Beach Babe

By EmilyWhisnant

1.1K 43 0

It was the summer before college that Cheyenne King decided to ditch Kansas for California. Cheyenne was dete... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

60 3 0
By EmilyWhisnant


Naturally after feeling the hands on me, I started fighting them. After a jab to the stomach the person released me.

"Jesus Christ Cheyenne" I heard a masculine voice say.

"Luke? What're you doing here? Why'd you grab me like that? I totally thought you were some psycho murderer." I punched him in the arm after saying that. I was genuinely scared and he could've easily came up to me and talked to me. Instead he had to go all crazy stalker and pull me into a room.

"First off stop hitting me, you got your point across. I wasn't meaning to scare you. I'm sorry but what the hell are you doing?" He was angry. Real angry.

"What are you talking about Luke?" I was so lost. What could I have possibly done to piss him off?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Cheyenne." He mocked.

"Actually, I'm still not catching on. So let's skip the dramatics and how about you tell me what crawled up your ass." Uh oh.. this was the alcohol beginning to talk.

"Aidan." Was all he said.

Oh shit.



I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't doing anything wrong and he had no right to come in here and yank me away from someone like that.

"What about him?"

"What about him, Cheyenne? Really? Other than the fact that he's a complete loser?" There was no cooling down at this point.

"Okay, yes I know about the whole rivalry between your guys' high school but does that really still matter?"

"Cheyenne this goes beyond some stupid high school bullshit. Dylan told me you ran into Aidan at the party and I let it go but to see a picture of you two dancing together tonight? That sent me over the edge. He won't quit fucking with what's mine." He was pushing things around in the room now.

"I told Dylan I didn't want to be in the middle of things. We weren't doing anything wrong and he hasn't wronged me yet. What picture? Aidan and I didn't take any pictures tonight?" Where did this supposed picture come from?

"I received many snapchats of you two getting all close up and personal. Seems a little more than innocent to me Cheyenne. Why couldn't you have just stayed away from him? I should've stopped this all when I first heard about it."

"Woah. I'm not anyone's property. I don't belong to anyone. Aidan has been nothing but kind to me and I have every right to hangout with him. I understand the rivalry got a little out of hand at times but you're going to be playing together anyways." I tried reasoning with him.

"You just don't get it, do you Cheyenne? He's using you! He's using you to get back at me!" He yelled.

"Oh please, you think that's it? How would being friends with me get back at you?" It seemed stupid really.

I heard another male voice enter the room.

"Is everything alright here, Cheyenne? You took a while so I thought I'd come check and see if everything was alright." Aidan said walking over to me. "Oh, hello Luke."

"Drop the act, dick. Whatever problems you and I have.. leave Cheyenne out of. She doesn't need this kind of baggage." Luke said pointing at Aidan.

"The only one dragging her into our problems is you." He accused.

"Your little games are old, Thomas."

"Ahh come on.. don't be mad Parker. You know history has a tendency to repeat itself. I didn't even have to try for this one." Aidan laughed.

"What the hell are you two talking about? You know what? I don't even care at this point. Whatever problems you two have I want no part of." I wanted them to know that this was childish.

"Fuck you Aidan." Luke yelled.

"Oh so the pretty boy wants to shit talk again? You've already lost dude. Go home. You weren't invited in the first place." Aidan was just egging it on.

"Alright enough. I'm leaving. Neither of you talk to me until I'm ready. I'm serious." And with that I left the club. I was half way down the block before I heard someone call out my name. I wouldn't have turned around but I realized it was a girls voice so I stopped and turned around.

Great. It's Jade.

"What could you possibly want, Jade?" I said in a snarky tone.

"That was a cute little scene in there. You're really good at acting like you don't care." She started twirling her hair and that didn't help my mood at all.

"Excuse me?"

"You know, I can't wait." She said squinting her cat like eyes.

"Can't wait for what?" I asked.

"Can't wait for them to realize you aren't worth the fight and you're just another slut walking through this school. It's a shame really that they've already wasted this much time on you. I honestly didn't expect Aidan to get in on this too.. kinda funny actually. Whatever though.. Luke will come crawling back to me soon enough. We are in college after all.. everything changes." She smiled.

