Stay With Me Forever

By jadams152

33K 458 55

Mal and Ben's lives are perfect! Well, Ben thinks it is...Mal can't decide if she's right for him or not. More

The Note & A Best Friend Problem
The Big Surprise
The Nightmare
The Newborn
Best Friends Are Helpful
Fairies Play Tricks
Returning to the Isle
The Sacrifice
Ben's Doubt
The Queen's Return
Too Late?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Baby Name List
Chapter 29
Chaper 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
1K Reads!!!!

Chapter 27

632 7 3
By jadams152

3 days later...

[Mal's POV]

I saw Uma attack Ben. It was the same situation that we were all in 3 days ago. She stabbed her sword through his heart and died.

"No!" I screamed and woke up suddenly. Ben was right next to me and got up. "Mal! Are you ok?" He held my hand as I started shaking. "" Ben hugged me tightly. "It's alright, Mal... You're safe..." He said while kissing my head.

I started to get up, but Ben held my hand tightly. "Babe, where are you going?" He asked worriedly. "Just to check on our daughter." Her birthday was coming up soon. Ben and I wanted to make it extra special. Ben nodded and relaxed. I went into the polished pink nursery. It was nice, but I despised pink. It wasn't even my idea! It was Ben's!

I looked at the little crib to find it bare. "Christie?" I whispered afraid she was around the room sleeping somewhere and I didn't want to wake her. After searching the room I screamed. "Christie!" I started sobbing when Ben rushed in. "Babe, is everything alright?" He asked while holding me. "Christie's gone...." I cried.

Ben sent the guards on a frantic search for our child. I found a note on the bedside table in our bedroom.

Dear Mal and Ben,
Hahaha! I have your child here at the isle of the lost! Come by if you want to see her alive. Mal can only come, though. Better hurry time's-a-ticking! By the way, I left a little clock with this note that shows you how many days you have left before this wonderful offer is out.

Truthful but evil,


I showed Ben the note and cried. "We'll get her back, Mal..." "No, Ben! You're staying here! I'm not risking your life too! Besides, Mother says I have to come alone..." Ben jumped at this and held me. "Mal, I'm not losing you again! There's no way you're going alone!" I kissed him. "I'll be in and out...." "I...just...don't...want you to....get hurt..." He said in between sobs. I kissed him again. "I'll be fine, I told you in and out." "Ok," he sighed, "but if you're not out before sunset, I'm coming to get you." "Deal." I set off to find our daughter and bring her home safely.

[Evie's POV]

I was with Doug eating dinner when I felt sick. I rushed into the bathroom while Doug freaked out. "E, you ok?" I puked for 30 minutes and finally took a pregnancy test. I showed Doug and he went all crazy. "We're gonna be parents!" He twirled me around and I giggled.

[Ben's POV]

I didn't totally trust Mal. I know she can be very persuasive, but, I feel like she's going to get herself hurt again. I called Evie, Jay, and Carlos to go with me in the Royal limo to follow her. Mal's gonna hate me, but it's for her own safety.

"Dude, you do realize that Mal will kill you once she finds out that you did this, right?" Jay asked. "I do. But, I need to know that she's safe....and my daughter." Jay nodded back and continued to drive. Evie was holding her stomach which was weird. "Eve, you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, it's just, Doug and I found out this morning that I have a little person in my belly." She giggled. We all stared at her in shock. Jay even looked back to confirm. "That's great, E!" Carlos screamed. We all laughed and continued towards the isle.

[Uma's POV]

"Take care of that wretched thing!" Maleficent screamed at me. Mal and Ben's child was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Ugh, Harry, you try..." I said while handing the princess to him. Harry slapped her which made her cry even more. Gil took her and gave her a bottle. We all stared in shock. Gil. Stupid Gil knows how to take care of a child?

"Gil, how did you know how to take care of a child?" I asked curiously. "I babysat First Mate Smee's son, Sammy. He was a lovely little tike." I rolled my eyes and turned to Maleficent. "It's done, your Royal Evilness." "Good. Now we just have to wait for Mal."

