
By forevermoonchild

662K 36.2K 6.9K

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I ask, a little annoyed. "Because you smell so good and I... More

Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Update 😊
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Update and shiz?
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Jung Hoseok
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Author chat!

Park Jimin

17.3K 762 358
By forevermoonchild

         "Honey, I hope you try your best to make friends. I'm going to miss you so much, my baby." My eomma hugs me tight as she cries.
I hate this.
I don't want to leave my home and my family but I know as well as my parents that this is my only chance at attending a high class academy. We're too poor to even think of not taking this scholarship.
         I'm honestly not sure why I received the scholarship to the unknown university to begin with but eomma told me not to worry about it. I'm smart enough but not a genius, I'm athletic enough but don't play any sports except for dance. I just don't know why I was chosen out of all my more deserving classmates.
          The thing I hate most is that I'm leaving my home to another town near Seoul all alone. My family can't come with me as I'll be living in a dorm with other students. I tried looking up the name of the academy 'Kim Min Academy' but found nothing. Almost like it doesn't exist but I have my acceptance letter and scholarship papers right in front of me.
Right now I'm at the train station about to leave my life behind for a now uncertain future. It's terrifying. I hug and kiss my parents one last time the board the train that'll take me away from everything I know.
I make myself busy by listening to music and drawing during the 3 hour train ride. When we finally arrive it's almost dark. I exit the station to find a black expensive looking car waiting by the gates. A man in a dark suit and black mask covering his face approaches me as I grip my bags tighter.
"Park Jimin?" The man asks. His voice is raspy and well used. He sounds like a smoker but his complexion-that I can see-is impeccable. He's tall and broad as well unlike me who's short and soft.
"Y-yes." I stutter.
"Right this way, sir. Let me take your bags." He takes my things and leads me into the car. I know I'm not supposed to get into stranger's cars but what else am I supposed to do? I can't stay at the station all night. After I'm situated in the comfortable back seat the man climbs behind the wheel and drives up through a winding road that leads away from the city and towards the dark mountains.
I get more and more anxious as time passes and we still don't arrive. He takes us deep into the forested darkness for what feels like forever but probably just close to an hour. He stops when the road ends and turns off the car. I frown, glancing around to see nothing but blackness and trees. Oh my god! This is where I get murdered in the woods! Eomma! I'm too young to die...
The man gets out as I begin to panic. He comes around and opens my door, motioning for me to get out. I swallow hard and do as told. He takes my bags and just when I think I'm about to get abandoned in the woods, he walks over to a gate I hadn't seen. He unlocks a keypad and types in some kind of code and the gate opens slowly revealing a long walkway.
I follow behind carefully as we walk about 5 minutes to another gate only this one is huge and scary looking. He enters another code and the gate swings open revealing my new home. My jaw drops in shock as I take in the enormous almost gothic like style building that looks a little like a mansion. Statues cover the spotless grounds.

The man continues walking towards the doors and I stumble behind him, still in awe. We walk inside the buildings and our footsteps echo around the empty space as we wind down so many different turns and stairs that I'll never be able to navigate myself. I'll need a permanent map glued to my face in order to make it anywhere.
           Finally we stop and the man knocks on the door. "Madame, our guest student has arrived." He murmurs politely before the door swings open to reveal a stunning woman with a bright smile.

            "Welcome to Kim Min Academy, Jimin. I'm Mrs. Kim Jieun and-please sit." She pauses and motions for me to take a chair. I sit down in front of a huge oak desk that looks ancient but still nearly perfect condition. She sits down behind it and smiles at me. It's strange. She acts and seems to be much older than me but looks so young.
          "Mr. Kim and I are so happy you could make it and you're early! I hope you come to love our academy and think of this as home. I'm the headmistress of this establishment." She informs me and my eyes widen in shock. How old is this woman?!
She studies my expression and smirks. "I know what you're thinking. Yes, I look very young but true me-I'm quite old." She laughs and the sound is almost musical somehow. I bite my lip and fidget with my shirt sleeves.
A door opens on the right to reveal a tall attractive man dressed in a expensive suit. He smiles down at me as he sips his-what I'm assuming is red wine.

"Hello, Jimin. I'm Kim Daesung." He reaches down and shakes my hand. I feel so small and out of place around these to gorgeous and obviously rich people. Is everyone here like this? I don't belong here.
"H-hello, sir." I now and he chuckles.
"Please, no need to be formal. We want you to be comfortable here and I hope you can find many companions here." He looks over at Mrs. Kim. "I'm sure the child's exhausted. Lets let him rest up for tomorrow." He determines and she smiles, nodding in agreement.
"Please let our butler take you to your room to get some rest. I hope you don't mind having a roommate. Goodbye, dear. Come back here tomorrow when you wake and we'll give you the tour and your schedule." We stand and I bow to them one last time before being directed out of the office by the 'butler'.
It takes nearly five minutes to get to my new room and I'm afraid to learn who my roommate is. What if he hates me? What if he thinks I'm ugly and stupid? Makes fun of me because I'm poor?! These thoughts occupy my mind as we reach my room. The same man in the black mask knocks lightly on the door.
"Young master, your new roommate has arrived." He says quietly. I have no idea how the person on the other side can hear him but before I can open my mouth to question it-the door opens. I'm met with a pair of dark eyes filled with excitement.
"Hi! You must be...Jimin, yes? Please come in!" He grabs my arm and pulls me inside slamming the door closed in the butler's face. I want to speak up about how rude that was but words stick in my throat as my eyes study the room. It's huge! It's easily the size of three of my bedrooms back home.
Two large queen sized beds sit on either side of the room with two dark oak dressers, two closets, a gaming station, another door which I can see leads to a bathroom. We have our own bathroom?! I slowly walk over to my bed and sink into the mattress, groaning happily. This place is so amazing!
The boy is watching me with amusement. I forgot he was even there. I sit back up self consciously and tug at my cheap shirt.
"My name is Kim Taehyung. I was hoping we'd be roommates." His smile is contagious and I can't help but return the expression. He's so nice which was unexpected.

"Are you by chance related to-"
"Ah, I take it you've already met my eomma and appa." He laughs, cutting me off.
I flush in embarrassment. "The headmaster and headmistress.." I clarify and he nods.
"Yes. They're great! I'm so glad to have a new friend! Most everyone around here is so stuck up. I'm glad you seem not to be like that, Jimin." He says. I smile and can't help but agree. I place my bags on my bed intending to unpack while Taehyung tells me about his brothers and a couple of his friends. Maybe it won't be so bad here after all...

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