Love Contract - A Love Sick f...

By DaniAurie21

56.7K 2.8K 612

I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... More

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
Family Ties
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Midnight Meeting
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom

The Semi-Finals

1.2K 56 9
By DaniAurie21

Noh sat lotus style on a couch in the waiting room. He waved to the person who came in to count the bands. She noted that all members of Elevation were present and checked her list. Mez walked in at that moment and Ohm made a face. A lot of the other bands ignored him but he didn't seem to care. He just looked cocky and strutted around the room.

"I heard from Flip that a woman is behind his new attitude adjustment." Ohm whispered to everyone.

"Really?  Because I heard he got a contract and this is part of his image change." Dye countered.

"Well I couldn't give to fucks because he's full of shit."

Mez was strutting by and immediately looked at Noh's scowling face. "Are you talking to me?"

"Only if you think I am." It was a very juvenile response but Noh wasn't exactly feeling adult at the moment. He smiled gamely and they could practically see the wheels turning in Mez head as he decided whether or not he wanted to get involved. He made a quick decision and simply shot Noh the finger before strutting away. Flex gave a disappointed sigh and flopped back on the couch. Ex patted his shoulder in sympathy and muttered about how bored he was. They all looked at Ohm who steadily ignored them. Dye was about to complain again but the door opened and Eskimo Kings barged in, hyper with energy.

"P'Noh!" They tumbled over themselves like puppies and landed at the foot of the couch with big smiles and bright eyes. "We can't wait to hear you play tonight!"

"Us too Nongs. I've heard your stuff last night and you guys have great potential. With your energy, you could make it to the top ten as our new breakthrough artists." They beamed and grabbed empty chairs, even sat on each other when they came up short.

"Thanks P but we know the kind of competition we face. Are you doing For That Special Someone tonight? We saw your tweet saying you finally finished it."

"Actually No. But I did finish it. Just not in the way that you think. I'll let you wait for my announcement tonight." They all sighed. 

"I still can't believe you worked on music today. Aren't you nervous? we couldn't do anything all day!"

"Working on songs calms me down. It's funny because I never thought of writing music until I wanted to write a song for My University Moon competition. I actually asked a senior for help and he sent me for my own personal Song Writing 101."

"We'll your really impressive. There's a rumor that you sold a song to that Korean group."

"Well I did thought that was months ago. I did hear talks about an official video." Noh watched their eyes get huge and stifled a laugh. They were a new group and the song would be part of their official launch. He had just been at the right place at the right time when someone heard the song who knew someone who thought it fit the concept the band was going for. The school had helped them negotiate a deal and that was that.

"Can you give us some tips on song writing?"

"Sure. During that session the professor told me 'more than even the words of the song, is the feelings you are trying to convey to your listener. The words are just a vehicle for the emotions. Get the words right and the emotions will reach their destination.' Before I write, I think about what I want to convey then I choose my word vehicles."

"P'Noh and Elevation!?" A young man called them from the doorway.

"It's just Elevation!" They all called at the same time then smiled at each other."

"Ok. Elevation is on in 10. Hurry this way please."

"But that's earlier than they told us." They all collected themselves and stretched.

"The judges actually have no fixed lineup. You've been here for a while so we want to move you up and out."

"Ok if you say so. Nice meeting you Nongs. See you later." They strolled out and King hurried to catch the backstage worker.

"Hey. Can we go out front and watch them?"

"Sure. Just hear these bands." He hurriedly passed them out then ran off. Eskimo Kings slipped them on then joined the crowd quickly to watch their idols. They didn't know it, but they settled not that far from Phun who spotted them immediately. The current band was just getting off and they were setting up for someone else. 

Everyone was busy debating who would be next but Phun was close enough to hear the King's excited talk about Noh's upcoming performance and smiled. He had seen Noh's tweet about For That Special Someone and was anxiously waiting to hear the final product. Per scrambled over to him with a wary Film.

"Just in time. They're about to go on next."

"How do you know?"

"The Kings are right there talking about it." Per glanced over and made huge eyes.

"Think it's tacky to ask for their autograph?"

"Ask them later. Noh is coming on. Look!" The three joined everyone in the screaming and shouting. 

Noh could hardly see the crowd as the hype man finished raising the roof for them but he could sure as hell hear them. They were deafening. Jesus!

He signaled and they launched into The Reason Why, another crowd favorite and everyone immediately started singing. Noh didn't even have to sing along, they knew all the words. He waved his hands from side to side and had them all doing it too.

"You guys are so awesome! I didn't even have to sing if I didn't want to but I love singing with you!" They all screamed and cheered for him. 

