His Queen

By Alice_Wonderland36

183K 12.3K 1.8K

The Kingdom of Asgard was in desperate need of a true leader. The former king let jealousy blind his judgment... More

His Queen
Prologue {part. 1}
Prologue {part.2}
Prologue {part. 3}
Land of Vinum {part.1}
Land of Vinum {part.2}
Home {part.1}
Home {part.2}
Training {part.1}
Training {part.2}
Raiders {part.1}
Raiders {part.2}
Raiders {part.3}
Conference {part.1}
Conference {part.2}
The Letter {part.1}
The Letter {part.2}
Safe Travels {part.1}
Arrival {part.1}
Arrival {part.2}
The Ball {part.1}
The Ball {part.2}
The Ball {part.3}
Untold Secrets
The Meeting (unedited)
The Meeting {part 2}
Healing {part. 1-unedited}
Healing {part. 2-unedited}
Healing {part. 3-unedited}
Practice {part. 1-unedited}
Not an Update
Practice {part.2-unedited}
Practice {part. 3-unedited}
Flower Fields {unedited}
The Argument
The Argument {part.2-unedited}
Departure {part. 1-unedited}
Departure {part.2-unedited}
Bad News {unedited}
Captured {part 1-unedited}
Back Home {part.1-unedited}
Back Home {part. 2}
Back Home {part.3}
The Search
The Deal {unedited}
The Deal {part.2-unedited}
The Deal {part.3-unedited}
The Return {part.1-unedited}
The Return {part.2-unedited}
The Return {part.3-unedited}
The Promise {unedited}
Resolution {part.1-unedited}
Resolution {part.2-unedited}
The Battle

Safe Travels {part.2}

2.7K 207 15
By Alice_Wonderland36

Freudian- Daniel Caesar.


Four Days Later.....

  I had forgotten how fun it was to be around Fergus, his boisterous and joyful personality was contagious. He told stories mostly about himself which I greatly enjoyed, and when he said something funny he would let out a hearty laugh that would shake the carriage. They were even a few times where Fergus would laugh himself into tears. He eased my stress whether he knew it or not.

  "Okay lassy ere's anoter one, so ere I was running fer me life when two gigantic men came from nohair swingin their axes round like mad men. I let out me battle cry and took em both down. But look at the scar they left me," he lifted the sleeve to his long sleeve and sure enough a thick pale white scar ran from his mid bicep and up. I let out a gasp. "Don't werry about me mi lady should have seen how I left em," Fergus laughed smiling broadly.

  "Fergus your stories will never cease to amaze me you know," I said in awe.

  "Aww thanks lassy," he said.

  We were riding out to our third stop which would be a few miles outside of the Kingdom, and this would be the first time I left Asgard. When repairing the alliances with the two other Kingdoms I invited them here. I've never so much as stepped a foot out of my homeland. Fergus and the rest of the Lords and Ladies have gone to the other Lands as representatives on behalf of my father. He believed it was beneath him to visit other Kingdoms, his arrogance is what put a rift between us and them. But my mother always went along, and I believe that is why we  never had to go to war.

  It was mid afternoon now and the sun was hovering just above the mountain tops, but in less then an hour they would hide behind those hills. And it would be complete darkness after that.

  "My Queen we will be arriving at the border in a short while, twenty minutes at most," Harold said.

  "Thank you," I said.

  Closer and closer we approached the boarder lines, surrounded by a protective force field that kept the people in it safe. We were stopped by guards and they were left in a stupor upon realizing who was in the carriage. Malcom had already spread the word on where I was to journey to, I received boatloads of letters begging me to stay within the next hour. I was truly tempted to, but as a leader you must take charge and do things that may scare you. Words that my mother would tell me as a child.

   The guards hesitated to open the gates, but the look Fergus gave them persuaded them easily.

  "Be safe my Queen," one of the guards said. I nodded my head and we continued on.

  When we passed the border line a cold feeling washed over my body and I shivered. It was then I realized how warm it was in Asgard, outside it was just lukewarm. As we moved further and further away the more sick I felt.

  "Okay now lassy let me fill ya in on a few things. Afisa is known as the kingdom of the wolves. There everywhere. Friendly some of em, not all. The royals there have there own wolf, picked em out when they were young ins. They have these inseparable bonds with their wolves so don't mess with em," he paused for a moment to see if I was following along. I was, freaking wolves how cool was that. "Afisa and Asgard we don't get along, and this was way before yer father. It just happened to get worse over time. I don't know why and don't care to know. And if I were you I wouldn't ask either," he looked at me pointedly. Hinting at my overly curious personality.

  "Believe me Fergus I'm not going to say or do anything that will start a war. Even if it means I have so shut my mouth for the next 3 weeks," I said.

   "Okay I'll take yer word fer it even though I don't know how good that is," he joked.

  We had made a stop at an inn for the night Jonathan was tired and the horses were getting restless.

5 days later....

  The temperature dropped about fifty more degrees and I had to put on my giant jacket and three bulky blankets to keep warm. It was absolutely freezing, but Fergus acted as if the weather didn't even affect him.

