Stay With Me Forever

By jadams152

31K 452 55

Mal and Ben's lives are perfect! Well, Ben thinks it is...Mal can't decide if she's right for him or not. More

The Note & A Best Friend Problem
The Big Surprise
The Nightmare
The Newborn
Best Friends Are Helpful
Fairies Play Tricks
Returning to the Isle
The Sacrifice
Ben's Doubt
The Queen's Return
Too Late?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Baby Name List
Chapter 29
Chaper 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
1K Reads!!!!


1.2K 19 7
By jadams152

Completely edited

[Uma's POV]

That wretched witch! She took away everything from me, but this time, she will not stand in my way! I just need to get someone or something that she's close to. That will get her upset, then I will FINISH her!

[Mal's POV]

It was 4 hours later, and Ben still wasn't back yet. I got out of bed and walked to his office. I don't care if he said that I need rest, I've been sitting in bed all day and I was bored. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When I heard a 'come in', I entered the room. Ben looked over at me from his desk in shock.

"Mal! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." I shrugged at him. "I got bored, so I came here." He didn't buy it. "I don't care if you were bored, Mal! You need rest!" He picked me up bridal style and started towards our room. "Ben, its embarrassing that you have to carry me all the way back to our room." "Mal, you shouldn't be doing a lot of physical activity, so I'm helping you out with that."

I groaned as he got closer to the room. "I don't want to go back in the room, Ben. I need fresh air." "You already had fresh air, and we have windows in our bedroom, Mal." I groaned again feeling defeated as Ben smirked. He laid me down and got out his phone. He went into the bathroom so I couldn't hear his conversation. He came back out a few minutes later.

[Ben's POV]

I called Evie. She could keep an eye on Mal while I was out. She had agreed. I know Mal's going to hate me for this, but its for a good reason. I went to where Mal was laying on the bed. I noticed a small bump in her stomach, meaning that the baby was growing. I probably should call a doctor later so Mal can have a check-up.

I sat next to Mal until Evie came. "I called Evie. She's going to watch you while I'm working." She glared at me. "Ben, I'm not 5." "I know." "Then why do you treat me like a child?" "Because you're a soon to be mother, and I want you safe." "I can take care of myself." She argued.

"I know you can, but not really." I chuckled. "Ben, go off to work and I promise you I will stay right here until you get back." I shook my head. "Give it up, Mal. Its not going to work on me. We both know that you'll try to leave again and I don't have time having search parties search Auradon for you." She groaned as I kissed her hand.

Evie showed up 10 minutes later. "Sorry, I'm late." She said panting as she entered the door. "Its fine, Evie." I turned towards my wife as she shot me a death glare. I mouthed 'I love you' to her, but her eyes formed emerald green. "Mal, play nice." I commanded. She sat back as I took Evie to the hallway.

"Mal's not supposed to have much physical activity, so try to have her stay in bed. She needs a lot of sleep. Probably at least 4 hours. She's not to leave the room and I'm expecting you to watch her at all times." Evie winked at me and went back into the room while I went back to my office attending to my boring Royal duties.

[Evie's POV]

As I went back into the room, I saw Mal sleeping. I wasn't complaining because Ben said she needed rest. After about 6 hours, she woke up. "E?" She groaned. "Yeah, M?" "How long have I been out?" "6 hours." Ben came in shortly after and I was excused to take my leave.

[Ben's POV]

After Evie left, I went over to my queen who was looking pale. "You doing ok?" She shook her head. "I feel dizzy..." I picked her up and took her to the Enchanted Lake where we had our first date.

"What're we doing here?" She said groggily. "You look like you need some fresh air, so I brought you here." She nodded as I laid out some blankets and laid her on them. "Wanna go swimming?" She shook her head. "Come on, Mal." I lifted her towards the lake and she thrashed around in my arms.

[Mal's POV]

"Ben, stop it! I can't swim!" I said still trying to get out of his arms. "Sorry, but you're swimming." He said giving me a smirk. He laid me in the lake while still holding onto my arms. "Don't drop me..." I said looking into his soulful eyes. "If I don't, how would you learn how to swim?" He said lowering me more. I screamed as the water got higher.

After a few seconds of what seemed like nothing, I relaxed. "See, its not that bad." I gave my golden brown king a smirk. We continuously swam until he got out. "Where're you going?" "Just to pack some stuff up, I'll join you in a minute.

I swam around until I felt something grab both of my legs. I couldn't tell what it was, but it was strong. It pulled me. "Ben! Help!" He looked over and saw me struggling. "Mal!" He dove into the lake, by that time, I was pulled underwater. Ben reached me and held out his hands for mine. I took them and we went back to the surface, I started coughing.

"You ok, love?" "" I said still trying to catch my breath. Carlos and Jay sprinted out of the water, causing me to scream. "You should've seen you're face, Mal!" Carlos said laughing. Jay punched him.

"Forget that. What about Ben's face when he saw her go under?" They both imitated Ben and laughed hard as Ben got me a towel. "I'm sorry, babe." "Its fine, I just wanna go home." He nodded and finished packing up everything.

[Jay's POV]

That was so much fun! Ben and Mal are really mad at us right now, but who cares! I splashed Carlos in the lake while Ben and Mal started to leave.

[Ben's POV]

We got back to our bedroom and Mal started feeling weak. I laid her on the bed and called the doctor. "Ben!" She screamed. The doctor was going to get here in a few minutes. I ran to see her clutching her stomach. "What is it, Mal?" "The baby's kicking!" She screamed. "You're only a couple weeks, babe. Of course the baby's going to kick, its growing."

She shot me a death glare and screamed more until the doctor got there. "Hello, your highnesses." "Hi, doctor. My wife is pregnant but I think its only a couple weeks." The doctor examined her. If you looked closely, you could see Mal's stomach growing more. The doctor shook her head in distress.

"She's not a few weeks. It's more like a few months." I looked at Mal who started freaking out. I calmed her down as best as I could. "I thought you just had morning sickness not that long ago, babe?" "That was a few weeks ago." "All pregnancies are different, you might not have had sickness yet."

The doctor gave some medications for Mal to take in the meantime. The doctor pulled me out into the hallway. "Your Majesty, your wife is 2 months tomorrow. Just 7 more months and she'll give birth. You must be careful. Limit all activities, don't let outside, she can roam the castle, but not to leave the grounds." I nodded and went back into the room.

Mal was crying. "Babe, I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were this soon into your pregnancy." "How long am I?" She asked with those brown eyes full of tears. "2 months tomorrow." She cried into my shoulder. I comforted her. I soon would have to leave for work, but I didn't care. She needed me, and I was going to be there for her.

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