You Lost My Heart (Book 3: Yo...

By missymaris

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Three years ago, I fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. Three years ago, I was with my boyfriend, Ronald Weasle... More

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Return
Chapter 2: No Matter How Hard I Try
Chapter 3: The Dinner and the Gift
Chapter 4: Enemies Can Be Our New Friends
Chapter 5: The Quidditch Match
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: My Date With Jason
Chapter 8: McGonagol's Request
Chapter 9: Back At Hogwarts
Chapter 10: Breaking My Heart, Over and Over Again...
Chapter 11: I realize something now. But it's too late.
Chapter 12: The Woman in the Diner
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 14: More Than This
Chapter 15: People Come, People Go...
Chapter 16: What Happens in the Room of Requirement, Stays There...
Chapter 17: You Only Want Me 'Cause I'm Taken
Chapter 18: This Changes Everything...
Chapter 19: The Seer's Second Warning
Chapter 20: Letters and Arrivals
Chapter 21: Receiving Another Letter
Chapter 22: The Anniversary of May 2, 1998
Chapter 23: Reuniting After All This Time
Chapter 25: Confronting Ron
Author's Note

Chapter 24: Being Back Home

1.7K 41 32
By missymaris

Sarah’s Point Of View





The identical pairs of footsteps from two redheads accompanied by yet another redhead, and finally the brunette with the bushy brown hair. All of the three make my heart leap with joy and my stomach do back flips.

”’Ello, Love,” Fred finally says, bowing for dramatic effect.

“We’ve missed our Beautiful girl,” George adds, stepping in sync with his twin as they pull me into big hugs.

”Geez, guys, share her!” Ginny laughs, pushing them out of the way and tackling me into a hug, causing me to stumble back a few steps.

“Everyone calm down!” Hermione yells, her face serious. “I never got a chance to say ‘hi’ to my best friend yet!” she now says, running and pulling me into a tight hug. She doesn’t let go for a while, and neither do I. No matter how many people I become friends with, no friend will ever be as close to me as Hermione is to me. She was, for the most part, my first ever friend. That’s a bond that could never be broken, no matter the distance or the lack of talking.

Finally, she pulls away, giving me my cue to speak. “What are you guys doing here?” I inquire.

”We couldn’t miss the first memorial for the Battle of Hogwarts, duh,” Fred says, rolling his eyes. I hit his shoulder.

“I didn’t think you were going to come, though! Aren’t you two supposed to be in some other country? And Ginny, you have Holyhead Harpies practice like every day! You’re on a professional team now, Gin! You should be there, not here! What if-“

“Sarah, relax,” Ginny chuckles. “They gave me off. And if you haven’t noticed, the season’s almost over. Besides, they understood why I had to be here.”

I relaxed some. “Are you sure it’s okay? How long are you staying for?” I ask.

“Until next season’s training starts,” she says, smiling. “So, until next fall-ish, I’ll be here, with you!” she says happily.

As much as I want to be mad at her for leaving us, I can’t be. She could possibly be ruining her Quidditch career, but quite honestly, I don’t care. Hermione and the twins seem to be staying for some time, and now Ginny? How much better could life be?

My family’s back.

“And what about you guys?” I ask hopefully, turning to the twins and Hermione.

“Well,” Hermione says uncertainly, facing the boys.

“We have already set up the new shop,” Fred starts.

“And it’s up and running,” George continues.

“So I guess we’ll be back forever,” Fred concludes, smiling.

I grin, not even trying to hide it. Everything’s falling into place; family’s back, friends are here, everything’s perfect.

“Forever and ever and ever and ever?” I ask, sounding like a child.

“And ever and ever,” Fred and George chorus together.

I smile; everyone is right where they need to be…

After a little bit longer of a conversation with the four of them, I notice Jessica has gone off somewhere. The five of us leave the Gryffindor common room, heading towards the Great Hall, where everyone is assembled. There, we see the rest of the Weasley family, where I noticed Jessica found her way to.

Around us I see all of my former classmates. Seamus and Lavender, who, since the war, have gotten together and are now a happy couple. Katie Bell and Lee Jordan have also gotten together; who would have known? Alicia Spinnet and Dean Thomas have too. Then there are the couples I’ve known about, like Luna and Neville (who I haven’t seen in ever!), George and Angelina, and Fred and Hermione.

I meet back up with Jessica, who was talking with some Slytherins by the Butterbeer table. We stay there talking to them, until they announce they have to go.

Everyone starts to pile out of Hogwarts, saying brief yet meaningful goodbyes and condolences to each other. Mrs. Weasley walks over to myself and Jessica, and informs us that we’ll be leaving soon, and to say our final goodbyes.

I say goodbye to some old classmates, some professors, the ghosts, and even a couple of portraits. Harry and I go and sneak into McGonagall’s office—nothing new here—and talk briefly to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape’s portraits. They say a few meaningful words to us, and remind us that they were always here for us, even when things did not seem that way.

After Apparating to the Burrow and helping Mrs. Weasley prepare dinner, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Ginny, Jessica, Draco, Audrey—who we invited to dinner—and myself go out back and set up the tables, silverware, plates, glasses, etc. After that is done, we retreat further back into the yard, pass a few or those pesky gnomes, and reach the old Quidditch Pitch.

We separate into teams: Myself, Fred, George, Audrey, and Jessica on one team, and Ron, , Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Draco on the other.