My face was as neutral as it was before and I just stood there for a couple seconds taking in what she just said to me. I slowly felt the heat rise to my cheeks and my hearing

Next thing I knew.. my hand was on her cheek. It was the hardest I could've possibly hit her at that moment and I don't even remember raising my hand. She immediately grabbed her face with her hands and started crying. I felt a pair of hands pull me away and throw me over some broad shoulders.

"Cheyenne, I'm beginning to think you need me as a constant bodyguard." I matched the voice to a face and I figured out it was Dylan carrying me. Surprisingly enough, it calmed me.

After we got to his car he sat me down and Brooke ran around to come hug me.

"Oh my god. Is everything okay? I saw you slap Jade. That was awesome." She squeezed me really tight before letting go and holding my hands.

"Yeah I'm good, Brooke. How'd you guys know I was here and how'd you know to come get me." I looked around to see the group minus Luke and Brett.

"Well Dylan told us about your run in with Aidan and Luke was pissed. We all told him to leave it alone and he did until all these people sent Snapchats of you and Aidan here. Luke immediately yelled some colorful words and drove away. The boys got a few of the snaps too. Brett went in to go grab Luke before he made some regrettable decisions and Dylan went to find you." She explained.

"Yeah Jades lucky I showed up when I did. The ass whooping of the century was about to go down outside." Dylan said rubbing my back.

"Thanks Dylan, I don't know how I continue to get sucked into all these messes. It shouldn't be your responsibility to clean them up. You don't always have to be my knight in shining armor." I told him looking into his eyes and snaking my arms around him. It's not that I felt unsafe around Luke because well.. that's when I felt the safest normally. But seeing him like that tonight shook me up and being in Dylan's arms was the comfort I needed right now.

"That's our thing, Chey. I'll always be looking out for you. It gives me a little more purpose."

I didn't even know how to respond to that.. so I just hugged him.

Until I heard some yelling down the block.

"Shut the fuck up and get in the car. You have a scholarship on the line." I heard Brett yelling. Never in a million years did I think I'd hear Brett pissed off.

I saw Luke look at me for a couple seconds and then get in the front seat of Brett's car.

"Woah man, what happened in there?" Dylan asked walking up to Brett.

"His dumbass started swinging right as I walked in so I pulled him away and he punched me instead. He's lucky I'm sober otherwise I would've flipped shit. I'm taking him home and locking him in his room.. dudes going crazy right now."

I couldn't help but feel responsible for this.

I guess my face showed it too because Brett looked over Dylan's shoulder at me and said "Cheyenne, this isn't your fault. Those two need to learn how to control themselves. My advice to you is to stay away from them both for a while. Have Brooke take you out places for a bit. Practice is gonna be rough for a while and I don't want you catching anymore of this heat." I understood the seriousness of this because normally Brett was the one to lighten to the mood but he seemed the most stressed out of all of us.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks Brett." I said almost monotoned. I was still so shocked about everything that had happens in the last thirty minutes.

Brett got in and drove Luke home. Brooke promised to text me in the morning before leaving with Kai. There I was alone with Dylan again.

"Let's get you home, Chey." He said opening the door for me. It was a very quiet ride back to my grandparents.. somewhere in between Dylan grabbed my hand and held it.

We pulled up and he opened the door for me walking me up to the front.

"Dylan, will you come inside? I'd rather not be left alone to think." I asked before he had the chance to turn around and leave.

"Yeah, I can do that." He smiled. We walked upstairs where he got me a warm rag to take my makeup off while I changed. It was crazy how he knew just what I wanted.

We crawled into bed where I nestled perfectly into his body. He started playing with my hair right on queue.

"Dylan?" I whispered.


"What's wrong with me?"

His hand that was once running through my hair stopped abruptly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"What's wrong with me? Why are all these fights breaking out over me?" I felt the burning in my throat rise. "It was never my intention to walk into your guys' lives and mess with the balance of things."

