Stay With Me Forever

By jadams152

31K 452 55

Mal and Ben's lives are perfect! Well, Ben thinks it is...Mal can't decide if she's right for him or not. More

The Note & A Best Friend Problem
The Big Surprise
The Nightmare
Best Friends Are Helpful
Fairies Play Tricks
Returning to the Isle
The Sacrifice
Ben's Doubt
The Queen's Return
Too Late?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Baby Name List
Chapter 29
Chaper 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
1K Reads!!!!

The Newborn

1.1K 17 1
By jadams152

Completely edited

[Mal's POV]

7 months later...

Ben made me go on a drive with him since he claimed I needed fresh air, even though my due date was coming up. I still can't believe that I coughed up blood continuously for the past 7 months. The doctor claims it's the pregnancy, but I think it's something else. I hadn't bothered telling Ben for fear it might worry him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as we got to the Enchanted Lake. I sat down and started breathing heavily. "Mal, you ok, babe?" I nodded. "Just...ugh...breathing..." The baby inside my stomach kicked hard. I wanted to know what the gender was, but Ben wanted it to be a surprise. The baby kicked again which was more painful.

"Oww!" I screamed. Ben held my hand and calmed me down. "It's ok, baby. Hold on." "Ben, I'm in pain! Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" Thank goodness my water didn't break yet, we were miles away from the hospital and that wasn't going to be a fun drive if we had to go there. Ben moved away from me and set down blankets.

I sat on one and had a few strawberries. We talked for awhile...that's when it happened. My water decided to break at that point, which made me cry. The baby kicked harder, sending me in an all-out screech. "Aah!" Ben rushed to my side and took my hand. "Ben, we...ugh!" "What is it?" He said panting. "" He packed everything in the car and we drove away to my doom.

[Evie's POV]

I was touching up Jay's hair when I got a call. "Hello?" "Evie, Mal and I are headed to the hospital because her water broke. Meet us there." Ben said calmly through the phone. "Can I get off this thing now?" I turned around to see Jay spinning in my chair unwillingly. He had pink curlers in his hair and a face mask that looked like a melon exploded in his face.

"No, Jay!" I went back to talking to Ben. "Are you even at the hospital?" "Nope. We're about, 45 minutes away." "Ben, when's her due date?" I asked full of fear. "Tomorrow." "Ben! You can't take your queen 45 minutes away from here when her due date's tomorrow!" I screamed into the phone.

"I think I know that now, E. Just meet us at the hospital." Ben hung up frantically. I turned around to see Jay messing with the curlers and Carlos putting on pink slippers. "Boys, makeovers are officially over! We got to get to the hospital!" I ran to grab my heart purse and got in the car. Carlos decided to drive.

[Ben's POV]

"Ben, if you don't hurry up and get me to the hospital, I will personally kill you!" Mal screamed at the top of her lungs. I turned towards her in fear, hoping she didn't mean it. "We're almost there, just hold on." She started crying, probably because of the pain. We got to the hospital and the doctors hooked her up.

[Mal's POV]

"Mal, you are going to have to push, you know that right?" Ben said scarcely. I shot him a death glare. I had continuous contractions and pushed hard. "Keep going, baby. You're doing so well." "Shut up, Ben!" I screamed. "Here, take my hand. If it hurts, just squeeze it." As I felt other contraction coming on, I squeezed so hard that I probably broke his hand. A few minutes later, I was resting. Ben came over to me and kissed me.

"You did so well." "Yeah. Just don't get me pregnant ever again." He laughed as the nurses brought out a baby girl. I held her in my arms. "What should we call her, Mal?" I hadn't thought of that. Ben was busy being king and I was busy with schoolwork to even think about names. "Why don't you pick one, babe?"

He looked at me with shock. "Me? You did all the work. I just supported you." "I want you to choose, Ben." He held the baby and looked at me. "How about Christie?" I smiled as Ben talked to Christie. Evie, Jay and Carlos came in. "Did we miss it?" Jay said with a fainted tone.

Ben gave Christie to Evie and she sprung with joy. "Hi, Christie. I'm your Aunt Evie. This is Uncle Carlos and Uncle Jay." Evie said with a smile. They left Ben and I in peace with our child. "Now, it's just you and me, Mal." "Well, not exactly." Christie laughed as I touched her soft brown hair. "Everything is perfect. We are perfect. You are perfect." "I'm not perfect, Ben." He looked into my deep eyes. "You are in my eyes." He sealed his final words with a kiss.

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