Remember Me [F I N I S H E D...

By StoryGirl5169

46.8K 524 444

Rosalie-Marylin 'Rose-Mary' Bloomwood is a small town country girl who would rather spend her days working on... More

Author's Note
Remember Me [1]
Remember Me [2]
Remember Me [3]
Remember Me [4]
Remember Me [5]
Remember Me [6]
Remember Me [7]
Remember Me [9]
Remember Me [10]
Remember Me [11]
Remember Me [12]
Remember Me [13]
Remember Me [14]
Remember Me [15]
Remember Me [16]
Remember Me [17]
Remember Me [18]
Remember Me [19]
Remember Me [20]

Remember Me [8]

2.2K 18 12
By StoryGirl5169

                                           - C H A P T E R  E I G H T - 

After I had a nice peaceful bath, I changed in a pair of light blue jeans, a short sleeved white top that read 'Forever' on the top and put on a shirt with the colours, hot pink, grey and black, leaving it unbuttoned as I normally did when the weather was warm. After combing my long blonde hair, I decided to blow dry it as I was too lazy to wait for it to dry up on its own. Turning it on, I watched my hair fly around as the warm air blew onto my head and listened to the loud noise it made when it was on.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I jumped up with fright, dropping the blow drying onto the floor. I turned around and Celeste smiled at me. Her hair was now dry and she had it tied up into a messy bun.

"I scared you, didn't I?" She laughed. 

"Well, yeah you did," I said, picking the blow dryer from the floor and turned it off so I could hear her properly. 

"Sorry," she laughed. "I did knock and called you name but you didn't answer." 

"Did you? I didn't hear," I said. The hair dryer is really loud. "Sorry about that." 

"It's okay," she nodded. "I just came in here to tell you that I got a hot date," she squealed. 

"No way," I said, not to shocked because I knew she would find a guy soon. "When was this?" 

"Well... When I was on holiday, I met this Italian guy," she explained. I was just about to open my mouth to ask whether he had the accent but she answered it like she read my mind. "No, he doesn't have an Italian accent," she smiled. "But anyway, he just happened to be mum and dad’s next door neighbour," she said, trying not to squeal.

"Wow, that's awesome," I said.

"I know right," she chirped. "We've only known each other for almost a month and a week but I feel like I really know him and that he's the one." 

"Good for you, Ce," I patted her back and smiled. "If he breaks your heart, you know who to call." 


I gave her a blank look. "Me." 

She laughed again. "Oh yeah." 

"What's his name?" I asked, suddenly remembering what was important.

"Marco De Santis," she told me. 

"Marco? Nice," I grinned and quickly glanced at the clock on my wall. "Hey, aren't you getting ready?" 

"Crap, you're right. Time is ticking," she said. "What should I wear now?" she frowned, staring at her suitcase which was stood on the corner of my room.

"Come on," I told her and dragged her to her bag. 

"Wait," she said, stopping me. "What about the horrible bump on my head?" 

"We'll just cover it up with a ton of foundation and your fringe," I explained. "But, seriously, if he really likes you then he won't care about that stupid thing on your head." 

"You're right," she said, smiling. "Thanks." 

"For what? Cheering you up again?" I said. "Isn't that what best friends do?" 

She laughed. "I guess you're right," she smiled. 

"Now let's get you ready for the date," I told her.

*  *  *

I stared at her and she looked awesome. Not to formal or informal but she was just right. I didn't want to dress her up in a golden tiara and a sparkling, red dress because that would be way too much for the first date. She was dressed in a bright red sleeveless top tucked into her cute floral skirt and a skinny white belt over it to finish the look. Since she didn't want to wear any heels, I let her borrow my white flat dolly shoes, which had a big white bow on it. Her hair was neatly curled a little and I didn't go overboard with the makeup. Just a bit of mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. She didn't really need foundation as her skin was always perfect

Celeste seemed really nervous but I didn't really get why, seeing as she had loads of experience before. She showed me a picture of him and I had to admit, he was a little good looking. He had a long black hair that almost went over his dark brown eyes, his skin was slightly tanned and he had tiny black spot on the side of his neck, which I was guessing was a beauty spot.

"You look great," I complimented, smiling at her. 

"Thanks," I smiled. "He should be here soon."

"You did give him the right address?" 

"I think so," she said, nervously. 

I looked at her worriedly. Knowing her, she must have given the wrong one because she always forgets things when she's around she really likes. Oh boy, I wonder where the boy is wondering around. He must be feeling so lost. Poor kid. 

