
By demetria_ehxox

85.1K 2.1K 189

"How long?" Freddy stepped up. Everyone else was distraught. "Looking at the results, a couple of months. Thr... More

Chapter 1 - The tale
Chapter 2 - The manor
Chapter 3 - You only live once
Chapter 4 - This is just a dream
Chapter 5 - Frederick and Elizabeth
Chapter 6 - Will they hit me?
Chapter 7 - I will have a date
Chapter 8 - The Dance
Chapter 9 - What attacked you?
Chapter 10 - They are
Chapter 11 - What does it mean?
Chapter 12 - My world stopped
Chapter 13- My world turned on its axis
Chapter 14 - Calming me
Chapter 15 - What's so good about being a vampire?
Chapter 16 - My decision
Chapter 17 - Daddy's little girl
Chapter 18 - Saving all my energy
Chapter 19 - You?
Chapter 21 - You may kiss
Chapter 22 - Please don't leave
Chapter 23 - The fire that burns
Chapter 24 - The viking
Chapter 25 - Will Count Dracula join?
Chapter 26 - The same year
Chapter 27- I give it to you
Writers comment
sequel! - Angel

Chapter 20 - Full of hunger and need

2K 62 6
By demetria_ehxox

This is not supposed to happen. “Baby? Oh. Erm.” Colby scrambled away from Freddy. He was looking pretty shocked at my presence to.

“Er, okay. Here is your stuff I erm. I’m going to go. I dropped the dress and tights on the floor next to the door and rushed out. “Elora wait!” Freddy was catching up with me. He is married to Elizabeth! I began to run up the stairs when his arm shot out and held me. I was pushed against the wall, half way up the stairs and he was standing in front of me.

“You cannot tell anyone what you saw. It’s complicated.” I was disgusted. Colby s my sister! Why her? WHY?! “Elizabeth came to me yesterday. Do you remember her? Your wife and soul mate? She was telling me how much she loves you.” Well it was along the lines of that.

“I know how bad everything sounds, and looks. But it’s complicated!” His eyes became a fiery red in anger. “Complicated? My sister is going to get hurt. Either by you or by Elizabeth. She is my sister. She is all my parents have left soon. Leave her alone. I mean it.” He stepped back as I stepped forward. “I don’t want you near my house, or my family. Go back to Elizabeth. Now.” He breathed through his nose, the red was blazing. Reluctantly he left, using his vampire speed.

Oh god… I sagged back against the wall in relief. My door opened at the top of the stairs and Carlisle came into view. “Was Frederick here?” I looked up at him. Sighing, I walked slowly up the stairs.

Walking past him, I heard him shut the door behind us. Turning I faced him. The anger has taken my energy.

“Get him as far away from my house as possible. I mean it.” Carlisle was confused, he ran his hand through his long black hair. “Why? What has he done?”

“You know when I said Elizabeth came to speak to me? And told me about soul mates and there being more than one?” I was talking to him as I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Yes.”

“Elizabeth was worried that there may be another for Frederick. She’s right. It’s Colby. He is not allowed near her.” Carlisle sighed. “If they are meant to be together then-” My head snapped up as I interrupted him. “No. He has Elizabeth, that is enough! My sister will get hurt, I am scared of Elizabeth. For a vampire she doesn’t seem all that stable. She let’s the anger get a head of her and all she sees is Frederick. Someone else stands in her way, they won’t be there anymore. As you’ve said, not all vampires are good. She is my sister Carlisle. She is all my family have left. That’s all. No more compromising.”

Seething in anger, I tried to control my anger. How dare he?! She’s my sister!

“Darling, please calm down.” Carlisle was kneeling on the floor in front of me, his palms holding my face. His green eyes looking into my brown. “I will talk to him. He will leave her alone; I promise I will try my hardest.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. Nodding, I left my sitting position and fell back onto the bed.

I want Colby to be happy, but this life isn’t what I want for her. I want her to grow old with some nice man, to have children then grandchildren. To have a life I couldn’t have.

