𝘚𝘡𝘒𝘳𝘴 π˜‹π˜’π˜―π˜€π˜¦ Β«Zayl...

By jasminefj

383K 8.5K 1.9K

Story Status: [ on going + revising ] In which a girl named Selena falls in love with a frat boy named Zayn... More

C A S T & D E T A I L S
🎢Curated Playlists for character relationships:
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4.3K 92 20
By jasminefj

Stars Dance
Chapter 33
Zayn's Point of View

IT WAS THE day of to leave to the states, in which the light before I had asked Jackie if she and Levi could take us to the airport. As Selena brought out our suitcases into the living room, I walked around to make sure that everything was in place before we left. I didn't want to come back to having no apartment at all. "Baby, we have to go Levi and Jackie are waiting for us in the parking lot!" I exclaimed to notify Selena who was in the bathroom.
I put the suitcases near the door and I saw Selena walk out of the bathroom door, with a small backpack on her back. She had a certain glow to her now, with every step she took and smile she gave, she looked different to me. I would have gladly waited until she and I were thousand of miles away from the UK before she and I got intimate with each other. However, Selena was read that afternoon and I just couldn't deny her. She was sure in the moment and denying her of me would have just killed the momentum that had been built up that second.
Selena was quiet and reserved for the most part, it was who she was but after a night ago. Something in her had changed. She and I were as close as ever, neither of us could deny that. She always were leggings of pants here, but when she walked out of the bathroom pulling up some joggers above of what looked like some shorts. "What?" She said as I eyed her strangely.
"Nothing." I tried to brush over that she was wearing shorts.
"LA is hot and humid this time of year." She said.
"Well baby, I've never been to the states, in my life." I explained to her. "It's just you never wear shorts, its just strange to see you do so." I admit.
She smiles pecking me on the lips as she reaches for the handle of her suitcase. "Well there is always a first time for everything." She says. "Now come on, lets go." I open the door and she walks out, shutting it behind the both of us, and locking it.
I planned to give, Jackie the keys to the apartment and have her come in to check that everything was alright, in the time Selena and I were gone. I made sure I had everything in my pocket, passport, house keys, car keys, and money over all. We hurried down the hall and Selena had clicked the lift button down, as we waited for the door to slide open. Once it did we stepped in and I pressed the L button for the lobby.
While Selena was excited to be back home for even a week in the states, I was a nervous wreck to meet her parents. Her mom especially. Selena had told me that her parents divorced when she was young and her mother remarried and went to move to LA with her stepfather. What if her mum didn't like me? What if they already had a negative stereotype ingrained from the moment they see me? I planned to be on my best behavior, and I planned in all honesty to tell her mum and stepdad that I loved Selena with all of my heart. I would never hurt her, intentionally.
Everywhere I went, the stupid stereotype followed. Especially in a small town like Bradford, everyone already had a built in stereotype about me. Father's didn't like me for their daughters, but their daughters wanted to date me. It was then, in which I wasn't doing so well mentally and emotionally. I saw this first hand in the early stages of Lucy and I's relationship, when she had told her father she was dating me and went on to set up a whole dinner with her parents so they could meet me. It went downhill very fast.
Feeling very nervous because for the very first time I would be meeting Lucy's mother and father. Lucy smiled as she and I walked to the door of her house. I looked down at myself, making sure that I had the right clothes, I held a bouquet of flowers in my hand for her mother.
"Everything's going to be ok baby, relax." Lucy said with a smile as stood there brushing off any lint from my jacket that I might have had.
"I'm just nervous, that's all." I chuckled nervously.
She pecked my lips. "My dad can be a bit much but he's just looking out for me."
"Rightfully so." I tell her.
"Ready?" She smiles and takes a step towards the door of her house.
"As I will ever be." I admitted nervously.
She took my hand in hers to ease my nerves, as she put her fist to the door and began knocking. In within a few seconds the door opened and it was her father. He was a tall man, businessman of all kinds. He had a full beard and glasses. As her mother was a shorter figured compared to her, bright clothing and a smile on her face, earring to earring.
Her father said nothing, while her mother cheered in excitement that I was here in her presence. "Oh my goodness." The woman smiled. "Come in, Cindy has told me so much about you!" She smiled and Lucy walked in and I followed after her.
"Good evening." I said holding a smile on my face. "Mr and Mrs. Hale." I said. "These are for you., ma'am" I said handing the bouquet of roses to her mother.
"Oh these are beautiful!" Her mother preached. "Thank you so much, I'll go put these in water." She said disappearing down the hall of their home.
"Daddy, this is my boyfriend Zayn." Lucy smiled at her father grabbing onto his shoulder as she introduced us. "Zayn this is my father, David." She said.
Her father had blank look on his face, he didn't seem pleased to meet more, or that I was dating Lucy. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." I said extending my hand towards the man who stood before me.
He hummed and took my hand in his, and shook it firmly. "Likewise." He said but something said he didn't mean it.
Lucy's mother appeared once and once again I was rather relieved she had come back because Lucy's father wasn't talkative but her mother sure way, and she was going to be the balance between Lucy's father and I. "Oh and mom, this is my boyfriend Zayn." Lucy said to her mother, her gave me a smile. "Zayn this is my mom, Vivian." She said.
