A Good Man

By kahlatheauthor

115K 3.4K 258

Mama always told me "baby , you are going to go through a few men that might bring you hell on earth but a go... More

Ms. J'aoir , Ms. J'aoir
First Take
House Hunting
Settling In
Down in the D
Girls/Guys Day Out
All These Kisses
S(he's) Br(ok)en
Under The Mistle Toe
Uninvited Stranger
New Year's Nightmare
Being more active
The Unexpected

Game Time

6K 172 15
By kahlatheauthor

Dresden , Hotel Suite
Four Hours before Gametime

I grabbed the remote and went to Netflix before finding something to watch. We went through new releases and saw nothing so we decided to find something a little older.

"Ohhh baby lets watch 35 and Ticking" she squealed as she noticed her favorite movie was on Netflix.

"You know that's your favorite girl" I laughed at her and clicked on it for it to start.

"You know it baby, you know this is my movieeeee" she excitedly said before pulling the covers over us and getting into the movie as it began to play.

Dresden Stadium
Game Time, 7PM

"That's another three pointer made by Caesar J'Aoir for the Artland Dragons" Brad Thomas , the announcer for Sports Center announced to the crowd and everyone at home watching.

Dre and I clapped loudly with the rest of the crowd.

"That's my brother!" I screamed to no one in particular. Caesar heard me and looked over at me as he patted his chest near his heart. It was something we did as a way of saying "I love you".

I followed suit and he focused back on the game.

"I think the Dragons may have this one Brad, after all they have shown that they aren't coming to play anymore" Angela Morino, the female announcer explained.

"Well Angela , I think you may be right , the Artland Dragons didn't come to play with the Dresden Wolves" He voiced his opinion over to her.

"You damn right we didn't" I spoke as if they could hear me. Dre laughed at me and found it amusing.

"They can't hear you mamas" He laughed as I kept my focus on the game.

I looked at him and straight faced him "I know babe, as long as they KNOW we didn't come to play tonight , we're taking this W home to mama!" I spoke aloud.

"Sis you crazy, but you know damn well we ain't come to play with them" Jailee said as she came back to her spot next to me.

It was fourth quarter and there was only thirty seconds left. We were beating them 98-76, but we had to beat our score and get to 100 since they've never got there before.

With five seconds left Caesar had crossed up Blake Farley, who was the point guard on the other team. He was the one that they said nobody could check..but my brother just did so ha.

There was only three seconds left and Caesar couldn't keep taking his sweet time with the ball.

"Three seconds Caesar, make it count come on!" I screamed across the court.

He stepped back and shot the ball as the buzzer rang and we waited to see if he made it. Everything was all of a sudden moving slow, and I was on the edge.

The ball spun around the rim before finally going in the basket. They won and most importantly they beat their record.

I jumped up in excitement and started clapping and screaming along with the rest of the fans who were there for the Dragons.

Caesar and his team all celebrated by doing their handshakes and jumping around like crazy people.

Coach Johnson told them all to lineup so they could shake hands with the other players from the opposing team. I noticed that some of the opposing team members were salty that they lost and decided not to shake hands.

After he went back and grabbed his stuff from the locker room, Caesar came back by us and hugged Jailee and I , while he dapped up Dre.

"Oh shit y'all made it, thanks y'all I appreciate it for real" he expressed his gratitude to us.

"No problem brother bear, but this one is the man you have to thank, I didn't even know we were going until I caught him buying plane tickets on the sneak tip when I got home from work" I laughed as Caesar looked at Dre

"I really appreciate it man, thanks for keeping my sis happy for real, haven't seen her cheese like this in years" my brother told Dre

Dre and Caesar did a handshake and ended with the hug and patted each other on the back.

"Trust me , it ain't nothing but a G thing to get her out here, and as far as keeping her happy, as long as she's with me, baby girl will stay happy" He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you baby" I smiled at Dre and hugged him as he wrapped his arm around me.

"No problem Princess" He leaned down and gave me a plump kiss on the lips.

"Ewwww Auntie, kisses spread cooties" I heard while Dre and I were coming apart from our kiss. I knew that little voice anywhere. My niece, Acelyn whom I haven't seen in six months. She was Caesar's and Jailee's first and only child.

She was four going on twenty-five. She was truly a trip. It was hard to see my baby girl due to them moving overseas to Germany last year. I used to be able to fly out here two weekends out the month but after I started Medical School again I couldn't do it as much as I wanted.

When I get promoted, i'll try to fly her out more often with my younger brother, Justin , who is nineteen. He also moved out here with my brother and since he's a famous youtuber, he pretty much fended for himself.

"Hey babygirllll, who did you come here with?" I asked her while I picked her up and spun her around giving her endless kisses around her face.

"Auntie" She laughed uncontrollably trying to speak. "I came here with Uncle Jus, Auntie". I looked around but didn't see Justin.

"Where's Uncle Jus baby?" I asked her , excited to see my little brother.