"Cheyenne, there isn't anything wrong with you. The tension has been building up for a long time. The rivalry between Luke and Aidan goes beyond high school football. It kills me to say it.. but Luke really likes you. He feels the need to protect you and when he can't do that.. he feels worthless. You're so damn amazing and I wish you could see what I see." He said wrapping his arms around me.

I looked up and kissed him on the cheek. Dylan has been too good to me already. I was too tired to respond so I just left it at the kiss and fell asleep.


When I woke up I found myself wrapped up in a blanket cocoon alone. I'm not sure when Dylan left but at least he left me tucked in.

I was about to roll back over and try to tune out the world until my phone started buzzing violently.

"Hey Brooke"

"Hey girlfriend!" She chirped. "Hope you're ready for today. We have LOTS to get done."

"We do?" I asked.

"We do. Dress cute.. you never know who we're going to run into." Hopefully not Luke or Aidan I thought.

"Alright, what time are we running these errands?" I had no idea what she had in mind.

"Let's see it's about 8:20 right now so let's plan for.. 10:00? We'll start with brunch." She was always in a good mood and I needed a little of that in my life right now.

"Okay. Do I need anything?" I couldn't come unprepared.. especially with Brooke.

"Just yourself and a little spending money! Nothing extreme. Between you and I.. I make a bee line for the clearance section." She whispered the last part. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Your secrets safe with me, Brooke. I'll see you at 10:00." I was actually pretty excited even though I had no idea what we were doing besides brunch and clearance shopping.

"See you then, hun!" The line went dead immediately.

I guess it's time to get ready then.


I settled on a simple sun dress and loose curls again. Along with some sandals to compliment the pale yellow dress I was wearing.

I heard a cute little honk outside my house and didn't even second guess who was here.

Brooke drove an adorable blue Volkswagen buggy. It was like the car was designed for her. Fit her perfectly.

"Hey honey!!!" She shrieked reaching over the center consul to hug me.

"Hey, how've you been?" I asked starting the casual conversation.

"Not too shabby, I've kinda missed you to be honest. I think this day will be good for us! Kai was starting to get on my nerves. He just doesn't understand us girls sometimes! That's why we have best friends though, so let's get going." She said throwing her car in drive.

"Are we just going to your moms shop?" I asked.

"Oh heavens no.. I get so sick of that place. I know a little shop with salads and sandwiches just outside of LA! It's a quick drive I promise." She spent a lot of time explaining and reassuring. It was nice.

We showed up to this adorable place called 'The Palm Tree' not far off the beach. We sat at a window seat so we could people watch. I thought it was hilarious but she had her reasonings and I think we're all guilty for enjoying people watching too.

"So, how're you?" She asked digging into her salad.

"I thought we got past the awkward talk already?" I also got a salad. They made me feel refreshed.

"You know what I mean. How are you really?" She started to get quiet and serious. Complete opposite of Nicole in that aspect.

"I don't know. I'm alright I guess. Just feel awful for it all." My appetite shrunk.

"Why? It's not your fault at all. You're just living and you happened to get caught up with us. But there's no backing out now.. I love you too much." She giggled.

"I know, it just seems like these problems got worse when I came."

"Well not really. Luke and Aidan have always been at each other's throats. I guess you just kinda sparked a new match in their box of problems." She was acting like this was a normal everyday conversation.

"I don't get it. What do I have to do with any of this?" Nobody had answered that for me yet.

"Seriously?" She dropped her fork and looked at me like I had stupid written across my forehead.


"He likes you." She stated bluntly.

"Sure, we've hung out a couple times but why me?"

"Cheyenne. Luke is head over heels for you. You're not just anyone.. you're you. You're not like every other air head here. You're so natural.. you also don't know him yet. Everybody knows Luke and I honestly think he gets tired of the limelight."

"He is?"

"Without a doubt. It's been a long time since I've seen Luke look at someone like that. He likes to protect what's his. By the way, don't forget to use protection. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife between you two.. it's almost miserable to be around." She winked.

