Angels & Demons

By Lunox02

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#117 in "Heaven"{05/12/2019} ~Cover made by AllieStar_~ Jason Gray is a boy who has lived with his grandpare... More

The Day It All Began
Light In The Darkness
Lumen Academy
Lumen Academy(2)
A "Perfect" Start
What Am I?
This Can't Be Real ...
The Douchebag's Story
Back To Earth
Angel On Earth
Unexpected Company
Heaven Under Siege
The Mission
Arrival In Hell

Beanca's Island

118 11 14
By Lunox02

I still can't believe it. I'm the son of the devil? It's to much for me to handle. I decide to go back to my room and rest a bit. Maybe that would help me to understand ...

I'm crossing the courtyard with the strange trees on the way to my room when I hear someone shout my name. I turn around and see Pete running after me.                                                                  

"Hi! I've found you, finally! Do you want to come to Silgur's tavern?"

"I'm sorry, Pete, not now. I'm really tired and I don't want to get late for class again ..."

"Yeaa... sorry again, but I'll make sure we won't stay for too long. Come on, it's gonna be fun!"

"Sorry, but I already said no. I just don't want to go, I'm too tired ..."

"What's wrong? What did Chaeron say? He didn't punish or anything, did he?"

"No, that's not it. I just have a lot on my mind right now and I think some rest will really help. I'll join you the next time we go."

"Ok then ... if you need anything, just ask!"

"I sure will, Pete. Thanks.", I smile at him before turning around and following the path that leads to the 1st years tower.

I reach my room and open the door. I see that someone has put some clothes on my bed, the same outfit the boys in the tavern were wearing the other night. There's a small piece of paper laying on top of it.

Little present, hope you like it! ~Chaeron     

How kind of him ...

I put the clothes in my closet and take a quick shower. After that I drop myself onto the soft bed sheets of my kingsize bed and try to get some sleep, but there's too much spooking through my head.

If I'm the son of the devil and an angel, then my grandparents weren't my real grandparents, right? Did they know? Why didn't they tell me then? Why would the dark angels attack my school and wound so many people if they just want me? Why would Lucifer fall in love and get kids? The devil couldn't possibly fall in love, right? Did he rape her then? 

The last thing I remember before falling asleep is the same question that has been torturing me as soon as I left Chaeron's office:

'Am I really the son of the devil?'



I wake up by the sound of my alarm.

'Wait, what?'

I look on the small table next to my bed and see my phone.                                                        

'How did it even get here? This is getting creepier and creepier ...'

I quickly turn of the alarm and look at the time.

'Half past 7, perfect. At least I won't be late. But where do I even have to go too?'

I quickly get dressed and I'm thinking what I should do next when I hear someone knock on my door.

"Come in!"

"Good morning! At least you already woke up this time ..."

I expect to see Pete, but instead it's Amy leaning against my door.

"I'm here to take you to the dining room for breakfast; after that we're going to Soul Island! Come on, hurry, I don't want to get late!"

I follow Amy to the dining room and quickly eat some cereal. After that all first years go out and gather around at some doors on the left of the main entrance, between the 7th and 8th years towers.

"Alright everyone, I believe we are complete?" When I look around I see Chaeron standing there. He's wearing white armour with a small sign on his chest that looks like Boubou.

'Ahh, so everyone gets a sign that looks like their soul animal ...'

"For those that don't know me yet, I'm Chaeron and I'm the principal of this academy. I'll lead you all to Soul Island, also known as Beanca's Island, where you might find your soul animal. Follow me please!"

We follow Chaeron to a giant island that looks like a volcano crater. There's a small gap in the crater, sealed by a gate. We go through the gate and enter the magical place inside the crater. It's full of trees and lakes, big hills covered by strange plants and some lava on the other side of the crater. In the middle of all this there's a small, simple house standing in the middle of a lake connected with the land by a small path. It looks like it is made out of the trees it's surrounded by.

"Ok everyone, time to meet Beanca. Ohw yea, please don't destroy or break anything, she truly hates it and you don't want to mess with Gajil ..."

We follow Chaeron towards the small house through the bizarre island. On the way I can see small creatures hidding in the shadows of the forest and the depths of the river connected to the central lake.

When we arrive at the house there's someone standing in front of the open door. It's a woman with long, blond, wavy hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a white dress that reaches her knees and doesn't wear any shoes.

"Hello there Beanca, how are you feeling today?"

"Really good, Chaeron, thanks for your concern." She reveals a smile full of beautiful white teeth. "So these are this years new recruits?"

"Yes indeed. Anything special to report?"

"Not really, even tho a feniks has materialised!"

"Wow, that's quite special! So people, I'll leave you all with Beanca now. She'll tell you what to do. Listen really carefully, she's the best soul animal keeper we could wish for.", he gives her a quick smile before walking back over the path.

"Ok everyone," Beanca starts as soon as Chaeron left, "I'm Beanca, soul animals keeper of Soul Island. For those who don't know what soul animals are, they're mythical creatures that you can keep as 'pets', but they're far more than that. Your bond with your animal will increase and your animal will become, in the best case, your best friend. The stronger your bond with your animal, the better you will work together ..."

"Excuse me miss," a small girl with short, straight black hair that reaches her shoulders and brown eyes asks. She's standing together with 3 other girls.

The one on her right has about the same height and has really long, brown hair and brown eyes. The girl on her left is taller and has curvy, long blonde hair and green eyes with a bit of yellow in it.

The last girl that's standing next to the blonde one is about as tall as the first two and has long, red hair and brown eyes. They're all wearing the academy's uniform

"Where do these animals come from? They can't just pop up here, right?"

"Good question ..."

"My name is Isa, miss."

Good question, Isa. Nobody really knows where they come from or how they get here. They're most likely the souls of animals that died on earth, but nobody really knows that for sure. It's still quite the mystery ... Alright,  for those who never saw a soul animal before, let me give you a small example. Try not to get scared, he won't hurt you ..."

She closes her eyes for a few seconds and when she opens them again something leaves the door behind her. It looks like a black panther with red eyes, only it doesn't have a smooth skin but thick, black spines. It's tale is made out of smaller spines, like a hedgehog. The only thing not covered by them is it's face and paws.

"This is Gajil, my soul animal. He's a Black Spanther, a really rare species. A few of you will also meet their soul animal today, but not everyone. If you can't find yours, don't worry, you might later. I got to warn you tho, nobody knows why, but only a few are able to keep a soul animal. Don't try to force an animal to become your soulmate, if you try that you might get wounded real bad ... Ok then, go explore and try to find yours! I'll be right here if you need me!"

"Come on Jason, let's go!", Amy shouts while pulling me by my arm.

She pulls me to a forest covered by a lot of thick fog. She lets go of my arm and starts running. It doesn't take long before I lose her out of sight, so I decide to just walk back to the house.

Suddenly I hear something approaching me. It's obviously really big and it gets closer and closer. I get scared and start running through the fog trying to get away from it, but it still catches me up. I try to run even faster and I see trees flying by like ghosts. I take a scared look behind me to try and see what is chasing me when I bump into someone. We both fall and land on the moisty grass ...

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