Stilinski One Shots | Editing

By MadelineClair67

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These are a bunch of One Shots. It's a bunch of Stiles pairings. There will be smut. If you don't like that... More

My Pillow | Sterek
Can't Sleep Without You | Sterek
Baby! | Sciles | Fem!Stiles
His Lover, and His Protector | Stol
Missing You | Stamon
Not So Good Anymore | Stiklaus
New Kid | Sterek
I Love You | Sterek
Red | Stamon
Help Me | Stamon
Mountain Men | Stilinski Twins AU
Hello Genim | Sticklaus
Who Could Be In That Damn Coffin? | Stol --
Save Me | Sterek
Author's Note
The Witch Twins | Sterek
Mój syn | Sciles

I Want More | Stackson | Fem!Stiles

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By MadelineClair67

Stiles (Fem!Stiles)  and Jackson are friends with benefits and the pack finds out.

I don't know how it started. One day he was snarky and rude, always trying to make my life miserable and the next he whispering hotly in my ear. When he pushed me onto lockers he no longer made fun of my lanky frame calling me names, now he made sultry promises. I remember the day it all stopped.  

Lydia and Allison had spent the night at my house and decides half way through the night that they were going to give me a wardrobe change which I knew was going to happen. It's not every day Lydia Martin shuts up to you saying you better have food ready cause she staying over tonight. 

They got rid of all my ratty T-Shirts and baggy jeans. To no surprise Lydia had my new wardrobe in her suitcase which she said was filled with make up. I knew there was no way that that was only make up. Surprisingly she didn't have designer close in there, just nicer plain shirts, new tank-tops, and some nicer jackets. She even let me keep my flannel. 

By the time the clock truck two am I had enough and called it a night promising to wear my new close tomorrow morning. We went towed that night talking whispering about our future plans, it's our senior year and some how we kept our grades up through the supernatural drama. Lydia and  I were at the top of the class, me only a point a head of her. 

The next morning I was dressed my new jeans, a batman T-Shirt and a new dark red leather jacket which I loved. I almost cried when I saw it. When we got school Scott's eyes bugged out at the expensive jacket I had on but I just nodded to Lydia who stood with a proud smile on her face. 

"How much did that cost?"

"I don't know dude but isn't it awesome!" We laughed and high fived heading to our first block. 

Jackson ran into us while we were walking almost knowing me over. His sneer very present once he saw my face. His eyes trailed down my face towards my legs where the jeans hugged extra tight around my hips and thighs. I felt extra uncomfortable waiting for him to make some snide comment but he only smiled and winked before walking away. 

That night at pack night I was in the kitchen getting popcorn for me and Scott when Jackson materialized behind me. I jumped not hearing him come in.

"Hey Stiles," he whispered. "Lydia sure did a number on you."

"What that supposed to mean Jackson?" I said already done with his bullshit.

"I'm not gonna insult you, in fact I gotta say. You look incredibly sexy." My face turned bright red under his gaze.

"Your lying," I mumbeled getting distracted as he leaned closer his lips so close to mine.

"Does this feel like I'm lying." 

He gave me time to pull away, but I didn't. Once his lips touched mine I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him like a women starved. It had been so long since I'd been with someone like this. He kissed me the same though. Once he realized  I was into it he  caged me against the counter, his arms going around my waist to pull me against his chest. I let a loud moan as he started trailing down my neck.

"Shh, darling. Don't let the puppies hear you." I raked my nails through his hair making him growl into my shoulder. "Your gonna be the death of me," He whispered hotly. 

That was the beginning of our.. relationship? Fuck agreement? I don't know, what ever you wanna call it. We chose to keep It a secret so no-one in the pack freaked out or tried to get in our business. Especially Lydia, everyone knows Jackson Whitmore is off limits even if they are broken up. But fear never stopped me before and it won't stop me now.

So thats how we got here, me naked it Jackson's bed. We were supposed to be doing a project for Harris but we got distracted an hour in. 

"Stiles either get out of my house or get back into bed," Jackson whined. "I can still go another round."

I smirked down at Jackson before getting out of his bed completely and putting my clothes on. I could have sworn I saw a hint of a frown on his face when I chose the first option.

"Wow Jackson. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were upset that I'm leaving." I joked pulling up my underwear. Jackson's eyes traveled up my long legs to my red lace panties before shaking his head and glaring at me.

"You wish Stilinski. You know your just a lay." He retorted.

I glared at him making him giggle. I couldn't help but let out a little grin too.

