A Good Man

De kahlatheauthor

115K 3.4K 258

Mama always told me "baby , you are going to go through a few men that might bring you hell on earth but a go... Mai multe

Ms. J'aoir , Ms. J'aoir
First Take
House Hunting
Down in the D
Game Time
Girls/Guys Day Out
All These Kisses
S(he's) Br(ok)en
Under The Mistle Toe
Uninvited Stranger
New Year's Nightmare
Being more active
The Unexpected

Settling In

7.9K 218 8
De kahlatheauthor

1 Month Later, August
J'Aoir Household

Kennedy J.

"Please be careful with that , it's an Ontario Vetali original" I spoke aloud to one of the movers, who sat my painting down in my living room.

For the past month i've been moving everything little by little from my condo into my new home. I've had some of the rooms re-painted, and i've moved furniture into most of the rooms.

I put all of my dishes into their places in the kitchen and bought some new silverware for the new home.

Andre has been helping me get settled as well and helped me decorate some of my rooms. Our relationship is going great and we've been getting to know each other. I've stayed at his place a few times since my house wasn't fully done and my condo was a mess.

I graduated from Miami Dade Medical School, and got my PhD. I still work at Aventura and currently as a Forensic Nurse. still make great money, and more than enough.

My brother and Sister-N-Law flew back home after my graduation, but Andre and I were planning on going to his game in Germany, we had the hotel booked and court side seats, and to be sure we can be there , Andre bought tickets a whole two months in advanced.

"Everything is settled ma'am, that's the last of it. Congratulations on your new home" The female mover said, as they started to make their way out.

I hugged her and thanked her again for all of her help for the past month. "Thank you so much , I really appreciate it."

I followed behind them and locked the door, as I made my way to my room. When I got up there Dre was just getting out of the shower and throwing some clothes on so he could get comfortable.

"Did the movers leave yet bae?" He asked as I put my night clothes on.

I pulled the covers back and laid down in my bed. "Yea, they left right before I came upstairs, and everything for the living room is downstairs, after I get that situated the house will be complete" I said excitedly as I talked about my first home that I brought on my own.

He laid down in bed beside me, and flipped through netflix to find something for us to watch.

"Thank you so much for helping out here, I really appreciate it baby" I said as I laid my head on his chest.

"As your man , it's my duty to help my lady, no need to thank me" He assured me , as we shared a passionate kiss.

"Are you spending the night?" He continued to scroll through netflix and replied with a smile and a "yes", as we began to binge watch Wentworth.

While we were finishing up an episode I was getting a facetime call from Tisha. I picked up the phone and looked over at Dre who was on snapchat looking through his memories at photos to post of us.

"Hey Bestieee" I said answering the phone

"Is that my beautiful bestfriend?" She replied back excitedly

"That would be me bestie" She looked back at me confused

"Hold on bitch , I need to get my eyes checked , because I know I don't see you laying on another body" She said referring to me laying on Dre's chest.

Dre looked at Tisha and laughed, and Tisha's mouth dropped.

"I just heard a deep ass laugh bestie , you don't laugh like that, spill the tea , spill it now! Iman! get in here! Ken has a man in her room!" She said calling out to her husband , Iman

A few seconds later Iman was in the camera causing me and Dre to laugh and I turned the phone so his face could be in the camera with mine.

"Oh shit, Andre ? Andre Brewster? Wassup my dude!" Iman said as he saw Dre's face

I wasn't aware that they knew each other.

"Iman? Man , ain't shit going on, just spending time with my lady, how you been" Dre said as he took my phone and Iman took Tisha's

"I been good and shit. Married with a kid" Iman explained

"Shit really? That's wassup my dude, we gotta link up soon, Haven't seen you since college" Dre suggested

"We definitely got to man , we'll let the ladies plan something cause you know they best at that" Iman said as they laughed.

They gave us back our phones and me and Tisha decided on all of us going out to eat and to the mall tomorrow afternoon.

"Okay , I'll see you tomorrow bestie! , I'll let you get back to tending to your man" She said as she winked.

