Finding Her....Last Love 2

Par Abha3006

123K 8.5K 630

Meet Yash a handsome and down to earth guy, A rare combination to find when you have all the attention of the... Plus

Sneak Peak
Looking Back
Missing Each Other
A Step Closer
A Ray of Hope
The Breathless Moment
Confused Heart
In My Heart
Just Friends
The Man On The Mission
Mind Vs Heart
A Lot Like Love
First Kiss
Best friends
True Love
All For Her
The Birthday
Her First Step
If Only it was about Love...
Love Conquers...
My Home..
He Is Mine
Love Knows No Limits
Union of Souls
A Beautiful Beginning

Heart to Heart

3.1K 260 14
Par Abha3006


''Looks like someone has pinned your lips to your ears, Why are you smiling so much?'' Shikha asked annoyed. I Stared at her, was she really annoyed or was trying to pull my leg; ''I am happy, simple''

''Why are you happy'' She inquired. ''We are doing good in business , that's why'' Shikha rolled her eyes; ''Really? We did best last month. Its dull this month as compared to that''

''So, even during low festivities we are doing good. That makes me happy'' I seriously don't know why am I giving her reasons. She smiled; ''Or I should say this is because of Yash''

I shifted on my chair gaining my stern posture and suddenly she started laughing; ''Resh , admit it. You are happy that he is here. Why so much drama'' I opened and then closed my mouth like a fish, yes I was excited and happy about spending my time with Yash. My heart seems to be singing its own melody, it's a kind of feeling which I can't express in words.

''He will be moving in here after 2 days'' Shikha slipped hearing me, she stared at me and that made me shift uncomfortably; ''Moving in as in?''

''He is here for a month. I thought why should he be spending in a hotel, so I invited him'' I was so confident of my reply but her smile made me fidgety again. ''Why do you care for his money? Let him spend and What will he do for a month in Goa?''

''He is my friend , no best friend and he is here to spend time with me'' Shikha rolled her eyes; ''Fine, keep him in your room'' Shikha had shifted in with me on my request, we worked together for more than 18 hrs and then she would drive for an hour to her PG. One day she was being chased by a group of drunken guys and that's when I decided to make her shift in.

''I will give him my room and sleep in yours'' this was my plan, she gave me a are you kidding me look; ''Resh, I can't sleep with you. Our tastes differs plus I am straight''  I realized after a minute what she meant and she was awarded with a pillow on her face. Shikha crashed next to me with a roaring laughter ; ''Resh you are so cute , jokes apart why did you invite him to stay here. Will your parents like it ?''

She was right, I don't know why but I invited him to stay at my place. Mom would be furious , but who would tell them . I smiled; ''How will my parents know about it ? ''

''What if they give a surprise visit'' I don't understand why is this girl planting seeds of doubt in my mind. I chewed my nails thinking about what she said. What if my parents do decide to give me a surprise visit . But they haven't in so many years, they always inform me a month or two before coming here. I felt calm , but again Mr. doubt hammered my head. What if they decided to ? Thinking for a minute I smiled; ''Then I will tell them he is your brother''

Shikha made a face as if I have put a curse on her future generations; ''Why my brother, why not yours?'' Now curse seemed to have bounced back on me , Yash brother - all seems so wrong; ''Because he can be anybody's brother except mine. Now stop asking stupid questions . Please, its just a matter of a month, will you let me stay with you''

Shikha kept smiling and then she laughed; ''Hope you know why he cannot be your brother. Anyways invite him in , I am looking forward to some entertainment'' With a squeal I jumped on her , pushing both of us on the hard floor. Shikha groaned; ''this is why I don't want to share room or bed with you.'' In return she got a long wet peck on her cheek, making her scream like a witch from a b grade horror flick.


Evening I got dressed into a cotton romper, twirling infront of the full length mirror appreciating  my look. Will Yash like it ? What am I thinking he my friend just friend. My thoughts broke with Yash's message ; 'What time are you reaching here'  Smiling I replied , I decided to opt for my bike today. During our college days Yash would often take me for a ride on his bike, today I will return the favour.


Yash walked out of the main exit casually dressed in 3/4 , a funky t-shirt looking every inch a model .All I did was gape at him , he looked like a hunk.  He has changed , a lot. The guy I befriended had a boyish charm, he was lean , playful and guy who knew how to laugh his heart out . The one walking towards me was a handsome man. I couldn't help but notice the physical changes in him , he had gone little broad on the chest part . His arms looked stronger. What would it feel like having them wrapped around me. Something warm settled in the pit of my stomach , my heart paced. Small water droplets covered my heated forehead . Wiping my face I closed my eyes to gain control on my senses. I smiled looking at him and  he returned it with a big one; ''Its hot right'' my reply was just a nod. Because my body was burning in unknown heat, Yash kept his palms on my shoulders and my grip turned tight on the handle ; ''Drive Resh, I am excited''

''Hang on Mr Mathur, you might not able to sustain my speed'' I warned him playfully, he laughed; '' I am sure you will have pity on me Resh, my life is dependent on you'' I could feel my cheeks heating up at his words. Accelerating the bike I took the road to my favorite spot.

