stranded // d. salvatore au.

By MaryBravo200

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In which an art student and a vampire get stranded on a deserted island. Damon Salvatore AU story. (not long)... More



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By MaryBravo200

Chapter 1



DAMON WOKE UP TO SMELL BLOOD AND GASOLINE. He groaned and placed his bone to its place before managing to stand up. The view wasn't the best. People around were either sticking through their seats with piles of blood or dying from the injuries caused by the crash.

The Salvatore started walking and checked one man's pulse to hear none so he just sighed and continued looking around. He didn't know where he was, but it wasn't good. "Great. You had to take a flight to Hawaii, Damon," he snapped to himself then walked over to the plane's door before using his vampire strength to kick them out.

Damon squinted his eyes from the sun and checked his ring before jumping down and seeing nothing but sand, trees and mountains far away from him. It was hot as the sun shined directly to his face.

The plane landed directly on the sand near the beach with nothing but ocean around. Damon listened in to try and hear something, anything to know that he wasn't the only survivor, or that they weren't on a deserted island.

Damon decided to get back into the plane and saw Florence's bloody head. She was lying back in her seat, her eyes closed and he rolled his blue ones before walking over to the man that wasn't alive. "Ahh, buddy," he sighed and picked him up before placing him on the sand.

He did this to most deceased people and wished for someone to be alive, because Damon was freaking hungry. It always happened after dying.

There weren't many people on the plane as he took all of them out. Florence was the last one since she was sitting in the backseat. He placed her on the sand and stood straight to purse his lips. "I am soo lucky!" he then sneered to himself once again.

Damon left the bodies to see around for any civilization and decided to use his vampire speed to get through the trees, and many animals. He could've easily drank their blood but didn't, because Damon was proud. He didn't want to be his brother, and would've rather starved himself.

The woods were huge with no real ending seen. He searched for hours until he felt tired and decided to snack on some animal, gaining some strength.

Back on the shore, Florence felt the sun shine on her face and groaned. Her head was throbbing and she felt dizzy. She couldn't remember much just the fact that she crashed.

Raising her head up, she saw about sixteen bodies lying along the beach, next to each other and quickly sat up. Her eyes were wide as she saw the plane in front of her. Its doors were lying on the sand nearby and they looked like they were kicked out.

Florence was truly shocked. Standing up was hard. Not only her body hurt, the sand was so hot from the sun that it made her skin burn from touching it. "Hello?" she called silently, standing up and covering her eyes from the sun.

Her mouth was dry as she was so thirsty. She was even ready to drink ocean water but then remembered that the plane was in front of her.

There were no stairs to reach the top as Florence looked up at it with a small frown. She was confused. Who put these bodies like that? Clearly, there must have been survivors if they did. No way, bodies just pile up themselves like that. "Hello!" she raised her voice and held onto her head.

No response came so she just cried out, feeling overwhelmed. Running around the plane she saw nothing but ocean outside mountains surrounding it. "Oh my god," she exclaimed with horrified eyes.

Florence was stuck and that was bad. Damon then came back from the woods, cleaning his expensive jacket from the leaves and mud. The corner of his mouth was bloody as he didn't know.

Damon was about to go back to the plane to see if it was working, but noticed that the spot, where Florence was lying down, was empty. He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows.

In that moment, Florence decided to walk back to the place she woke up and saw Damon looking at her. Her eyes went wide as she started to approach him. "Oh lord! Survivor," she said and stopped near him to see blood on his mouth.

Damon noticed her look before wiping his mouth. He stared at the blonde hungrily as she took a step back. "Ahh... What the hell happened?" Florence asked the stranger with furrowed eyebrows.

The vampire smelled the bloody head and blinked a few times. "What do you think?! We crashed!" he exclaimed angrily and walked closer to her.

Florence felt his deep stare and grimaced. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked with a sneer and Damon's inner vampire didn't like her tone.

"Tell me, are you the only survivor?" he asked inching closer and closer. Florence just shrugged her shoulders so Damon just smirked. "Oh well, then I can't kill ya'."