“Come on, let’s sleep. You need sleep.” I complied, I could barely move with my no energy. Carlisle lifted me and moved me higher on the bed, pulling the duvet down as we moved. I could barely register the feel of clean sheets as I drifted into my deep slumber.


“Can we do this another day? I’m getting tired.” Yawning, my mum looked like she was about to accept but Ali joined in. “Nope! Come on let’s pick the perfect dress and it will be over before you know it.”

She’s making it sound so simple. But I am picking my wedding dress, that is not simple. I was sitting on the cream chaise, while mum, Ali, and Colby were showing me dresses. I had a pile of the ones I liked that I will try on and the rest were being put back.

Some of the dresses were so ugly, they made us laugh. Others were beyond beautiful. “Okay! I’ve seen enough. Who is helping me try on dresses?” Ali must of seen the concern on my face as she piped up first. I didn't want my mum seeing how fragile and destroyed my body was, or Colby. I didn't want to seem rude though, so I asked.

Ali helped me into the changing rooms, and helped me into the many dresses.

“Ali, I’m tired and hurting. Please can we go.” I was sitting on the stool inside the changing rooms, hunched over in pain. Ali sighed. “One dress? And then we go?”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. Lifting my hand I pointed to one of them hanging up. “I want to try on that one.” Ali called in an assistant who worked there; I didn't quite catch her name, to help us. She didn't ask questions at my decaying figure, but I knew she was dying to. She was afraid to touch me, and her eyes never tore to the poking bones.

“I have cancer.” I gave her the ‘what-can you-do’ shrug and looked down at the gown they were adjusting for me. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay. Really it is.” I’ve gotten used to it.

My body was flagging, and I didn't know how to make it to the car, or to the house. “Okay. This one is amazing! Look in the mirror.” Nodding, I turned around to face the mirror. Oh my. This one, the last one I tried on; is the one.


The smile never fell from my lips, even when I was falling asleep. After another half hour of measuring every inch of me, and getting shoes slid onto my feet to see what they looked like, I was able to leave.

Mum was thrilled with my decision, Ali and Colby also. Of course my mother cried, but I was getting used to her crying now. As horrible as that was.

Arriving home, I had no energy. Colby opened my door, and then told me to climb on her back. She ‘piggyback’ carried me into the house and up the stairs. I was falling asleep, but tried my hardest to keep myself awake. She placed me on my bed and sat beside me.

“The dress is beautiful.” I smiled. It really was. “Can you do me a favour?” She nodded. “Anything.” “I have a colour theme, but I need some help with the bridesmaid dresses and other things. Can you and Ali look for some dresses?” She nodded. “Of course. What colour?”

“Gold.” Carlisle’s favourite colour. “It will be the wedding of the decade.” She assured me, before kissing my forehead and leaving. Pulling my shoes off, and throwing my coat on the floor. I slid under the covers and fell into a slumber.


“He won’t want you. Look at you. You are a wreck. He will move on sweetheart. He always does.” I was in the graveyard once more. The female voice was loud, but I didn't know where it was coming from.

Spinning around, I screamed at the darkness. “You know nothing!” A cold, spine chilling laugh sounded. “But I do. I know you Elora Summers. I know you love Carlisle with all your small, petty heart. You are just a child. He likes us, all of us our brunette.” I stopped spinning, I was panting. Struggling to find the cool air into my lungs, it was just muggy and thick.

“What do you mean? Who are you?” I was screaming frantically. The thick black fog around me, began to lift. Turning I was surrounded by people in black cloaks. There was six in total.

“We, were you once. He will never change.” The hoods came down, I stopped breathing. They all looked like me. Apart from differences with hair colours. But they all looked alike. We all look alike. What the?

“Darling! Darling wake up!” I was pulled from the world, and into the real world. I was struggling to breathe, a layer of sweat glazed my body. “Darling you were having a nightmare. Are you okay?” Carlisle was beside me, looking around we were in darkness. I slept till the night.

Oh god.

