him // c.a.d

By unapendejaa

1.8K 74 39

➼ "i'm hopeless so don't waste your time on me." he whispers to me, in the darkness. More

chapter 1 - the beginning
chapter 2 - sunday
chapter 3 - monday hate my life day
chapter 4 - what the shitz
chapter 5 - oh what a day
chapter 6 - goodnight cameron
chapter 7 - oh boy
chapter 8 - never judge a book by its cover
chapter 9 - fuck it's monday
chapter 10 - orange water
chapter 11 - sushi babe
chapter 12 - cheesy note

chapter 13 - daddy

122 4 2
By unapendejaa

- please vote !!

claudia// daddy

   not edited :)

  "Oh, it's you."   I say under my breath, placing my forehead against the wall.   Cameron looks at me beneath his long thick lashes, with a grin on his full lips.

"Good morning to you too, Cloudy."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever." I mumble in annoyance. His chocolate brown eyes scan over my body, his grin growing bigger.

"Oh, you pig." I exclaim, pulling my silk robe closer to my body.

"My eyes have a mind of their own, excuse them." He chuckles, lowly. It took a lot within me to walk into the kitchen, but I did it.

I try to ignore his burning gaze on me, making my way to the pantry. I leap for my favorite cereal, Fruity Pebbles.

"I love the way you look in that robe, Clau." A small knot in my throats begins to form. I clutch on my cereal box, digging my nails in it. He places his hand on my waist and leans down to my ear. "I also think," His hot breath hits the nape of my neck, "it would look better on the floor."

Oh jesus take the wheel.

My heart begins to beat wildly against my chest. I move my neck to the side, parting my lips. The pressure of pleasure begins to move up my body.   I quickly turn around, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. 

Cameron takes the cereal box from my grasp with a playful smirk on his face.
He reads the title, "Fruity Pebbles, you like this?"

Did he just play me. I bit the inner of my cheeks, snatching the box from him.

"Yes, I do." I roll my eyes, getting out of the pantry room.

I hate boys.

I open the refrigerator and sigh, "There's no milk."  I groan out loudly, placing my head against the cold fridge. Cameron hops on top of  the counter next to me, staring at me.

He tilts his head, "Are you just going to stand there?"

I remove my head from the fridge and turn around, staring at the wall in front of me.

"No." I murmur underneath my breath. He hums to himself and hops off the counter, making his way out of the kitchen.

I blink in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the store to buy some milk for you." He twirls his keys in his pointer finger, turning the knob of the front door.

"No don't do that," I reach for his shirt, clutching onto a fistful, "I can do that myself, I don't need you to do it for me."

"I'm trying to do something nice for you, now let go of my shirt, love." The word rolled off his tongue so lovely.

"I'll let you go, only if you let me go with you." I loosen my grip on his shirt, with a huge smile on my face. He looks at me, his lips slowly forming into a smile.

"Of course you can come with me, beautiful. But you have to go change, I don't want anyone seeing you dressed like that."

"Dressed like what? I have clothes under this robe, ya know." I say, slipping the robe off my body.  He bites onto his bottom lip, his eyes slowly traveling down my body.

"Not enough clothes." He heavily implies, sitting back on the couch.

I lower my eyes at him, "I have on a tank top and pajama shorts." He raises his brows, playing with the keys.

"Change." He demands, his tone changing serious now.

"Whatever you say, bossy Betty."  I grumble, making my way up the stairs and into my room. I knew I didn't have enough clothes on. But I just like arguing with people, sometimes.

I changed my clothes and made it downstairs. My stomach was growling like a caged lion.

"That's cute." He comments on my clothing. I playfully roll my eyes and open the door, walking to his car.

By the time we bought the milk, I lost my appetite on cereal. I know, I'm not loyal to Fruity Pebbles. We stopped by to this small restaurant, that wasn't very popular or heard of, but we were hungry.

It ended up being really good. I got regular tomato sauce spaghetti, because I'm basic. Cameron got this really thick broccoli spaghetti.

"This is actually pretty good." I dance, cleaning some sauce that fell onto my lips with my napkin.