"Same goes to you, Whitmore. Your just a fuck buddy until I can get a real man." I knew that would hurt his wolfy pride. I knew I was right when next thing I know, I'm up against his bedroom door with my hands pinned by one of Jackson's hands, while his other traveled up my shirt. I shivered as he ran his finger delicately over my breasts. He smirked knowing how incredibly sensitive I am.

"J-Jackson." I moaned quietly. His eyes glowed a bright yellow before attacking my neck.

"You shouldn't lie to a wolf Sti. You know that no one is better at making you moan than me. No one can break down all those walls and leave you a screaming mess. Only I can do that." I was letting out strings of moans as he sucked on a sensitive spot on my neck. I was already wet again just by his words.

"I-I'm sorry Jacks. But you keep forgetting that we're not exclusive. I can fuck whoever I want. Sounds to me like your a little jealous." I smirked when he frowned realizing what he  just said.

"Whatever Stiles. Just get out of my house." He growled once before walking to his bathroom. I scoffed as I picked up my book bag and threw my bra in there with the books that Jackson and I were supposed to be studying.

"That's what I've been trying to do," I yelled angrily.

I slammed the door on the way out only a little sattisfied when the wall rattled. Sometimes he just makes me so angry. But it's not like I'm going to stop this thing just as it's beggining. It so new, it only started last month.

The worst part about is Lydia still likes Jackson. She talks about how she misses him being a her ever beck and call. She wants her arm candy back now that Aiden left with Ethan and Danny.

I cursed as my phone rang, I nearly dropped all my stuff trying to get t out of my pocket.

"Stiles!" I winced at the shier volume of his voice.

"Fuck Scott, could you be any louder?"

"There's a new monster and it's coming after female humans. I need you to pick up Lydia and drive to Derek's as fast as you can."

I could physically feel my face whiten. The whole pack will smell Jackson and me. They will smell him in me.

"Scott, can't someone else pick her up and take her to the pack meeting? I not exactly closer to her house then any of you." I asked hopefully.

"No! This thing has already killed two girls around our age and everyone else is already here. Well except for Jackson but I can't exactly ask him to pick her up. They'd kill each other before they even arrived."


 "Pick up Lydia and get here!" He hung up before I could even get a word in.

The pack was bound to find out soon enough anyways if they didn't already know.

I quickly headed to my jean, curing Jackson and his cock the whole way to Lydia's. I tried to mask the sent by pulling over half way and changing outfits and quickly taking a baby wipe to clean off the not so clean area's. I put on a new perfume Jackson gave me a while back. Now the only people who could tell I had sex was the ones with the super sniffers. 


When I reached Lydia's I honked to let her know I was there. Lydia walked out of her house with grace and poise. I won't lie, my heart was hammering in my chest. As if she would know I had sex with her Ex-boyfriend only... 30 minutes ago?

"Hurry up Stiles. We can't have you die a virgin." I coughed on my on spit ignoring the ugly look she gave me.

I pulled out of her driveway and heading towards Derek's. My leg started shaking as I drove, the nervousness seeping threw me.

"I was just kidding," she said but I could still see amusement in her eyes. "I have to tell you something.." She looked own in her lap, making me nervous. She never acts like this.

"I think I'm Jackson's mate." I slammed the breaks hard making both me and Lydia jerk forward.

"What the hell Stiles!?"

"S-Sorry, I thought I saw something run into the road." Lydia gave me a pointed look before looking out into the road.

"I don't see anything." She said snobbily.

"Well, I said 'thought' didn't I?" I snapped.

I continued driving to Derek's, ignoring her curious looks.

"Anyways, yesterday I heard him talking about a girl that he thinks he's in love with and how he's  98% sure she's his mate, to Danny. Apparently, he thinks she doesn't like him that way. It sounds like he's talking about me." I gave Lydia a guilty look before turning into Derek's driveway. I couldn't help the flutter in my chest.

"Let's talk about this later ok?" She nodded before strutting up to Derek's new house.

I stayed behind and sighed. Once I walk in there everyone will know about me and Jackson. Everyone will know what a horrible friend I am. I stayed sitting on my jeep sulking until I heard Scott scream my name.

"Are you trying to get your self killed Stiles?"

"Sorry Scott. Just trying to prepare my self." I said walking over it him.

"Prepare yourself? Prepare your self for what.." He drifted off once he smelled my sent mixed with Jackson's.

"Really Stiles?" He asked shocked.

"Sorry, Scotty." He shook his head before walking in.

I took a big breath before walking in behind him. Everyone's eyes shot up when they smelled my sent. Issac looked like he was about to speak but I shook my head and nodded towards Lydia. Erica gave me a thumbs up causing Boyd to snort.