"It's very nice to meet you." I extended my hand towards her and she shook it.
"It's very nice to finally meet you Zayn, Lucy never stops talking about you." She teases her daughter.
"Mom." Lucy nudges her mother slightly.
The woman before me laughs. "How about we eat?? I've prepared quite the dinner." She says.
I smile nodding my head in agreement and we walk towards the dining room in which the food is laid out on the table like a Christmas dinner, her father is the first sit down at the end of the table, as Lucy and I sit side by side. Lucy sitting closer to her father, while I sit across facing her mother.
"Let's eat." Lucy's mum says and begins passing around the dishes.
While her father hasn't said a word, he clears his throat. "So Zayn is it?" He says drinking into wine.
"Oh don't mind him." Lucy's mother Vivian smiles at me. "This is the first time, Cindy has brought home a boy and you know fathers." She rolls her eyes teasingly. "He's harmless." She brushes his cold shoulder off.
"Well in my defense, I just had to be prepared to meet the boy that's dating my daughter." He says, and Lucy looks over at me with a smile. "She is my only child, it's natural." He admits.
"As any father." I nod my head in agreement.
"Right." He trails off. "So your family Zayn...is it big?" He questions me. "Sisters, brothers?"
I knew the topic was unavoidable and I didn't know how I was suppose to hide the fact that my father was hardly in the picture anymore? He had walked out a few months ago, after Safaa's birth. My father didn't deserve such high praise either, he had done nothing remarkable but fulfill his somewhat obligations of what a father was suppose to fulfill and he wasn't even capable of that.
I cleared my throat and smiled. "Yes actually I have one older sister, and two younger sisters."
"Quite the family man I see." Her father stressed. "As you can see it's only her mother, Cindy and I." He said. "But we raised her well." Lucy smiles at her father's praise.
"Your father must be quite the family man, to have four children right off the bat." He said bringing his hands together.
"Daddy-..." Lucy tried to warn her father about my own but it was too late.
"No it's fine." I smiled at Lucy who took my hand in hers, as her mother noticed and smiled. "I wish I knew what he thought of his children, but hes no longer with us." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." Lucy's mother expressed condolences, but I think they misunderstood me.
"No my father's not passed." I try to explain. "What I meant to say is that, I don't know what my father thinks of us...his children." I trailed off no really knowing how to explain my fathers neglect and absence. "Because he walked out on my mother." I said.
The dinner table grew silent and it slowly became awkward, and if my father wasn't already a piece of shit in my book, that made me even hate him more. His absence in my life just made it more difficult because I couldn't lie about his whereabouts, and create this godly and perfect image of the father I wished him to be but he wasn't.
"I'm so sorry." Vivian, Lucy's mother apologized. "You're mother must be having a rough time."
I clear my throat as Lucy holds my hand in hers easing my nerves with her fingers on my knuckles. "Actually my mother is fine." I say. "She had held her own for the months he has been gone now." I tell her.
"The economy is rough these days I suggest your mother find herself another." I knew Lucy's dad had conservative beliefs but any disrespect towards my mother would not pass by me, I don't care who it was. "Plus taking care of four children is not easy."
"Dad-..." Lucy tried to shush her father.
"What darling? I only say it like I see it, it's not his mothers fault." Her father explained his choice of thoughts. "But let's be real for one second." He explained.
"David." Vivian scolded her husband.
"Actually my mother is doing just fine without the help of anyone." I defend. "Both my older sister and I help out in what we can." I explain.
Lucy's father grows tense. "This is the type of man you've had me meet today?" He points over at me. "This is the boy you're in love with?" He exclaimed at Lucy. "Some pathetic loser, with a dead beat father and a overworked mother?"
"David!" Vivian explains.
"Dad, I love him!" Lucy exclaimed. "Please respect him."
The man laughs. "You think love is going to feed you, clothed you, put a roof over your head with this guy?" He points at me. "If you think of getting serious with my daughter, I suggest you stop it now." He warns me. "Lucy here lives with us like a princess-..."
"Dad stop it!" Lucy argues and I begin to grow angry.
"You won't be able to provide that for my daughter." He says to me. "Not with the life you carry." He adds.
From that moment on, for as long as it was been ingrained into my memory, Lucy's parents and I always clashed heads, it wasn't so much her mother but it was clear who wore the pants in the house and it was him. Whatever he said, Vivian her mother followed and that was final. Lucy and I's relationship went from being out in the open, to always having to hide from the shadows of her father. It was like some forbidden type of love.
Her father disliked me from the moment I stepped foot into his home, before getting the chance to ever know me entirely. Know me as a person, for myself not for the dead weight of a father that I carried behind me. From there on is where I can truly say Lucy and I's relationship began going downhill entirely, no matter how much I tried to keep it afloat for the sake of both of us.
Once Selena and I reached the lobby of the flat, Jackie and Levi stood there in there, tired out of their minds. Jackie yawned and stood there in sweatpants and a sweater with her hair in a messy bun, as Levi did as well, in sweats, a sweater and car key's in his hands.
"Thank you guys so much." Selena said.