"So I guess I should talk about that thing huh. I tweeted about FTSS today." The screaming was outrageous. This song was ever changing and evolved as Noh evolved. The fan's had gone through it all with him and were excited.

"So I have good news and bad news about that. Which one do you want first?"

The crowd got quiet then started whispering.

"The Bad News!" Phun shouted. They were taking to damn long to decided.

"Yeah!" Someone added and the crowd shouted for him to tell them.

"Be gentle with it. It might kill us." A girl screamed from the middle.

"Awe sweetheart. It wouldn't kill ya. So I can't play that song tonight_"

"I'm dead!" She screamed out.

"_because the others have to give it an overhaul. But the good news is, instead of one song. FTSS became three. It came to me just after breakfast and so I took all the parts and you will get three songs from all of that greatness."

"Fuck me! I'm losing my mind! I'm so happy!" This was from some chick from the back and she set everyone off with the screaming. Noh raised his hand and it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Since you guys have been so awesome, I'll tell you the name of the first song. It's Will You Be Mine (Be my Boyfriend)? Because this is the question that started me and that special someone on the road of the awesome journey of life."

Girls were screaming and weeping now and so were some guys. Other guys were clapping and shouting. Phun wasn't sure what to do. He remembered that afternoon so clearly when Noh came rushing in to ask about the messed up budget and Phun had found himself with the best possible option to make his life easier. Here was Noh. If he could help then everything would be perfect. The perfect part took a while to become a reality but if Phun had the chance to go back in time, he would make the same decision every time.

It would always be Noh.

"Because I know how much you love the song, I had to share the good news. Since I can't play it for you yet, how about an old faithful?" He launched into A Tale of Moon and Star. The crowd was just as bad with this one. The judges didn't even bother to ask them to quiet down. They couldn't hear Noh but they would pass him through just on crowd reaction alone. He had full marks there. 

Phun knew he was going to be horse or close to it the next day. He was singing at the top of his lungs. Noh's music was so warm and filled with love and joy. Everyone wanted to bask in the glow of it. Film nudged him and pointed to some girls who were weeping and singing.

"He makes me feel like he loves me so much!" One told the rest. "I wish my boyfriend could do that!" The others nodded but didn't stop singing along. 

Phun glanced around and realized the crowd was mostly in tears now. That song did tend to have that effect but mostly it was Noh's voice. He sang with such emotional intensity every time. It was hard to hold back tears when it felt like he was reaching into your heart and wringing it dry.

"Hey now! There are so many tears. I hope those are happy tears!"

Pretty much everyone screamed yes!

"Great! Then instead of tears lets Smile! He began the song and the tears magically dried up as everyone jumped and danced. You could finally hear Noh since the crowd was too busy dancing and he was as superb as ever. The judges couldn't find fault and sent Elevation off to the finals with smiles on their faces. 

Phun grabbed Film and Per and took them off to the back to wait for Elevation to come through. They said goodbye to the Kings who didn't even notice the extra faces, and Phun had everyone fed and home but 9:00.

"It pays to be early," Mick commented as they yawned their way into the apartment. There were no Paps tonight surprisingly. Most likely still covering the show.

"It pays to be nervous, Right Ohm?" Dye teased.

"What? This was an important night. Anyway we did great. We left at number one in the judges rankings."

"That's no surprise. You guys were phenomenal and totally in control. everyone was eating out of your hands."

"I heard you, you know."

"Well I got caught up. I wanted to know. You could have given me a warning! There was time. I almost shit a brick when you said you wouldn't play FTSS."

Noh laughed his ass off then hugged Phun when his face got sour. "You can hear the finished song first but sorry, you'll have to wait for news just like everyone else."

"Can you at least tell me the names of the other two songs?"

"Well the second one is called Longing. But the third one, well I have a name but I don't like it. It doesn't quite fit."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it makes the song sound so final and it's about continuity and the future."

"So your issue is that we aren't finished, so the name shouldn't suggest that we are?"


"Well it's a song about us. The Song of Phun and Noh so you have to decide? What did you think up for the name?"

"It doesn't matter now. That's perfect! The Song of P and N. Yes. That will be the name." Phun watched in stunned silence as he raced off with his phone. He was recording some shit then he grabbed the book and went off with it.

"But..." Dye reached out then let his hands fall. He shook his head and turned to Ohm. "I thought he said he was done?"

"I don't know. What did you say to him?"

"He said he didn't like the name for the third song since it suggested everything was final or finished but in reality that wasn't the case. So I said it was the song of us, Phun and Noh. That's when he ran off."

