Beach Babe

By EmilyWhisnant

1.1K 43 0

It was the summer before college that Cheyenne King decided to ditch Kansas for California. Cheyenne was dete... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

64 4 0
By EmilyWhisnant

I Don't Surf

I probably would've slept in past noon had I not been woken up by the persistent buzzing coming from my phone.

Devinee was calling.

"Hello?" I answered with a groggy morning voice.

"Hey hoe. It's been a hot minute, haven't heard from you. I was beginning to think you fell off the face of the earth. It's weird not talking to you everyday." She said with a sad tone.

"I know I know. I've been crazy busy with everything it seems like. You'll be here soon enough though!" Thinking about her coming makes me think of something else.


"Hey, I actually know this cute guy that wants to meet you!" I said excitedly.

"Really? What's his name? What's he look like? His zodiac sign?" She started asking too many questions. She did that when she got excited.

"Relax, his name is Brett. He's a hunk.. you'll have to figure out the rest when you get here! You have a lot in common." I meant that. The more I talked to Brett, the more he reminded me of Devinee. To be honest, I think she is the only girl on this planet that could handle Brett.

"Ugh fine. Well I have to get to work but I thought I'd at least call to tell you I missed you. I'll see you soon enough. Please please please text me more.. it's harder to keep tabs on you when you're states away." She wasn't kidding either. She really did like to be updated as much as possible. I didn't mind either.. made us a lot closer.

"Alright, love you! Talk to you soon" I said hanging up.

I could really go for some breakfast.

I walked downstairs and poured myself some cereal. I had a nice conversation with my dad and grandma. My dad's going back next week so I have plenty of time to have him incase I need help settling in.

Our conversation came to a hault due to a loud slamming of the door, lots of stomping feet, and Brooke's familiar squealing.

"Hey girl!!" Brooke yelled wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey guys, what're you doing here?" I looked around to see the whole group here. Minus Luke.

"We came to see you silly! Go get cleaned up and I'll pick out your swim suit!" Brooke was already up the stairs before I had he chance to react.

"What is she talking about" I asked the remaining in the room.

"The suns out and the waves are high. We're going surfing, beach babe." Dylan said sitting down next to me. "We'll wait down here for you. Apparently Brooke is upstairs planning your outfit now."

Kai looked over with a nervous look. "You better hurry, everyone's knows not to keep Brooke waiting"

The thought of Brooke doing any harm made me laugh. She was such a sweet girl!

"Alright alright, I'll go get ready. Brett? You're on dish duty." I commanded.

"What?! Why am I on dish duty. I didn't even use any of these!" He complained.

"Pleeeease?" I begged.

"Fine, you women I swear..." he huffed.

I ran upstairs and did was Brooke said. Cleaned up a little and obviously didn't worry about makeup considering we were going to be swimming. Brooke of course picked out an adorable outfit and a swim suit that stayed on well.

"Where's Luke?" I asked her.

"Wouldn't you like to know.." she replied wiggling her eyebrows and nudging me.

"Would you stop it. It's just weird that he's not with you guys, that's all." I was genuinely curious.

"Well since you insist.. all he told us is that he had some things to take care of today? I don't know. I never ask for details when it comes to the boys." She waved off the subject and made me quickly change.

I said goodbye to my family and we loaded up in vehicles. Brett went with Kai and Brooke leaving me with Dylan.

"So would now be a good time to tell you I don't surf?" I was extra quiet and nervous.

"You're from Kansas.. of course you don't surf. You happen to be friends with people who love to surf so there's no better time to learn right?" He replied patting my leg.

"I don't know Dylan, the ocean can be pretty scary" I really was scared of the ocean. Sharks and stuff..

"Huntington Beach and you swam in it with me before and did just fine." He argued.

"That's different, we barely went out and I wasn't trying to balance on any boards. I'm so clumsy."

"Relax babe, I know what I'm doing. I'll teach you everything you need to know. I wouldn't let you drown." He reassured me by grabbing my hand. I didn't pull back because it really did help.

It was kind of a long drive to Huntington Beach because of traffic so we took advantage of the time to learn more about each other.

We pulled up to the beach and got everything unloaded. It was crazy busy because people were there for the same reason we were.

Nice day.. big waves.

We set up and got ready to head into the water. Dylan took the time to teach me as much as he could outside of the water. He was a great teacher and was super patient with me.

It was time to head in though. There was no backing out now. If I wanted to live in Cali I had to try surfing at least once.

We got on our boards and paddled out a little ways. Letting some waves pass by.

I was just looking around until I heard Dylan yell "NOW!"

I started paddling more and more until I went to stand up.

I did it!!

I was standing!!

