New Girl (Book no.1)

By HisGreenEyesxx

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Harry Styles and Chloe Spencer are two troublesome teenagers, who are very alike. They can't seem to meet eye... More

The New Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)
1// So Out Of Your League
3// We're all broken just some worse than others
4// Pleading Eyes
5// "Don't worry son, everything gets broken"
6// "Stop lying to yourself and go after what you really want."
7// Fall
8// One day
9// Chloe Spencer where have you been my whole life?
10// To Be Loved
11// Perfect Timing
12// The Truth
13// Fight
14// Date Night
15// Siblings and Cigarettes
16// November
17// Needed
18// Pizza for Breakfast
19// Interruptions
20// Cover Up
21// Boyfriend
22// Table for Five
24// The Plan
25// Christmas Eve
26// Fate
27// One Crazy Stupid, Drunken Night
28// Louis
29// Niall
30// Liam
31// Resolutions
32// Charlotte
33// Gone
34// Break Up
35// Run
36// Dad
37// Back For You
38// Perfect
39// Nutella
40// Fairy Lights
41// Strawberry Kisses
42// Grease
43// Apologies
44// Sweet Nothings
45// Scotch
47// Problems
48// Sealed With a Kiss
49// Together
50//Happily Ever After
Authors Note

2// Meeting Your Match

16.3K 348 43
By HisGreenEyesxx

I fell back against my locker once we’d gotten into school. The bell had gone as we stood waiting for Niall to finish sorting his books out. 

“So what did she say to you haz?” I’d been quiet since my run in with the new girl. I pushed my hair off my face and looked to my right seeing all my mates looking at me.

“Nothing important,” I brush it off shoving my ring clad hands into my worn jeans. The lads shrug and we make our way down the empty corridor.

“You’re going after her right? I mean mate she’s hot!” Louis jumped on my shoulders as the others went off into their own little conversations. Louis was the loudest in the group and he was my best mate. He’s always been able to read me even when I’ve got my guard up. I loved him for that, well most of the time. I shrugged my shoulders to answer his question. “Mate have you not seen her, she’s fucking –“

“Ahhhh Mr Tomlinson what a colourful vocabulary range you have,” Louis knocked my shoulder to stop my muffled laughing. Mr Carter our head teacher was stood in front of us, with a red clipboard and an expression of exhaustion. He was in his late 40s, was just a little taller than me and was dressed in a navy blue suit, fresh white shirt and a royal red tie.

“Where on our way to class now sir, I broke my locker again.” Niall spoke up as he looked over the five of us. We’ve all had our fair share of sitting in his office, more than others I suppose. He was used to our antics by now and I mean it was our final year. The five of us have been a group since day one when we were all 11. We sat in form together every morning, were all in classes together and so it not surprising how close we grew. Mr Carter raised his eyebrows at Niall and then looked to Liam. Oh how surprising! Liam was everyone’s favourite. He was the one who did his school work, got the A’s and the teachers instantly loved. I swear he was a 30 year old man in the body of a 17 year old. He won the awards, was on the athletic team and as I said all teachers loved him. We’ve corrupted him though; the Liam at parties and outside of school is my personal favourite.  Always up for anything and being a care free, young soul which is what the rest of us already embody.

“Liam may I ask you a favour,” he turned to Liam and the rest of us slipped away from the already boring conversation Mr Carter had started. 


“As I was saying Haz she’s fucking hot!” Louis hadn’t shut up about this new girl all morning. I mean nobody had really she was topic of conversation everywhere you bloody turned. I’d overheard a few girls in maths gossiping about her clothes and that apparently she’s a slag. I didn’t really take note of what they had to say because they were a bunch of bimbos. The lads were also talking about her in PE about obviously how stunning she was and how they’d fuck her, charming.

Louis, Zayn and Niall were still going on about her and pestering me on what she had said to me this morning on the parking lot. “Oh babe, I’m so out of your league.” I had those words replying all day in my head; girls swooned at my feet I mean I’m Harry Styles for crying out loud. She is defiantly in my league. 

“Hey lads!” we looked up to see Liam joining us at our table. It was currently lunch and we were sat at our table, the back corner by the large window. I was sat on the window sill while the rest of the lads were round the large circular table. I loved sitting up here, I could see everything, and everyone and I felt higher, more important than the rest. I was lifting my coke can to me mouth when I spotted her blonde curly hair bouncing through the crowds of students. She parted them like the red sea, all eyes watching her as she made her way towards our table. What the fuck! Louis looked at me in pure disbelief as Liam called her over to the table.  Once she’d reached Liam she turned and looked at us all before her eyes landed on me. That smirk was playing on her lips again and I just wanted to jump off this window sill and wipe it off her pretty little face. Whoever she was she got under my skin and I’d only come into contact with her two times.

