When Her Mate Moves Into Town...

By SheLovesHerWords

639K 12.6K 1.1K

Lane Connor. Adored by many and rightly so. Kind, at times to a fault, a smile that lights up any room she en... More

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)
When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)
Chapter One- Whispers of Permission. *Edited*
Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*
Chapter Two- What history we make in History. *Edited*
Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*
Chapter 4- Hope For Maybes *Edited*
Chapter 5- Caution: Chair Will Cause Blushing. *Edited*
Chapter 6- Relief in school. Safe? *Edited*
Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*
Chapter 8- Holding Pinkies *Edited*
Chapter 10- Help. Looking for lost hickey.
Chapter 11- Sweet and Scary
Chapter 12- Ruining people. The good way.
Chapter 13- Tingles as a wakeup call. That's new.
Chapter 14- Next step? Why not?
Chapter 15- Can soon come sooner?
Chapter 16- We have an announcement. And another. Oh, and another.
Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.
Chapter 18- Beating me at my own game. But hey, I'm a good sport.
Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.
Chapter 20- Lane meet Leah. The evil side.
Chapter 21- We Do Things Short 'Round Here.
Chapter 22- The moments, before the moment of truth.
Chapter 23 - Putting trust to the ultimate test.
Chapter 24 - Love from those just met.
Chapter 25- Ryders POV
Chapter 26 - Two day compromise ends quicker than expected.
Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter!
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 9- Reminder: Thank the girl that pushed me over.

18.3K 409 28
By SheLovesHerWords

A/N Hope you guys like it!



As we walk into the cafeteria I spot my friends all at our regular table. I look over at Chase to see that he's already looking at me.

"See you later teach."

He laughs.

"See you later Miss Connor" he says before he turns and walks out of the cafe.

As we part ways I make my way over to my friends when Brittney, one of the girls that doesn't quite like me because I wouldn't help her get with B, stands in front of me with her arms crossed and a glare on her face.

I sigh. "Hey Brittney. What can I do for you today?"

"Well, for starters you can leave my man alone." She spit out.

"That's going to be kind of hard being that he's my brother, Brittney." I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

She gets closer to my face and says, "I'm not talking about your brother, although I'm sure I can persuade him to ditch you for me..."

I snort. One, because B avoids her like the plague and two, because I can see that even she doesn't believe it.

"...I'm talking about Adam."

I stiffen. "W-what?"

"You heard me. Stay away from him. I know you guys have something going on. He told me. But I think he just pities you since that hot piece of meat Ryder dumped you." She said licking her lips at the mention of Ryder.

"Ok, now I honestly don't know what you're talking about. There is nothing going on between me and Adam. Absolutely nothing." I say, not caring that she thinks Ryder broke up with me. She can think what she wants. I move to go around her to get to my friends when she steps in front of me again and lightly shoves me. People are starting to notice our little conversation.

"You're pathetic you know that? Thinking that you can get with Adam. I'm sure Ryder just went out with you as some kind of joke." I'd give anything for that.

"Brittney, I'm only going to say this one more time. I don't know what he told you but nothing is going on with me and Adam nor do I want anything to happen between the two of us." I start to walk away again through with this conversation when she pushes me back so hard that I start to fall. John, a guy that was walking past as I started to fall catches me.

"Whoa! You alright LC?" He asks helping me get my balance.

"Yeah thanks John." I say with appreciation.

He looks at Brittney and notices her glare.

"You need help, LC?" John asks seriously.

"No, I got this. Thanks." He nods and walks off still watching carefully.

I'm use to little shoves here and there from the girls but Brittney just took it too far. As I open my mouth to give her a piece of my mind I hear a loud smack and notice that her glare is replaced with shock and she's holding the side of her face. Confused I look around and see that Riley is now standing next to her. She looks heated and her arm is also raised.

She just slapped her.

"Don't you ever touch LC again! Do you hear me?" Riley yells. If people didn't notice that something was happening before, they sure do now.

