Landview✔️(Wattpad version)

By angel48183

82.1K 4.2K 631

Alexis Burmington is the Governor of California's daughter, who one day disappears. With only phone calls, he... More

Matt Williams
Ryan Matthews
Erik Richards
First-day issues
You can run, but you can't hide
Complications at best
Drunken walk of shame
Going to a ball
Twists and turns
Forgive me
Kiss and make up already
He did what?
We wish you were here: A Christmas Chapter
Let the games begin
The plan
Love is around
Nightmare central
Spring break: the chase is on
New semester, more problems
Friends with benefits
And the chase is on again
Being sick sucks
Time to go home
Welcome home

Frank Monroe

2.2K 114 23
By angel48183

"So?" Someone asked.

"She's not there. We checked around, and no one has ever heard of Alexis Burmington," the one guy said, standing in front of the desk with the back of a chair facing him along with the other guy.

"I see," the person said with irritation.

"We swear, we checked every place," the driver said.

Just then, the chair swiveled around, and they stood face to face with Frank Monroe. Frank took his thumb and ran it back and forth on the desk. "Well, that is unfortunate for you both." Then he looked up at them and flashed a quick smile. Frank stood up and walked around the desk until he was face to face with both of them. "I gave you both one job. Find the little bitch and bring her to me. You couldn't even do that one thing."

"Frank, she's not there," the one guy said.

Frank didn't want to hear any more excuses as he pulled out a knife, shoving it into the guy and pushed it upward, causing blood to pour out of the guy's mouth, "I don't need incompetent fools with excuses to find one stupid girl." He pulled out the knife, letting the guy drop to the ground to bleed out. Then he walked over to the other guy and quickly grabbed his head and brought the knife across his throat, slitting it. As the man grabbed his throat while blood pooled over his hands, he fell to the ground while withering in pain.

He took his knife and wiped it off onto one guy and then put it in his pocket. He opened the door and waved two guys into his office. They walked up. "Get rid of the two guys. I have a business to attend to now." They nodded, and Frank left. Never send amateurs to do a job if you want it done yourself.

He walked out and got into the back of the car. "Take me to Max's."

"Yes, Mr. Monroe," the driver said, taking him to his destination. Once they reached a building, Frank got out of the back of the car and walked into the building. He walked in, and a woman greeted him. She was stunning. Hmmm, may have to have some fun with her later, he thought. He walked into an office, and a man was sitting behind the desk on the phone. He waited until he hung up.

"I don't care what excuses they gave you or if they have a family. I want my damn money. Either they pay or take out the whole family. Get it done," Max growled, hanging up the phone, then tossing it onto the desk. "Fucking amateurs. If you want something done right, do it yourself." He huffed then looked at Frank. "Why are you here?"

"I need your help," Frank answered.

"When don't you need my fucking help?" Max snapped.

Frank looked at him as the guy said, "Fine, what do you need?"

He pulled out a picture and tossed it on the desk. The guy picked it up and looked at it. He let out a sharp whistle. "Pretty thing."

"I want her dead," Frank ordered.

Max looked at Frank. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Frank answered.

The guy rubbed his chin and thought about it, "This could be bad business."

"I don't care. I wouldn't have come if my people would have taken care of it," he said.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" Max asked.

"The usual," Frank said.

"It'll cost you double. Just know if I get pinched for this, I'm taking you with me," Max said.

"You won't," Frank said, standing up. "Call me when it's complete. I'll wire the payment after they complete the job."

"Fine," Max answered.

Frank walked out but not before whispering something to the woman who nodded, then he left.

She walked inside, and Max looked at her. "Call Johnny." She nodded and left. Then he picked up the phone; someone picked up the other end. "Yeah, Frank visited me. Yeah, you were right. He's become a liability. I'll make it believable; just make sure they know. Let's hope he buys it. Talk soon."

"Johnny is on the phone for you," the woman said.

"Thanks, Maria. Johnny? Yeah, set it up. Let me know when it's complete." Max hung up and sat there, thinking to himself quietly. It had to go flawlessly.

Frank was sitting in his office. He knew Max was the best at what he did. Frank knew that Max would do the job right. He would get what he wanted and finished with me once and for all. He heard a knock at his door. "Come in."