"Celeste, someone's at the door for you," shouted Harry from downstairs. 

"That must be him," she breathed, feeling slightly nervous again. 

"Calm down," I told her. "Be your self when your with him and try not to melt. He's a human too." 

She laughed and nodded. "Don't want to keep him waiting now." 

"Let's go," I said, and walked out of my room, going to the front door. 

There was a guy, dressed in a casual grey shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had his black blazer held in his hand, hanging on his back and had a pair of dark blue jeans on with black shoes. His hair had seemed a lot shorter from when I saw him in the picture Celeste showed me but I guess he must have gotten it done recently. When he noticed Celeste, he smirked. 

"Hey there," he said. 

"Hey," she said, confidently. 

"You look good." 

"You don't look so bad your self," she grinned and quickly glanced at me. "You didn't get lost, did you?"

He laughed, embarrassed a little. "Maybe." 

"I'm so sorry," she apologised. 

"No, it's seriously alright," he chuckled. "At least I now know not to knock on the drunk mans door again because that will just earn me a punch on face."

"What?" she exclaimed, with a horrified expression.

"Kidding," he smirked and she sighed with relief. "But I really did go and knock on a drunk mans door."  

"I'm sorry," she repeated. 

"There's nothing to be sorry for," he said, softly. "It was just a small mistake." 

I watched them for another second and smiled happily. I was glad Celeste found someone but I was worried about what cupid had planned for her. I really hope she didn't end up like me but she was a strong girl and she was able to handle breakups all the time.

Deciding to leave them alone, I backed away, slowly disappearing from them but I paused when I head my name being called. I went back to Celeste to see what she wanted. 

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce you," she apologised, looking at me."Marco, this is Rose-Mary," she introduced and I slowly smiled at him. 

"Hi," I said, waving at him. 

"Rose, Marco," she said to me, glancing at him. 

"It's nice to meet you Rose-Mary," he smiled, nodding once. 

"You too," I said and smiled. "Shouldn't you be going now?" I asked, looking around for the clock. The only one I saw was attached to Marcos' hand so I went over towards him, pulled his hand up and zoomed my face on to the watch. "It's almost two guys," I told them. Realising what I was doing, I instantly let go of his hand and apologised.

"It's okay," he laughed and I could hear Celeste giggling too from behind me. She sounded exactly like a teenager again. "Celeste, shall we go?" 

"Sure," she said and she walked towards him and they both walked past me, side by side. 

"Bye Rose," they both said at the same time and I watched them enter into a shiny, black Mercedes which almost made me drool. It looked amazing and I was sure that guy was loaded. Or maybe he just had a good job and saved up unlike Harry who spends all his money the minute he gets it. It's usually on games for his consoles. 

"Tissue?" A voice said from behind me, shoving a tissue into my face.

"What?" I asked, confused. 

"I'm sure you don't want Celeste coming home to slip on your drool," Eric joked. 

"Ha ha, very funny," I said, sarcastically. 

I turned around to look at him. His hair was still a little wet, tiny droplets water slowly decending to the floor. He had on a pair of dark blue, straight cut jogging bottoms and a grey shirt underneath with a matching dark blue jacket on top. I wasn't going to lie but he looked kind of good with wet hair. 

"So, she's got date?" 

"That's right," I answered. 

He nodded. "You know, I saw this place when I was driving back yesterday and I thought maybe I could take you." 

"What kind of place?" I asked, curiously. 

"What would be the fun if I told you now?" He said. "Go get ready in five. In fact, you look fine the way you are so let's go," he said, pulling me to the front door. 

"Wait, we both need to dry our hair," I told him. "We'll get pneumonia." 

He sighed. "Pnemonia my butt," he muttered.

I laughed. "If it makes you feel any better, I can do it for you."

That got his mood going.

"Well, if we want to go then we can't stand here all day," he said. "Can we, slave?" He raised both eyebrows and I punched his arm.

"Don't push it," I warned, and dragged him to my room.  

*  *  *

"There's one problem," he said, scratching his head. 

"What?" I asked. 

"We need a car," he replied.

"We can use my..." I trailed off, remembering that my truck was no longer with us today.  

Looking around, I wondered what to do. I was going to suggest going tomorrow so we could rent a car or something but instead, I decided not to because I wasn't really bothered.

