whisper.


“What are you doing here?” I ask confused and then last night comes flooding back to my mind.

It was what happened right before I feel asleep that put a bright blush on my face.

Just then Chase starts shaking with laughter.

Embarrassed I cover my face with my hands and try to turn over to burry my head in my pillow.

This sets Chase off into another fit of laughter and when he’s finally through he grabs my wrists and pins them above my head.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Lane. Last night was incredible and an even more amazing morning followed it. I finally got to wake up next to the love of my life so please don’t ruin it by hiding that beautiful face from me, baby.” He smiles brightly.

I think of how I’ve had the best night of sleep ever and I woke up this morning feeling right. Like everything was perfect and it was all because of this man right here.

I return the smile and he kisses me lightly on the lips.

It was made to be innocent but as he kissed me I became fully aware of the heat coming off of his body.

I tried. I really tried to hold back but my stupid body wouldn’t let me and I moaned.

Chase groans and starts kissing me deeper with more passion.

He hastily kisses down my jaw and towards my neck. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his lips on me.

I feel his excitement poking my thigh and I feel myself get wet. I rock my hips against him and he moans.

I feel him graze his teeth against my neck and that causes me to shiver from the pleasure that he’s just given me. I extend my neck back so that he can have better access when almost instantly I feel cold and realize that Chase is no longer on me.

He’s at the edge of my bed. Elbows on his knees and fingers pulling at his hair.

What just happened?

I crawl over to him and slowly place my hand on his shoulder as to not startle him.

It doesn’t work however because he quickly turns and pins me beneath him to the bed.

It’s then that I notice his eyes are black. Instead of panicking and trying to get out from under him I lay still. Remembering him telling me that if I didn’t want anything to go further to just stay still. So I do.

“Chase. Calm down, baby.” I whisper knowing that he likes it when I call him that.

I see the black start to fade from his eyes and once I see the sapphire flecks I know that he’s back in control.

I move to sit up and he helps me; standing us up in the process.

I place my hand on his cheek and look him in the eyes. They hold guilt.

“What’s wrong, Chase? What happened?” I ask softly.

He sighs and runs his hand over his face.

“I almost claimed you right there, Lane. I was about to sink my teeth into you when you moved your head back and I snapped out of it.” He said frustrated.

It was then that I started thinking. Why hasn’t he claimed me yet? My wolf keeps telling me that it hurts him to not have claimed or mated with me. If it’s hurting him why doesn’t he just claim me?

“Why didn’t you?” I ask.

His eyes snap to mine and he looks at me stunned.

“Do you know what that means, Lane?” He asks with wide eyes.

“It means that people will know that I’m yours. That I’m taken.” I state.

“That’s true. But do you know what that will do to us?” He asks cautiously.

Getting frustrated I say, “No Chase. But you seem to know so why don’t you just tell me already.”

“Once I mark you, it will be 100 times harder for me to not take you. My wolf will try every second of every day to gain control over my body to mate you. You won’t be able to hang out with Blake and Carter because my wolf will become so possessive and jealous that he won’t allow you too.”

I look at him shocked.

He continues, “Not only that, Lane but once I claim you, if we don’t mate…you’ll go into heat. I know you’re not ready to be with me on that level yet and when in heat, it could be very painful for you. I can handle the pain of not being with you yet Lane, I really can. What I can’t handle is you being in pain. Not wanting you to be in pain and our wolves calling out to each other will make me do something that I will forever regret.”

He looks away from me with a pained look and breathes deeply a few times. He looks me in the eyes, willing me to understand  fully what he has to say next.

“I’d take you by force, Lane.”

I gasp.

“I can’t do that to you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. That’s why I haven’t claimed you yet. Ok? Please understand.” He pleads.

I’m to shocked to say anything so I nod quickly,

“Ok, I understand. I understand. I’m so sorry for putting you in that position, Chase. I’m so sorry I’m not ready for that yet. God, what is wrong with me?” I say that last part to myself; tears falling down my face.

“Why can’t I be ready?!” I sob.

