temptation | min yoongi (EDIT...

By JinsKylieLips

8.4K 410 839

I hate the way you control my every move, the way you make me long for you even though you've done the worst... More

h a n a - m y b l o o d
d u l - p a i n
s e t - t r o u b l e
d a s o t - t h e w o o d s
y a s o t - m o u n t a i n
e l g o b - a n g e r
y a d o l - b a c k h o m e
a h o p - o t h e r h a l f
y o l - d o u b I e t r o u b l e
y o l h a n n a - e m o t i o n
y o l d u l - r e g r e t
y o l s e t - g i v i n g u p
y o l n e t - c u r i o u s i t y
y o l d a s o t - s i t u a t i o n s
y o l y a s o t - K o o k i e
y o l e g l o b - Y o u o w e m e
y o l y a d o l - n e w f e e l i n g s
y o l a h o p - v a m p i r e's b l o o d
s e u m u l - l a s t
E p i l o g u e

n e t - t h e b a t h r o o m

392 22 32
By JinsKylieLips

Yoongi and I looked at eachother with our eyes widened and we knew this wasn't good.

Seoyeon: Do T-They know what you did?

Yoongi: It's fine, I called my friend and he said once you take all of someone's blood, they come back as a vampire. He also said he'll take care of it.

Sooyeon: I guess that'll work.

Yoongi opened the door and Jin said that they got a call from someone so they didn't need to talk to him anymore.

I went to the room and Jimin was cleaning up the bedroom and I was surprised at how clean it was.

Seoyeon: You're more neat than I expected.

Jimin: Well you're more messy than I expected.

Seoyeon: Touché.

Jimin: Umm, can you do me a favour?

Seoyeon: Yeah sure.

Jimin: Can you get me my lotion from the bathroom, I just don't want anyone mistakenly using it.

Seoyeon: Okay

I went up to the bathroom door and knocked to see if anyone was there.

???: I'm in here.

Oh it's just Jungkook, we're bestfriends and we were practically brought up together as kids so he wouldn't mind if I came in.

Seoyeon: Kookie, I'm coming in.

I went in and Jungkook was in the shower/bathtub with the curtain closed but I could hear the drops of water hitting his skin.

I looked around for Jimin's lotion but I couldn't find it.

Seoyeon: Kookie?

Jungkook: Yes beautiful?

Seoyeon: Have you seen Jimin's lotion, I can't seem to find it.

Jungkook: I think it's in the drawers.

Seoyeon: Thanks

I reached my hands into the drawers when I heard a knock on the door.

???: Yah Jungkook, I'm coming in, Taehyung wants me to get him something.

My eyes widened and I whispered to myself.

Seoyeon: Yoongi?

I felt my wrist being pulled and before I knew it, I was with Jungkook and he was naked. His index finger was on his lips gestering me not to say a word.

I was getting wet from the drops of water and I tried to prevent myself from looking at his lower part of his body because even though I saw his abs, I didn't want to go futher than that, if you know what I mean.

Yoongi: Where the fuck is it? Yah Taehyung, where is it?

Taehyung: Wait there, I'm coming.

Then I heard footsteps enter the bathroom and I knew it was Taehyung.

Taehyung: I think it's in the cupboard.

Yoongi: Okay check there and I'll check the drawers

I heard footsteps come closer and heard yoongi whisper something to himself.

Yoongi: I smell something, something sweet....

Taehyung: What did you say?

Yoongi: Nothing, I'm just talking to myself...

I heard yoongi rummaging through the drawers and then he spoke.

Yoongi: Sweet, what's sweet? It's...Seoyeon?

Taehyung: Seoyeon? What about her?

Shit. He smells my scent? Why does vampires have to have good smelling senses? What should I do now?

I took off my shirt, quickly grabbing Jungkook's soap bottle and sqeezed some of the contents out. That was when I saw his member and my eyes widened. Then I immediately closed my eyes, continuing to rub the soap all over my upper body.

Then Jungkook whispered to me in confusion.

Jungkook: What are you doing?

Seoyeon: Y-Yoongi, H-He can smell me.

Jungkook: And your eyes?

Seoyeon: I saw something I wasn't meant to see, sorry.

Yoongi: Um Jungkook, thanks for letting us come in and Taehyung said he left it downstairs, not here so yeah. Thanks anyways.

Jungkook: N-No problem.

We heard footsteps leaving and shutting the door so I went out.

Seoyeon: S-Sorry again for seeing things I shouldn't have seen and I'm sorry for using your soap.

Jungkook: It's fine, just pass me a towel.

I passed him one and got one for myself drying my body. Jungkook came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and he was blushing as was I.

Dirty thoughts filled my mind and I quickly shook it off. He's my bestfriend.

Seoyeon: Can you please pass me my shirt.

It was wet but I guess I had to wear it anyway.

Jungkook: It's wet, wear my hoodie. (As he threw it towards me)

Seoyeon: Thanks Kookie.

I wore his hoodie after I finished drying myself off and his scent from the jumper was so nice.

Jungkook: You can keep it.

Seoyeon: Really?

Jungkook: Yeah

I took Jimin's lotion and left the room going to me and Jimin's bedroom, smiling and he was on his bed on his phone.

Jimin: What took you so long?

Seoyeon: Jungkook was in there.

Jimin: Right.

I gave him the lotion and he came closer to my ear whispering.

Jimin: If I send you and your late again, I may have to punish you...

I pushed him away and frowned.

Seoyeon: Yah Hajima.

Jimin: Kitten, I was just joking. And By the way, I like your scent.

Seoyeon: Thanks.

It was Jungkook's hoodie but I guess I could take the credit.
Jimin walked out and then I started packing my stuff into my bag. Then yoongi came in.

Yoongi: Seoyeon, your brother's here to pick all of us up to go somewhere and he also said don't pack cause you'll be staying here with us for a while since there is something happening at your home.

Seoyeon: Um okay, I hope everything's alright at home though.

He came closer to me and looked at me from head to toe.

Yoongi: Who owns this hoodie, it doesn't smell like you.

Seoyeon: It's Kookie's.

Yoongi: You shouldn't fall in love with him you know. Cause you two are too different for eachother.

Seoyeon: What do you mean?

Yoongi: You just can't fall for any of the guys here, okay? Not him, not any of us.

He wasn't in charge of who I fell for. He made me mad causing me to raise my voice a little in anger.

Seoyeon: Why can't I fall for Jungkook or Jimin, or even you Yoongi, Wae?

Yoongi: It's because the boys are vampires okay, all of them are. Even Misoo.


Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote what you thought about this chapter and what you think will happen next😉😉😉


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