"Girl ain't none of that going on, we had a long day, all I want to do is rest" I told her as I blew her a kiss

"Shooot well I'm gonna go tend to my man, Love you bestie! Bye Dre! See y'all tomorrow , oh and congrats on the new crib bestie! It's dope" She said about to hang up

"Thank you I love you more, see y'all tomorrow" I said

"See y'all tomorrow" Dre replied after me

We hung up the phone and Dre started to record a video on snap as I got comfortable on him

"My baby girl done had a rough day, now she ready to leave me up by myself" he said into the phone as I looked into the camera smiling

He posted the video with a simple "late nights w. my lady❤️" as the caption.

After he locked his phone and placed it on the charger he cuddled up next to me and laid his head on my chest about to go to sleep.

I got my phone and started to make a snap

"He said I was leaving him up alone but he's going to sleep on me. He can't even go to sleep unless he's laying on me yall" I said , causing Dre to laugh.

"I'm just resting my eyes girl , stop telling all my business" he said looking up and kissing me , before laying back on my chest.

I posted the video and said "He's so spoiled 👶💛" and put my phone on the charger.

He laid behind me and cuddled up with me as we let sleep consume us after a long day.

The next morning

I woke up with the light shinning through Ken's windows. I sat up and stretched before going to the bathroom and handling my business.

After I brushed my teeth and washed my face , I headed downstairs towards the kitchen, smelling something good.

As I walked in the kitchen , Ken was dancing to Nicki Minaj's part of Animales. She started whining her hips as she got into it. She still didn't notice I was in the kitchen.

I took my phone out and started to record her so I can show her later on. I started clapping my hands as she jumped and turned around.

"Oh my gosh baby don't scare me like that again" she held her chest and gave me a mean mug for scaring her.

I walked over to her and gave her a passionate kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer.

"I'm sorry baby girl, good-morning beautiful" I told her as I smiled at her and she smiled back

"Mhmm good-morning handsome" she replied , walking back over to the stove.

"Whatchu making over here?" I asked as I hugged her from behind.

"Nothing , Just some waffles , bacon, grits, and eggs. Something small so we can eat before we go meet Tish and Iman" She replied back as she made our plates and sat them on the table.

I said my prayers to Allah , and Dug in. Ken said her grace and did the same.

"So baby , I always wanted to ask you , what made you convert?" She asked as she chewed on some bacon.

"Honestly when I converted I was at a very bad place in life. I was in the streets dealing and up to no good. I felt like the muslim religion had more discipline and bonded more with what I believe in, therefore I started to convert and it's changed my life every since" I explained to her about my conversion

"That's good. I notice that you're disciplined when it comes to your business , and keeping up with yourself, I love it" She said smiling at me.

"Thanks boo, what time are we meeting Tisha and Iman?" I asked her as I collected our plates and walked them over to the dish washer.

She looked through her phone and texted Tisha to get a set time.

"Tisha said to meet at Primivere Mall at around 1, so we can leave here at around 12:30" She informed me.

I looked at the clock on the stove seeing that it was 11:00 so I decided to go upstairs to take a shower and get dressed in the guest room so Ken could get ready too.

I put some lotion on and threw on my ethika boxers. I walked over to the bed and grabbed my jeans off the bed , along with my white tee and threw those on as well. I put on my white Stan Smiths to finish it off and sprayed some of my Gucci Guilty cologne that Ken got me.

I walked into Ken's room seeing she threw on a black jumpsuit and her nike air maxes

"They're calling for rain today so I'm gonna throw on a small jacket" Ken said as she walked over to her walk in closet, coming out with an army green jacket. I walked over and grabbed my jean button up in case I need it for later.

"Alright , all set ?" I asked Ken as she gathered her phone and her purse.

"Yea we can go now , do you want to drive or should I?" She asked , locking up the door

"I'll drive today baby, You can just sit back and ride" I told her as I opened my car door for her and made sure she was fully in before closing the door.

I got in on my side and put my seat belt on , letting the top drop on the car, as we headed towards the mall.

"How did you sleep baby?" She asked me as she reached over and started playing with my beard.