The dream came back to me, and I knew what it meant. Does all of Carlisle’s soul mates look like me? Is it something to scare me? Lying back on the pillows, I shut my eyes. Being with Carlisle is becoming tricky.

“What was it? Your dream?” I shook my head. “Nothing.” “Tell me.” He pushed. Looking at him, I felt uneasy. I need a shower.

“You don’t want to know.” Going into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me. Cranking on the hot water, I stripped and stood under the spray. The hot water felt good as it washed the sweat from me, leaning forward I leant my head against the tiles. My energy was draining once more. Washing my hair and body I was about to get out of the shower.

“Tell me what you saw, please.” Carlisle was on the other side of the shower curtain. “They all look like me. Just different hair colours.” I heard him sigh. Grabbing a towel to wrap around me, I climbed out of the shower.

Making sure the towel was securely wrapped around me, I reached for another and started to dry my hair. Not once did I look at Carlisle.

 “Baby, I don’t know what else to do. What else can I do to prove that I love you? More than any of the others? I’m marrying you! I’m changing you!  I never wanted that with anyone else. What do you want me to do?” I sighed. What did I want him to do? I don’t get this.

“I just don’t understand! I’m a jealous person Carlisle. To know everything you’ve said to me you’ve said to many others, doesn’t exactly make me feel like the happiest woman in the world!” We were glaring at each other.

“I swear to you Elora. This is different from every relationship I’ve had. I pushed marriage, and changing them as far away as possible. We’ve been together such a little time and I am trying to do both!” We were shouting at each other now.

“Yes, because I’m dying! What would off happened if we never found I was dying huh? Would I be like another one of those girls? Just left when they were promised the world?” He was shaking his head. “No. No, I swear to you my love. Please believe me.”

“How can I? The night I first met you, when you promised to tell me everything you missed that part out. You also said your wife was by arranged marriage and you grew to love her but that isn’t true. How do I know between the truth and the lies anymore?”

Carlisle ran his hand through his hair. He stepped closer to me, his hand lifted and he stroked the side of my face. Rubbing away the water droplets. “Baby, you’ve had my blood. You can tell when I lie now.” My eyes met his.

“I’ve never let someone else drink my blood. They weren’t worthy enough.” He wasn’t lying. Groaning, I felt bad. “I’m sorry. This whole soul mate thing, is making me jealous. And it sucks. I’ve never been the jealous type.” He smiled.

“I know what you mean.  When that guy was with you in the kitchen on New Year’s, I just wanted to rip him apart. No one goes near you, no one talks to you like that.” He growled. My back was pressed against the wall, he was trapping me.

“Sometimes it scares me how protective you are, but sometimes I really like it.” Carlisle smirked, intrigued by my confession. “You are all mine to protect Darling.” He swooped down and kissed my lips.

My arms snaked around his neck, as the kiss deepened. He lifted me effortlessly up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Moving from the bathroom, to the bedroom in a flash I was laid on the bed. He hovered over me, his gaze locked on mine. “I am in love with you Elora. I truly and deeply am in love with you.” I smiled.

“I’m in love with you too Carlisle.” Lifting my head, I kissed his lips.

His kissing moved from my lips and travelled down my neck. My breathing was ragged, breathless. Then he pulled away. “I can’t. We should wait.” I was craving his bite, I was craving the feeling of his teeth sinking into my skin. I felt woozy from the fact it has been such a long time since it happened.

“Why? Why can’t you?” He moved back till he was sitting on his ankles on my bed. “Because. Because its getting harder. It’s hard to just bite you and not want more.” A gasp escaped my lips. “Well maybe I want more too.” His eyes shot to mine. Full of hunger and need. I caused that.

**So it's a couple of days late but yeah. I am getting addicted to American horror story ahaha. So i guess you can guess what happens... ahah. I thought i shall keep it PG. I might skip a coupld of days or a week in the next chapter. The fillers are annoying me. The big day shall be soon! And there is a colour theme of White and Gold! Royal. Baby is getting more jealous and paranoid? Oh. Let me know what you think!**  

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