His Mafia Bride (Completed)

By TanaRw

334K 9.3K 436

I love his arms around me. They make me feel safe and loved. That is, until I see what he does with his han... More



6.4K 189 7
By TanaRw

Leaving the bathroom, wearing a dark blue dress and white leggings that cover the burns, Logan is still standing in the bedroom holding some ballerina slippers. "You look refreshed." He comments with a grin.

Taking the shoes from him, I easily slip them on. "Do you think I look alright?" Looking up at him, my damp hair falls around my shoulders and bangs I normally tuck behind my ears, falls out of place, and slightly covers one of my eyes.

Logan smiles down at me, moves my bangs back and cups my face in one hand, which I lean into his big hand. "You always look beautiful," he kisses my forehead softly.

I want us to be happy, but I also know this can't possible last. My dad will pull us apart somehow. But can't I be happy for right now? Can't we be happy right now? Just for a while at least? Logan gets down on one knee. "Logan you aren't proposing again," I tell him.

He grips my hips and kisses the fabric over the ageing scar. He then places his forehead against my stomach. "I have to do right by you before I do that again. But do you remember me asking you the first time? Do you remember getting cot in the rain and falling in that big puddle together and the ring box falling out of my pocket?"

Smiling, I run my fingers threw his hair. "Yes, I remember,"

Logan Past:

I should have grabbed an umbrella and now it's too late, every place that sells one is closed for the night. The car is still a good ten minutes away.

There is an umbrella cover over a shop door ahead. My hand holds tight on Ally hand, rushing to the cover, but I end up hitting a slick spot, sending us both down.

Groaning, I look over to Ally. "You, okay?!" I have to talk loader then normal, because the rain is coming down so hard.

She leans forward on to her knees. "My ass hurts!" She complains, rubbing it. When she looks over at me, her eyes land on the small black box that fell out of my pocket.

Ally just stairs at it, doesn't move or say anything. I could just say there is earrings in it for mom. Her birthday is coming up. But what if she wants to look in it, then what? Man, this isn't the way I wanted to do this. I wanted to ask her to marry me, somewhere nice. Not stuck out in a downpour.

She finally reaches for the box and picks it up. My body so locked up, that I can't grab it from her. I just watch her look at it, studying it without opening it. I wait for her to open it, but she doesn't. It's almost like she scared what's inside of it. "Logan-"

My smile is broken, I'm so nervous, that she'll turn me down. We've only dated for a few months, and I already bought her a ring. I knew within days she was the one for me. We go together, like puzzle pieces. "You don't have to say yes," I don't know how I say those words, my throat feels clogged up.

She doesn't look up, "I know I don't have to, and I want to say yes." She swallows thick. "God, I want to say yes." Her grip grows on the box slightly. "But I'm not good enough for you. I don't even know why we are still even together." She puts the box in front of me and in one swift motion, gets up and starts to run for it, like someone chasing her.

Scooping up the ring box, I run after her. With my long legs, I catch up to her, grab her arm and pull her back against my chest. Her head brushes against my chin. "I love you Ally," I've never told her before, but when I say those words, it's like a weight has been lifted from my chest.

"I've heard you that before. You talk in your sleep, so I've heard you say it." Her words are soft, the rain is starting to back off now. "I love you to Logan," my heart hits hard against my chest, my feet feel light. My grip grows slightly stronger on her. "But I shouldn't. I'm not good enough for you."

Turning her around, she looks up at me, tears and rain drops fall down her face. Smoothing as much of the tears and rain away from her face as, I watch her bite her lip, she closes her eyes hard, as if she trying to keep the tears in her eyes and free no more. "You are the best fucking thing for me. You stole my heart, and I don't want it back. You don't have to say yes to me. I just want you, to be with me. I don't want to be with anyone else, but you and I don't want anyone else with you, but me or I will kill anyone that dares to steal you from me." She chuckles, sniffing from her tears and us still standing in the rain.

She places her hands on mine, looks up at me. Her eyes are filled with sorrow, hate and love. "I'm supposed to kill you or someone else will. My dad wanted me to get close to you, get info and then when the time comes, he wants me to kill you. But I can't, I don't have the stomach to kill again. But I can't let anyone else do it."

Shaking my heads, the words that are about to come out of my mouth, might make her hate me. But I'm going to tell her the truth. "I already know. Being me and being part of a family that I come from, everyone we have ever come in contact with, have to be checked out."

She shoves me away. "So, you let me get close to you on purpose?! Knowing, I could kill you?!"

"You would never do that. I can see it in your eyes, you would never hurt anyone without cause." The car pulls up then. "Come on, let's go home, change and dry off. We could very well be getting sick right now." I go to the back seat door and open it, but she doesn't move.

"What about the box in your pocket?"

The box feels thick in my inside pocket. "If I got down on my knee, would you turn me down again?"

"Tonight, truthfully probably would. I still think I'm not good-"

I cut her off, by taking one long stride, grab her hips and smash my lips against hers, to shut her up. After a few long seconds, I pull back and look down at her. "You are the best thing for me. Now let's go home."

Ally Present-day:

"I'm sorry, I told you no that day." I tell him, as he kisses my stomach again. "Why do you keep doing that?"

He looks up at me. "Practices, for when some day we have kids." He smiles so big, it hurts.


The bedroom door slams open. "We have a problem," Leo says right off the bat and if it wasn't for my fast reflects, I wouldn't had caught the bow and arrows in a bag.

Logan grabs a handgun from between the bed and box springs and a snipers rifle behind the headboard. "Where the problem?" I find myself ask.

"In town, it's under attack." Leo says and walks out.

Dressing quickly Logan waits for me and as soon as I'm done, we leave the room and soon the house. 

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