Sabezra Oneshots

By Hidden_Rain

61.4K 755 1.6K

#5 in Sabezra #1 in Ghostcrew Sabine and Ezra go about their normal days, fighting bucketheads, freeing prisi... More

Fighting Maul
'Just a Friend' part 2
'Just a Friend' Part 3
'Just a Friend' Part 4
'Just a Friend' Part 5
'Just a Friend' Part 6
Not Letting Go
Many Emotions
A Sabezra Continuation
A Force of Love
Force Sight - part 1
Force Sight - part 2
Force Sight - part 3
Force Sight - part 4
Force Sight - part 5
Midseason trailer!!!
Force Sight - part 6
Force Sight - part 7
Force Sight - part 8
The Past, The Present, And The Future
The Past, The Present, And The Future - part 2
The Past, The Present, And The Future - part 3
The Past, The Present, And The Future - part 4

'Just a Friend' Part 1

5K 49 269
By Hidden_Rain

(After Trials of the Darksaber, S3 E14)

      Sabine and Ezra were back to being friends after their sword training. Sabine felt much lighter after telling the crew her past, and Ezra definitely trusted her more now that her secret was out.

     Today they were on Lothal, and Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra had been sent on a shopping spree which included everything in the galaxy except, thank the force, meilooruns. Sabine and Ezra were a little ways in front of Kanan and Zeb, and were currently joking about the pair.

     "Did you see Zeb's beard this morning?" Ezra asked excitedly.

     "Yes!" Sabine replied, all grins. "It was sooo funny, sticking out all over the place . . . "

     The two kept at it, occasionally buying needed supplies, while staying just out of the hearing range of Kanan and Zeb. After a while, Sabine cracked a final joke, and the two could no longer refrain themselves. They burst out laughing, cluthing their sides and each others shoulders to stay up. By the time they were done, the Jedi-Lasat pair had caught up to them.

     Sabine and Ezra both stood up straight, wiping tears from their eyes, when they saw Kanan and Zeb. Both immediatly put on straight faces, while Ezra subtly wiped a stray tear from his cheek.

     "What's so funny?" Zeb asked, annoyed that he had missed out on the joke.

     "What's funny?" Sabine and Ezra said simultaneously, glacing at each other with false suprise in their eyes. When Ezra turned back to Zeb, he could see Kanan. Immediatly, the teen could feel the the gentle probing from the force in his mind, and Ezra knew he had to do something fast.

     He looked down at the list in his had, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, trying to look like he had just thought of something.

     Suddemly, he burst out with, "Oh man, karabast, we forgot the star fruit, Sabine!" He grabbed her hand. She grinned at him, and the two turned and ran, leaving their friends in the dust.

     A few minutes later they came to a stop, putting their hands on their knees as they caught their breath.

     "That . . . was . . . awesome . . ." Sabine gasped out. She shook her head and glaced at Ezra, grinning. But he wasn't looking at her. He was frozen looking in a different direction. Sabine followed his line of sight to a slim figure in a hooded cloak, sneaking up on an unsuspecting merchant. She opened her mouth and started forward, only to have a hand cover her mouth and another one grab her hand.

     "Ezra!" She whispered. "We have to warn that merchant!"

     "NO!" Ezra whispered fiercely, finally looking at her. "No," he repeated, calmer this time. He turned back to watch the theif. "Watch," he instructed.

    The thief crept up to the food stall, staying in the shadows the entire time. It threw a rock at the far corner of the stall, knocking some fruit over. The merchant, thinking that the attack was coming from over there, rushed to protect his livelihood.

     As soon as the merchant moved, the thief went to the other side of the stall, and threw its lunch, dinner, and probably breakfast too, in a backpack, then disappeared in the alley it came from. Ezra began silently chasing it. Sabine, after a moment, gave chase as well.

     Ezra rounded an alley corner at full speed. The thief turned and, seeing someone chasing it, began running raster.

     Ezra knew he knew this figure from somewhere. It felt sooo farmiliar. He was so close to placing who it was, when . . .

     The hood came off as it ducked under a clothes line. It gasped in suprise, then slipped and fell on a pile of muck in the alley. Before it could get back to its feet, Ezra rushed up and grabbed one of the flailing arms. He pulled the thief to its feet and forcefully shoved it up against a wall. He tilted its trembling chin up and gasped . . . 

