Cowboy Up

Par WoohBoo

139K 3.4K 224

Charlie is a city girl but living with her grandpa made her an independent "country" girl. No one would ever... Plus

I have a question
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Update time 11-15-22
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6.8K 171 15
Par WoohBoo

"No, no, not again." I say out to the car. I pull over to the side of the road and finally roll to a stop. I take the keys out of the ignition and just rest my head on the steering wheel. I shake my head and decide to get out of the car and see what went wrong this time.

Opening up the hood a puff of smoke comes out. 

"Typical" I say to myself. I check my oil and see that it's still good. I frown and wipe my hands on my pants.

"I'm in the middle of nowhere and you decide to do this now? Let me not forget that it's probably 100 degrees out here." I wipe my head and close my hood. I open up my shirt and let the somewhat wind blow through it so my body won't be as hot. I open up the hood before I walk back to driver's side and get in. I recline my chair back roll down my window just a little so air can flow through. Within some minutes I am sleeping like child.


"Landon my man it's about time you get yourself out of the damn ranch, and get yourself a lady." I hear the ranch hands whoop and holler at Ace's statement. I just shake my head and continue to drive down the lonely road heading into town.

"Come on Lan. How long has it been since you've had a good'ol-"

"Say one more word Ace and I swear I'll leave your ass here on the road." With that he shuts up and sits back in his seat. I grin to myself and my ego shoots up knowing that I am the alpha male in the car and the ranch.

I think back to what Ace was going to say. When was the last time I went out? When was the last time I slept with someone? The last person I remember and know is my ex fiancé. Ranch life wasn't cutting it for her so she up and left. I was surprised to see her leave. She acted like she loved being at the ranch and being around everyone. Then again, it does get lonely out there, being the only female and all. I just shake my head from the memories when I notice a beat down car with the hood open. I frown and just continue on driving but looking who's inside the car and if they need help. While passing it I saw a girl in drivers side... sleeping? Did she need help? Not taking chances I turned back around and parked behind the car.

"Couldn't resist could ya Landon?"

"Shut up Ace and let's see what's wrong." I get out of the truck and look over the beat up old looking car. Paint job is gone to hell. License plate is rusty and falling apart. Car has hail damage and other dents that could be made by another car or other things. I shake my head and wonder over to the driver side. I go to speak to the girl but am shot frozen looking at her.

She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Her brown light hair is tied up in a loose messy bun. Her forehead has a smear what seems to be oil. Her eyebrows perfect to the T but they are in a worrisome furrow. Eyelashes long and curled so that they touch her lightly freckled cheeks. Her cute button nose has a little oil on it as well. Her full pink pouty lips are slightly open. My eyes travel down further and come to her chest. She's not heavy in that area but not that small either. With each breath her chest rises and falls. I go down further and see her small slim waist. My girl has curves. Wait, my girl? I shake my head and remember why I'm here.

"Hello ma'am?" I say knocking on the window. I wait for a response but nothing comes. I frown and knock again on the window. She doesn't even flinch. I check if she's breathing and watch her chest again, making sure I wasn't imagining anything. Slowly her chest rises and falls telling me she's still alive.

"Ma'am" I say louder this time and knock on the window. With this her eye's open and they are a beautiful light brown like color. She blinks and stretches out. I couldn't help but look her up and down. I wonder what she would look like in my- NO. I shake my head and wait for her to respond back to me. Once she was done stretching she looks over at me screams out a yelp. My hands immediately go up and she scoots away, going to the passenger seat more.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Wouldn't wake up so I knocked on the window. Also seemed like you need help with this," and motion to the car.

"You're not going to hurt me?" She asks in a small voice. Gosh it's so beautiful.

"No I won't hurt you. I promise." She goes back in the driver seat and goes to open the door. I blink a few times and then shake out of my state and open the door for her. She smiles and nods her head as a thank you. She's a shy one. I smile internally and then hear Ace's voice. I forgot he was with me. The girl goes behind me a little and I smile. She wants me to protect her.

"So Lan this shit ain't gonna get fixed today or ever. There's so much shit you gotta do to it and- Oh, hello there." He says seeing the girl. He walks over to us and I shake my head. He frowns and holds out his hand.

"I'm Ace, but you my darling can call me whatever your little heart desires." She gives a little smile and takes his hand shaking it then quickly letting go.

"Are you two together?" She asks in a timid voice.

"Yes we came in that truck right behind ya." She nods her head and then starts to fidget with her fingers. Her hands are small and look really soft. Then I remember her question. 'Are you two together?' She must think we were a couple. I laugh out loud at the thought. This little thing is too cute. 

"We are not together like the way you think. We were heading into town when we saw you. " She nods her head and smiles a little. If only she could smile a little more. What am I saying? She is not for you. You don't even know her.

"Well, would you like us to take you somewhere to fix this or call someone?" She nods her head and says a quiet please and Ace nods his head. I move back a little and motion her to the truck full of ranch hands sitting in the back seat. I frown and scratch my head. I look at Ace and he's doing the same. 

"We'll get some to sit in the back don't worry. You'll have your own seat and you'll be safe as chick is with its momma." Ace says to her. She looks up and nods her head again. I notice she looks pale, really pale. Maybe she's nervous getting in a car full of men. Ace moves forward to go to the truck and she follows him. Before she could take a step I see her crumble down, but before she can hit the floor I have her in my arms. 

"Ace check her car for water! Tell me what you see!" Ace runs to her car and he holler's back at me.

"She doesn't have any water. All her bottles are empty!" Fuck she's dehydrated. I pick her up and make sure her head in resting on my shoulder. She's light and small in my arms. The back door opens and Danny one of the hands gets out and helps me put her in.

"Make sure she stays cool. Put the air on her." I quickly go the the front and strap my self in. I take out my handkerchief give it to Ace. "Wet this and give it to the boys and wipe her down. Then put it on her head." I hurry out of the side of the road and go towards town. Going almost one hundred we get there in ten minutes. I pull up to the hospital and Ace jumps out of the truck while I pull to a stop. He opens the back door and takes my woman out. Again with the my woman? I have to stop while I can. I don't even know her. I could if I saved her now. Shaking my head from my thoughts I go to take her from Ace and he gently hands her over while resting her head on my shoulder again. We all rush into the hospital and right away we are helped. They take her away from me and put her out on a moving bed and go rushing behind the double doors. Now comes the part of waiting. This is not what I had planned today. 

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