Little Middle Earth Short Sto...

By Middle_Earth_

32.7K 1.6K 400

Short stories about your favourite characters from little middle earth :3 More

Little Middle Earth Short Stories
Little Frodo
Little Legolas
Little Aragorn
Little Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen
Little Gimli
Little Thorin
Little Boromir and Faramir
Little Eowyn and Eomer
Little Merry and Pippin
Little Tauriel
Little Sauron
Little Eruanna and Thranduil
Little Bilbo
Little Tarlancerseal and Faramir
Little Morgana and Aragorn
Little Eruaistaniel and Elladan
Little Sam, Frodo, Merry and Pippin
Sassy Thranduil
Sassy Thranduil Pt.2
Sassy Thranduil Pt.3 Meets a Sassy Thorin
Mischievous Merry meets Frodo and Pippin
Little Fili and Kili (Part 2)
Little Fili and Kili (crossover)
Little Fili and Kili (Special)
Little Fili and Kili (Family)
Little Faramir

Little Kili and Fili

2K 108 28
By Middle_Earth_

"Fili, wait!" Kili called stumbling after his brother, trailing a wooden sword. Fili stopped and turned to face his brother. "Hurry up, Kili! Uncle Thorin is here." Flinging his sword aside, he fell to the ground at his brother's feet and exclaimed in between breaths, "But you're so much bigger then me!"

Fili rolled his eyes and smiled down at his brother, "Hey, how about I give you a ride?" Kili smiled and reached to wrap his arms around his brother's neck.

Stumbling Fili lifted his brother in one hand and in the other retrieved his sword. "Hurry up, Fili," kili called giggling. Laughing, Fili poked him in the stomach and said teasingly, "Hey careful, or I might just trip and send you flying into the river."

Kili clamped his hands over his mouth, stifling a laugh. "Uncle Thorin!" Kili called struggling to wrestle out of Fili's grip. Giggling, he stumbled towards Thorin and held his arm's out, Fili followed trailing both wooden swords.

Crouching down, Thorin laughed and embraced Kili, making him laugh in excitement. "Look at you," Thorin cried lifting him onto his shoulders. Fili smiled and looked up at Thorin "Hey Fili, you've grown since the last time I saw you," puffing his chest out Fili nodded in agreement and excalimed, "Yes, I'm almost as big as you are, maybe next time you can take me on a quest." Laughing Thorin muttered, "We'll see."

"Uncle, look what Balin brought us," Kili cried pointing to the wooden swords in Fili's hands.

Grabbing Kili and lifting him up, Thorin laughed and said teasingly, "Now, young lads shouldn't carry swords and weapons." Kili crossed his arm's over his chest and went stiff, "I am not a little boy!" Tickling him under his chin he replied, "Of course not."

Tugging at his shirt Fili handed kili his sword and asked, "Uncle do you want to play with us?" smiling, he ruffled his hair and nodded. Kili laughed and wrestled out of his grip and stumbled backwards, "You can be Smaug and we'll be the hero's." Laughing both Fili and Kili ran off to search for a place to hide. Sighing thorin lifted his arms, to give him a more menancing look and began searching for the boys.


Pressing his back harder aginst the tree, Fili gripped his sword tighter and held his breath in anticipation. Jumping out from his hiding place, Fili ran towards thorin, but he was too experienced and knocked him down with a leg sweep. but before Fili hit the ground, Thorin grabbed him, steadying him.

"Nice try," Thorin excalimed helping Fili regain his senses. "Now just one little hero left," thorin whispered nodding towards the wooden sword half concealed in the bush.

But before Thorin had the chance to reveal him, Kili jumped up from behind him, wrapping his arms tightly around his legs. Thorin cried out in surprise and stumbled, tripping over his own two feet. Fili laughed and watched as Kili clapped his hands in delight and declared, "I have defeated smaug!"

Thorin grumbled under his breath and dusted himself off. Kili stopped laughing and went up to him and held out his sword, "Don't be angry Uncle, I'm sorry, I promise I'll let you be the hero next time."

Laughing Thorin grabbed kili making him squeal in surprise and wrestled him to the ground. Fili giggled and grabbed hold of Thorin's arm, pinning him down. Falling onto the ground exhaustedly, Kili climbed onto his stomach and Fili knelt down beside's him.

Ruffling Kili's and Fili's hair he muttered, "You two will make fine warriors when you grow up," at his remark both Fili and Kili smiled.

Yawning sleepily, Kili closed his eyes and fell asleep, curled up in a tight ball, and not long after Fili did as well. Thorin smiled, but did not go to wake them. He smiled and breathed in deeply, taking in the peacefulness of the night.

I know this doesn't really do them justice, and I'm open to any suggestions on how I could improve this. Hope you enjoy!!!!! ^_^


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