Brittney, still shocked from being slapped and for once being on the opposite end of embarrassing someone just nods and runs out.

I think everyone in this cafeteria was shocked as well because it was dead silent.

Riley still looks pissed, that is until Ace walks up to her slowly and wraps his arms around her. She calms down and finally looks my way.

I just stare at her and don't know what to say. Riley, a girl much like me, one that usually keeps cool in these situations just slapped someone for me.

Not knowing what to say I just whisper, "Riley"

She shakes her head and says, "LC, you would've done the same for me. What Brittney did was uncalled for. Plus, the guys were so close to taking her out. I couldn't let that happen."

"I know this is all very interesting but MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" I hear Ace yell and that's when I notice that everyone in the cafeteria are still watching us. Well, was watching.

I shake my head and look over at Ace.

"Necessary?" I question sarcastically.

He laughs and says, "YEP" popping the "P".

"Come on. Let's go sit. Tell us what happened before the bell rings." Ace says.

"Now what did you tell everyone about 'minding their own business'?" I say winking at him.

"I'm your brother though. You have to tell me." He pouts.

"I know you guys heard everything. We're Weres." I say the last part quietly.

"We didn't even notice anything until she pushed you unless we would have been there sooner." Blake says as we reach the table.

Everyone still kind of looks tense.

"Guys. Calm it alright? I'm fine. It's just Brittney."

"Yeah but-"

"No. Stop. I'm fine." I reassure.

They all sigh.

"Fine. But I still want to hear what happened." Blake said.

I laugh and tell them everything. Which made everyone tense again. Good God!

"What the fuck does she mean that Adam told her you guys had something going on? I'll kill him!" Carter yells.

I groan. Maybe I shouldn't have told them. I open my mouth to try and calm them down when the bell rings.

We all stand up and I link arms with Cater and Blake. We all have last period together.

"Thank God we have gym next. I need to let some aggression out." Carter says.

I shake my head and we all laugh at him. Though silently agreeing.

We were in luck because we had to run a mile today. Running whether in wolf or human form relieves stress like no one's business.

I hate this. It seems like all of my friends have been saving me or getting into fights for me lately. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me.

All of stressed out decided to run a few more miles.

Being that gym was our last class, I decided to take an extra-long hot shower. Relax my muscles. I told everyone not to wait up. They all gave me a hug and left.

I went to my locker in the girls' locker room and brought out my body wash, shampoo and conditioner that I kept in there.

After a good thirty minutes under the hot water my muscles didn't feel so tense. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me.

I put my things back in my locker and grabbed my clothes to change into. When I closed my locker door I was pushed against my locker.

"Hi LC."

I instantly recognized the voice as Adams.

"Adam. Please get off." I stiffened in fear and tried pushing him off of me. But of course he didn't budge. Why couldn't he have been a human? I could've pushed him off with no problem.

"No, I quite like this position." He said huskily in my ear while holding my wrists against my back in his one hand and the other gripping my waist so tight I'm sure there'd be a bruise there later.

"Adam plea-"

"NO! Why'd you have to make this so hard?" He said gripping my wrists and waist even tighter.

I whimpered in pain and he continued.

"I just wanted you once. That was all. But then you had to cause a scene and make me look like a WUSS in front of everyone. And now people think that I can't get whatever girl I want. Which I'm sorry hunny, but that's far from the truth. I get what I want. And come tomorrow, everyone will know that I fucked the sweet little innocent Lane Connor."

He spun me around and slammed me back up against the lockers. Tears were streaming down my face and he licked from my chin up to my cheek.

I looked away from him and he ripped my towel off of me.

I sobbed and tried to cover myself up but he pinned my wrists above my head.

He kissed me roughly, bruising my lips and unzipped his pants. He nudged my legs apart with his knees and I felt him at my entrance.


He chuckled. "No one's going to hear you LC."

I try to push him off me again and yell "HELP!"

When I thought I was about to lose this battle I hear a gasp and a "What the fuck are you doing to her?!"