I play Seeker and partly Chaser, Audrey is the other Chaser, Fred and George get Beaters, and Jessica takes the Keeper position. On the other team, Harry is the Seeker, Ginny is the Chaser, Draco and Hermione—this should be fun—are Beaters, and Ron takes his place as Keeper.

The game starts off in favor of my team. Although their team has a professional Chaser on it, it doesn’t compensate for my team having Fred and George playing some killer defense. I watch Harry intently, just in case he catches a glimpse of the Golden Snitch, but he sees nothing. Jessica, who I didn’t even knew played Keeper, is doing surprisingly well blocking most of Ginny’s shots. Audrey has made a couple of easy goals on the lower posts on Ron, but that’s because he’s not yet warmed up. Who knows how this is going to go when everyone starts to get the hang of playing again.

I then see the Snitch, but unfortunately, so did Harry. We both start speeding off towards it, but Harry gets a small lead in front of me. I wish I had ridden my broom earlier, because right now, being on a broom seems completely foreign to me. I try to keep up, but he’s too fast. Right when I think he’s about to grab the Snitch, a bludger—which is lighter here because this is only recreational—hits Harry on his side, making him stumble a bit on his broom. I speed ahead of him, glancing quickly over my shoulder to make sure he’s okay. Fred goes over to him and apologizes, and that’s when I make my move.

I grab the shiny gold ball in my hand, and it shakes and tries to get out. Finally, the wings stop fluttering and convulsing, and close. I smile to myself, and Audrey comes cheering happily over to me.

“Yes! We won!” she chimes happily, patting me on the back as a ‘good job’.

“Yes we did!” I cheer back.

“Finally, no Slytherin verses Gryffindor, eh?” she says with a smile.

“Although we all know who would win,” I wink at her.

She rolls her eyes at me, lobbing the Quaffle towards my stomach. I raise up my knee and start to knee juggle the ball, and then hit it back to Audrey, who easily catches it in her right hand.

“Show off,” she mumbles with a small smile.

“Oh shut up, we both know you can do that too,” I retort with an identical smile.

 “Fine, we’re both show offs then,” she laughs.

“Kids! Dinner is ready!” Mrs. Weasley beckons us, yelling from the back door. We all collect our brooms and gear and shuffle across the yard, past the gnomes, until we reach the house. We go inside and clean up a bit, then go back outside and sit down at the table, where we see Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy, and Penelope Clearwater—Percy’s girlfriend—have also arrived.

We sit down and eat a lovely dinner, consisting of roasted chicken with garlic mashed potatoes, spinach, freshly baked bread, and a delicious gravy.

There was something strange about dinner, though…

Ron was being weird around me. He’d avoid my gaze, answer my questions with a yes or a no, and sometimes just flat out ignore me. No one else, besides Jessica, seemed to notice.

Audrey and Draco decided to stay the night, and when we all were going to our rooms, I tried to confront Ron, but he quickly traipsed out of the dining room and ran to his room.

When we went back to my room, no one mentioned anything.

No one even noticed his odd behavior…

Except for mostly me.


So sorry for the wait lovelies! What did you think? :)

But who would like to hear how my weekend went? :) (By the way, this is going to be looooong. But it’s going to awesome :D)


So the concert was amazing! Did anyone else go? May 25, 2012 at the IZOD Center? Well, anyone, I got the VIP Tickets so I went to their sound check! AH! So, in the dead silence of the sound check, I’d yell “I LOVE YOU NIALL/LIAM/LOUIS/HARRY/ZAYN!” to whoever was the closest. Not amazing, right? Well… Zayn gave me a thumbs up, Louis and Liam waved at me, Harry winked at me, and Niall made a heart with his hands. All of these small notions contributed to my heart stopping…

Anyways, if you’ve ever seen them live, then you’d know that the boys are amazing <3 They give such an amazing show, and I loved every second of it. I was in the center section, ROW EIGHT. ROW. EIGHT. THERE WERE ONLY SEVEN ROWS IN FRONT OF ME. ROW FRICKING EIGHT. During the show I got waves and winks and hearts and kisses blown. AH. HEART EXPLODING BRB.

Still not done… ;)

If you were there, then you’d know that someone threw a pink pig pillow pet on stage. Someone might have also had enough accuracy to make said pillow pet land right at Harry’s feet. So the curly haired boy with the dazzling green eyes obviously picked it up, looked in my direction, into my eyes, and said “Thank you! I love you guys so much!” and set it carefully to side on  the amps, where the boys each went and looked at it throughout the time of the show. Did I forget to mention something? This pillow pet might have had my number on it :) Hoping I’ll get a call soon, haha. Could you all be amazing fans and tweet the boys to call ‘Marisa’s’ number off of the pillow pet? If you do, and I get a call, after screaming like a maniac, I will lock myself in my room and finish the last chapters of this book, and have them posted every 2-3 days, just for all of you x


Saturday: My big brother’s high school graduation :)

My big bubba graduated from high school. Not much to tell here, but it was sad :( My brother is basically my best friend, and now he’s going away 2 hours for college, where he was recruited to play lacrosse. Good job Bubs<3


Sunday: Soccer tournament!

We won the championship. Enough said.

And yes, we did get big trophies :)


Wow. That’s a long one. Sorry, but I needed to say that all! Share my experience, aha! And if I could figure out how to change the format of everything, I’ll post the videos I took of those five sex gods singing on the side :) I have a whole lot of pictures, well, 300, so I probably won’t upload them all. I’ll probably post some of the pictures on the sidebar to my One Direction story :)

That’s all for now! Love you all! X

-Marisa <3

P.S. Thanks to those that actually read all of this, aha x


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