"Well I was laid up with my lady and shit. So I slept like a king" I told her as I placed my hand on her thigh. "How about you love?" I asked her

"I slept great. I love being cuddled up with you, it's nice" She told me as we pulled up to the mall spotting Tisha and Iman near the entrance.

I pulled into the space , let my top up , and We got out the car as I grabbed a hold of Ken's hand and locked up my car.

"Bestieee, I missed you so much!" said Tisha , as her and Ken hugged each other like they haven't seen each other in years.

"I missed you more bestie!" Ken replied.

As they pulled away , me and Iman started laughing at them.

"I don't see why you ladies do all that extra shit when y'all see eachother" Iman said , as we continued to laugh

"Hell yea, we do a simple greet and move on" I added "Like this"

"Wassup my nigga Dre" Iman said as he dapped me up.

"Wassgood my dude" I replied back as we pulled away from the handshake looking at the girls.

"See, it's that simple" Iman said

Ken and Tisha gave us glares as they walked in front of us

"shuttup , If i get hype to see my bestie then let me get hype Iman, you just mad cause I don't get hype to see you" Tisha said and she locked arms with Ken.

"Yea right , that's not what you be saying when I get home though" We all laughed and walked into Sax Fifth.

After hours of shopping we racked up on a few designer pieces and made our way out the door to go eat at Longoria's which was a steak house not to far from the mall.

"Hello welcome to Longoria's , I'm Joey , and i'll be you guys' server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" He said, eyeing the girls. Me and Iman won't feeling that at all.

"Yea she'll have a sprite and i'll have a coke" Iman replied for the both of them. I followed suit.

"She'll have a sweet tea and I'll have a Dr. Pepper when you stop drooling over my lady" I told him as Ken and Tisha gave us a look.

"I'm sorry. No disrespect. Do y'all know what y'all want to eat?" He asked.

We told him what he wanted and he collected our menus

"And again, I'm sorry about that , no disrespect what so ever" he said , walking away.

"Babe! Y'all got the poor boy scared" Ken said as she looked at me.

"Shit I don't care. I know my woman is a beauty but I stare at her enough" He replied kissing me.

"Aww Ken, I haven't seen you this happy in years, i'm happy for you " Tisha said as Iman agreed

"Hell yea , Congrats on everything KK" Iman said.

"Thanks you guys , I really appreciate all of the love and support" Ken said , as we sipped our drinks.

"Now onto a more important topic, how do y'all know eachother" Tish said , pointed between Iman and I.

"We used to ball together back in college" Iman simply said

"Yea , we both went to the same school on basketball scholarships so we met in college , balled together, and set some of the best records at that school" I explained and me and Iman dapped each other up over the table , reminiscing about the old times.

"Man hell yea , why you stop?" Iman asked

I thought about it for a moment. "Honestly , it just wasn't what I saw in my future" I said truthfully.

We talked for about an hour , before our food came out and we devoured it. We paid our bill and grabbed our boxes with our left overs and desserts.

"Alright yall, we'll see y'all again soon" Ken said as her and Tish shared a hug and she did a handshake with Iman.

"Yea , we'll definitely do this again"'Tisha agreed.

"Most definitely but aye , let me get your number so we can link sometimes man, we got a lot to catch up on" Iman said as he handed me his phone so I can put my information in. I handed him my phone so he could do the same.

"Aight , see y'all later" I said as I opened the door for Kennedy to get in.

I got in on my side and started the car up , making my way back to Kennedy's house. I'm at her house more than i'm at my own these days.

"I had fun today , even though you scared the boy" she said as she laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"Man look, I don't care , I admire my woman so that nobody else got to" I told her as we stopped at the red light

"You're so mean and tough, but I like it" I looked over at her smirking , "Oh really?" I questioned her

"Yes really" she said as we shared a kiss before the light turned green , and we moved into the direction of her house.

Chapter 5 is done! The story is coming along ok. It's late and I have work tomorrow so I decided type up something quick lol. Ignore mistakes because I didn't edit.

Thoughts ? 💭
Thanks for reading !

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