"Yes it is. We might've discovered something, that nobody else has." He was right. The restaurant was completely empty. When we walked in, the waitress looked stunned.

Cameron's eyes begin to water and he rubs his eyes, grunting in pain.

"Are you crying?" I ask him. He shakes his head, removing his hand. His eyes were red and watery. The last time I saw him like that, was when he cried on my roof.

"I think someone might be cutting onions." Cameron murmurs under his breath, squinting his eyes.

"You are for sure, the jealous type. You are crying an ocean, Cameron." 

He looks at me confused,  "Jealous? Because the onion made me cry?"

I smile, "It's something my grandmother would tell me when I was little. It was dumb I'm sorry."  He shook his head, leaning into the table.

"It's not dumb. It's cute. I've never thought of it like that."  He confesses, taking a bite from his spaghetti.

"Tell me something I don't know about you." He asks me, cleaning his mouth.

I take a sip from my iced tea,  "I have a pet snake."

He stopped sipping his tea, he narrows his eyes at me, placing his cup down, "Liar."

"I am not lying. Her name is Clit, but I call her Clitty." He covers his mouth with his hand and bursts out laughing. I join him, laughing as well.

I have a pet snake. Her name is actually Clit. You're probably thinking, Claudia how do you have a pet snake if your mom hates animals? That's because she doesn't know!  I keep my snake hidden in my room.  A fun fact of my room is, that I have an extra closet, it's not huge but it's big enough for a snake tank to fit.

"Giovanni told me he had a pet snake, but I didn't believe him. I guess it was true."   I nod my head, sipping my tea till there was none left.

"Are you finished?" He asks me.

"Yes." I respond, taking my wallet out of my purse.

"Hold your horses, tiny. I'm going to pay." He takes out his wallet and gets up, making his way to the waitress that served us our food.

I pout my lips, looking at our empty plates. I wanted to pay, last time he paid for my McDonald's and I feel like I have to give back to him. He doesn't always have to pay for me.

"What's with that pout face?" Cameron stands there, leaning against the small table.

I gaze up at his tall figure, "I want to pay something or I'll feel horrible, Cameron."

"You can leave the tip! I forgot to do that." I smile and take out my wallet, leaving ten bucks under my plate.

"Why did you place it under your plate, the waitress won't see it, when it's like that." I look back at my plate.

"Somebody can steal it." I tell him.

"Nobody's here." He gestured at the empty restaurant, with his hands.

"Right." I drag the last letter, making my way to my plate. I take the two,  five dollars bills from under my plate and place it where it can be noticed.

"Great job." He says sarcastically, patting my head. I roll my eyes and shove his hand away.

"Shut up."


"You did what?" Delilah asks me.

I roll my eyes, "We went to go eat, but it wasn't a date. I still hate him. I was just hungry."

Delilah shuts her math book, "I was rooting for you! We all were rooting for you!"

I shut my own book and put it aside, on my night stand. Delilah and I, made a small pact. The pact that I would ignore Cameron for two weeks, like he did to me. I obviously failed, and Delilah is disappointed.

"Are you mad at me?"

She sighs, "I can never stay mad at you. I'm just a little bit upset. You shouldn't let him toy with you, Claudia. I want to see you happy, of course I do. But I also don't want to see you broken, like you were those two weeks he stopped talking to you." She pauses, shifting into a better position. "I'm just confused, I guess. You're happy when you're with him. But at the same time, he's toying with you and will end up hurting you."

She was right.  Cameron has always been a player, ever since I met him.  I still remember, back in middle school all the way to high school. He's had so many girlfriends it's unbelievable.   I started counting in the beginning of sixth grade but soon lost track, or more like just got bored of counting.

I know that he's a player, he still is a huge one. But when I'm with him, I'm happy and out of my shell. I'll go along in the ride, have the best of time with him that I can. Eventually, he'll hurt me and I'll fall again. It will be a cycle, that I will go by, until I get bored. I know this is what is going to happen. I'm sure of it.

"Clau, you can take the risk of being close to him. Once he hurts you, I'll be here to comfort you."  She pulls me into a hug. I stay still, under her arms. I don't know what to do, exactly. I'm confused on what I feel in the inside.