“LANE! Stop. Please. It’s ok.” Chase pulls me into a hug.

“No, it’s not. I didn’t even realize the extent of what I’ve been putting you through all this time and now that I know, I should want to end it all for you. Just let you claim and mate me. But no, I’m so selfish that I can’t do that for you.” I cry.

He sits me down on the bed and kneels in front of me.

“HEY!” He yells and I jump up shocked that he’s just yelled at me and look him in the eyes.

“I will not here anymore of this! Do you understand me, Lane? I better not hear you questioning why you ‘can’t just let me claim and mate you already’ you hear me?  ‘Let me?’ Let me, Lane? That’s ridiculous. This is for us to do together! If you’re not ready, then I’m not. It’s not a one-sided thing where I get my pleasure and you just lay there and take it. It takes both of us. You know what would be selfish? Me letting you give yourself to me when you’re not ready. That’s selfish. Claiming you and mating with you is supposed to be a beautiful thing and I’ll be damned if it’s anything but that. You will stop crying this instant.” He commanded.

I do and throw my arms around his neck. I hug him tightly wanting him to not be mad at me. He returns the hug and sighs.

“I love you, baby. I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

“It’s ok. I love you too.” I say in the crook of his neck and it really is ok. I know that he did that to put a stop to my wandering thoughts of me being a horrible mate.

I smile against his neck.

“If that doesn’t prove to us that they’re mates, I don’t know what else would.”

I turn towards my door and see B smiling and Ace agreeing with what he just said.

“Morning LC, Mr. Par- I mean Cha- I mean Alpha.” Ace jokes “Breakfast is ready.”

I grab my pillow and through it at B and Ace. They easily dodge it and run down stairs.

I shake my head and laugh. They’re such kids.

I look back and see Chase giving me a goofy grin.

“I love you, Lane and I’ll wait for as long as you need me too. Ok?” He says softly.

I nod. “I love you too.” I say and give him a quick peck on the lips.

I jump up and stretch then make my way over to my closet.

I pull out a Gray high waist skirt with black lace, a teal camisole to tuck into the skirt with a green cardigan and gladiator sandals. I change in my bathroom. Brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair and walk back into my room.

Chase just looks up at me with so much love in his eyes that my knees go weak. I see that he’s changed back into his clothes from last night.

I hold out my hand to him and he takes it. I lead him to the kitchen where everyone is right now judging by the talking and laughter I hear coming from there.

I sigh happily. I have my mate and my family is happy. What could be better than this?

‘Being mated’ my wolf says.

I laugh at her boldness. “That’s true. That would be great.”

‘WHAT?! Really? You’re not going to yell at me for saying that?’ she asks surprised.

I giggle, “Come on. I’m not that bad. Plus, those things he said this morning made me see that I can trust him and that he won’t hurt me. I think I’m ready.” I say shocked. That thought just now working its way into my mind.

She howls in happiness. ‘NOW! Do it now!’

“Oh be quiet! Not yet.” I say getting nervous.

She sighs, ‘Ok. Just do it soon.’

“Whatever” I laugh.

I look up ending my conversation with my wolf to see that Chase has moved us against the kitchen counter where everyone is gathered around. I see that Blake, Carter and Riley slept over. I smile at all of them and they return it. I’m not really paying attention to the conversation that’s going on. I’m just enjoying seeing everyone so happy. All of their smiles and laughter.

Chase has me caged in against the counter, his arms on either side of me, and even though I can’t see his smile, I can feel his laughter from the deep vibrations against my back. I love that my family and friends all took to him so well and that they’re ok, thrilled even, to have him be my mate.

I place my hands over his and join in on the conversation.

Everything is so right. So perfect.


There it is! You guys like?

Ryder found his mate and yet he's still got his mind set on LC. Did you all expect that?

And I hope I answered some questions that some of you may have been asking. Like why Chase hasn't claimed LC yet.

I know you all want it to happen already and judging by LC's talk with her wolf, I think you guys might get your wish. :)


Vote, Comment and Fan if you want! Please and thank you! :)


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