temptation | min yoongi (EDIT...

By JinsKylieLips

8.4K 410 839

I hate the way you control my every move, the way you make me long for you even though you've done the worst... More

h a n a - m y b l o o d
d u l - p a i n
s e t - t r o u b l e
n e t - t h e b a t h r o o m
d a s o t - t h e w o o d s
y a s o t - m o u n t a i n
e l g o b - a n g e r
y a d o l - b a c k h o m e
a h o p - o t h e r h a l f
y o l - d o u b I e t r o u b l e
y o l h a n n a - e m o t i o n
y o l d u l - r e g r e t
y o l s e t - g i v i n g u p
y o l n e t - c u r i o u s i t y
y o l y a s o t - K o o k i e
y o l e g l o b - Y o u o w e m e
y o l y a d o l - n e w f e e l i n g s
y o l a h o p - v a m p i r e's b l o o d
s e u m u l - l a s t
E p i l o g u e

y o l d a s o t - s i t u a t i o n s

307 19 48
By JinsKylieLips

Suga: Curious?

I reached out my hand to the piece of paper and he moved it futher away from me.

Suga: You really want to know what he thinks about you?

Seoyeon: No, I want to prove to you that he's better than what you think he is.

He gave me the letter and he smiled mischievously.

Suga: Read it.

I was about to open it Suga crashed his lips on mine and I was shocked, when he opened his eyes they were normal, and that meant, Yoongi kissed me.

He pulled away and stared at me awkwardly and my lips were parted from shock.

Seoyeon: Y-You....k-k-i....

He tucked somehing in his pocket and looked into your eyes.

Yoongi: Kissed you?

I nodded irregularly and he smiled.

Yoongi: That was Suga, not me.

Seoyeon: But don't you and Suga have the same lips....

I mumbled to myself but enough for him to hear.

Yoongi: Why do you even care?

Seoyeon: It's just, I rather kiss your lips than kiss Suga's. I don't like Suga, he scares me.

Yoongi: Just say your scared of me, cause me and Suga are the same people, he's just my darker side.

I held my neck because it started hurting again, making my whole body hurt from the bite Taehyung gave me earlier. Who knew a bite could hurt that much and cause you so much pain. Well, I did but I was to stubborn to acknowledge that when I let Taehyung drink my blood.

I can't even walk properly without falling to the ground.

He looked at my hand on my neck, licking his lips until he averted his eyes somewhere else, but me.

Yoongi: You really can't walk can you...

I nodded a little and he smirked coming closer to me, tilting my head with his hand.

Was he really going to suck my blood while my body is suffering from pain right now?

He fangs appeared and he came closer, his teeth denting my skin a bit.

Yoongi: Don't move.

He put his fangs into my skin and his hands were grabbing harsely on my shoulders.

I didn't feel like I was losing blood, it felt different. No pain.

He instantly let go and took his fangs out, going closer to my ear, his voice sounded dry as he whispered.

Yoongi: walk...

He suddenly disappeared as I looked into his eyes.

Seoyeon: Y-Yoongi? W-Where are you?

I stood up and my body felt fine, I could walk properly and I didn't feel pain anymore.

I ran out of my room, running downstairs.

Seoyeon: Where's Yoongi?

I looked at each if them hoping for and answer. Then Namjoon walked in with his phone in his hand.

Namjoon: He texted me saying that he went looking for blood with Taehyung since he ran out of blood in his body.


Seoyeon: He went with Taehyung?

Namjoon: Yeah, that's what he said in the text.

Jungkook: But how could he run out of blood in his body, he couldn't have unless, he gave it to a human to revive them.

Wait so, was that human, me....

They all started whispering amongst themselves so I pulled Jungkook away from them and took him to the hallway.

Jungkook: So he gave you his blood?

Seoyeon: How did you...

Jungkook: I read your mind...everyone did....

Seoyeon: So that's why they're...

Jungkook: whispering? Yeah, but there's something I don't get. If he drank your blood in the first place, why would he give you your blood back?

Seoyeon: H-He...

Actually didn't. It was Taehyung. I couldn't say it. I felt embarrassed so I said it in my mind.

Jungkook: But Taehyung doesn't drink humans blood...He hates it so why would he drink yours. I know your blood is irresistible but he told me he hates your blood types. He says he dispises every type of blood yet he drinks yours.

Seoyeon: Maybe he was just-

He cut me off.

Jungkook: He likes you Seoyeon, it's pretty obvious.

Seoyeon: Your saying the same thing Yoongi said.

Jungkook: That's probably why he's with Taehyung right now, beating the shit out of him for touching his property.

Seoyeon: Beating him? Then we have to find them. Can you come with me Kookie?

Jungkook: Fine whatever, I think I might have an idea where they are.


~Taehyung POV~

He punched me over and over again causing me to fall multiple times.

Yoongi: Why do you only like her fucking blood?! Huh?!

He held me by the collar and I finally spoke. Giving in.

Taehyung: She f-forced me to...when I smelt it, it wasn't disgusting like human's b-blood I've tasted b-before.....it somehow tasted s-sweet, and I l-liked that.

Yoongi: What was with the note then?!

He held it in front of my face and now, I was terrified

Taehyung: H-How did you...

Yoongi: She was about to read it when I took it away from her.

Yoongi: If she read it, she would've known what we did and I think my darker side wants her to know it.


~Seoyeon POV~

Jungkook and I were holding hands while running when I remembered what Taehyung said, letting go.


Taehyung: I can't. You're Yoongi's property and he'd kill me if I laid a finger on you. He told me last night.


I fell to the ground in tears and Jungkook came up to me.

Jungkook: Seoyeon....

Seoyeon: It's all my fault kookie... I didn't listen to Taehyung and now he's going to die...I'm so stupid...

I started recklessly crying again and then he helped me stand up.

Jungkook: You're not stupid and it's not your fault. Yoongi won't kill Taehyung they're both vampires and vampires don't die unless it's a dagger to the heart.

I sniffed a lot before wiping my tears and unknowingly hugged Jungkook while he hugged me back. He was always there when I needed him most.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me before licking his lip to make it wet, struggling to say something.

Seoyeon: Kookie is there something wrong...

Jungkook: I-I'm sorry...

Seoyeon: What are you apologising for?

Jungkook: For falling in love with you...

And the next thing I know, Jungkook is kissing me....

What do I do now?


Shit. This fanfic is getting more complicated. Sorry for the late update. School is as complicated as this fanfic and I was a bit stuck on what to write.😢 Don't forget to comment and vote.


What do you think Seoyeon/you should do?

And how do you think Yoongi is going to react to Jungkook falling for you?


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