A Good Man

By kahlatheauthor

115K 3.4K 258

Mama always told me "baby , you are going to go through a few men that might bring you hell on earth but a go... More

Ms. J'aoir , Ms. J'aoir
House Hunting
Settling In
Down in the D
Game Time
Girls/Guys Day Out
All These Kisses
S(he's) Br(ok)en
Under The Mistle Toe
Uninvited Stranger
New Year's Nightmare
Being more active
The Unexpected

First Take

11.2K 275 18
By kahlatheauthor


Saturday Night/Date Night

Nervous wasn't even a word to describe how I was feeling right now. I was super excited since I haven't been on a date since Deon..but I have a right to move on right ?

I would love to just move on and forget about that relationship ever happening because it was the worst year of my life.

It was about 7:30 and Andre said he would be here at about 8:30 so I decided to start getting ready. I don't know where we're going out to eat , so I decided on something cute yet simple. I threw on my black jumpsuit , with my black heels. I did my makeup in a natural look and sprayed my Marc Jacobs "Decadence" perfume on.

I decided that I was satisfied with my look and headed downstairs until Andre came to pick me up.

While I waited I searched for houses on my macbook air. Currently I live in a condo , and it's nice for me to be here by myself , but it was only a home until I saved up enough to buy my own house. I'm a Registered Nurse and I make fairly enough money to take care of myself and a house.

While I was looking at houses , I was taken out of my daze by a knock on the door.


I pulled up to her house right at 8:20 , so that I could leave a great impression on Kennedy.

I was nervous , which was different for me since I didn't get nervous much. I was even nervous to knock on her door , which took me about 5 minutes to do.

As soon as I knocked on the door , I waited for her to open the door.

"Coming" I heard Kennedy's voice sound from the inside.

Soon after I heard the locks starting to unlock and she opened the door to reveal her beautiful self.

"Wow you look amazing Ms. Kennedy" I said as I eyed her. She smiled and put her head down shyly

"Thank you , you look handsome yourself, please come in"

"Thanks Beautiful , you ready to head out or do you need a couple more minutes?" I said walking into her condo

She went to go cut off her computer and went into the kitchen

"No i'm ready , I just need to grab my purse off the table"

After she came back we were heading out.

She locked up while I headed to my All black BMW 428i. I opened her door and closed it once she got in and headed over to my side.

"Thank you for holding my door, that was sweet of you"

"It's no problem , that's what a man is supposed to do Sweets" I started up my engine and headed to the restaurant I planned to take her to.

"So where are we going Mr. Brewster" she laughed as we came to a stop light

I looked over at her and smiled at her , adding a winking "just sit back and ride sweetie"

"Okay since you're handsome , I guess I can do that" she smiled and sat back "so tell me about yourself"

As I drove , I thought about where I should start. I decide to start about my child hood and growing up.

"Well , My name is Andre..Andre David Brewster. I'm from East Harlem , New York and I'm 26 years old. I had a complicated life growing up , but that's a story for later. I'm a real estate agent now , and my birthday is June 3rd. What about you?" I said , as I was getting off the highway

"My name is Kennedy Jasmin J'Aior , I'm from Athens , Georgia and I'm 24 years old. I had a pretty good life growing up and haven't really been in a serious relationship since about two years ago. I'm a Registered Nurse and my birthday is January 25th." she said smiling back at me.

We arrived at the restaurant, and I parked close so she wouldn't have to walk far. I went to open her door and held her hand as we walked towards the restaurant.


I couldn't help but to get excited when I saw that we were going to The Capital Grille which was one of the best restaurants in all of Miami Dade.

"Oh my gosh , how did you know I liked this restaurant" I said excitedly as he held the door open for me.

"Man's intuition" was all he said as he smirked at me and went up to the front.

"Hello Sir how are you two doing on this wonderful Saturday night?" the hostess asked us

"We're great , and you?" I replied nicely , with a smile

"I'm great , thank you. So just two?" she said as she searched for a table

"Actually I have reservation , under Brewster for two" Andre said as she went to pull up the reservation.

"Ah , you surely do , follow me right this way" she picked up menus and we followed her to a more secluded part of the restaurant.

"Is this fine Mr and Mrs. ?" she said as she smiled at us

"Actually we're not-" I began to say but was cut off

"Yes ma'am , it's fine for us" Andre said as the hostess sat our menus down and told us to enjoy before walking away.

