The purest - Chris Schistad #...

By loveisweakness7

342K 6K 2K

"Have you ever been in love ? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens... More

Whoa, big crack !!!!
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
ACT 5.
Act 6
Act 7
Act 8.
Act 9.
Act 10.
Act 11.
Act 12.
Act 13.
Act 14.
Act 15.
Act 16.
Act 17.
Act 18.
Act 19.
Act 20.
Act 21.
Act 22.
Act 23.
Act 24.
Act 25 -Special Christmas-
Act 26 -Special Christmas-
Act 27 -Special Christmas-
Act 28 -Special Christmas-
Act 29.
Act 30.
Act 31.
Act 32.
Act 33.
Act 34.
Act 35.
Act 36.
Act 37.
Act 38.
Act 39.
Act 40.
Act 41.
Act 42.
Act 43.
Act 44.
Act 45.
Act 46.
Act 47.
Act 48.
Act 49.
Act 50.
Act 51.
Act 52.
Act 53.
Act 54.
Act 55
Act 56.
Act 57.
Act 58.
Act 59.
Act 60.
Act 62.
Act 63.
Act 64.
Act 65.
Act 66.
Act 67.
Act 68
Act 69.
Act 70.
Act 71.
Act 72.
Act 73.
Act 74.
Act 75.
Act 76.
Act 77.
Act 78.
Act 79.
Act 80.
Act 81.
Act 82.
Act 83.
Act 84.
Act 85.
Act 86.
Act 87.
Act 88.
Act 89.
Act 90.
Act 91.
Act 92.
Act 93.
Act 94.
Act 95.
Act 96.
Act 97.
Act 98.
Act 99.
Act 100.
Act 101.
Act 102.
Act 103.
Act 104.
Act 105.
Act 106.
Act 107.
Act 108.
Act 109.
Act 110.
Act 111.
Act 112.
Act 113.
Act 114.
Act 115.
Act 116.
Act 117.

Act 118.

2.1K 46 21
By loveisweakness7

Lørdag 21:21

I applied a light beige eye shadow in accordance with my outfit before slightly frowning as I heard Christoffer mumbling in our adjoining room.

He had seemed incredibly nervous today and the closer the minutes came to tonight's party and more, he seemed even more on the edge.

Honestly, I really did not know what to do to appease him. He had barely slept that night and had been strangely thoughtful this afternoon.

"How long before William and Noora come to get us?" He cried out of the room, making me take a pause.

I took my mascara out of my make-up kit before giving a look over my shoulder after watching on my phone. "About twenty minutes, why?"

"Damn it !" I heard him swear, making me frown again before shaking my head as I turned my attention back to my reflection through the mirror.

I painted my eyelashes with the black cosmetic brush before closing my tube by giving a look at all of my reflection.

I had surprisingly managed to find a rosy lace dress matching my pregnant belly. And for once, I felt really beautiful since the beginning of my pregnancy.

I was just hoping Chris like it.

I quickly painted my lips with a nude lipstick before creasing my lips to spread it out.

Once I judged my appearance respectable, I immediately returned to our room just to raise an eyebrow as I spotted Chris wiggling in front of his closet.

"Fy faen! Where is it ?! Come on-ugh ..."

I crossed my arms on my chest taking advantage of the sight of his bare back before biting my lip slightly as I took in his muscles and his skin slightly tanned.

I had to admit that the weather outside and the exercises of the army made him all the more justice.

And it was probably one of my biggest problems.

I was no longer really jealous now but how I was supposed to handle when he became more and more sexy every day passing.

Finally, the sight of the brown pulling on his hair in frustration made me shake my head with a smile before turning my attention to the black shirt I had ironed this afternoon.

If I knew him well enough and I did, he was looking for his shirt.

The only problem was that he seemed really restless tonight and I had absolutely no clue why.

Hoping to soothe him a little, I took the shirt off his hanger before walking in his direction suddenly startled him. "I think that's what you're looking for?"

"Oh my-seriously?"

I held back a laugh as he looked at me with broad eyes holding his chest where his heart was before squinting his brown / green eyes at me at the sight of my smile.

"What's going on with you today ?" I inquired curiously as he put his arms in the sleeves of the shirt I held out to him before striking his hands as he was preparing to button his buttons."Let me do ! "

Chris immediately displayed a smug smile as I approached to button his shirt under his mischievous eyes. "Admit it, it's just a pretext for touching me. "

"Nothing escapes you, eh ?" I laughed sarcastically collecting a laugh from Chris before he buckled his arms on my back to stick me to his chest now covered. " What are you doing ? "

I lay my hands flat on his chest to support me with a funny smile leaving Chris drop a quick kiss on my lips before raising his head carefully. " You are beautiful. "

"You're not bad either, handsome." I answered, adjusting the collar of his curved shirt before styling his hair with a smile. "So ... what's going on ?"