For about 30 seconds. I was knocked off and thrown around. I did what Dylan said and swam sideways.

I wasn't finding any air and was becoming scared. I was sure I was a goner until I felt a pair of hands pull me up.

"Chey! Chey! Are you good?"

I coughed out some water and nodded. I looked up to see a concerned Dylan wrapping his arms around me taking us back to our towels.

He handed me a bottle of water. "Here, this'll taste much better than ocean water." He wrapped a towel around me and rubbed my back.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" This kid was so damn sweet.

"I'm alright.. but didn't I tell you I don't surf?" I laughed.

He let out a chuckle himself. "It was your first time and that wave was pretty intense. You'll get the hang of it. What do you say, let's go walk the shops and relax a bit?" That was an offer I couldn't refuse. I needed a little recovery time. I threw on my shorts and grabbed my phone. I shot Brooke a text so she wouldn't freak out when she noticed we were gone.

"I know of this amazing burger place just a couple blocks up ahead. You down?" Dylan asked with a smile.

"I'm always down to eat a good burger." I smiled.

"Great, it's called TK's burgers. Fair warning, they're about the size of your head." He warned.

"Are you challenging my eating capabilities?"

"Maybe just a little. They're pretty big Chey." He laughed.

"Challenge accepted. I bet I can get a bigger burger AND finish before you." I said poking his chest.

"Alright, you're on beach babe. Good luck.. you're gonna need it"

Pfft. This guy had no idea.

I ordered a double cheeseburger with everything on it. He got the same saying something about "making things even".

We set a timer on his phone and took off. We ate the burgers like they were our last meal.


"Ha! In your face! I totally just kicked your ass, Banks." I said pointing my nose in the air.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, slick. I let you have that one. Plus my burger was falling apart." He said wiping his face with a napkin.

"Sounds like the excuses of a loser to me" I said punching his arm. "Just admit it.. I can eat more than you."

"Alright alright, you got one hell of a stomach on you. It's pretty impressive" he said giving me a high five.

"Hey Dylan?" I asked after a couple moments.

"What's up?"

"Thanks for last night. I know it was completely coincidental but I appreciate it. I had a lot of fun"

"It was my pleasure. I too had a lot of fun. We should do that more often, I can actually stand you now."

I punched him yet again "Oh please, you haven't been able to leave me alone yet. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried."

"Unfortunately, you're right. We should probably head back though. Maybe we can skip the surfing part and just swim?" He started picking up the trash from our contest.

"Sure, might as well make the most of our beach trip."

We walked back and just swam with the group. Brooke gave me some googly eyes here and there when she saw Dylan grab me or something. I rolled my eyes and turned away. We even built a sandcastle. We might've been too old but I'd never done it before and the group thought it was a disgrace.

When everybody was getting tired we agreed on dinner back in Malibu. I almost might've fallen asleep on the drive back. Oops?

We pulled up to Brooke's cafe, she said she was craving a sandwich from there and told us the food was free and not to complain. They weren't complaining about the food.. just that they eat it all the time.

"Luke just texted asking if we were back yet.. so he'll be here in a few minutes." Brett said aloud.

His words made my heart sink. Things were going to be beyond awkward and I was worried our friends would start to pick up on something.

More specifically Dylan.

A few minutes later I heard the familiar ding come from the door as a warning that someone was leaving or coming in.

There he was.. looking gorgeous as ever and hair wet.

"Hey guys, sorry I couldn't join you today in all the sand filled fun. Dad made me do some extra training." Luke was in a pretty good mood but hadn't made any eye contact with me yet.

I looked down at my sandwich until I felt a familiar presence sit down next to me.

"How was your big day?" Luke asked me.

"Big day?"

"Yeah, first day of surfing?" Here he was, acting like last night wasn't a miserable time for the both of us.

"Well...." I paused.

"That bad?" He laughed. "It's alright, you'll get the hang of it. We try to go surfing every weekend until it gets too cold."

"I'd love to be apart of this tradition.. but I think I'd much rather watch from land. Much safer up there" I was almost having a ptsd moment of the ocean swallowing me whole.

"Well as long as you come.. I think we'd be okay with you hanging out on the beach" He smiled.

When Dylan got up to grab his food Luke whispered in my ear "I told you I'd make you stay. No matter how hard I have to fight or long I have to wait. I'm determined to make you mine."

Chills ran down my spine and I swear the color in my face drained.

Of course, being the idiot I am.. I choked on spit.

With that he stood up to go order some food. Dylan came and sat back down by me and chowed down.

After everyone was sat down.. I looked around and took in the view that was in front of me. A great group of people who truly cared for each other. I mean, these people were truly amazing.

So here's to the beginning of surfing traditions and great times with even greater people. Even though I don't surf.

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