We sat down , and talked about any and everything. I learned that when he was a teen up until he was 24 he sold drugs to get by and was and still is one of the most feared in Harlem. He went to college at NYU and got his Master's and Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Business management. After he finished college, he got him an apartment here in Miami Dade , and got a small real estate job , and once he progressed and blew up , he got hisself a house and moved his mother out to Florida as well but she lives in West Miami which is about 35 minutes from here.

"Hello , I'm Jessica , and i'll be your server for tonight , what can I get you to drink as well as to eat?" our waitress said as she approached our table.

"Ladies first" Dre said smiling at me

"Thank you , I'll have the 8 oz. USDA choice Sirloin, cooked well done with Broccoli and A baked potato. To drink i'll just have a water with lemon please" I said as I handed her my menu. She took a minute to write everything down and turned to Dre.

"And for you Sir?"

"I'll have the Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo with a side of potatoes and broccoli. To drink i'll take a Sweet Tea please" he said , as he handed her a menu as well

"Alrighty , I'll be right back with your drinks" she walked off towards the kitchen area.

"Okay , so i've talked about myself enough , let me hear something about you" he said , shooting me that award winning smile.

Lord give me the strength because this man is all types of fine. I smiled back at him and sipped some of my water as the waitress brought our drinks out.

"Well I went to Spelman University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Pre-Medicine and a concentration in Psychology. I went back and got my Master's and now i'm currently in Medical School and getting my Ph.D , so that I can be a Forensic Nurse within the next few years. I moved to Miami Dade when I got transferred to Aventura here , from the Medical Center I was previously working at and I'm currently looking at houses for me to move into within the next few months" I said as he looked at me , interested in what I had to say.

"Ohhh so you got beauty AND brains?! Now that's something I don't come across as often as I should" he said , making me laugh.

"I knew I wanted to be something big in life so I went for everything they said I wouldn't be or couldn't have" he shook his head in agreement

"Same here Ma, I knew I couldn't live in Harlem all my life and deal drugs, so I went to college and made something of myself to get up out there"

Hearing about his life and how he made it out was intriguing to me, It was like listening to a movie in the making. He showed interest in me as well. I just hope that this isn't the last time we encounter each other.

We talked for another 30 minutes until our food came and we threw down , of course he finished his food way before me but he assured that I could take all the time I needed.

After about an hour he paid the bill and we headed out. I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost 10pm.

He opened my door for me and got in as well , and pulled off , heading direction of my home.

We engaged in conversation here and there  until we arrived at my home. He opened my door and walked me to my front door.

"Thank you for taking me out , I highly appreciate it , and I had a lot of fun with you" I said smiling and looking into his beautiful brown eyes

He laughed a little and smirked back "Thank you gorgeous, I had a lot of fun with you too and I enjoyed taking you out. I hope we can do it again sometime" he held my hand.

"We definitely will have to" I turned around to unlock my door and open it.

"Okay well i'm going to go ahead and let you get your beauty rest , i'll see you again , soon" he said turning around

I had halfway walked into my home when I heard him call my name.

"Kennedy" he said , making me turn around

"If you need help on looking for a house or anything out here , I can help with that, I actually have a few properties out here in Miami Dade" he assured me

I got excited "That's great , just let me know when you're free to show them to me , thank you"

"No problem beautiful and I will text you a time and an address , but go ahead and get your rest and i'll text you when I make it home" he turned around one last time and walked towards his car.

I waited until he got in safely and pulled off. I walked into my home and went straight upstairs to pin my hair up , remove my make up , and take a nice shower. After about 20 minutes , I got out and threw on my slip I wore to bed , and turned the tv to HBO so that I could catch up on Power before a new one came on tomorrow night.

I heard my phone go off and grabbed it to see I received a text.

Dre❤️:I made it home beautiful, I can show you a few properties tomorrow, around 3:00pm , you can meet me at the first house which is on 1278 Landon Hill Dr. , Miami Florida , 33177. Can't wait to see you.

I smiled at the text and replied

To Dre❤️: Glad you got home safely. Thank you so much 3:00pm sounds great , I'll meet you there , can't wait to see you , and I appreciate you helping me out.

Dre❤️: It's not a problem at all, I love to see a woman who's getting it on her own. goodnight beautiful😙

To Dre❤️: Thank you. I love to see a man who has his own as well. Goodnight Dre😘

After I sent the final text I continued catching up on power and soon , sleep got the best of me for the night.

