To Live Is To Fight (#2)

By justanothergirl1314

452K 20.4K 3.1K

Second book of 'The Nerd Can Fight' Series *You'll need to read the first book to understand this one* After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Prequel - Bryant's Story

Chapter 25

6.5K 308 36
By justanothergirl1314

The professor was standing in front of 50 or so students, her voice was surprisingly loud, louder than her petite frame should have been able to produce. She looked to be in her late 20s, her hair was straight and the color of an amber and I found it hard to not imagine it as a curtain from how it sways whenever she moves.

It was very distracting and sort of hypnotizing. I was completely out of it today which was not very Casey-like. I snapped out of it when my phone started ringing. My heart beat loudly in my chest and panic filled me as I scrambled for my phone to shut it off.

Thankfully, the professor pretended that nothing happened and let the disruption slip while she continued her lecture. I looked at the caller ID and saw Preston's name.

I sighed quietly and opened my phone to text him quickly.

"Can't talk now, call u later."

I put my phone on vibrate instead and turned it off to make sure there's no repetition of that humiliation. I tried to focus on what the professor was on about after I stored my phone away.

After that class, I had an hour break until the next lecture and I took that time to walk out of the building to call Preston.

"What took you so long?" Preston's voice was snappy and irritable.

I sighed tiredly and rolled my eyes. "Well, hello to you too." I could hear Preston's huffed breath as if he was exhaling all the annoyance in his system.

"Hi Case," He muttered begrudgingly.

"Hi Pres. Now, what do you need?" I asked him, more satisfied than the previous minute.

"I never knew you were so poetic, Case." I could feel my ears turn red.

"You told me to try, so I tried." I defended myself.

"Yeah and I'm very grateful for that, I just never pegged you as someone who'd write so poetically." I blushed harder at that.

"He just had to let you have a look at that letter didn't he." I groaned and covered my reddening face. Preston chuckled from the other end of the line.

"I didn't get to look at the whole letter, just fragments of it, so don't worry. However, I am curious as to what you wrote."

I shrugged and plucked the sharp tip of a leaf from a plant and twirled it between my thumb and pointer finger. "I simply wrote about the time we first met. He wouldn't quit annoying the shit out of me."

Preston chuckled some more and a smile grew on my face when I remembered how annoyed I was when the pretty new boy was drawing attention to the low profile I built for myself. He destroyed that subtlety in a matter of minutes when he started walking with me in the halls.

"Your brother was a true pain in my ass." I laughed lightly, remembering all those efforts I made to shake him off my hind and he didn't budge, not for one bit.

"But you love him," Preston whispered and I smiled sadly at his statement. I took notice of the present tense he used and didn't need to think about that. I didn't miss a beat in answering Preston.

"That, I do."

When school was done, I drove back home to change my clothes and my choice of vehicles. I felt my demeanor change when I was back on my motorcycle with my fighting attire clinging onto my body.

Pixie's back, bitches.

I rode my bike to where the competition was held. Let's just call this shit hole 'the dome' because its tent is dome-like.

Yes, I'm classy like that in naming places.

I led my bike to the nearest shade and hid it from view after turning off the engine. Not having Levy around to greet me or to lead me to where I should go was offsetting but something that was more offsetting was remembering why he wasn't there anymore to do all that.

The bastard was really good at fooling me; stupid Casey and her silly tendency to trust people so easily.

I held my head high with my hair in a high ponytail swaying behind me. My hand was holding the strap of my duffel bag while the other was in the pocket of my jacket when I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

I quickly dropped my duffel bag and gripped the hand on my shoulder, twisting it in a blink of an eye and held the twisted arm behind the person's back. When I realized who it was, I quickly kicked the back of his knee and moved away from the fallen body.

Think about the devil and he'll appear.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at Levy. He coughed lightly before he stood up on his feet. I quickly ran my mind through this equation of disaster. I have a fight coming up and I can't afford to fight with Levy. I need to keep my emotions in check of run away from this moment. But even if I chose to run, he probably knows all of my fighting schedule and figured out I will be fighting tonight.

Of course he knows your fighting schedule, why else would he be here, exactly when I'm required to be here.

"Well hello to you too, Case." I scrunched up my nose at his greeting. What is up with all these people and their addiction over hello's. Another thing is why the fuck does he think it's okay to start calling me Case all of a sudden. He seriously is making an attempt to rub it in my face that he knew all along who I was and that he succeeded in fooling me.

"I honestly thought that you were my friend, Bryant trusted you!" I snarled at him. I need to cool off before I bit his head off. I can't waste my energy over him. He wants to get into my head to make me lose this fight. Yes, that's probably it. Don't cave in, Case. Don't make another mistake and lose to this guy, again.

