Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki...

By ChloeGonzales9

260K 4.7K 2.3K

When a young girl gains a stalker , Prince Yuki Sohma, her world gets turned upside down for the worst. No on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 ( 18+)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (+18)
( A/N)
Chapter Eighteen (18+)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three ( 18+)
Attention all readers!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I'm sorry
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Filler # 1
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
I need help

Chapter Twenty-One

5K 92 14
By ChloeGonzales9

As he laid there crouching on the floor in inexplainable pain, he found himself angry. Anger was usually an emotion he kept in check and only released this emotion at Kyo. Now though he was angry at his hime. How dare she deny him? After he had offered everything that was himself to her. He would give up anything to have her.

He was even willing to die for her.

How could she not feel the same? How dare she torment him like she did earlier...with her sweet caresses and seductive voice. Why was she so darn stubborn?

He growled lightly. What did he expect though? He let her spend all her time hanging around that damn Kyo. It was only natural that a little of him would rub off on her. It was his fault but he would correct it. Yuki would make sure you would desire him as he did you. After all no one else should have you but himself.

He stood up in one fluid motion....a smirk gracing his features once again.

You jumped back obviously surprised that he had recovered after the blow. You glared and took a fighting stance ready for anything he might try.

"You will love me."


Yuki took a fighting stance as well.

Uh oh. Was he really going to...? He 'loved' you right...he wouldn't...?

He caught the confusion written all over your face. His hime was so easy to read.

"Don't worry (name). I wouldn't dare harm a goddess such as yourself."

Okay so hitting him in the balls didn't work for too long. So what? You still had fists. You reacted to his comment with a swift punch towards that pretty face. He leaned back easily avoiding it with a smile. "Too slow hime."

You grimaced and attacked with everything you had learned in over four years. Yuki watched carefully at your movements noticing how you had a unique grace while attacking. With his dodging and your attacking it almost looked as if the two of you were dancing. He noticed quickly that after a few minutes your speed was drastically increasing and it was getting a bit harder to dodge. He couldn't anticipate your moves before you threw them. You were holding back before...

You right flew past him a incredibly swift motion and made contact with the wall behind him. It left a dent and small crumbles of it hit the floor.

"Come now hime. Is this the best you can do?"

"SHUT-UP!" You scream and attacked him alternating your footing to aim for a pressure point with your fist.

Everything happened so fast. Yuki found a wide opening in this movement and was suddenly in front of you despite the distance he was keeping earlier. He grinned and flung his foot forward to aim for your chin. You gasped, barely dodging it and stumbled your back hitting the wall. Before you even had a chance to recuperate...Yuki took a tight hold of your wrists and practically crushed his body against yours.

You were already out of breath but he applied more pressure between your two bodies. You had unconciously closed your eyes not wanting to see his face. He pushed his knee forward in between your closed legs...spreading them apart. You could feel his heart beating just as fast as yours.

"Mine." He whispered breathlessly and licked the shell of your ear. He was mimicking you from earlier.

"W-why can't you just leave me alone, Y-Yuki? I just-"

He pressed up against you harder causing you to have even more trouble breathing. He released one of your wrists and you opened your eyes as to take advantage of the opening. You noticed he was reaching down into his pocket but that wasn't important right now.

"I won't allow you to do t-this to me Yuki. I refuse to have s-sex with you no matter what you do to me." You declared and attacked him with your free hand.

He caught it before it could make contact. "My patience is running thin hime. After all it's just a matter of time before have you anyway." He leaned down to bury his face into your neck. You were sweating a bit and he just watch as drop of water slid down your perfect face.

He started an assault of kisses on your neck without warning. Unlike most of the ones before they weren't gentle...these were rough, probing and wanting. "You are everything I ever dreamed of hime." He whispered in between the kisses.

He stopped showering you with them after while because you refuse to respond to him. You seem to not notice the small piece of rope in his hands.He had gotten it out his pocket. He pressed your wrists together with one hand and began to tie the rope around them slowly with a sadistic smirk.

Your pupils dilated and your chest started to heave up and down from growing panic.

"I'll ask you one more time hime..." The rope piece was small and he wrapped it around delicately as if not hurt you directly. His eyes never left yours as he looped it around three times before he tied it. It was both tight and loose at the same time but no matter how'd you looked it at there was no way out now.

His eyes trailed down to your plump, red lips. They were probably still swollen from his kisses.

"Onegai hime...give yourself to me. I need you. I love you." His lips closed overs yours in a chaste kiss. He moved his lips against yours still finding satisfaction with no response from you. He placed both hands on the sides of your face pulling you more into it and trying to make you respond.

Sadly he had no such luck. No matter how many times he ravished those lips you just wouldn't respond to him. It was frustrating him.

Since he no longer had his body crushing you against a wall, you writhed your hands around trying to get free form the rope. It was the only response to anything that he done so far. It was seem to be no use but you had to try...try and get away him.

He pulled away from the kiss with a frown.

You blinked trying to prevent the tears from coming down and kept trying to get your hands free.

"NO!" You panicked and screamed at him still trying to get free. He gripped you by the waist with both hands to keep you still...he could tell you were losing it.

Suddenly it came to him. The reason why didn't want to give yourself to him.


It was the pain. You were a virgin after all. He would have to break through your hymen and he heard that that hurt profusely for girls. Was that was whatt you were so afraid of? He felt that it was little unfair. He wished that he could go a some type of pain as well. He wished that he could take the pain for you.

"Don't worry (name). I would never cause you pain intentionally. It will only hurt for a little and then all you will feel is pleasure. Sweet, intoxicating pleasure..." He cooed at you with his eyes closed.

"Stop touching me!" You yelled and head butted him.

Your head collided straight on with his and both of you groaned out in pain. Yuki bent over a bit clutching his head and you stood still a little disoriented. You recovered quickly and make a dash towards door...still trying to free yourself from the rope bind.

You got out into the hallway but lost your footing and tripped onto the floor. You closed your eyes waiting for the impact because you unable to break the fall with your hands binded. A few more minutes passed and there was...nothing. You open your eyes to see Yuki holding you with one arm and red mark on his forehead.

"Are you alright?" His face held a concerned expression.

Your face scrunched up as you began to cry immensely. Why couldn't you escape?

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