Sunday Morning

I was awoken by the rays of the sun shinning through my sheer curtain, and looked over at the time seeing that it was 10am.

Before I could stretch my body my phone went off causing me to groan.

"You're receiving a face time call from Tisha👯💛" said Siri aloud

I quickly answered my phone and put the biggest smile on my face

"BESTIEEEE" she yelled into the phone after it connected.

"HEY BESTIEEE! I MISS YOU" I yelled back

"I miss you more girl what are you doing?" She asked as I went to the bathroom to put my hair into a ponytail.

"Nothing , just woke up what about you?" I replied getting back into the camera

"Nothing at all , Iman and Junie went out to the mall today , and mommy wasn't invited apparently" she said referring to her husband and their daughter

We shared a laugh "Aw man so you have no plans huh?" I said back "Nope girl what about you Ms. J'Aior?"

"I have nowhere special to be until about 3:00, come over so we can catch up, I'll cook breakfast" I said , knowing she loved my cooking

"Ohhhh you know you ain't got to tell me twice , I'll be there in 20 minutes bestfriend , Love you" she said blowing a kiss into the phone

I blew one back "Love you more , see you in a few" i said as we hung up. I headed downstairs and started to take out stuff to make for breakfast. I made some bacon , waffles, eggs , and grits and poured us some orange juice.

I sat our food in the living room on the trays I had , when I heard my door bell ring. I went over to go get it and opened to see my bestfriend since birth, Tisha.

"Bestieeeee!" we yelled as we pulled each other into a huge hug. We went into the living room and sat down , turning on power and started to catch up.

"So Ken, what's been going on?" She said smiling at me , and taking a bite from her food

"Nothing major , the same ole same ole , work and looking for the house of my dreams" I replied taking a bite of my food

"That's great and all but come on bestie, No new man? You got to get back out there" she looked over at me sadly

It's been about 2 years since I had a boyfriend and that was due to my previous relationship being abusive in more ways then one. Tisha was there through it all.

"Actually Tish, I met a man" I put a slight smirk on my face and she looked at me shocked

"Really?! Spill it now" she said , sitting criss cross on the sofa , and pausing POWER.

"Okay so his name is Andre Brewster, he's 26 , college graduate, business man, and he lives out here in Miami Dade. I met him at the Medical Center I work at last week and he asked me out to dinner. I said yes and we went out to The Captail Grille last night. He's handsome as hell and has a lot going for himself , also he's smart as a whip and from East Harlem." i said , pretty much summing it all up for her.

"HOLD UP, I know you're not talking about that fine ass real estate agent" she said , looking even more shocked.

"Oh my gosh, yes Tish" i said laughing and rolling my eyes playfully

"GET IT BITCHHH" she yelled as she did this weird dance

We laughed so hard , we had tears in our eyes.

"Mhmmm so is that where you're going at 3:00 Ms. New Man?" I laughed at her nickname for me

"Yes Tish, he's going to show me a few houses in Miami Dade and I'm going to see if I like any of them" She hugged me

"Bestfriend , I am so proud of you, you're finally moving on with your life and I couldn't be happier for you , I can't wait for Mr. and Mrs. J'Aior hear about this fine new man" she said happily

"Thank you bestfriend, and we're still getting to know each other so we'll see how far we end up getting" I said

We sat and talked for what seemed like hours. It was 1:00 and Tisha was about to head out

"Okay babes be safe , I love you , enjoy yourself, and enjoy Mr. New Man" she said laughing and giving me a hug

"I love you too honey , tell Iman and Junie i said hello , give my god baby a kiss for me" I said as I walked her to the door.

"I will sweetie , I will " she walked to her car and I closed the door once she pulled off.

I walked up towards my room and my mind wondered off to Andre. Could he possibly be the New Man i was looking for , all this time , or is he just a waste of time and energy like Deon. I can't wait to find out..

Okay guys so here's another chapter of "A Good Man" I have changed a few things around and I'm more intrigued with this story of mine versus the other one so I've been focused on this one more. Let me know how you guys feel about it and any thoughts or comments you have on the book.

Will Andre be the good man she's been looking for , or will he end up to be just like Deon?..

Kennedy and Andre in the MM
The Shumpert Family

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