"Right here big sis" I heard from behind me. I let Acelyn down and turned around to see Justin standing beside Dre and they did a handshake as well.

"Justin, I missed you to much baby brother" I screamed and hugged him, careful not to knock down his camera. I assume he was vlogging for his youtube channel.

"I missed you more big sis" He hugged be back and kissed me on my forehead.

Although I was his older sister, I was only 5'5 and he stood 6'1 while Caesar stood 6'6. So I was the shortest person in the family, next to mom.

"Wassup youtube, as you can see this here is my midget big sister" He turned the camera toward me announcing to his subscribers who I was.

"Hey guys" I laughed and waved at the camera.

He stopped vlogging and hugged me again.

"Haven't seen you in 6 months minus the graduation , how have you been?" He asked me while taking in everything.

"Great! You?" I returned the question.

"Amazing, I'm going to try to fly me and Acelyn out to Florida soon though. My youtube is growing man, almost a million subscribers, and the money just keeps rolling in" He said proudly.

"Good , Im so proud of you Jus and you know everyone else is" I told him truthfully. It's amazing to see how he prospered in the past few years that he started his channel.

"Thanks sis, but onto a more important question, who's this" he said , looking at Dre.

Dre stood at 6'6 so he had Justin beat by a few inches.

"Yea because auntie was kissing him, so ohhh who's this auntie?" Acelyn said causing all of us to laugh.

"Little girl you are too much" I continued to laugh before introducing Dre, "But this is my boyfriend Andre. Baby this is my only niece Acelyn and my little brother Justin. She's four and he's nineteen" I finished up the introductions. Dre dapped up Justin while Acelyn ran to his leg to give him a hug.

He picked her up and gave her a hug. "Hey Mr. you're cute" Acelyn said with the biggest smile on her face.

"Thanks baby girl I appreciate it" He said before putting her down.

"Girl get off of auntie's man" I told her before walking back over to Dre.

"Nu uh auntie, remember you told me it's nice to share..well you gotta share him auntie" she said standing by Dre's side with a big smile on her face.

Was my niece really trying to compete with me for my man right now? I think so.

"Y'all are just too cute" Jailee said , coming over to pick up Acelyn.

"What y'all getting into tomorrow?" Caesar asked me.

"Nothing that we know of. Why?" I asked him, while I got into Justin's video again.

"We should all hang out!, but Ken, we gotta hangout before you go back to the states" Jailee explained

"Damn straight cause Me , Dre, and Jus gotta hang out before y'all go back to states" Jus and Dre agreed and they went started making plans of what to do out in Germany.

"Where to next?!" Acelyn announced , I already know that voice, she's hungry.

"Off to Bacardi's?" Jailee asked, more so talking to Jus and Caesar since me and Dre didn't live here.

"Hell yea! That place is hit!" Jus agreed.

"What's that?" Dre asked. We've heard of it but never checked up on it.

"It's basically a sports grill, we usually go there after my games and shit" Caesar explained while gathering his bags to take to the car.

"Alright, we'll meet y'all there, love y'all" I said before giving Jus, Caesar, and Acelyn a kiss on the cheek, and doing my secret handshake that me and Jailee made with her.

"We love you too" They said, while Dre did the same thing I did.

"Aight y'all, see y'all in about twenty minutes" Dre said dapping up Caesar, Jailee, and Jus, while hugging Acelyn. She looked like she was about to die from him hugging her. This little girl was truly auntie's trip. I couldn't with her sometimes.

Dresden, Germany 🇩🇪
Walking the Strip

"Wait so she rolled down the steps and broke her arm?" I asked , as we all laughed at the story that Justin and Caesar were telling me about Kennedy.

"Hell yea. She called me out the room taking about she wanted to show me something sweet, and her ass tumbled down the stairs and hurt her arm" Caesar explained with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Ma was beyond pissed and she beat Kennedy but was careful since she had that fat ass cast on, oh my god good times man" Jus said as the laughter started to die down.

"That shit ain't funny y'all , mama beat my ass that day. I couldn't even sit right in my desk at school for two days" Ken said grabbing my hand while she held Acelyn in the other arm.

"Aight well this is me, I love y'all , Caesar and Dre , we gotta hang out before you and Ken go back to the states, just let me know something" Justin said as we stopped infront of a 2016 BMW I8 , The shit was fresh.

"I love you too lil nigga" Caesar said while they dapped up. He came to me next.

"Keep making my big sister happy man, you know we all appreciate it. Catch you later" He said before dapping me up. I followed suit.

"No problem bro it's all good with me and princess, and we'll definitely hang out before we leave, and when you come to the states you know you can stay with us" I told him , exposing the news that me and Kennedy moved in together.

"Hold up y'all moved in together?" Caesar asked

Me and Ken laughed forgetting. We were always spending nights with each other so moving in wasn't a difference for us. It was something we decided to go ahead and try.

"Yea right before we left to come here. We were always together and we're barely apart. We always spent the night together wether he was at my new house or I was at his house" Ken explained.