"Don't over think your brain out, alright?" She pulls me away. I nod my head and watch her gather her belongings.

"I love you. You better text me."

"I love you too."  I say with a smile on my face. Soon after she leaves, Giovanni pops in through my door.

"Que tienes tu?"    - what's wrong with you?   He sits down on my bed.

I look up at my ceiling, admiring the work of art that was my ceiling.   My father painted it for me, when I was smaller.  Giovanni and I slept in the same room when we were younger, the room I still sleep in till this day.  Giovanni and I were obsessed with the movie Tangled.
       So my father, when he got out of jail. He told us he had learned how to paint while he was in jail and he could paint very well.  He painted a magical sky on my ceiling, that sort of recreated the sky of Tangled. 

I remember this day like it was yesterday. I had on my Disney denim overalls, my father was sporting some denim jeans and a white t-shirt. Giovanni had a graphic tee with denim jeans as well. We were all dirty from the paint.  I remember my fathers smile so vividly. How happy he looked, painting the ceiling, while my mother helped keep the wobbly ladder still.  All the laughter that was spilled onto the walls, his laugh was marked all over the room and the walls.

"You're thinking about dad aren't you?"

"No." Yes.

"You're an open book." I lower my head, trailing my finger nail against my thigh.

"It's not bad that you think about him, Clau." I look at my thigh, observing the indented marks of my nails from last night.

"You told me not to, remember."

He inhales deeply, through his nose, "I did tell you that. But I said that to you, when you were younger, because whenever you did think about dad,  you would cry and be down in the dumps. I think you're old enough now to think about him, and not hit rock bottom."


"You'll get to see the old folk, this week." I laugh, and shake my head.

"Don't call him that. He's not even that old." He smiles and sits up from my bed.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a walk with Lulu and I."  I got up from my bed.

I smile, "Of course, I would."

He smiles, "Alright, let me get Lulu." He leaves the room, and I'm left alone, to my thoughts.

I missed my father.  He was always in and out of jail, due to his problems.  He wasn't a bad person, at all. He was actually kind hearted and very humble.   Only flaw he had, was his drinking problem and the bad influence his friends were on him.  I don't want to talk about him, because then I'll actually go down in the dumps. 

"Clau, come on let's go!"   Lulu screams at the top of her lungs, pulling me out of my room.

"I'm going, I'm going."  

"Jesus." I murmur.


"Did you buy the mouse for Clit, already?"

He purses his lips forward, "I believe not." I lower my eyes at him.

"But you're in charge of that, Giovanni. I'm in charge of cleaning the cage and taking it out. You have to feed it, not that difficult." He rolls his eyes and watches Lulu play with the other children on the play ground.

"In more important matters. I think that boy is too close to, Lulu." He gets up from the bench and begins charging at the small boy that was talking to Lulu. I grab a fistful of his shirt, pulling him back.

"Are you nuts? They're just little kids, Giovanni."

"Young boys think differently nowadays, Claudia." He pats my head.

"They do not. Just let her play with him. He's doing no harm to her." I look closer and notice it's the boy she told me about.

His tiny black curls, bounced in the wind. He was very cute, indeed. The more I looked at him and my sister together, the more I began to ship them. I know, I shouldn't be shipping little kids together, but they're so cute.

"You have to admit, they look cute."  

Giovanni narrows his eyes, and pinches my arm.  "Don't say that, stupid." I laugh and kick his leg, with my foot.

"You know she's going to have a boyfriend when she's older and you're going to have to be okay with it, right? Same with me. I'll have a boyfriend soon, and you'll have to be okay with it, you like it or not." He pinches me again, a bit harsher this time.

"Shut up, Clau." I slap his shoulder.

"Stop pinching me. I bruise easily, bitch."

He looks at me. "Bitch?"


"It sounds so weird coming out of your mouth. You never really cuss." He says, getting up from the bench. I sit back and hum, to myself. He was right. I rarely ever cuss.

"That's a good thing, right?" I ask him, reaching for his shoulder.

He shrugs his shoulders upward, "Well, yeah it is." He pauses for a second, "I guess."

