Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFic

By serenityloves7

591K 17.8K 2.7K

13 year old Cecelia was adopted by the De La Garza's 3 years ago. When she is finally forced to get to know D... More

Troubled: A Demi Lovato Fan Fic
Chapter 1
Demi's Home
Don't Go
Battle Wounds
Little Duckling
Disney World
Don't Forget
Up and Down
The Fall
Dead and Back
Let Go
Simple Things
First Day
Lost and Found


13.8K 303 46
By serenityloves7

I woke up the next morning to my mother (yes I call Dianna and Eddie my parents so get over it) coming in my room.

"Sweetie breakfast is on the table. I know you don't want to see Demi today. But she is coming over and she is bringing the twins. They really want to meet you so if you could get ready they will be here soon. I'll be at the store picking a few things up and Eddie is sleeping still"

My head throbbed as I stumbled out of bed and into my bathroom. I dry-swallowed 4 ibuprofen. Yes 4. The usual 2 just isn't enough and I haven't over dosed yet. I made my way to the kitchen where a plate of eggs was waiting for me. Just the thought of putting them to my lips disgusted me. I scooped them off the plate with a paper towel and then threw them away, putting the plate in the sink.

Feeling a little dizzy, I grabbed an apple and went back to my room. I tried to keep it down, I really did. But 30 minutes later I was hunched over the toilet getting rid of the calorie-filled piece of fruit. My head throbbed even more now. Is this really what my life has come to?

I jumped in the shower and my hand slowly crept to the broken tile that held my blade. I don't think I need to tell you what happened next.

After putting my red jeans and same black hoodie on, with my combat boots, I ran a brush through my horribly blonde blonde hair.

I escaped outside where I went to an alley near my house. I pulled a box of cigarettes out of my pocket and smoked one. My head began to feel better.

I walked home and quickly ran to my room. I put strong perfume on and brushed my teeth to hide the smokey smell.

After I finished I lay down on my bed and played games on my phone. I can't let myself not be doing something because that's when my mind starts going crazy, and I start thinking disturbing things. I can never get to sleep because of that. But I'm always exhausted. It's basically my own personal hell.

A few minutes later I heard the door open and then my mom and dad chattering with excitement. And so it begins....

I locked my door and sat against it. There was basically no way I was facing Demi. After what I said to her, I'll never live that down.

I heard footsteps approaching my door followed by a knock.

"Sweetie it's mommy. Let me in please. I just want to talk to you."

My heart skipped a beat and I felt my stomach drop. What could she want to talk about? Does she know I cut? starve? purge? drink? smoke? Does she know the truth about Tyler? Or how I have know friends? Or-

"If you won't let me in I'll do this from here."


"Cecelia. Demi really wants to get to know you. You are sisters. Mackenzie and McKenna want to get to know their aunt. So Demi has invited you to stay with her for a few weeks and I told her that would be great. Since you refuse to come down when she visits, you'll visit her. Now I know you are probably furious right now. And you have every right to be. But I love you and Demi loves you. So please start packing."

I felt myself relax at the fact that she didn't want to talk about any of my "issues". But seriously? I'm living with Demi for a few weeks? She doesn't love me! She hates me! Not to mention, how am I going to cut and purge and not eat and everything if she's around? Shes a lot smarter than Dianna and Eddie about that. I don't have a choice though. If I try to run away they will see me and catch me, and it will be much more awkward. So I gave in and packed a fucking bag.

A bit later Eddie knocked at my door.

"Cece? Are you ready?"


"I know you don't want to go. But you will love Demi. Please let me in? I love you so much."

I softened, and opened the door. Eddie wrapped me into a hug and we sat like that for a few minutes.

I grabbed my suitcase and went into the living room.

Demi was standing up. She had brown hair now, last time I saw her she had black hair. Mackenzie and McKenna were running in circles. They were adorable with matching watermelon dresses and brown pigtails.

"Hi Cecelia! It's so nice to see you again!"

"It's Cece." I tried not to let my amusement show but Demi was acting like she was 5 with her excitement of me standing across the room from her.

One of the twins approached me.

"Hi Cece. We've heard a lot about you. Actually mommy can't stop talking about you. It's really annoying. Wanna see what I learned in ballet?" She started twirling and I had to crack a smile.

The other twin was hiding behind Demi. I heard Demi speak to her.

"Go say hi McKenna."

McKenna slowly walked up to me.

"Hi." She looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"Hi." I had to reply. McKenna was adorable.

"Well if everyone has what they need let's get back to my house." Demi spoke.

I hugged my parents goodbye and walked out the door with Demi. I had a slight urge to run down the street and escape. But I made myself get into the car with Demi. And it's just my luck that I had to sit next to her in the front seat right?

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