 I took a seat in the back away from everyone. No one spoke, they all just stared at me until Jackson walked in. Scott glared when he smelled me on him. Jackson looked around questionably until he took a smell of the air. Lydia basically squealed thinking that he was about the to tell her he was her mate.

You could imagine her disappointment when he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room towards the kitchen.

"What the hell Stiles?" He yelled pointedly.

"Oh don't you dare yell at me, mister. I wasn't even in my car yet when Scott called me and told me to pick up Lydia cause some monster is killing teenage girls."

"You could have come back to my house and taken a quick shower."

"Oh please. I can still smell me on you. A shower would have only died down the scent. They still would have known. Plus, it's not like you would have even opened the door." I accused.

"Of course I would have opened the door!" He yelled at me.

"Oh don't lie at my expense. 'Just get out of my house Stiles.'  Those were your words." His face turned guilty as he looked at his shoes avoiding my heated glare.

"I'm sorry. I would have opened the door, Stiles. Why would you think I'd not? You're my ma-" He stopped short realizing what he almost admitted.

"You're what? Your mate?" I whispered. His eye widened in shock.


"How did I what? Know? Well, you see. After you kicked me out only an hour ago, I was forced to pick up Lydia. She was all too glad to tell me how she overheard you and Danny. She said you were worried because you think you have a mate. Apparently, you don't think she likes you very much. I think you were right."

"Look Stiles.."

"I'm not dealing with your shit Jackson. When you finally get your head out your ass you can talk to me." I walked out of the kitchen without saying a word to him. I gave Scott a mumbled excuse about being sick, even though they all heard what happened in there even the humans.

I drove quickly, breaking every road law to get to my house. When I reached my driveway I ran to my room and locked all the doors and windows and closed the blinds.

I laid in my bed for the rest of the day. My dad knocked on the door an hour after I got home but I just told him I was sick and didn't want to be bothered. I could tele knew I was lying, but he went away nonetheless.

Late that night another knock resounded in my room.

"Dad I told you. I want to be alone."

"Stiles?" I released breath knowing it was Scott.

I ran to the door and launched myself at my best friend. He laughed as he caught me, making me smile.

"What's going on between you and Jackson?" He asked bluntly.

"Wow, right to the good stuff huh?" He glared at me making me wince, " we started hooking up a month ago and we just never stopped."

"Gross." I laughed beside my best friend. He always knew how to make me feel better.

"What happened after I left?"

"Well, Jackson told everyone you were his mate. I punched him. Lydia screamed "I knew it!" and then ran off, and then Jackson left."

"She knew it? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just told you Jackson told everyone you're his mate and that's what you focus on?"

"Yes, Scott! I betrayed Lydia. Even if she's a grade A bitch  I still feel horrible! I'm so fucking selfish!" 

"You're not selfish. You were drawn to your mate. Which I still don't get by the way. I though you hated him."

"I do- did. He's changed. We all know that after the kanima he's been trying to be better. I know you don't want to hear this but sometimes after we hooked up we would just talk. He told me why he was so angry when we were young. He said he was jealous. I had a loving mom and dad, you had Melissa and we had each other. Jackson didn't have anything like that. His parents didn't care about him. They just adopted him so they could look like a caring couple who takes in stray orphans.  His dad told him that. They didn't want kids they wanted good publicity. I would be an asshole too if I grew up with parents like that."

"So you forgave him for bullying you? Us?" I nodded into his shoulder.

"We were kids, and we both know he hasn't done anything lately. Except for snide comments but we do the same."

"Did he apologize?"

"Yeah, in his own way," I smirked looking up a Scott to see disgust on his face."

"Can I ask one more thing?" I gave him nod, "Do you love him?"

"I think so, yeah."

"I-I uh, love you too." I jumped out of Scott's arms to see Jackson standing in my bedroom doorway."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"I love you too. I know it took me a long time to say it and I'm sorry. Please believe me."

"I don't know.."

His face crumbled in front of me. It broke me to see him so sad but it's hard to believe the guy who kicked me out of his house only hours ago. Scott, being the blessing is, left, kissing my cheek and promising not to go far so we could have some privacy.

"Stiles please," he begged. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his voice watery as he tried to hold it in. "I'm begging you, please give me a chance. 

All reason flew from my brain as I saw his face. Such complete vulnerability. I ran to Jackson without a second thought. He wrapped his arms around me just holding me close, I did the same.

"Do you really love me?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Even more than words could describe." 

I smiled bright, feeling so light and carefree. For the first time forever, I felt everything come into place.

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