We let Lulu play a bit longer, then continued our walking through the neighborhood. My neighborhood is definitely, not safe. There's police sirens heard every second. There's always a car chase down the streets and lots of violence. Most people that live in my neighborhood are huge pot heads. The front yard area always smells in a strong scent of skunk. I'm guessing that's what marijuana smells like, according to my friends.

My parents were pot heads as well, but once my father went to jail, the first time, my mother stopped smoking, afraid of following the same consequences my father was going through. Giovanni also went through his little pot head stage in middle school, but quit once he got into soccer, because in soccer they check for the use of drugs and if you do use them, no matter your status they kick you off the team.

"Grab Lulu, once we cross this house." Giovanni warns me, holding me back before we crossed the house. I took ahold of Lulu's hand and held her close to me. Giovanni began to walk and I walked, right next to him. I was genuinely scared, when it came to walking in my neighborhood. I breathed deeply and clutched onto Giovanni's shirt.

"Ay, aren't those Alfredo's kids!" I jump and hold Lulu closer to me.

"Don't be scared hija." His teeth were a mix of brown and gold. There was one uncle that had teeth like that. I remember them because I would always brag to my friends about, how I had an uncle that had gold teeth. I thought I was the coolest kid in the block, along with Giovanni, we both did.

"It's uncle, Alfren!" Giovanni exclaims, running to the old man. I watch them hug, for quite a bit. Lulu was scared, she held onto my thigh like her life depended on it. I think she was scared of the men, that were surrounding our uncle Alfren.

"Cloud ball, it's been so long. You have grown to be so beautiful. Your father will be on the ground, once he sees you this week." He pulls me into a hug. He smelt like cigarettes and beer. That's basically how all my uncles smelt, the majority of them all. I stayed still, but then managed to hug him back after I slipped away from my shock mode, I was in.

"You probably think I'm some crazy old folk. I'm your uncle, Alfren. You only saw me once in your life, I wouldn't blame you." He laughs, throwing his bead back. Everyone else around him begins to laugh along with him.

The rest of the men surrounding him, were average cholos, that were around my block. They had on their large denim shorts and white t-shirts filled with tattoos.

"I don't think you're crazy, uncle Alfren. I was just already spooked out, because this neighborhood really scares me and you popped out of nowhere. You are no crazy old folk." I smile, placing my hand onto his broad shoulder.

Lulu giggles, "You look like daddy." She pokes his arm, a small grin forming on her lips.

"Oh, who's this little one here. Is this one of Alfredo's too?" He gets on his knees and picks her up, placing her on his hip.

"I'm your daddies, brother. You can call me uncle Alfren. These men are all your daddies friends too." He tells her, as he places her down.   Lulu begins to introduce herself to all the men.  Giovanni begins talking to a group of guys, and they laughed together.  I watched Lulu begin to talk about her unicorns to this man, who actually looked interested, or maybe he was drunk, but still it was a cute sight to see.

"Ay, what's the big fuss about."  

I look up and see him. My heart drops to the ground. I pull a strand of hair behind my ear, watching him go down the stairs of the front porch steps.  His white t-shirt fitted his body so perfectly, as well as his denim jeans.  I looked at his messy hair, spilling over his forehead.  He looked so heavenly and peaceful.

"It's Alfonso's kids."   A man with ginger hair tells him. He glances my way, and looks at me for awhile, observing me. I dig my nails into my hand and quickly look away. I felt sort of felt out of place. Giovanni knew everyone and Lulu seemed to blend in easily. But myself in the other hand, I'm too shy to speak to anyone.

"Cloudy." I inhale deeply, through my nose and turn around. My hair gets all over my face, due to the wind hitting it. A smile begins to form on his full lips. I finally tame the crazy strands of hair that went free, in the air.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Your father is, the Alfonso?" He takes a good look at me, inspecting my face a bit closer.

I blink in confusion, stepping away from him. "My fathers name is Alfonso. I don't know if he's . . the Alfonso or whatever."

He hums to himself, placing a finger onto his lips. I awkwardly stood there, waiting for him to say something else.

"I guess you do have his nose, and his smile." I chuckle under my breath, looking at my feet.