  "F..Fer..Fergus a..ar..are y..y..yo...you c..c..co..col..cold," I asked my teeth chattering as I struggled to say that one sentence.

  "Nay lassy I was built fer this kinda weather, yer real small so you'll get cold easily," Fergus said.

  I shook some more and looked out the window all around was trees and fog. There was no grass, or leaves, not even a single blue bird in sight. Just a bunch of spooky looking trees and ominous fog that moved from the ground up. The sky was quite dark as well even though it was early afternoon.

  "Excuse me Jonathan how much longer until we get to Afisa," I asked.

  I was truly getting tired of sitting in a carriage all day and stopping at sketchy looking inns. And then having Fergus go into super protective mode in these super sketchy looking inns.

  "A less than an hour my Queen," Jonathan said quietly.

  I sat back in the seat and continued to shiver Fergus had fallen back to sleep and I didn't want to wake him. So I had no one to talk to. I tried to strike up a conversation with Jonathan, but he wasn't the talking type. I too was just thinking about falling asleep when I heard a howl in the distance.

  I immediately straightened as well as Fergus, he was a very light sleeper which was good.

  "Did you hear that?," I asked.

  "Yeah," Fergus replied.

  "Is that what I think it is?," I asked.

  "Yeah," Fergus replied.

  "Should we be scared?," I asked.

  "Umm maybe," Fergus replied.

  We sat in complete silence, the only noise that could be heard was the wheels of the carriage crunching over the rocks on the road. I was about to relax again when the howl came again, this time much closer.

  "Jonathan stop the carriage," I said.

  Jonathan pulled the carriage to a slow halt and I cautiously stepped onto the road.

  "Aye lassy what are you doing? Get back 'ere now," Fergus shouted.

  "I know what I'm doing Fergus just give me a moment," I said. I had no idea what I was doing, I just never seen a wolf before and I was curious.

  The howl was slightly closed coming from my left, I turned to my left and saw a shadow pass through the trees. I moved closer to get a better look.

  "Lassy enough of that curious spirit of yers its time to come back now," Fergus whisper yelled.

  "Fergus I'll be fine stop worrying," I said distracted.

  I walked closer to the woods and was met with bright blue eyes. The one from my dream. The wolf slowly walked out from behind the trees it was hiding behind. I took a few steps back slightly frightened, and just like in the dream the wolf touched its nose to the ground and scooted forward. I was able to see more clearly now it's sleek black fur coat and the navy blue tips. I hesitantly reached my hand out and touched the top of its head. The wolf moved its head closer to my hand, welcoming the touch.

  "Ziya what are you doing?," Fergus asked.

  The wolf immediately perked up and moved in front of me eyeing Fergus.

  "Don't worry Fergus you might scare it," I chastised.

  "Him, it's a he," he said.

  "How do you know?," I asked.

  "I just do, don't question it," he replied.

  "It's the King's wolf was sent to us to make sure we got there safely," Fergus said.

  "And how did he know we were here?," I asked.

  "Like I told you before lassy wolves are everywhere, they report to the king of foreigners," Fergus replied.

  I turn towards the wolf again and ran my fingers through his fur. I walked towards the carriage and had Jonathan help me in. Fergus followed after still keeping an eye on the wolf. The wolf started walking forward and Jonathan followed.

  As we continued on the trail it was as if the temperature kept on dropping. I looked out the window and saw a never ending white blanket on the floor, snow. I stuck my my hand out and I felt the powdery substance fall onto the palm of my hand. A few minutes had passed and the view of the castle came into focus. My mouth dropped open and my eyes went wide.

  They dark towers that stood so tall I believe they might have been able to touch the heavens. It's jagged edges reached to the skies, while large windows all around could be seen. The tower had looked black double doors that reached halfway to the center of the tower. A cyan green illuminated from the inside, that could be seen through the windows. There were about six other towers farther out, but not as grand. They were all connected by long bridges that spread out for miles. Beneath these towers were cities that ran downhill, and almost layered each other. Each house under the biggest tower were magnificent mansions the size of two houses, mostly likely housed the royals. But I'm not truly sure how any of this worked. It was just so different from everything in Asgard, but still very beautiful.

  Guards and wolves stood on the outside of either side of the entrance. The wolves were about the same size as the guards, some taller others not. Upon seeing us they opened the large doors, inviting us in.

  The wolf who escorted us here walked through the gates, but Jonathan hesitated in going forward. The wolf looked back as if beckoning us to come in and Jonathan begrudgingly snapped the reins and made the horses move forward. Passing through the gates the guards tried to get a peak into the carriage most likely trying to see what I looked like.

  From my knowledge no one other than my people, those in my court and the King and Queen of the two other Kingdom have seen my face. I was the daughter of Isabella who was very much considered the most beautiful woman on Earth. So understandably most would like to know what I looked like.

  Thankfully Fergus's large frame was able to block their view of me. Entering into the large halls I was even more shocked.

  "My Queen welcome to Afisa," Fergus said.


That's the end of this chapter hope you liked and enjoyed it. And just in case you forgot what Ziya looks like here's a picture.

Unfortunately I do not know the model when I do find out I will update you, I'm trying to find more pictures of her.

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