He then vamped out and attacked her before bitting into her neck as she screamed. A vampire she thought. How convenient.

Damon felt vervain and pulled away with burning throat as Florence pushed him off of her. He fell down and stared at her as she held onto her bleeding neck. "Vervain?" he asked with weak voice.

"Oh my god, you're a vampire!" she shouted with shocked eyes then started running away, along the beach.

Florence knew all about vampires, because her grandfather told stories of them when she was little. And when she turned into a teenager, those stories came true. She met one and he almost killed her, but her grandfather always snuck a herb called vervain into her drink to keep her safe.

Damon pulled himself up and used his vampire speed and appeared in front of her. "AAH!" Florence screamed and punched him in the face but Damon didn't move.

She was breathing heavily, her blue eyes staring at Damon with fear. "You shouldn't hit me ever again," he sneered but she didn't listen.

Florence hit him again, and then Damon grabbed her by her waist, pulling her up with one hand and started carrying her back to the plane. "Let go of me!" she hit him in the chest, tried to take his arm off of her waist, but she knew vampires were ten times stronger than human beings. "You, bastard! Let. Go!"

"OKAY!" he screamed and let go of her. Florence rushed away from him as he clenched his jaw angrily. She was looking around for any weapon as Damon examined her moves. "How do you have vervain in your system?"

Florence didn't answer as she found a wooden stick and quickly picked it up, extending it to Damon with wide bewildered eyes. Damon raised his eyebrow, then looked down at a small branch she was holding. "Yeah, try," he told her and Florence sneered lowly. "How... did you..." he said slowly walking closer and closer to her as her hands were shaking. "get vervain in your system?"

"I know vampires exist," she snapped furiously and Damon stopped. He used his vampire speed to unarm her and threw the tree branch far away. She gasped and kicked him with her leg but he caught it and pushed her to the ground.

"Now, as much as I'd like to fight you, I won't," he told her as Florence glared at him incredulously. Damon crouched down besides her and checked her neck. "Ahh, that's an ugly wound I did."

Florence pursed her lips as she hatefully stared at the vampire, who tried to feed from her. "You're bleeding, and you'll die in probably twenty minutes," Damon commented calmly as Florence touched her neck with a whimper. "Although, it looks like you're the only survivor here, so it's not very good for me, is it?"

She still didn't speak so Damon stood straight and looked away from her. "Killing you would give me satisfaction, trust me, but then again, there wouldn't be any meal for me left..."

Florence looked at all the dead people with a sad face, but Damon caught her look like a different thought. "Oh, dead men blood isn't as delicious as alive," he smirked and she snapped her head at him with a disgusted face.

"Monster," she insulted and Damon scoffed before grabbing her by her arm and making her stand. "I'm not scared of you, vampire."

His blue eyes narrowed as he let go of her and rolled his eyes. "Sure you are. Everyone, who meet me are," he explained as he smirked smugly.

"Well..." she trailed off, trying to find some courage to speak back. She had a good thing, he didn't want to kill her, no, he couldn't, because that would mean he didn't have a food source. "Not me."

Damon watched her and shrugged. "Well, soon you'll be. Because when we get outta here, you won't take a step further without me draining you out of your vervain less blood," he threatened and Florence swallowed fearfully. "I can't kill you, because there's no one here. We are stuck."

"How do you know?" she asked and Damon looked at her with a surprised face.

"Look around us!" he snapped lowly and she tilted her head to a side with an evil eye. "I checked almost the whole island, trying to find any civilization. All I found were trees, trees and more trees!"

Florence lost light in her eye as she realized what was truly happening. She was stranded, alone with a vampire, who was ready to kill her. She wished she was dead. "How long have I been out?" she asked seriously and Damon shrugged.

"Last I checked I don't have a clock," he snapped again, then placed his hands on his hips as Florence looked down at hers. The glass of it was shed, but the clock was still working.

"If it's working, it's 3:45 pm," she answered looking back at him then widened her eyes. "Our flight left ten hours ago. Don't tell me I was out for nine hours."

"Well..." Damon calmed down as she gaped at him. "I did search a lot of time..."

