This is the New Year (Larry M...

By Casifist

62.1K 2K 267

Harry is a broke university student, and he'd do anything at this point for some extra cash. Louis wants a ki... More



1.6K 43 5
By Casifist

"Louis, do you want to go on a date on Thursday?" Harry asks as they complete the finishing touches of the nursery in Louis's flat.

"Why Thursday?" Louis laughs, hanging a picture of a ship next to the bookshelf that Harry built for the baby. Their baby.

"It's our 6 month anniversary," Harry pouts, only slightly offended that Louis forgot.

"From our first date or when you asked me to be your boyfriend?"

"From when we became boyfriends," Harry sighs.

"I'd love to go on a date on Thursday, love," Louis smiles.

Harry can hardly wait.


Harry's telling Louis that he loves him tonight.

He wants to throw up.

6 whole months of dating, and Harry is finally telling Louis that he loves him. Half a year.

It's a quarter past 6 when Harry hears his front door swing open and shut shortly after, dainty footsteps following the sound up the stairs to Harry's bedroom.

"Hey, love," Louis says as he makes it to the top of the stairs, holding the bottom of his round belly as he catches his breath.

"Lou," Harry whines, still shirtless as he hasn't had time to put his button up on yet. His black and white floral slacks are already snugly surrounding his legs. "I was going to pick you up. It was going to be a proper date."

"What's the big deal, Curly?" Louis laughs, plopping himself down onto Harry's bed. He straightens out his maroon sweater with barely visible stripes and sleeves that are much too long for his small arms and crosses his black skinny jean clad legs over each other, bouncing his feet as he does so.

"It's our 6 month anniversary, and I just want everything to be perfect," Harry sighs, stepping into his bathroom that's visible from his bed and beginning to blow dry some of his hair back.

"It'll be perfect even if you don't pick me up, Haz," Louis reassures Harry, and the younger boy just nods.

"You're right," he mumbles before smiling over at the pregnant boy. "Everything will always be perfect when I'm with you."

Harry swears Louis's blush would be visible from a mile away, but he doesn't say anything about it because Louis likes to pretend that Harry's comments don't phase him, and Harry thinks it's adorable.

"Hurry up now, Curly. We don't want to be late," Louis says, ignoring Harry's comment.

"The reservation isn't until 7:30," Harry states with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah, but you need time to fix your hair again after we make out," Louis says cheekily, and Harry rolls his eyes, the dimples in his cheeks becoming visible.

"You're wrinkling your shirt," Harry says, looking at Louis as he buries himself deeper under the covers on Harry's bed.

"I'd rather you be the one to wrinkle it, but you're over there, and your flat is fooking freezing, so here I am. Miserable," Louis replies, feigning drama as he places the back of his hand to his forehead, tilting his head back slightly.

"Such a drama queen," Harry giggles with his toothbrush between his lips as he scrubs his teeth clean. He spits and rinses his mouth out a few moments later, plopping the toothbrush back into the rose gold cup on the counter. "I'm going to go get dressed downstairs, and you're going to wait here so that I can come up here and pick you up for our date, alright?"

"That's extra, but I'll stay put, I guess," Louis laughs.

"You love when I'm extra," is all Harry replies before quickly making his way down the stairs.

Louis rolls his eyes and takes his phone out of his pocket, momentarily checking twitter and instagram before huffing at a picture of one of his high school friend's newborn babies, closing his phone again and wishing his baby was here already.

"Fooking freezing," Louis mumbles to himself, looking around for something of Harry's to put on while he waits. He sees a multicolored sweater on the chair next to Harry's bed and quickly reaches for it, slipping it off the chair and accidentally knocking something else off with a thump.

Louis furrows his eyebrows and sets the sweater down beside him on the bed before carefully reaching down with one hand and gripping his tummy with the other. He feels around for a moment before his hand finally lands on cold leather. A book of some sort.

He brings it in front of him and examines it for a moment, a smile appearing on his face shortly after.

"Harry's poems," he exclaims to himself giddily. He thinks back on the deal he made with Harry, saying that if he found his poetry, he was allowed to read it.

He immediately opens the book to a random page and grins as he begins to read.

His smile falters when he realizes that this isn't a book full of poetry, but it's what seems to be something more similar to a diary. He would have immediately closed it and put it back where he found it if he hadn't seen his name.

I want to throw up??? Literally what the fuck. Somehow, Louis's baby is my baby ??? I found my donor information sheet in his paperwork for his doctor, so that means that Louis used my sperm to make a baby, which means it's technically mine too, right? What kind of odds are those? Out of thousands and thousands of donors, he picks my sperm? And now we're dating? What are the bloody chances?

The diary entry is dated 2 weeks before Louis found out.

Louis didn't make it to the part of the entry where Harry talked about how he was actually extremely happy about the situation. Nor the part where he talked about how he thought he loved Louis.

Louis slams the book shut and throws it back onto the chair next to Harry's bed. He tosses the sweater back over it and gets up as quickly as his protruding belly allows, huffing quietly as it's quite hard for him to stand on his own now since he's 30 weeks along.

He can't believe the nerve of Harry. He can't believe that Harry kept this from him. Does he not actually want to be involved? Was tonight just a huge charade to let Louis down easily? Why didn't he tell Louis the second he found out?

"This is absolute bullshit," he mumbles to himself, wiping the tears that are making their way down his red cheeks with the side of his wrist. He tries to take deep breaths, but he's just so confused.

If Harry doesn't want to be involved, then Louis's not going to force him, but the fact that he put his through all this just to break his heart is too much for the pregnant boy. Neither him nor the baby need this kind of stress. They don't need Harry either. They can do this on their own.

'It was too good to be true anyways,' Louis thinks to himself as he tries to stop more tears that are rolling down his face.