"You were restless all the day." I reminded myself with a sharp look, leaving Chris looking at me with wide eyes, swallowing, alerting me. "Something wrong? "

"Huh ? No, everything is right. Perfect." He exclaimed immediately as he stepped away and turned to the full-length mirror, making me take a step back in suspicion.

I stared at him for a moment with my brows frowning before shaking my head deciding to drop the subject.

He did not seem particularly disturbed and I knew he would eventually talk to me.

So instead, I was heading to my nightstand to retrieve my few jewels. "I still can't believe the twins managed to get invited."

"Well, Sana is your friend, is not she ?" Chris replied sounding strangely guilty making me give him another perplexed look over my shoulder before stopping at the sight of some missing collar.

I immediately looked into my jewelry pot with a deep frown before hurrying back to Chris in disquiet. "Chris, you didn't see my necklace with my ring of purity ?"

"Mhm ?"

"My ring of purity !" I repeated insistently becoming slightly annoyed with his strange behavior."Did you see it ?"

I noticed the brown take a break looking at himself in the reflection before he turned to me with a white face. " No why ? "

"I was sure I put it in my jewelry pot." I breathed, pressing my palm against my forehead before suddenly bending to the sensation of a kick in my stomach. "Ouch !"

I held my bump as I sat on my bed alerting Chris immediately as he suddenly came to my side in concern. "Babe, something wrong? Is it the babies ?"

I immediately took his hand to squeeze it as the twins struck again before exhaling a new painful breath. "No, it's fine. They like a little too much football apparently."

"Really ?" Chris finally chuckled in a relieved laugh before sitting down next to me, holding me in his arms to drop a quick kiss on my temple.

I leaned straight into his touch with my head against his shoulder before turning to the side to put a light kiss in the hollow of his neck.

"Mhm... what are you doing ?" He asked maliciously, letting me imagine his smile as I lay a new kiss up the line of his jaw.

I stopped when I was at his lips and took a moment to look at him as he put his hands on my cheeks.

This time it was Chris who connected our lips in need letting me slide my fingers to the end of his short hair as he boldly asked for the entrance.

I tasted his menthol breath with fervor as he engaged in a contest of dominance which I allowed him to win.

Eventually, the breath began to fail us, letting us detach ourselves by resting our foreheads against each other.

"You can't even imagine how much I love you." Chris suddenly whispered against my lips making me raise my eyes to support his bright eyes with intensity. " I would do anything for you. Absolutely everything. "

I frowned slightly with a wide smile on my lips as I put my hand on his cheek before gently rubbing my thumb against his cheekbones. "And I love you even more. You're all I want. And these babies obviously. "

"Right." He giggled slightly as he pulled away slightly to put his hand on my bump with tenderness.

I looked at him as he stooped to kiss my stomach through my dress before passing affectionately my hand in his short hair as he whispered words of love to our children.

We stayed like that for a long time. Just us two and our babies.

It was at that moment, when I was watching Chris that I really knew he was the only one.

I could never love someone else as I loved Chris.

He and I had grown in the last few years. We had an impact on each other that was impossible to deny.

Chris made me a better person and I felt like I was doing it for him.

Obviously, we had not really changed. Chris was still his usual arrogant, pompous, little fuckboy who loved to make jokes while I was still this innocent girl who blushed easily at his insinuations.

We were always the same, only we had helped each other to evolve.

22: 22

I laughed and shared one of the greatest moments with all of my friends. The family of Sana had set up a huge feast for the end of Ramadan and I could not help but smile at the good atmosphere reigning between us.

I looked around with a broad smile on my lips as I spotted the girls chatting with a friend of Sana.

Isak and Even were both in a corner sharing a great moment while Noora and William had left us on our own as soon as they had the opportunity.

I signed all the plates to Chris as he leaned over me before stealing a kiss with malice.

I shook my head on him wiping my lips as I could taste the sauce on my lips before spotting Eskild and Linn make their appearance in traditional attire.

"Damn, why don't we wear that ? We would have been perfect." Chris exclaimed, pulling me into his chest, making me giggle slightly, giving him a look over my shoulder.