"It's not like that." I said blushing.

"Not yet. Look, I know Luke went a little crazy and can seem possessive but it all comes from a good place. Give him some time and talk to him. He has a story worth hearing. He'll probably even tell you why his rivalry with Aidan is so serious."

"Why can't you just tell me? I'm tired of being so out of the loop with everything." I complained.

"It's not my story to tell. Give him time.. and take all the time you need." She assured.

"So how do the rest of you feel about him?" I was timid when I asked because Brooke was unpredictable.

"Who? Aidan? Oh, I hate his guts."

I looked at her confused.

"Just because I hate him doesn't mean I need to act on it. We live separate lives and I'd like to keep it that way. The best way to do that is act like he doesn't exist." She stated.

I just kind of sat there thinking. Aidan seemed so nice and harmless.

"I know you enjoy hanging out with both of them but that just won't work. You have to pick one or the other. Sure, it sucks but that's life for you. You can't possibly be friends with the both of them.. their drama goes way too deep."

"I don't even want to think about it anymore." I huffed.

"Then don't! I'm finished with my food anyways. On to the next part!" She paid for the food despite me refusing to let her and we left.

We spent the rest of the day shopping and Brooke showed me some cool places around the UCLA campus. She insisted on buying me a few outfits as a friendly gift. I felt terrible so I slipped some money in her purse.

A few hours later we were finally pulling up to my house.

"I had a lot of fun today!!" Brooke said clapping her hands.

"Me too, thanks for everything Brooke. You really didn't have to do any of it."

"Oh please, what're good friends for? Don't worry about it! I wanted to do this." She smiled.

I was about to get out of the car when she stopped me.

"I'm not trying to put any pressure on you, but you know what you need to do. Make the right choice for you.. I'm not taking any sides because I know what it's like. Love you girl." She said with a soft smile.

"Thank you Brooke.. love you too." I shut her door and went inside to lay back down. I needed a nap.

Instead of sleeping I ended up just thinking.

Brooke was right. I think I do owe it to Luke to hear his story. I needed to earn his trust first.. nobody wants to throw their life story onto someone who would run around sharing the details. I'll start off by texting Brett to see how he's doing.. he is the one taking care of him after all.

"Hey Brett, its Cheyenne. Just wanted to check up on the whole Luke situation."

He responded fairly quickly.

"Hey Chey. He cooled down but he's beating himself up pretty bad for this. How're you holding up?"

Its nice knowing they all care so much about how I'm doing.

"I'm alright! Do you think he'd wanna talk?"

"Without a doubt. I took his phone for a while so he couldn't do anymore damage. He has it back now though so if you wanted to call him you could."

Another text came shortly after that one.

"Just be smart, okay? A lot of things are running through his mind. I don't want him taking it out on you. I'm surprised you're already wanting to hear from him."

I'm just as surprised. Had Brooke not talked to me it'd probably be a while before I got into contact with him.

"Well, I'm not forgiving him just yet. He does deserve to be heard out though. Thanks Brett, for taking care of him."

"It's my job."

Brett was such a sweet person.. I just hope there's a girl out there that can keep up with him haha.


Well, here goes nothing. I dialed Luke's number.

After only two rings I heard a hopeful yet sad "hello?"



"Hi, uhh how're you?"

"Honestly? I've been better."

That made me a little sad.

"I'm sorry Luke, I.."

"Don't be sorry. None of this is your fault. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"I should've listened to you. Which is what I want to do now. If you trust me.. I'm all ears. I want to know about the rivalry between you and Aidan. I want to know why me hanging out with him makes you so mad. I want to know everything. In person with no distractions."

The other side went silent. For a long time actually.

"Luke?" I asked to make sure he was still there. I then heard a loud breath come from him.


"Okay?" I asked.

"Okay. I'll tell you. Where do you want to meet?"

I didn't even get this far in my head. I was totally unprepared for this.

"Where we met. 10:00 o'clock tonight." I was taking charge and making the plans.

"I'll see you then, Cheyenne."

"See you then Luke."

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