The Lost Descendant: The Adve...

By RoseStojkovic

24.4K 453 61

When Ben invites Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and some other friends to stay the weekend at his summer house they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 26

446 8 5
By RoseStojkovic

A/N- Hey all! I finally got a chapter out around on time this week, yay! I know it might seem a little shorter than the rest of the chapters i've uploaded lately but I hope you enjoy it all the same. I also want to thank you. This book now has 5 and a half thousand views! It jumped a thousand views in one week, thank you so much! Now onto the chapter!

Mal had just finished attaching the sword sheath to her waist when the sound of knuckles hitting wood echoed off the library walls and into her ears. She wearily grasped the sheath and handle of her saber as her eyes moved quickly to Ben's face, then to the door. Lonnie signaled for the group to be quiet by placing a finger over her mouth as she approached the double doors. She situated herself so that when she opened the door whoever was on the other side wouldn't be able to see past her. She opened the door and Mal heard a voice say
"Lonnie! I'm so glad you answered." Mal quickly realized that the owner of the voice was Rebecca and she loosened her grip on her weapon.
"Is everything okay?" Lonnie asked, still blocking her friends view into the room.
"Can I come in?" Mal heard her ask. She seemed nervous and scared. Lonnie looked back and made eye contact with Eugenne, who nodded in agreement. She then moved aside and let Rebecca in, quickly closing the door behind her.
"Something is wrong with my dad." She said not taking her eyes off of Lonnie. "He's not himself at all, he was fighting with my mother and threting to hurt her. I mean they've fought before but he's never tried to hurt her." Mal could see, even from across the room that Rebecca was distressed.

Lonnie put a comforting hand on her friends shoulder.
"That man out there is not your father." She said "He's been impersonating him for a while."
"Then where is my father?" Before Lonnie could answer her Eugenne spoke up.
"Rebby" he said, joy clear in his voice and on his face "I've missed you!" He took a step towards her as she turned to him. When she saw him she bolted over to him and threw her arms around him.
"Dad!" She yelled, relief and joy sewn in her voice "I knew you would never act that way!" She pulled away and when she got a better look at her farther she gasped.
"Are you okay?" She asked, her joy washed over with guilt and concern.
"I've been better" he replied, giving her a warm smile "I'm glad you're safe. Now I need your help" he finished placing his hands on her shoulders. She nodded and replied "Anything."

He stood up a little straighter and taller, making Mal feel like he was getting serious. He walked over to where Lonnie had gotten the swords, grabbed another and handed it to Rebecca saying
"Now I know you know how to use this" tapping the sword, which was paralell to the floor, in Rebecca's hands. "And I am going to need your help with defeating this evil man, but when we go out there I want you to try and stay out of the fight as much as possible and only use this when absolutely necessary."
"But Dad." She objected
"I don't want you getting hurt." He said placing a fatherly hand on her shoulder.
"I'm not a kid any more"
"I know, bu-" Eugenne was cut off by Carlos
"Look I know you care for your daughter and you don't want to put her in harm's way, but the longer we're in here the more time he has to get away, or worse, hurt Rapunzel."  Eugenne turned toward the black and white clad boy, a look on his face that conveyed both annoyance and understanding. Before he could say anything though, Lonnie spoke up.

"Carlos is right" she said, her tone urgent but compassionate.
"And if it helps" Jay added "I'll stick with her and make sure she's safe." This seemed, to Mal, to have convinced the prince of his daughter's safety. He turned toward Ben
"How do you propose we do this?"

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