✨One Direction Fluff✨

By thembutterflies

18.6K 340 146

Basically what the title says, no smut, just fluff 😊 More

Warmth|Larry Stylinson
Signature| Niam Horayne
Change of Heart| Larry Stylinson
730 Reasons| Niam Horayne
s t a r v e d| n.h.
Seriousness| h.s.
Brought My Own| h.s.
Game Night| Larry Stylinson
Practice Makes Perfect|Larry Stylinson
boos and boo-boos| n.h.
Boy Who Cried Wolf| l.t.
Messin' with Horan| n.h.
Wrecking Havoc
The Perfect Family| Larry Stylinson
author's note

Perfect|Larry Stylinson

1K 18 7
By thembutterflies

"My legs are getting tired Harry, where are we going?" Louis said, struggling to keep up with Harry.

"It's a surprise," Harry said smiling back at Louis.

"Ugh, why are you being so secretive?" Louis said, looking around the street they were walking on. It was their day off, and Harry and Louis were brainstorming things that they could do. Harry had a lightbulb moment, and dragged Louis to the car, not telling him where they were going.

Harry suddenly stopped walking, and Louis nearly crashed into him. He surveyed where they were, and he was shocked.

It was an art studio.

"Harry what are we doing here? You know I'm not an artist," Louis sighed looking at Harry.

"Ah, come on Lou, it'll be fun," Harry pouting at Louis. Louis just sighed and started walking to the entrance, earning a "yes!" from Harry.

When he walked in, the studio was empty except for a petite woman standing behind the counter. She looked up from her book when she heard the little bell that went off. She smiled at the boys and moved from her position behind the counter.

"I'm Alice, how may I help you?"she said looking up at the both of them.

"We were just looking for something to do around here, and thought that a painting class might be fun..." Harry said looking at Alice.

"It most definitely will be fun, follow me to our painting studio," Alice said turning around and beckoning them to a big room in the back. It had many paintings on shelves and walls. "What were you thinking about painting boys?"

"Hmm I don't know, Louis what do you think?" Harry looked at Louis.

Louis glanced around at the room for a moment before deciding on a painting. He walked over and picked up two canvases.

"What about this?" Louis said looking at Harry who nodded his head.

"Looks perfect," Harry said walking over and taking a canvas from Louis.

"Ok, I'll get the paints ready for both of you, just get your aprons on please, it can get messy," Alice said walking out of the room with the other canvas in hand.

Louis went to a coat rack, picking up two aprons. He handed one to Harry, and tried to put his on.

He struggled for a moment, but Harry took the strings from him and tied it for his boyfriend.

"Thanks Haz," Louis turned around and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek.

Alice walked in at that time, struggling to carry all of the paints. Harry walked over and helped her and she thanked him.

"Ok so would you like me to show you step by step how to paint it, or would you like to figure it out yourselves?" Alice asked looking at Louis and Harry.

"Hmm... I don't know, I think that we could probably figure it out by ourselves, don't you think Harry?" Louis asked Harry who shrugged.

"I guess it'll make it more fun."

"Ok well just let me know if you need any help, I'll be up front, so don't be afraid to ask," Alice said getting down blank canvases from a shelf and handing them to Louis and Harry.

"Ok, thank you Ms. Alice," Louis said sitting down in front of easel and setting his canvas down on it.

"No problem," she said walking out of the room.

Harry sat down beside Louis, excitedly,"ready to get started?"

"Reckon so," Louis said looking down at the painting that they were attempting to recreate.

Harry got out blues and whites to start on the background of his canvas, and put some on a palette.

"We can share this," Harry said, setting it between the two of them.

"Ok," Louis said taking a paint brush from a bucket. He put it in the blue and tried to mimic the sky on the painting. Harry did the same.

Eventually they moved onto the white in the sky, layering and mixing it into the blue.

Louis moved his head back and looked at both of them, quite impressed. "They don't look half bad if you ask me, the hands are gonna be kind of tricky though," he said sitting back up.

Harry nodded his head, finished layering the paints. He put some orange on the palette and they moved on to painting that at the bottom, then layering it with some purple, pink, and white.

Once they got done with the background, it was time for the centerpiece of the painting, the hands.

"You're gonna have to do the left hand Lou," Harry said looking over at Louis who was confused.

"Why?" Louis said, looking confusedly at Harry.

"Well, you clearly have smaller hands than me," Harry said taking Louis' left hand into his right and comparing them. Harry's hand was quite a bit bigger than Louis'.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Louis said, starting to paint the shape of an arm.
"How does it look?" Louis said holding up his painting to Harry who was almost finished.

"Amazing. Beautiful. Fantastic," he smiled at Louis, putting the finishing touches on his masterpiece.

Louis watched Harry focus, and he thought that it was quite cute to see him work so hard on something. Once he was finished painting, he showed it to Louis.

"What a masterpiece," Louis said looking at Harry's painting.

"We should probably tell Alice that we finished," Harry said taking Louis' hand and walking him out of the room. They walked over to Alice, who was reading on her book again, she looked up smiling at them.

"All finished? Or do you need help?" she questioned them, getting up from her seat.

"Actually, we managed it by ourselves, we were just going to tell you that we were done," Louis said.

"Oh! I can't wait to see what you ended up creating!" Alice said, quickly walking back to the painting room. She gasped when she saw the two canvases.

"They're are amazing! But the real test is that you need to put them together," she said taking both the canvases and handing them to each boy.

Harry and Louis put their canvases beside each other. When they looked at what they saw, they were somewhat disappointed, they hands were a little bit unaligned when making the heart.

"Well... it's not perfect..." began Alice, trying to still sound happy about the painting.

"But it's perfect to me!" Harry smiled looking at the painting, and at Louis. Louis smiled back, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.

a/n: First of all, I wanted to apologize for not updating for a few days, school started on Monday, and I've been too tired/ busy to have time to write a quality one-shot.

Now that that's out of the way, I hope that y'all enjoyed this bit of fluff, and that you are all having a fantastic day! I'm probably going to update tomorrow or Sunday to make up for my absence, so be looking out for that.

Much love,

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