"I was his gang mate. He had to introduce me as a friend. He's a hard headed one there. Tiny but big balls. I remembered him threatening me not to mess with you. Golden big brother material there, pity he had to leave so soon." It was feign pity that I heard coming from him and if there was anything I hated more than genuine pity, it was a fake one.

"I don't need to hear this." I gritted to clenched teeth.

"Oh, I know you don't, it's just fun to watch you squirm." His phone rang then and my hands balled up into fists to refrain me from kicking his dipshit ass.

"Well I guess it's not really your lucky day today. I have somewhere to be but I promise I'll catch you again some time soon, Case." Levy winked at me and it took everything in me to not slap the smirk off his face.

When he was gone from my view, I hurried through the backdoors and met with the woman that showed me the schedule the last time I was here. She led me to the changing room and I stored my bag into one of the lockers after taking a swig of water from my bottle.

I was feeling pumped up from the conversation I had from Levy and I guess it wasn't all that bad. I wasn't feeling the fire to fight lately and this was a definite boost to my anger.

I let my insides boil, picturing Levy's smug smirk and feigned pity when he talked about Bryant as if he wasn't talking about someone that he knows mattered a lot to me.

Not more than minutes later, I was called on to stand in front of the stairs that led up to the ring. I felt my insides brew with determination. I'm not going to lose this fight, I won't let anything happen to the kids.

I felt that thought wipe away any sentiments from my mind and built an ice fort between the outside world and my heart.

When my name was called, any trace of emotion was gone from my face as I stared at my opponent.

He wasn't like most of the opponents I had fought against. His built wasn't bulky and he wasn't that much taller than I am. I wasn't planning to let my guard down because of that, though. I assessed how quick his eyes assessed me and I was willing to bet that this guy was quick on his feet. He probably made up for his strength with the speed of his blows.

I needed to be careful with this one.

When the bell rung, my theories were proven right when the guy leapt at me with his fist drawn back and it missed my face by inches. The missed blow threw him off and caused him to stumble onto the ropes of the ring and I wasn't going to let him recover from that only to try and hit me again.

I moved forward and grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back with my leg bent right behind his so that he tripped on it and fell back. I felt my heart tug, urging me to soften his fall by holding onto his shoulder but I crushed that hesitation and let him fall on his back.

I felt an unwanted relief fill me when he didn't hit his head.

Cut the emotions, cut the saint act. It'll get you killed.

"I've heard of you," he sneered. I stared at him emotionlessly, I won't be wavered by his wordplay.

"You're the girl everyone's been talking about. The one that injured that guy's brother and is on his number one hit list. You're pretty famous, girlie." He teased with a wicked smile.

I gave him a deadpan look, "I'm glad that you've seemed to have found some gossip to humor yourself with."

"Cut the talking and start showing her that this is no place for a little girl!" Someone from the crowd yelled.

I clenched my teeth at that. Sexist pigs.

The man smirked at me, "You heard that, little girl? This is no place for a pretty thing like you. You should be out with your girlies in the mall right now, buy yourself some sparkly thing."

"You talk too much." It was all I said before I struck him in the face with a side hook.

It threw him off. The whole conversation made him drop his guard down and it was a great advantage to me.

He was quick like I predicted, but he wasn't very good at blocking hits.

I adapted to the flaws in his blocks and got a few hits in. I have to say, guys in this place have humongous egos and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy chipping that ego bit by bit with every punch.

His ego didn't let him tap out before he was too beat up to move so the fight continued until the white strip that was wounded on both of my knuckles were tainted red with blood.

We kept going at it, blow after blow. He landed a few on me that made me see black spots in the edges of my vision. I felt kind of light headed and that was when I knew I needed to end this fight quickly.

I can't play dirty by kicking or kneeing him in the balls, that's some bitch level move that I wouldn't even lower myself to. I know I wouldn't be able to land a kick to his head to knock him out because his reflexes were way too quick and he'll have the upper hand if he got a hold of my foot.

When he dove to land a punch on me, I moved to the side, again missing that punch by seconds. I tried my best to quicken my moves and snatched his hand and gripped it in a vice grip only to use my other hand to punch him hard on the temple.

I used the momentum to use that kick to his head in an attempt to knock him out.

I was way too dizzy and stumbled after kicking him. His unconscious body crumbled to the ground and my heart thudded against my ribcage in a painful way.

Please don't be dead, I whispered in a devastated tone in my head.

I quickly made my exit as the crowd roared and went wild in what I presume was outrage. I ducked my head and slipped through the ropes of the ring. I walked into the changing room and grabbed my things.

I didn't spare anyone a glance as I slipped the white strips I peeled off my hands. My knuckles were still bloodied and I didn't bother to clean them.

I rushed to my bike and didn't turn back. I didn't want anything more than to be home and in bed by now.

I didn't want to do all of these things anymore.

I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

I don't want to fight anymore.

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