"And you didn't see that I was alive? Probably dying?!" she raised her voice at his lack of compassion.

Damon just shrugged so Florence let out a breath and stared at him with shocked eyes. "You're a vampire, aren't you supposed to know when a person is alive?" she asked. He didn't get a chance to answer when she opened her mouth once again. "At least you knew and didn't want me alive."

"Oh yeah?!" Damon shouted as he shook his head with a frustrated laugh. "I am this dumb to let go my only chance of food like that! Even if you're this annoying little girl that I want to rip apart! Sorry, nah, didn't know."

Florence groaned loudly as she started talking to herself. "Out of all the people in this whole universe, I got stuck with a blood sucking and narcissistic monster!" she shouted into thin air.

Damon rolled his eyes. "It's not like I am happy with you, Sister Jude, full of your morals and that judgy little nose of yours," he snapped back, pinching her nose as she hit his hand away. "You need to fix your neck."

"Why should I? So you could drink my blood afterwards again?" she asked stubbornly and Damon groaned once again, fed up with the blonde.

"I can't! Until there's vervain in your system, you are safe from my compulsion or me attacking you, because you already know how it affects me," he argued sternly so Florence just smirked. "What could possibly be this funny?"

Florence didn't answer as she looked up at the plane's door that was too high for her to reach. "Well, the med kit is up there," she pointed to the door and Damon glared at her. "I can't reach it, so you either get it for me, or take me--"

Before she could finish, he swooped her up and jumped up inside as Florence widened her eyes from the speed. Damon slowly let go of her and she felt dizzy.

Florence sat down on an empty seat as Damon started looking for the first aid kit. He found it quickly and tossed it to the blonde, who caught it and glared at him. "They're gonna find us, they have to," she then said as Damon walked into the pilot's cabin. He saw all the buttons, all the controllers off and pressed one button but nothing happened.

He sneered then came back to Florence as she was putting peroxide on the cotton. Apart from smelling vervain, Damon stared at her neck, the blood rushing inside, the cells trying to stop the bleeding. He could feel it all, how her skin started growing back to its place, how she placed peroxide on her neck and hissed. "Creep," she said sensing his stare.

Damon blinked a few times and glared at her. "I can't wait out till vervain gets out of your system, so I can feed from your beautiful little neck," he said with a sarcastic smirk.

Florence scoffed. "Who tells you that I will let you do that?" she questioned bravely.

Damon stared at her then narrowed his eyes. "Then why are you alive?" he asked. "Might as well do myself a favor and kill you."

He started to approach her as Florence backed away in her seat as possible. "Wait wait wait WAIT!" she shouted and he stopped. "Listen, vampire, don't you touch me. You think I don't know people like you? They all think they're stronger, smarter, but they can be easily killed just as a normal human being--"

"Are you threatening me?" Damon laughed dryly and Florence clenched her lips tightly. He was the most annoying person ever, and she couldn't stand him. "Good girl." he smirked then jumped down the plane.

Florence quickly stood up and rushed over to the door. "Where are you going?!" she shouted as he looked up at her.

"Away from you!" he smirked sarcastically and Florence's head couldn't handle the height of the plane. If she tried to jump down, she would've definitely broken her leg or other parts. The wounds she had were enough for her.

Damon started to walk back to the woods. "You can't just leave me like that!" Florence yelled so Damon turned around and smirked in amusement.

"Oh yes I can," he answered, liking how he left her. "Enjoy your time inside, oh, and don't be scared of animals that come out at night."

Florence opened her mouth. "What?! Where are you going?!" she shouted again, her blood boiling from the hate for the man that was stuck with her. "Don't tell me you're leaving me!"

Damon rolled his eyes then sighed. "I'll be back, my god, you can't be this annoying all the time!" he said with a deep sigh. "The radio's busted, the plane doesn't work, you won't explode, don't worry. I'll be back after I feed, because your little vervainy blood weakened me. Then we'll talk," he snapped and disappeared in the trees.

Florence then touched her neck and came back to patching herself up. She was stuck with a vampire and things couldn't be worse than she imagined.

And to think, she was almost late.

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