He composes himself as much as he possibly can (which isn't very much: his cheeks are blotchy and his eyes are wet and his nose is running and his hair is fucked). Wiping his eyes once again, he steps down the stairs as quickly as he can, and Harry notices him when he gets to the last few steps.

"Love," Harry whines again, and Louis flinches at the nickname, but Harry seems to be too frantic to notice. "You're supposed to wait up there so I can pick you up."

His shirt is still unbuttoned, and Louis tries his best to ignore the flutter in his chest that he gets every time he's near Harry.

"Don't call me that," Louis almost hisses as he stops on the bottom step.

The drastic change of the tone of Louis's voice gets Harry's full attention, and he immediately notices the wet streaks on Louis's cheeks. "What? Louis, what's wrong?" he asks, coming closer to his boyfriend and raising his hand to place on Louis's arm.

"Don't touch me!" Louis cries, quickly stumbling away from Harry's fingers and wiping his eyes again.

"Baby, what happened?" Harry asks, his hand drooping slowly back to his side. His face is full of hurt, but Louis is 100% sure that he's full of shit.

"Stop with the pet names," Louis says sternly with clenched teeth, and Harry grimaces at his tone.

"What did I do? Why are you angry with me?" Harry says, taking a step towards Louis, but Louis takes a step back, causing Harry to stop in his tracks.

Louis looks into his eyes to see pain, but he knows it's just the pain of suddenly being thrust into the world of parenthood. He knows just how to fix that. "I never want to see you again," Louis says in almost a whisper.

Harry's eyes seem to shoot out of their sockets at that.

'Probably in relief,' is what Louis thinks.

"What are you going on about? Louis, what the hell is going on?" he asks frantically, trying to get closer to Louis again.

"We're over! It's done!" Louis yells, his arms moving with emotion. "You don't have to worry about the baby fucking up your life, alright? You're free. Congratulations."

"Louis, what the fuck are you talking about?" Harry yells back, getting close enough to Louis to wrap his hand around his arm loosely to try and get him to calm down.

"Get off!" Louis shrieks, trying to rip his arm away from Harry's grip.

"Louis, stop!" Harry yells back, almost in hysterics as he tries to get Louis to calm down and explain what the fuck is going on.

"No! It's over, and you won't be anywhere near the baby! You're getting everything you want and nothing you don't," Louis spits the last words at Harry, and Harry can feel his heart shattering into a million pieces.

"Louis, that's not what I want!" Harry replies, and Louis just rolls his eyes and begins to waddle to the front door. "You can't just leave and threaten to not let me see my child!" Harry yells, following after him.

Louis immediately stops and turns on his toes when he hears him. "He is not your child, Harry," Louis says sternly before making his way closer to the front door.

Harry's eyebrows furrow as he begins following Louis again. "What are you talking about, Louis? You used my sperm to create him, and last time I checked, that makes him my child too!"

Louis stops once again, more abruptly this time, slowly getting closer to Harry with every word he speaks. "Harry Styles, you donated your sperm to a sperm bank, and you signed away all rights you would ever have to any children that would ever form with the help of your sperm. I chose your sperm based on a few pieces of paper that included no name and no picture, and I had no clue that I would ever meet the sperm donor I chose. If you had never known about this pregnancy, you would have had no rights to my son, and just because you know about him now, does not mean that you have any rights to him now, nor will you ever have anything to do with him!" When Louis finishes, he tries to ignore the tears currently rolling down Harry's cheeks.

"Louis, I-I thought," he takes a breath, looking around frantically as if trying to find a solution. "Last week, we were trying to agree on a name," Harry's voice begins to crack, and Louis can tell that he's trying to keep himself from sobbing. "I don't understand."

"Last week, I thought you were someone you're not," Louis says before taking a deep breath. "I should go," he says.

Harry whimpers as Louis turns towards the door. "Please," he begs. "I need you. Both of you."

Louis pauses momentarily with his jaw clenched, facing away from Harry, before opening the door to his flat.

"Louis, please, I-" he's interrupted by the loud a loud slam as Louis leaves his flat, taking Harry's heart with him. "love you," he whispers, feeling everything and nothing all at once.

Harry feels like his lungs are collapsing. He can't breathe no matter how hard he tries, and he can't move. His heart is beating so fast he feels as though it might rip out of his chest. The walls are closing in on him, he just knows it. He tries to run after Louis but he's frozen in place. He has no control over his muscles and barely any over his breaths. He can't speak to call after him, and he wants to cry.

It takes way too long for Harry to regain control of his movements, and he has to force himself to his front door, but by the time he has the entrance open and is able to yell after the love of his life, he's nowhere in sight.

"Louis?" he yells out once more, his eyes watering.

He closes his door again, and slowly walks into the kitchen in complete shock only to see the bouquet of peonies that he had bought for Louis, because he loves peonies.

He feels anger boil inside him momentarily before he rips the pink flowers out of their vase, knocking it over onto the floor so that it shatters as he slams the peonies into the wall, destroying them completely.

Harry's in sheer hysterics after that, letting his tears flow freely until he falls asleep. He's not really sure how long it goes on, but he wakes up in the early morning hours of the next day, sees the most beautiful sunrise he's ever seen outside of his window, and begins sobbing uncontrollably once he realizes that Louis isn't here to watch the sunrise with him.

When he wakes up again, the sun is high in the sky. He calls in sick to work, and his voice is so hoarse from crying, he doesn't even need to feign a sick voice.

A/N: Hey, y'all! Sorry it took so long for me to update!!! I was on an anniversary trip w my bf :)))

Soooooo that happened... yikes ! Maybe Harry should have told him sooner and not written it in a fuckin' diary -_-

And Harry didn't get to tell him that he loves him :(

Q: What did you guys think??

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