Chapter 9: Back At Hogwarts

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"It's just like I remember it," I whisper to Hermione, poking her in the ribs, a smile on my face.

"McGonagall did a great job rebuilding it," Hermione says back with a smile. 

"It looks the exact same," Harry says with a small chuckle. His eyes are lit up and his smile hasn't left his face since we arrived.

This is his home... And it used to be mine.

The grounds of the castle are the exact same: the bushes are trimmed in the Hogwarts crests, the castle walls are sculpted perfectly, and Whomping Willow is restlessly swatting at the passing birds. 

It even smells of the crops that Hagrid has spent countless hours growing.

The lot of us enters through the main doors, following closely behind McGonagall. She's leading us through the maze of corridors, until finally, we reach our destination. 

We make our way through the reconstructed doors leading to the Great Hall. Once they open, the students inside burst into applause.

The shouts of "It's them!" "They're really back!" and "It's Harry Potter!" echo in the Great Hall. The students abandon their breakfasts and give us a standing ovation as we make our way towards the Teacher's Podium. 

I step onto the platform, followed by Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George. We all turn to face the students, who are all eagerly waiting for us to talk. Their faces are shining brightly at us, urging us on to say anything. I notice a frightened look on the Slytherin students’ faces. Maybe they fear we’ll call them out for the destruction of the school.

“Attention everyone,” McGonagall says, raising her hands, although no one was talking much anyways. “We have, as promised, our special guests here!” She pauses to allow everyone to clap and cheer, but quickly silences them with a wave of our hand. “They will be staying in the castle on and off for the remainder of the year.

“They will, of course, be teaching all of you their skills. When they were under twenty years old, they fought in what you are know is the Battle of Hogwarts. They fought bravely, do not doubt that, and your very own Professors Longbottom and Lovegood fought alongside them,” she pauses again as everyone hollers for their Herbology and Charms teacher.

“On your time tables, you will notice that I have allotted at least two classes per week for all of you, depending on your year. And now, please, enjoy your breakfasts; we will continue our discussions at dinner.”

She claps her hands together, and everyone turns back to their breakfast, although you can see the excitement in everyone’s faces.

It’s reassuring, to say the least.

“Follow me, please,” McGonagall says, getting our attention.

We all proceed to follow her through the maze-like corridors of Hogwarts, which seem to be the exact same way as they were. I notice that some of the secret passageways were rebuilt, because the faint outline of the secret bricks to open some of them are now there.

“Where’re we going, Professor?” Harry asks, after what feels like hours of walking. We step onto one of the moving staircases.

“You’ll be staying in the guest houses,” she replies, arriving in front of a statue of a very old looking wizard. There’s a carved banner underneath with MERLIN on it.

“Aperi nobis,” McGonagall says, waving her wand in the pattern of the infinity sign.

The statue of Merlin appears to have lightening strike through it, and slowly fades away, rippling like water as it turns to no more then a shadow.

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