"Oh. You must had set him off. That's the writing side of Noh. This is something you have to get used to and you have to take care of him ok because sometimes he will not eat or seep or even bath until he is done." Ohm calmly passed on his responsibility.

"I see. I'll take care of him." And Phun willingly accepted. He gave Noh time then went in. Noh was on the bed scribbling away.

"Hey. Will I get to sleep with you tonight?"

"Yes. Just one more line." He scribbled quickly then sat up.His eyes were a bit glazed over but the suddenly focused on Phun. 

"Not worried about me like the others?"

"Nah. I have faith in you and besides, you write the songs for the band right? So that means you have these intense moments with you Muse. I just have to figure out when to ask her for your attention but she should be fine with it since she knows your love for me is what feeds her."

"Your full of shit but your also right." Noh grinned. He pulled Phun out with him and called to the guys.

"OK. This is The Song of Phun and Noh or P and N. This part here is move to this and they all became Together With Me. It's a stand alone song."

"Dye scanned everything quickly. Noh wrote but Dyes job was impact. He tweaked the lyrics so they had a greater impact and punch when they sang it. He saw Ohm's name and knew the guy was expected to write a rap verse. He was excellent at writing them but he never rapped. He always gave them to Flex.

"Ohm, I'll need you. Come." He went back to the table where their laptop sat. They had voice recognition set up so Dye did his thing while Ohm listened and started so writing of his own. 

"Remember no rap verse for SOPAN."

"Yes. We see that, now go away before I have to kill you. Phun can you go have sex with him or something? He's really hard to deal with at this point." Dye whined after he paused his programs.

"He hovers better than the damn vacuum brand." Ohm complained. Phun laughed and hauled Noh away. Per and Film followed them so the four ended up snacking and talking for a couple of hours.

"Phun? There's something I have to tell you. I've been really worried about it and it's gotten in the way of me being a great friend to you."

"I know about the night you got drunk and had sex with Aim. She told you we were over so it was fair game. I don't blame you."

"Holy shit!" Everyone else said at the same time for different reasons. Noh stared at Per then at Phun. Film gaped as everything now made so much sense to him and Per was struck dumb.

"How did you know?" He whispered.

"Joke told me but he also fell in the same trap. She went on a spree before and after we broke up. It was a really difficult decision for him to make but we were already done by them. He said she told him about you but I wasn't angry anymore because I had a bigger issue to deal with; getting Noh to settle into our relationship. It was around the time before Pharma Camp right?"

"Yes. Just before you broke up. The night when you came over for the party was the night after it happened. I lied to a lot of people that night. Aim was my first. I dated those girls whose names I called but I never actually was with any of them. I told Win part of the truth but not all of it. You see, I don't fully remember my night with Aim. I just remember when we were dancing, then when I got up to puke and she was naked in the bed with me. I don't even know if I did well for my first time or not. I really fucked up because I don't think we even used protection."

"You did get tested right!" Noh burst out while Film rapped Per over the head.

"Yes! Shit! I went and got tested. I get tested every six months. But I just... It made me rethink sex and friendships and shit. I wanted to tell you for years but I could tell everything was to fresh back then and you weren't ready. Then when you were... I wasn't. It was a messed up time."

"It's fine Per. You were forgiven a long time ago. I sort of was mad for about a half a second then I just got pissed at her. I accept it. Noh and I cheated on her but even before that she was cheating on me with more guys than I can count. I wonder what drove her. I never found out."

"Some people are never happy and don't know how to find happiness. Like Dite. She's just like Aim only she managed to make it this far while Aim got sent away. I wonder what she's doing right now? I always thought she might expose you guys as Noh got more popular." Film said.

"Not a peep form her. We will see." Phun was calm about everything. He really couldn't feel upset about much because knowing their love withstood 2 years and some months of separation made him feel like they could withstand anything.

"You know I'm always ready Noh so it's up to you." He said softly. Noh was the unpredictable one here.

"To be honest Phun? Right now, what's driving me is a selfish desire to have you all to myself for as long as I can. Being an idol means I have to fight and carve out my privacy where ever I can. I want that for as long as it will hold up."

"I'm ok with that Noh. I have no issues with anything as long as you come back to me." Noh sighed and kissed Phun. He kissed him right back with all the love and support he had.

"Ok. This is our que to leave. Bye."

Film dragged Per out and shut the door.

"What time is you first class?"


"Then nothing for you. We can go at it after I perform tomorrow. There's only ten performances and 2 songs each. It'll be quick."

Phun snorted. "That means jack shit in your musicians language." But he kissed Noh softly then dragged him off to sleep.

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