"Don't mention it." Levi yawned followed by a smile.
"You both better win that competition, or else all of this?" Jackie says waving her hands in the air. "Is not worth it." She says.
"I can't promise you anything." I tell her. "Here are the key's to the flat, check on it once in a while. Make sure everything is in place from time to time." I say handing the flat keys to Jackie.
"When have I let you down?" Jackie says.
"Never." I tell her.
"Exactly." She points at me.
"I'd love to stand here and watch you both friendship it up even more but we gotta go, or else we're going to be late." Levi says and takes the luggage from Selena as holds onto my arm while Levi and Jackie hurry our things to the car.
Levi opens the trunk of the car, and quickly puts in the suitcases, before shutting it and hurried towards the drivers seat. Selena walks in front of me and I motion her to sit in the front seat and she smiles. I open the door on one end, and Jackie does on the other. Levi turned on the car and quick reaches for the heat setting of the car, as it's a cold London morning. I reach for my seat belt and I latch it in the clip as Jackie does the same.
He pulls out of the parking slot and begins to drive off towards the airport. I sit there quietly against the window, as I look at the streetlights that illuminated the London city, in the dawn of this cold morning. I close my eyes for a slight second and lean back into the seat of the car as Levi driving us to the airport, to become this LA journey. I think and think of what I want to tell Selena in the days that we are there and how I wanted to let her know without her getting angry at me.
Suddenly I feel Jackie's head fall on my shoulder as I notice that she is fast asleep. For a few minutes for what seemed like hours, we arrive and Levi turns on his emergency lights on and he quickly steps out as Selena does as well. Jackie wakes up suddenly to look around and realize what is happening when she steps out as well and I follow as well.
"Once again thank you for this." Selena says to Levi and Jackie who stands beside him sleepier than ever.
I take Selena by the hand as we stand side by side in front of Levi and Jackie. "Seriously don't mention it, you're both my mates." Levi says.
"Yeah." Jackie says with a smile. "Have fun out there, but not too much fun." Jackie says with a smirk. "Wrap it up Z." She warns and Selena grows shy.
Levi laughs at the comment. "Well have a safe flight you two." He says. "But Jackie and I better get going before airport security fines me for staying over time." He says as he reaches over and hugs me and leans over towards Selena as well.
"Bye, bye." Jackie says embracing me in a hug. "Stay safe." She says as she hugs Selena as well.
Selena smiles and waves at them before Levi and Jackie both step into his car and they drive off disappearing down the airport exit. Leaving Selena and I to attend to our suitcases. "Ready baby?" I say to Selena as she takes my hand in hers one more time.
"Ready." She smiles, pressing my lips against hers,
Just as Selena and I were about to go inside for ticketing, I hear my name being called into the distance, I look in the direction of that voice as Selena has a confused look on her face and looks in that direction of the voice calling my name. I squint my eyes to get a better glimpse and when I see who it is, my eyes widen. My father.
His figure grows closer and close to Selena and I. "Zayn, glad I could catch you before-..." He says explaining his presence here. Selena stands beside me not saying a word and grows silent, I want to believe she is just as in shock as I am. I've seen my father many times, more than I'd like to but she's never met him. "Hello, you must be-..." He says with a small smile in the early hours.
I pull on Selena's hand and slight pull her behind me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I exclaim. "How did you even know I was here?"
"I told the school to keep tabs on your studies for me." He admits. "I'd like to know how you're doing academically." He says. "And when you told me you were taking this trip...hoping I wasn't too late-...It was my only chance to catch you before you left."
"I get you're paying for it, but it's not necessary." I nod my head sideways. "It would make sense, because now you don't have Jackie to feed you information so you had to go out of your way to find another way." I roll my eyes. "You're ridiculous." I laugh.
"I just want to say how proud I am of you." He says and I begin to grow impatient. "You must be Selena the one who's made it all possible for him." He smiles at her.
Selena has no other choice just to smile back to ease the obvious tension. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Malik." Selena says.
"Zayn's found a good woman in you-..." He begins.
"Ok, ok enough." I but in. "Thanks for the support, I guess but we have to go." I shrug him off.
"Promise me that when you come back, you and I will sit down for a talk." He proposes.
I scoff. "You've lost that right along time ago."
"Zayn." He pressures and I notice our extra time for check in is catching up on us.
"Alright, alright." I say shrugging him off.
"Have a safe flight." He says and I roll my eyes in the process as Selena and I walk towards the slide in doors of the airport.
As Selena and I stand in line for check in, the silence between us and what happened minutes ago with my father outside the slide in doors in unbearable. I pull on Selena's hand and she turned around with a smile. Stepping close to me and leaning against my arm.
"Baby I'm sorry." I apologize to her.
"Don't apologize." She says caressing me cheek. "I understand, that it's not easy for you." She admits.
"He shows up at the most random times, I know he had people at the uni in his pocket that is how he is able to find me when I don't want to be found." I sigh.
"It's ok baby, I understand." She says in a whispered and pecks my lips. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, whenever you feel ready to do so."