[Carlos' POV]

"Jay, are you sure we're allowed to park here?" I asked shakily. "Yes, Carlos, it's the isle, you can literally park anywhere. Well, anywhere except water." Everyone in the car laughed except for me. I felt nervous. How were we going to get to Mal without her noticing us?

We all hopped out of the vehicle. Ben and Jay covered the limo with a tarp. Evie and I went for the hideout while Jay and Ben went to Maleficent's fortress.

[Mal's POV]

I got to Mother's special place of evil where I figured my daughter was being held. I tiptoed quietly to find Uma and her pirate crew waiting at the gate. I reached to my side and froze. No sword. Drat! I walked up as casually as I could and met eyes with Uma.

"Well, it took you long enough, Your Royalness..." Uma managed a slight bow. "It's interesting how you trying to flatter me all the time, Shrimpy." She growled. "Where's my daughter?" I asked pulling on her coat. "Take a chill pill, Mal. Your mother has her. If you want her back, you tell Ben that you're not going back to Auradon."

"What? Why?" I asked freaked out. "If he hears you're not going back to Auradon, he'll know something's wrong. He'll want you back for your own protection, so, he'll then give me Auradon!" She smiled. "Again, Uma? When will you learn that you'll never get Auradon?" She motioned to Harry. He dragged me inside and to my mother.

[Ben's POV]

Jay and I saw Harry drag Mal in. I was really mad. How can he touch Mal? She's my queen! Jay touched my arm to calm me down. "I know you're angry, but trying to go into beast mode isn't going to help right now..." "I know..." I sighed. We slowly walked in to find....

Guys, I'm sorry it's a cliffhanger. Keep on reading though, the chapter's not done yet. 😄

[Carlos' POV]

Evie and I got to our old hideout. "Well, no Mal." She said frustrated. That means she's at her mother's fortress. We started to leave, when a few of Uma's pirates came by. Harry was one of them.

"Uma's going to be pleased that you two are here," he chuckled. The pirates dragged us to Maleficent's place and we fell to the ground.

[Ben's POV]

We saw Evie and Carlos! "Guys, what are you doing here?" Jay asked curiously. "Uma's pirates happened." Carlos responded. "Where's Mal!" I yelled at Uma as Gil held me back. "Harry's got her. Maleficent's got your daughter in case you were wondering."

I saw Maleficent walk up with Christie sleeping. "I might have to keep this little princess, Ben. I can train her to be truly evil!" She laughed. "Never!" I yelled again. Harry dragged Mal out and started kicking at her.

[Mal's POV]

I felt weaker with every kick from Harry Hook. "Let her go!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see Ben and the others held by Uma's pirates. I fell onto the floor as Harry continuously beat me. "Mal!" Ben called out to me. I fainted with one last kick from Harry.

[Uma's POV]

"Uma, please, let us go and I will give you Auradon. Please, stop hurting my friends and family." King Ben begged. "Well, that's not exactly how I planned it but alright." I smiled. "Gil, pirates, let them go."

They were released. Evie and Carlos got Mal and Ben's baby while Jay took care of Maleficent and Ben rushed to Mal's side.

[Ben's POV]

"Mal..." I cried. She slowly stirred and sat up. "Ben...." I hugged her gently. "I thought I lost you, Mal..." I picked her up and we slowly left the fortress. "What about me!" Uma screamed. "You'll get Auradon, but let me go home first...." I told her. She nodded and backed away. "Ben, I don't feel so good." Mal said trying to fight back weak tears. "It's ok to feel weak, Mal. That's why you have me and the VKs to take care of you."

"I don't like feeling weak, Ben. It's not who I am." "I know. But it will only make you stronger each time." I kissed her head. We got in the limo and drove home. Carlos, Jay, and Evie took Christie back to the nursery while I laid Mal on our bed.

"Ben, you're not leaving forever are you?" "No, Mal. I'm giving Uma Auradon like I promised and hopefully, she'll leave us alone." "Ben, why don't you just walk away? We're home now, she can't harm us..." "But, she does have a way of kidnapping somehow. Besides, a king always keeps his promise." I kissed her head and let her get some sleep. I had a promise to fulfill, and I will do it.

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