Sighing, I suddenly remembered that Harry and I used to own a bike each. I ran into the house and entered the living room. I sat on my knees and removed the carpet, revealing the door to the basement. The only thing I was worried about was whether the bikes were still as big as I remembered it to be.

Opening the door, I climbed down the stairs and jumped off the last step. I looked up and saw Eric popping his head in to see what was inside. On the floor, I noticed to small bikes, laid on top of each other. One was blue and the other was pink. The blue one was way bigger than the pink one but both of them were still small for us.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

I walked over towards the bikes. "We could travel with these," I said.

He climbed down and stood beside me and stared at the bikes. "Yeah," he agreed. "If we were twelve."

"Don't be silly," I said. "I'm sure we can get our legs to pedal. We'll just make the seat a little higher."

"Good idea," he said but I wasn't sure if he was being serious or sarcastic.

"Okay, help me get them out," I instructed.

Both of us took one bike and slowly climbed up the stairs, being careful not to fall. When we got outside, that was when I realised Eric was right. We wern't twelve anymore, meaning sitting on the bike was a lot more painful than I would have thought it would be. 

"Ow," Eric cried as he sat on the blue bike. "That seat it to small for my butt." 

"Live with it," I muttered, trying not to moan as I sat on the pink bike. Not only that but my legs were to long so it was impossible for me to pedal. "You know...this bike it a lot more comfortable." 

"Really?" He asked. 

"Yeah," I lied. "You can ride this one instead, if you want." 

He stared at his bike than at mine. "Sure." 

I jumped off the bike and quickly took the blue one and began to ride before he changed his mind. The seat was a bit small but it was better than the other bike and in this one I was able to put my feet on the pedals after making the seat a little higher. 

"Rose-Mary!" he cried from behind me. "I want the blue bike back and you dont even know the way." 

He was right but I didn't stop. "You can tell me the instructions." 

I looked back at him and he was trying to catch. Without even realising, I was riding on the middle of the road. I stuck my tongue out at him but he didn't seem to be smiling at all. Instead, he got off the bike and began running towards me like his whole life depended on it. 

"Rose!" he screamed, getting closer towards me. "Look out!" 

"Wha- huh?" I said, confused and turned around to see what he was talking about. 

There was a car, about a five seater, speeding towards me. My heart was pounding faster than a the speed of the car approaching me. Deciding to act fast I tried to pedal across the road but it was extremely difficult. I got off and before I could run, Eric dragged me roughly towards the grass. I fell forward onto Eric, who was still holding my hand, tightly. As for the blue bike; the car had crashed into it, making the bike fly sidewards, landing in pieces. I felt the wind smack my face as the car zoomed past me.

I was now breathing heavily. That was close. But why didn't it try to stop?

"T...thanks for s..saving me," I stuttered, trying to take in what just happened. 

He didn't say anything. His eyes were filled with rage as they turned red. Just looking at his eyes made me shiver. His fists were clench and he looked just as scared as I was.

"E...Eric, are you alright?" 

I heard him breathe out. "Yeah," he said, almost in a whisper. He must have noticed me staring at him nervously because he began to smile. "You could have died." 

"I know, i'm sorry," I said quietly. My pulse slowed down and I thanked God I was still alive.

"It wasn't your fault," he said, smiling warmly at me. "That car..." he began and trailed off. He then muttered something under his breath but I couldn't quite catch it. 

"Well..." I started. "That's out ride gone." 

He sighed. "I guess your right," he agreed, disappointed. 

"Is it far?" 

"No," he answered. "If we walk, maybe ten to fifteen minutes walk." 

"Well that's not to far," I said, smiling. 

He chuckled, nervously. "Uhuh." 

"Then let's go," I sang.

I stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. Brushing the grass off our bodies, we were off to wherever Eric was taking me. It better be worth walking because I hate walking. It's just too much work.


A/N: Hey Fabsters! (That's a new word, made up by me. I know, I'm awesome. Joke, joke.) First of all, I just want to say, all those comments you post, I promise I read all of them, even if I don't reply to them. I just want to see how many comments from the Wattpaders I get.

And secondly, thank you for supporting me with this story. I only right this for me and for you. I wouldn't really carry on without you guys so thank you. (Now, give yourself a pat on the back.)

Check out that banner I made --->>> It had nothing to do with the story but it looked nice but oh well. 

1) Who should play Marco? (Yes, he will be in some parts of the story)

VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, LIKE, TWEET, do what you gotta do! 

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