Once we got checked in and our tickets were in our hands, Selena and I went and looked for our gate, once we found it we sat down in the waiting area. We sat side by side and waited for our flight to be boarded. We sat there for an hour and a half, when the lady up front with the mic began calling classes.
Selena and I were class one in the economy section, which our backpacks we stood up and began walking towards the door and lining up. Selena and I held hands the whole way until we reached the woman with the ticket and passport scanner, she smiled at Selena and I, and reached for our flight tickets and passports. Selena's was dark navy blue and mine red.
She scanned them and handed it back to us with a smile. "Have a nice and safe flight." She says.
"Thank you." Selena said and I mouthed after her as we walked down the corridor and boarded the plane to find our seat.


Selena and I sat in our seats and she sat closest to the window, I sat in the middle while some random guy sat beside me. It was going to be a long flight to the States, and I was really nervous. Our relationship was going to be put on the test here and if Selena didn't like what I was going to say, at least she had a place to run for comfort and support while I was going to left alone, I never been to the states and I would be on my own on this one.
I just hoped Selena understood where I was coming from and didn't judge me and instead would be as compassionate and understanding as she was being now. Hurting Selena wasn't my intention, but my past followed me like a shadow lurking over me, all the time. It was unavoidable.
I couldn't loose her, she was only good thing in my life.
Over 12 hours later, I had awoken to the flight attendance telling me we were near landing, Selena was asleep on my shoulder next to me, I lightly tapped her and she woke up with a small smile as she looked up at me. I told her that we were near landing and she nodded her head and fastened her seat belt.
As we landed, my nerves became visible once again, I was nervous as fuck to meet her mother and step father. Once we touched ground, the seat belt icon turned off and everyone stood up at once, Selena and I waited a but we the asile cleared and we were able to reach for our backpacks on top.
I stepped back holding up the line behind me so Selena could pass as I followed behind her. Selena and I hurried off the plane, and towards our destined carousel to get the rest of our luggage.
As we passed immigration and walked towards the carousels, Selena held my hand in hers easing my nerves. She pressed her cheek against mine. "It will ok, I promise." She smiles as we arrived at the baggage carousels.
Selena stood on her tip toes and stuck her neck out searching for her. Curious of how the woman would look myself I searched with her for a face I didn't recognized, it was a crazy thought, but Selena must resemble her mother in some way.
Suddenly Selena's hand detached from mine and I noticed how she ran across the carousel area into the arms of her mother, I smiled and walked behind after Selena. There, Selena held her mother in a long embrace as the woman was slightly shorter than her, ran her fingers through her hair and cooed in her ear, while the man beside the woman caressed Selena on her back.
I appeared behind Selena and her family as she detached herself from her mother and embraced the man. "Brian it's so good to see you too." Selena said.
I smiled, and Selena took a slight step back and pulled me by the arm, and she smiled at me and then back at her mother and stepfather. Selena's mother I could no see clearly. Selena has a lot of her features I'm the face especially and had shoulder length brown. She smiled at Selena then look up at me with a smile. As did her stepfather who I come to know as Brian.
"Mom, Brian." Selena said with a smile. "This is Zayn, my boyfriend." She said.

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