The door opened, and the woman from Max's place walked in, closing the door, then walked over to him. He pushed himself back away from the desk. "Turn around." She did as he told her. "Lean on the desk and place your hands there." She followed his orders. He lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down. Then he undid his belt and pants. He slammed into her and grabbed the back of her top as he thrust into her repeatedly. She gasped at how forceful he was as he continued the assault on her. Then he let out a groan as he finished. He pulled out and buttoned up his pants. "You can go now."

She stood up and pulled her skirt down, leaving quickly. She ran out quickly. She got into her car, peeling out of the parking lot. It wasn't until she was a reasonable distance until she pulled over, opened the door, and threw up. Once she finished, she made a call.


There was silence.

Maria, what happened?

She choked out the words. "Frank was so rough."

What did he do?

"Max," her voice trailed off.

Stay put. I'll send someone for you.

She hung up and cried.

"Hello? Uh, huh? Got it." Click

"What was that about?" Dave asked.

"We need to make a trip to Landview," Brian said.

"Why?" Dave asked.

"Frank ordered a hit. Johnny will meet us, and it pisses Max," Brian answered.

"Why?" Dave asked.

"Frank got rough with Maria," Brian said.

"That was stupid," Dave said.

"Yeah, well, Frank isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Book two red-eye flights to Florida," Brian said as he packed a bag.

Dave booked two seats for Florida and left to pack a bag. Once they packed, they left the apartment heading to the airport. As they checked through Metro Airport, they boarded a flight to Florida. It would only take two hours for them to arrive. Johnny would catch the first flight out in the morning.

"Did you tell Liz?" Dave asked Brian.

"Gee, I don't know, did you tell Jo?" Brain asked sarcastically.

"Oh, hell no, Jo wasn't too happy about me leaving when I went to visit Erik the first time," Dave mentioned.

"I wonder why?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Come on; that was way before Jo's time," Dave reasoned.

"No girl wants to hear about you are visiting someplace your ex is," Brian reminded Dave.

"I wasn't even there to see my ex," Dave said defensively.

"It doesn't matter," Brian told Dave.

"I'm not discussing this," Dave said.

"Uh, huh, sure," Brian said.

Their flight arrived in a few hours, and they grabbed their bags, catching a taxi, and making their way to the guy's apartment. I was staying at Ryan's place when there was a knock at the door. Ryan got up and answered it, half asleep.

"Yes," he said, half awake. Both of them walked in, tossing their bags down. "Sure, come right in," Ryan said as both of them sat down on the couch.

He closed the door and was about to go back to bed when Brian said, "Don't even think about going to bed. Max sent us."

He stopped and rubbed his eyes. Then turned and looked at both of them. There on their couch sat Dave Richards and Brian Taylor. He knocked on Erik's and Matt's door, waking them up.

Matt answered his door. "Dude, it's three in the morning. What the hell?"

He pointed to the two of them on the couch, and they rubbed the sleep from their eyes.

"Get the coffee ready boys, it will be a long night," Brian said. The three of them looked at each other. If Dave and Brian were sitting in their living room, this would not be good.

Erik made coffee and poured everyone a cup while I slept in Ryan's bed. He brought a cup to everyone as they got down to business.

"Why are you here?" Erik asked Dave.

"Can't I visit my little brother?" Dave asked innocently.

"At three in the morning? No," Erik replied, annoyed.

"You're such a spoilsport. Fine, Max sent us. Frank ordered a hit on Brian's cousin," Dave said.

That caught the guys by surprise.

"What do you mean, Frank ordered a hit? How do you order a hit from prison?" Ryan asked.

"Well, for one, you do it if you aren't in prison," Brian said.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked.

"Damn, you boys are slow. Frank isn't in prison. They released Frank on a technicality. He went to Max and ordered a hit. Max called Johnny then called me, and here we are. Now that you're all caught up, can we move forward?" Brian asked, annoyed.

"So, now what?" Matt asked.

"Well, Johnny is coming in tomorrow, and we will set it all up. The thing is, Alex can't go near her building period. Understand?" Brian asked the guys.

"Yeah," they all said.

"Good, now, if you don't mind, I will get some sleep." Brian grabbed his bag and laid down on the floor, using his backpack as a pillow. The three of them shrugged as they went back to bed, and Dave got comfortable on the couch. Now, they had to fill me in tomorrow morning when I woke up.

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