Parking my bike I led the way towards the scenic Anjuna Beach, the very first time I had fallen in love with this place. This place is blessed with picturesque sceneries. The waves have been in a duel with rocks for ages, the splashes of water created by them gives the visitors a serene calmness. We took off our slippers and sat on the beach. ''Its beautiful'' Yash whispered roaming his eyes all over the place. ''Has to be, my choice'' His eyes met mine and we laughed. ''Lets go over there'' Pointing towards the rocks I gestured him to follow me , I tiptoed and stood near the roaring waves. He came and stood right behind me, I could feel him. Trying to be as normal as I could I turned and faced him; ''Tell me Yash , how were your last 6 yrs''

''I missed you'' his words halted everything around us, we started into each other 's eyes trying to read the pool of emotions. ''then Why didn't you stay in touch'' 

He lowered his eyes ; ''I was messed up Resh, I was desperate to move on , to forget everything. To forget her . I wanted to wipe all of her from my system, but the harder I tried the more difficult it turned. I had drowned my self in work. '' Turning around he walked back to the beach and I followed him. ''I just wanted to block my thoughts , but it came back. Resh, all I would think was the reason of her betrayal. Why did she do that? what wrong did I do? She said I was suffocating her , do you think I was killing her space'' 

His expectant eyes bored into mine, I wanted to kill Sheetal so bad; ''No Yash, your only fault was you trusted her too much''

''Relationships are based on trust Resh, was it wrong to trust the one I loved'' Extending my hand I pulled his between my palms; ''No you weren't wrong in trusting. You just trusted the wrong one. Yash, all around you could see she was using you why did you turn blind?''

''You knew it , Didn't you? Yet you waited for me to break'' We have had this discussion many years back, I smiled shaking my head; ''Would you believe if I have said she was not good for you''

He stayed quite; ''Yash, you believed in her more than yourself. You made her God, but you forgot she was human. Look, she needed someone to rely on during her college days. You helped her with assignments projects and even exams. Then during her summer internship she met that guy, he too went about helping her with her project. She used him and you both at the same time, when you caught her she said she fell out of love with you.'' Yash kept quite . ''Guess what , she ditched that man too and married an NRI chosen by her family''

''In short she used me'' His voice turned bitter. Rubbing his arm I tried calming him his temper down; ''Resh, people who do right suffer for life and the one who cheat betray live with a happily ever after''

''No, that's not true'' my counter statement got me his attention; ''What do you mean '' Turning to the waves I replied after a minute; ''She got divorced because she couldn't give him a child'' My eyes met his shocked ones, there was a dead silence around us; ''She got punished'' She shook his head on my conclusion; ''I never wanted or desired for any such thing. I feel sorry for her '' He was again silent for good five minutes, it appeared as if he was in a deep thought. A sudden fear gripped my Was he thinking about her ? What if they cross their paths again ? Will he go back to her ? He can, he loved her dearly

''Whom are you thinking about'' he asked snapping his fingers infront of my eyes, breaking the chain of thoughts. I just rolled my eyes in response; ''Tell me Resh, did you date someone in 6 yrs'' His question suddenly brought a painful memory back, though I was never in love but my self respect was wounded and my confidence was butchered in the worst possible way. ''Resh, I am sorry if I said something I shouldn't have'' Before I could respond , loud music bursts through our serene calmness. Anjuna is famous for beach parties during high tourist season, the crowd went ecstatic and started crowding the dance floor. Floor decorated pillars have maked the sand area as a dance floor and in a corner the DJ was playing ear blasting music; ''Common you two , what are you waiting for'' Someone called and we both ignored

''You must have had many of those in Goa'' Yash commented with his eyes on sawing crowd. I smiled looking at the dancing crowd; ''Yes, I did organise some high end dance parties. But they don't excite me''

''Why so? I know you can dance'' He asked raising a brow. ''Yes, but it isn't about I can or I can't its about the company. Shikha is pathetic at dancing , she literary murders the floor'' He scoffed, getting up he brushed off the sand of his clothes; ''Come, lets dance'' I blinked at his extended hand, this isn't the first time he has asked me for a dance. I have danced with him many times during the college , but today it feels all new again. ''Resh'' He took my name to bring my attention to him. Squeezing my nose, I refused. He let out a sigh and pulled me up grabbing my arms; ''Yash, they are dancing so well. We can't match them ''

''Who wants to match any of them, I want to match you Resh'' with my eyes locked with his I tried gauging the real meaning behind his words. Moving right in the middle, he held my hands like a gentleman in his and started moving slowly ,his eyes gestured me to start . Leaving all thoughts behind I joined him moving rhythmically along the music.


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