"Congratulations y'all , that's dope" Everybody congratulated us.

"Thanks y'all. But y'all know y'all are more than welcome to stay with us when y'all come visit" She added.

"Aight most definitely. Catch y'all later" He said before hugging Ken , Jailee, and Acelyn.

He hopped in his I8 and took off. That I8 engine was a beauty. Might have to cop me one when we get back to the states.

"Well you guys this is us" Jailee said as we stopped infront of their family truck which was just a white on chrome range rover.

"Okay y'all, Love yall" Ken said hugging Jailee, Acelyn, and Caesar. I followed suit and hugged Jailee from the side , hugged Acelyn, and dapped Caesar up before they got in their truck and left.

We walked over to our range which was a few spaces over and I got in the driver's side while Ken got in the passenger seat and made our way to the hotel.


"So did you have fun tonight babe?" I asked Dre as we both just finished getting showered and fresh.

He pulled me in close to him and I took in his scent. "Of course. Shit was fun as hell. It was nice to chill with your people. I cant wait for you to meet mine" He explained to me.

"You'll meet my parents once we get back to the states. I cant wait either but i'm glad you had fun babe" I kissed his cheek.

"Where the hell your brother get that nice ass I8 from" He asked while typing away on his phone.

"He started a youtube channel back when we lived in Georgia, not necessarily knowing what to do with his life. He got his first 100 subscribers then he was more consistent with it. His fan base started to grow and he moved out in Florida, where he got about 400,000 subscribers. When he hit 800,000 his money was consistently rolling in and decided he needed a new atmosphere so he decided to move to Germany for just a year and then he'd move back to Florida" I explained to him.

"I'm definitely going to have to cop one of those when we get back home" He started , "I didn't even know you could make that type of money off youtube. That's great for him shit. What's his youtube channel?" He asked me while grabbing my macbook and going to youtube.

"It's PontiacmadeDDG" He typed it in the search page and we started watching some of his vlogs and I must say they were really funny.

Of course I watched his videos but it wasn't something I did on the daily. In the middle of watching the videos I noticed he kept picking up his phone to text somebody back.

"Who are you texting babe, we're watching Jus" I asked him and he showed me his phone.

"The group chat Justin made with Me, Him, and Caesar. We decided to go out tomorrow. They're going to show me around Germany and shit, is that okay with you mamas" He asked me before texting them back.

"Of course. Ill just go out with Jailee" I told him before he texted the guys back and agreed to go out.

While we kept watching youtube videos my phone went off with a text message.

SisNLaw💖: Want to go out tomorrow? We got a lot to catch up on. It's been six months since we spent quality time.

To SisNLaw💖: Of course! and i know right! We have a lot to catch up on and I have to confide in you about something. What did you have in mind?

SisNLaw💖: Acelyn is going with my mom, so we have the whole day to ourselves. Nail date, lunch ,shopping, exploring, and dinner?

To SisNLaw💖: The guys are going out all day so it sounds like a plan sis! I cant wait!

SisNLaw💖: Me neither! I'll pick you up from the hotel at 12PM , be ready sis!

To SisNLaw💖: You know I will girl. Ain't gotta tell me twice. Love you mamas, nighty night💖

SisNLaw💖: Love you more mamas, night night , don't let the Dre bugs bite💋😂

I laughed at her message causing Dre to look at me

To SisNLaw💖: Bitchhhh you are truly retarded goodnight!😂😂😂

I locked my phone and put it on the charger before laying up with Dre.

"Who was that mamas?" He asked before cutting the tv on and the light off.

"Jailee. We're going out tomorrow and we'll be out all day most likely" I made him fully aware.

"Me and the guys are too so have fun and be safe" He kissed me on my small nose.

"I will and you do the same" I kissed his chin.

"You know we will, and after this it's me and you, I want to make this first get a way trip for us unforgettable" He looked down at me and looked me into my eyes to make sure I was listening. Indeed I was.

"You got that right baby. Like we said first of many" I smiled up at him and he kissed me.

As we cuddled up and watched TV my mind traveled back to earlier. Was it to early to get into something sexual with Dre? I mean we are grown and I trust him whole-heartedly.

My virginity was something I cherished. Although me and Deon were together for two years, the abuse started early in the relationship, the mental abuse anyways. Therefore sex was something I never engaged in with him because I wanted the person that took it to be special.

Deon was far from special. That's why I thank god everyday for getting me out of that terrible relationship and giving me this amazing man.

It may have taken two years but it was perfect for me. The topic of having sex with Dre was something I couldn't get off my mind. Maybe it wasn't too early , he was very special, and I was damn near ready. Hopefully Jailee will help me out so I can get off the fence about this. After all , he is a good man , and I was ready for him to have him, all of me.

Chapter 8 ! Two uploads in within a week , who's a G.O.A.T? That's right , Me!

Hope you guys enjoyed. I'm just thinking up ideas for them to do out in Germany before they return home. Thoughts ? Votes ? Comments? Let me know something❤️

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