Adam looked behind him and cursed.

"Brittney?" I whispered and pleaded with my eyes for her to help me.

She runs out of the locker room and I fall to the ground. She left me. She just left me to get raped by Adam.

Adam sighed and shook his head.

He looked at me and said, "That was close huh baby? Now, where were we?"

He went to reach for me but all of a sudden Brittney was back in the room.

"You said that she wanted you. This doesn't look like it you prick!" She yells.

What? Is she going to help me?

"Look bitch! This is none of your business alright. Leave. This is between me and LC." He snaps and reaches for me again.

I hear two growls and snap my eyes up to the door.

Next thing I know Adam is tackled to the floor by B and he's getting his ass handed to him. I notice that B is in uniform. He must be working right now. What's he doing here?

"Shit LC. I'm so sorry. I didn't know" I hear Brittney sob while covering me with a towel.

All of a sudden I'm being picked up and suddenly I'm in the arms of the only person that scares me more than Adam. Even after what he's just done.


I look up at him and he looks pissed. The thing is that it looks like his anger is aimed at me too. What did I do this time? He can't possibly blame me for this can he?

He grabs my clothes off of the floor and starts leading me somewhere.

While we're walking away I see B putting hand cuffs on Adam and Brittney on the floor crying silently. She helped me. She has a heart. I have to thank her later.

And then I realize that I'm only in a towel and Ryder's taking me somewhere. I start to struggle and he holds me tighter and tells me to stop moving.

"Ryder please put me down. I want to see my brother." Surely he wouldn't try anything while B is here. Right?

"No, you're putting your clothes on first. I'm not letting you go out there in only a towel for that punk to see. What the fuck are you thinking?" He says harshly while roughly putting me down and pushing me into a bathroom stall.

I get changed as slowly as possible.

"Hurry the fuck up LC. I know you're stalling." Ryder whispers harshly while punching the stall door. I jump and finish putting on my clothes with shaky hands and as soon as I unlock the door its yanked open to reveal a furious Ryder.

He grabs me by the arm roughly and pulls me over to a part of the locker room that B won't be able to see us.

"Two guys huh?"

I don't meet his eyes.

"So...which one sent you the letter? This guy or that prick of an Alpha? Or maybe it's another guy. Like the janitor maybe." He says taking a stab out of the fact that Chase is my teacher.

"You're mine, LC! Did you forget that? You never dated before me and now you're just fucking everyone?"

"No! I'm not!" I yell getting some courage but still not looking in his eyes.

He grabs my chin roughly and forces me to look at him.

"Sure looks like you do. You just stand around in your towel like that all the time." He says through gritted teeth.


I shove him away. Well try to and yell, "I did NOT want that to happen! How could you say that?! You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to be raped in the girl's locker room?!"

"WHAT?!" I hear a new growl. One that will make anyone cower from fear but makes me feel safe. I think I do see Ryder's knees buckle a little but he composes himself when he realizes who it is.

"Mr. Parker. So nice of you to join us!" Ryder says and steps in his face.

"Back down pup!" Chase yells at Ryder.

Chase using his Alpha tone, Ryder reluctantly does. But you can feel that anger rolling off of him.

Ryder's eyes snap to mine and he gives me a look that says this isn't over.

Ryder starts to walk away but not before he gets in Chases face and snarls, "She's MINE!"

Chase growls and starts to go after him but I grab his arm. He tries to shake me off but I step in front of him and look him in the eyes willing him to calm down. That doesn't work so I do the next best thing. I kiss him. He instantly starts kissing me back. Possessively. He wraps one arm around me tightly and the other pulls my head back from my hair to kiss me deeper. He swipes my bottom lip asking for entrance when we hear,

"What the FUCK?!"


Please don't hate me for that cliffhanger. I have to go somewhere and I'm going to be late because I wanted to give you guys something. Sorry but I hope you guys liked it.

Chase vs. Ryder! It's on.

Comment, Vote or Fan if you want! :)

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