"Now don't get all shy on me." A knot begins to form in the back of my throat. I look at the box of cigarettes, sticking out from the pocket of his denim jeans. My mind beings to trail off into my thoughts. The thoughts of him. It's like he has a whole different life I don't know about. I know so little of him, yet he knows so much of me.

"I lost you, didn't I?" I break away from my thoughts, his voice carrying me back to reality.

"Sorry, I was just-"

He cuts me off, "Thinking, like you always do."

"I'm sorry."

He smiles, "You don't need to apologize to me."

"Right."  I say, shortly after. 

"What are you doing here, by the way?" He asks me.

"Oh, I actually wanted to ask you that question."  I balance my weight, on my right foot.

"I live with my uncle and my uncle lives here. You're basically on my front lawn."  I look at the freshly cut grass, beneath my feet.  He lives with his uncle and not his mother. I guess he has his reasons for it.

"I'm so-"

"Don't, apologize."

"Right. I'm sorry. Oh crap, sorry - I mean, nothing at all."   A smile forms onto his lips.

"You're very cute, Claudia." 

All of a sudden, I feel a heavy arm rest on my shoulder.

"Is this player, bothering you sweetheart?"  It was a man, much bigger than Cameron.

"No, he isn't." I respond quickly, trying to get out of his tight hold he had on me.

"This isn't a puta, Julio. Get your hands off of her."  The man takes his arm off of me, backing away. Cameron pulls me into himself, holding my body close to his own.  - puta/bitch

"I'm sorry about him. You just stay right next to me, from now on alright?"  I nod my head once and follow him.  He walks to his car while he sparks up a cigarette with his small lighter.

He inhales from his cancer stick, then exhales.

"You look a bit rough, love." He ruffles my hair with his huge hand. I purse my lips forward and comb my fingers through my hair, trying to fix it.

"I do not. You on the other hand look like you haven't slept in a couple of years," I chuckle, poking his hard arm.

"Maybe, you can help me sleep." He slides his finger of my bare shoulder.

He wants to play. But two can play this game.

I push my hair off my shoulder, "Maybe I can help you."

He leaned against the hood of his car, watching me intently. His knee brushed against my thigh, making me quiver, due to the contact.

He extends his arm out, and brushes away some hair that was on my face.

"You are so beautiful." He inches closer to my face. Everyone else's voice cancels out and I can only hear my slow and steady breathing, as my chest begins to rise and fall. His lips were so close, just an inch away. They looked so soft, oh so soft.

How did this happen? I don't know.

Our noses were touching, and I could feel his heart pounding against his chest.

"Kiss me." His whispers, his warm breath brushed against my lips. Before I was about to lean in, he leans in and I could feel his soft lips on mine, his smooth tongue licked my bottom lip. I slightly parted my lips, allowing him entrance, he slid his tongue into my mouth. I softly sucked onto his upper lip, while he pulled me in between his legs. I placed my small hands on his chest, letting him take over my burning body.
His large hands crept under my shirt, as he trailed his hands on my body and before I knew it, he was already massaging my breasts. I softly moaned into his lips, before I pulled away from the kiss. I trailed my hands down to his thighs, and close to his region. I could feel him grow in his pants, while my small hands rested near his hood.

"Claudia." He warns me, breathless from our kiss.
" Daddy . . " I whisper, brushing my lips against his. He grunts and pulls me into another kiss, this not gentle but more rough. My lips felt numb and swollen, from the kiss. I stopped this, before we went any farther. We both were breathing heavily, our chests both rising and falling.

He cups my cheeks, pulling my face closer to his  once again.

"You don't know, how long I've desired to kiss you and touch your skin." He strokes my cheeks with his soft fingers. I lazily close my eyes, feeling like a melted popsicle in his touch.

He smiles, "You're sleepy aren't you, love?"

I open my eyes. "How'd you know?"

"I know, my princess." My lips form into a slight pout. He places a soft kiss onto my lips, letting his lips linger over my own a bit longer, before he pulled away.

"Let's take you home, love."


they finally kissed! i want to give a shout out to jeonghan for inspo.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is kind of a first smut for me, i'm sorry if it sucks!! but still thank you for reading, loves.

make sure to leave a  vote, to support me and my book!

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