Angel•Bellamy Blake (under ed...

By Beacon_Blake

6.2K 172 18

"Everyone around me gets hurt brown eyes, now back off before you get added to the list," I spat turning away... More

Original Characters
The Accident
Enjoying The Sunshine
Hair Gel FuckBoy
Lady and The Tramp
The Way The Cookie Crumbles
Ask Nicely
Black Beauty
Fog, Demons, and Goodbyes
Battered and Bruised
My Saviour
Home Sweet Home
Murphys Disease

Boxed In, Breaking Out

399 14 2
By Beacon_Blake

"Wow, you talk a lot of shit for someone that has to put me in a metal box to feel safe. How about you come here, I'll show you why my last roomie was transferred."

C H A P T E R    T W O

B O X E D     I N,  
B R E A K I N G     O U T


I was sitting perched on the top bunk drawing the view I had of the earth miles away. While shading it in a bang comes from the door and a guard starts yelling to get my attention.

"Hey psycho, you got yourself a new roomie. We'd prefer it if you didn't try and kill this one," the guard sassed. Finally looking up from my drawing unfazed I looked past the girl to the guard. Hopping off the mattress I slowly made my way towards the pair.

"Wow, you talk a lot of shit for someone that has to put me in a metal box to feel safe. How about you come here, I'll show you why my last roomie was transferred." As I threatened the guard my new roommate began to look quite uncomfortable. After a solid thirty second stare down the door was slammed shut and locked. A sigh escaped my parted lips as I spun on my heels and scoped out the girl in front of me. Dark brown hair, blue green eyes, arched brows, slender frame and an extremely worried look on her face.

"You didn't actually try and kill your last cell mate did you?" She questioned still on edge. Shaking my head I let out a breathy chuckle.

"No we just really didn't get along so she said I tried to kill her to get transferred," I explained as I was about to hop onto the top bunk, before I could she interrupted my movements.

"Um, well my names Octavia Blake. What's yo-" I cut her off right there turning my body so I was facing her. My actions startled the girl but I knew eventually she'd stop being as jumpy around me. Looking at her I realized that I probably should have been able to tell. She definitely looked like a Blake.

"Octavia Blake as in Aurora and Bellamy Blake?"

"Hey, yeah, how'd you know?"

"My names Alaska Laine and my brothers are Ace and Phoenix." I watched her mouth create a big "O" shape as she processed the information I had just put on her.

        "How are they?" I asked finally jumping up onto my bed. Re positioning myself I continued to draw the planet below me while still keeping all my attention on the younger girl in the room.

        "They got arrested with me. I went to the masquerade party and got caught. Bell tried to get to the twins but he didn't make it, my mother got caught too." At the last part she let out a chocked sob and it sunk in that Aurora was dead. The only mother figure I had in my life was dead.

      "She really was a great women. She'd been like a mother to me my whole life. She even taught me how to draw which has become something I'm pretty good at. Sorry for your loss." I gazed out at the earth thinking about how much Aurora would have loved to see it. A single tear fell from my eye but I brushed it away quickly.

"You know your brothers talk about you a lot. They never shut up. Constantly saying stupid little comments to each other. Sometimes I'd walk in on them having these really deep conversations or where one of them would just look sad. I think they're really lonely without you," she said this is a quiet voice.

"Not like I can just get up and see them," I snapped back at the younger girl.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad," she murmured. I went back to my drawing ignoring the feeling in my stomach. Ignoring the feeling telling me that my brothers getting arrested was my fault. I was supposed to be there and help them. Teach them. Love them, but I was too busy being locked up in a cell.


          Sitting on the top bunk I threw a bouncy ball I had got from one of the guards against the wall. Octavia was out eating dinner in the dinning hall while I was stuck in the room with a tray sitting on the floor. The food looked like disgusting mush and I really wasn't in the mood to eat. Being in solitary sucked.

       I had the same constant pattern going, the ball would hit the ground, bounce off the wall and back into my hand. Continuing the same thing for 30 minutes Octavia eventually came back into the room with a guard escorting her. I stopped what I was doing and paid attention to them.

"Hey can I see my brothers?" I asked the guard nicely. I hadn't seen them for over 2 years and they'd been locked up for almost 6 months now. I didn't have very long left until I'd be floated and wanted to see them again.

"What makes you think you have that right? Huh? You murdered your father in cold blood and you expect me to just let you waltz out of here, and go visit your two psycho, illegal brothers. I think not," the guard rudely hissed at me. Jumping off the bed I began walking over to him.

"First off asshole it was self defence. Not like you'd know anything about that because all you do is assault prisoners for no reason. Second off my brothers didn't ask to be born. The one child rule is fucking bullshit. Third off if you ever talk about my family like that again I will cut your tongue out and feed it to you. Don't test me Smith. I will kill you," I spat getting up in his face.

      Despite my short height I still glared into his eyes. I had advanced on him so much that our noses were almost touching and I could feel his breath on my face. He glared down at me not fazed by my outburst. That's when a small smirk found its way onto his face as he crouched slightly getting to my level.

"Feisty little one. Too bad soon you're going to be dead and going straight to hell. Maybe you'll finally see your whore of a mother again. Then your bastard brothers will be there too eventually," he said quietly like it was just meant for me even though he knew Octavia could hear as she stood behind me expecting the worst.

      That's when I snapped. I swung my fist at him contacting perfectly with his jaw. He recoiled backwards and wasn't ready for when I hit him again. I swiped my foot underneath his making him collapse to the ground. On his way down he grabbed my legs forcing me with him. He got on top of me straddling my waist as he began to hit me. I spun us over and started wailing on him. Punch after punch. Eventually his face was so covered in blood I didn't recognize it and my fists were throbbing. Standing up I looked at Octavia and smiled lightly.

"Ready for an adventure?" I asked confidence rolling off me in waves. She glanced at the guard on the ground before cautiously walking around him. She grabbed my hand and began to sprint to the left. I knew where she was taking me. To the dining hall.


           After taking many twisted and turns eventually we found a large set of doors. We had avoided all the guards up to this point but I knew beyond these doors there'd be about a dozen of them. Locking my ice blue eyes with Octavia we both nodded pushing on the door. The view in front of me was so foreign. There were hundreds of prisoners laughing and joking. Some sitting by them selves but most with other delinquents.

      My eyes scanned the area looking for two specific boys. My eyes locked onto them just as the guards noticed me. Sprinting through the room I hopped over a table running towards the boys. They seemed to notice the commotion and turned around to see what was happening. I collided into them and wrapped my arms around them.

"Alaska." I heard Ace breath into my hair. I laughed lightly pulling away looking at them both.

"I missed you so much; both of you. Goodbye Phoenix, goodbye Ace," I said lovingly as the other delinquents watched on in awe. After all I was the girl that killed her father and had somehow got out of solitary. I smiled sadly at them before letting go. Letting the guards escort me back to my cell. On the way back I smiled at the ground feeling satisfied.

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