“Lads this is Chloe, Chloe these are the lads.” Liam starts individually introducing her to the rest of the boys and I just keep my head down. Fuck! Why does Mr Carter have to be so in love with Liam? Okay yeah he is a goody two shoes, and a straight A student, but I was the one fucking his stuck up daughter the whole of summer. Okay so Lilly was a slag and I basically lived in her house over the summer, she was convinced we were in a relationship, pfffft me relationship.  I had to laugh when she introduced me to her dad as her boyfriend. I was also the one who witnessed her parents marriage break down and her mum leave for another man. I saw the man at his weakest points and I sure as hell could use it against him. He could have asked me to show Chloe round. Did I really want to do that? Hell no! Fuck!

She was currently sat in-between Niall and Liam as she twisted her hair round her finger. She leaned towards Niall laughing about whatever stupid joke left his mouth. Zayn couldn’t give a shit about her as he left the table to go for a smoke. Louis rolled his eyes at her dramatic and fake personality. Louis was great at reading people and seeing the real from the fake, but Chloe was just so fucking obvious. I’m surprised Mr Smarty Pants hasn’t picked up on it yet, but then he’s been giving her longing looks and smiling at her for the past ten minutes. Niall’s to into his own world to recognise how fake she actually was. Her hand was now set on Niall’s arm and if she didn’t move it I swear world war fucking three was going to kick off. I searched the canteen for the bubbly brunette but couldn’t spot her or hear her deafening laugh.

Chloe shuffled towards Niall even more I swear to god.

“He’s got a girlfriend Chloe,” I jump from my position on the window sill and move away from the table making my way outside to join Zayn for a smoke. I'm not a regular smoker like Zayn but Chloe is driving me insane. 

“Harry” I turn around to see Chloe coming after me. I’ve got no time for this shit. I push past everyone as she still follows me. I push the doors open leading to the outdoors sitting area and round by the field where I know more than likely Zayn will be having a fag.  “Styles” this made me turn round looking at the blonde bimbo stood in the door way of the canteen. No one calls me that and whoever does, I usually deliver a punch to their face, but I can’t punch Chloe. I clench my fists and  she’s still stood there just watching me. He was the only one who called me that! And its his fault, everything is his fucking fault. I’m never one to hold my tongue and Chloe is no exception as I walk closer to her but not to close to still keep my distance. 

“Listen you’ll be talk of the school for one maybe two weeks, but listen here whatever you want you’ll get it off foolish boys looking for a good time, and that isn’t our group. You’re playing with Liam he’s a clever boy he’ll soon click on, but I’m warning you now … back off!”  She didn’t blink or move as I shouted the last words at her, okay I expected a tear, and I can be pretty threatening. Instead she walked a little closer to me this time with that same smirk.

“Hmmmm poor Harold you really don’t see it do you” she twirled her hair again, looking through her lashes at me again.

“I do you’re a fake bitch and your only using Liam,” I step a little closer to her until there were millimetres between us. Bending my head to reach her ear I let a breath go and whispered into her ear “what you really want is … me.” I didn’t move and neither did she. I could feel her breaths against my left cheek as I stayed close to her.

“If I really wanted you I’d already have you, and sadly my dear from what I’ve heard you’ve just met your match.” I couldn’t move from my spot, she was wrong! What girl doesn’t want me? How is Chloe anywhere near like me or my match? Her lips slowly moved up to my cheek before I realised she was placing a kiss. She lightly patted my chest and made her way back through the double doors.

Has Chloe just marked me?

A/N: Hey my fabulous and gorgeous readers!!! 

So as I've said, its all in Harry's POV which I really love writing in, and I haven't come across a fan fiction that has done this yet so I think it makes mine pretty cool.  

I hope you are all enjoying it so far as much as I am writing it. There is loads more to come in Harry and Chloe's story so please stick around for it. 

Please vote and comment it means the world and only takes a second. I haven't had any comments yet and I would absolutely love them! It gives me an idea of what you think as the reader and if you of course have any ideas you'd like to share. 

I also have a new cover! I made it myself and this week I am opening up to making them for other writers. 

Follow the twitter account for me as well please which is @HisGreenEyesxx 

Its great if you already do because I keep up with all my updates and pictures of the cast are posted on there to. 

Think I've wrote enough now hahaha next Chapter on Wednesday or Thursday haven't decided yet but I LOVE YOU ALL xxxx

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