     Sabine stopped short when she heard a whisper yell from Ezra. "Ashton?!" She wasn't sure who or what an Ashton was, but she was about to find out.

     She ran down the alley, swiftly slipping under the clothes line, and came to her feet, only to see Ezra pinning a girl against the wall. Sabine realized then that it was the food thief!

     "Good job, Ezra!" She praised, and quickly ran forward. She failed to notice, or perhaps ignored, the wild look of astonishment and bewilderment on both faces.

      She grabbed the girls wrists and pulled out handcuffs from a pocket. Milliseconds before they made comtact with the females wrists, Ezra shouted "No!" again, and force pushed the cuffs out of Sabines hands. She watched them fly through the air, shocked, and land on a pile of muck.

     Sabine pulled her eyes from the ruined handcuffs to stare at Ezra. While she had been distracted, he had taken the girl away from Sabine and put his hands on her shoulders. They were both staring at each other, open - mouthed.

     "Ezra Bridger, what on Lothal - " Sabine began, but was cut off by the girl.

     "So it really is you," she whispered. She reached out, and gingerly touched his face.

     "So it really is you," Ezra parroted, smiling.

     The girl smild and said "Ezra?"

     "Ashton?" He replied

     'So that was the girls name,' Sabine thought.

     Ashtons smile was gone. "I thought you were dead. The Empire, they told us, they told us you, your mom, your whole family Ezra, they said you were - "

     "Shhh," Ezra said, putting a finger over her mouth, silencing the emotional stream of words. "Come on Ashton, did you really believe them? Those bucketheads couldn't kill me if they had lightsabers." The teen grinned. Ashton grinned back, then threw her arms around him. Ezras eyes went wide, but he returned the hug.

     "Hmmhmm," Sabine cleared her throat with more force than neccesary. Ezra, just now remembering her, flung his eyes open and shoved Ashton away.

     "Heehee, sorry Sabine . . . " he said, seeing her lean against the wall, arms folded, eyebrow raised. He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing, and there was an awkward silence until Ashton grabbed Ezra's arm and spoke.

      "Who's your friend, Ray? I don't recall ever meeting her," Ashton said, using her old nickname for him. Ezra shook his head, clearing it, and looked at Sabine.

     "Right, right! So Ashton, this is my friend Sabine, and Sabine, meet my good friend and old partner, Ashton. We met a long time ago, on the streets, and, well, we've been friends ever since." Ezra grinned childishly, which didn't really fit his new hairstyle, but he wasn't thinking about that now.

     Sabine and Ashton looked each other over. Sabine finally stuck her hand out, saying sassily, "Lovely to make your aquaintence, Ashton." Ashton, after a moments thought, shook her hand and replied, "It goes both ways, dear." The two glared daggers at each other.

     Ezra, being his usual, clueless-about-girls self, let out a big sigh of relief when they shook hands. To him, that signified they liked each other.

     Sabine glanced pointedly down at Ashtons and Ezras intertwined hands, and once the teen noticed, he quickly let go. The three then stared at each other, none of them knowing what to say until Ezra got an idea.

     "Hey Ashton, so since I've been gone a while, I'll bets theirs lots of new alleys and hidden streets that have been made. Could you show me around them? We could also catchup on, well, our lives. What do you say?" Ezra begged. Ashton gave one final death glare toward Sabine, before turning to Ezra.

    "Totally Ray, I would love to!" She said, jumping up and down.

     "Yes!" Ezra pumped his fists in the air, and Ashton grabbed his hand. They were about to take off when Ezra again remembered Sabine. He turned around and grinned sheepishly at her, then said, "Sabine, you can go join Kanan and Zeb. I'll only be gone a bit. Tell them I'm with a friend!"

     And they were off. Leaving Sabine in a disgusting back alley by herself.

    "Yeah, sure, ok kid, whatever you say." She sighed and started working her way out.

Hi awesome readers, here's the part 1 of my next oneshot! I hope you enjoyed it! Ezra found his old friend, and him being so friendly with her is sparking anger in Sabine. Where will this take them? What will happen next?

Part 2 coming to Wattpad soon . . .

Thanks guys, hugs and love, and God bless!


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