I leaned right away with my head against his shoulder as he crossed his hands on my bump as he watched all of our friends around us.

I noticed William and Noora in a corner smiling knowingly at their suspicious looks. "Look!"

"Jesus, can't they hold back ?" Chris exclaimed maliciously against the hull of my ear making me laugh while sniffing.

"You can talk." I replied as I felt him gently rubbing my stomach before noticing Sana on her own. " I come back. "

"What ?! Noooo! "

I felt Chris grabbing my wrist making me turn around quickly to see him shake his eyebrows making me smile. "I promise you I'll be back."

"You'd do better. "

"Dork !" I laughed in amusement before detaching myself to join Sana." Hey! "

"Céleste !" The brunette exclaimed to the hijab before embracing me in her arms. " You are beautiful. "

" Me ? Look at you !" I replied immediately, pulling away slightly before taking her hands to have a better look at her traditional outfit. " You are perfect. "

In response, Sana rolled her eyes with a flattering smile before looking around me in curiosity."So where's your loverboy ?"

"Loverboy ?" I replied with amusement before searching for Chris despite all with a broad smile when I found him alongside William and Noora seeming in deep conversation. "He would be there."

Sana followed my gaze before surprising me as she hugged me again in her arms."Wow, what was that for ?"

"Not to have abandoned me." She replied, moving away with a broad smile filled with emotion."You've been there for me since the beginning. You're really a good person, Céleste."

I was about to answer her as I felt the tears behind my eyes only it was without counting on the sudden appearance of the false twins.

"Damn, did you taste those meatballs ?" Mathias exclaimed, as he signed his plate, which was soon followed by Egil.

"Yeah, you gotta learn how to cook like that, Céleste ! You're really a bad cooker."

I gave a flat glance at the two idiots before turning again to Sana while rolling my eyes."Yeah well, it would seem that it is not in the family. "

Sana and I giggled at once under the confused eyes of the twins before shaking our heads as we watched them join Magnus, Madhi and Elias.

Elias gave me a wink smiling as I looked at Sana as her phone rang.

"Your loverboy ?" I inquired curiously, raising my suggestive eyebrows, eliciting a slight blush from Sana. "Oh my god, you're so cute."

"Haha ! "

I shook my head as I watched her message exchange with Yousef over her shoulder before turning my eyes over the whole party.

I found my boyfriend again letting me cross my arms on my chest as I watched him from afar with a wide grin on my lips before suddenly feeling a presence behind me. "Look at yourself, you're not creppy at all. "

"Even !" I exclaimed, squeezing the blonde in my arms before giving a hilarious look at Isak as he hurriedly touched my stomach.

"Halla there! It's uncle Isak !" He said making me look between the two blond before sharing an embrace with Isak.

"Congratulations for the university." Congratulated Isak causing me to loosen with a broad smile. "Looks like it's all right for you. "

"I could say the same for you." I replied, signing the duet before feeling a new presence at my side.

I gave a look over my shoulder just to see William with a falsely frightened expression."Eskild wants to share me with Noora. "

"Huh ?" I said to myself amused before looking at him with a hilarious smile. "I should have known that polygamy was your thing. "

"Haha !" He replied with a slight sarcasm before giving a look at the duet." How did you manage to bear her ? "

"Well it wasn't always easy but-"

"Hey !" I shouted, pushing lightly Even, causing laughter from the boys' trio as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Idiots. "

"Anyway, you shouldn't be with Chris ?" Suddenly shook William by strangely sharing a secret look with Isak and Even making me look confusedly between the trio.

"Chris ? Why ? "

"Yeah, yeah, look, he's right there !" Isak said suddenly, signing Chris around the table with a plate making me look at them all the more puzzled.

However, I did not have time to ask for more as William pushed me gently into Chris's direction letting me give them a strange look over my shoulder before shaking my head as I stopped beside Chris.

"Our friends are so weird." I said, taking a piece of meat off his plate, giving a bewildered look of the brown. "What? You always steal my bacon."

"It happened once !" He replied in the defense. "How long are you going to remind me ?"

I plied my playful eyes on him before taking another ball of his plate shrugging my shoulders arrogantly. "Until I decided it."

Chris immediately displayed a wide, amused smile making me bend an eyebrow before he signed his lips. "You got a little something. Just there. "

"Huh ? Where ?" I asked, frowning slightly as I rubbed my lips before widening my eyes as he immediately connected our lips.

He withdrew almost immediately with a pretentious smile making me squint my eyes on him in realization.

"There was nothing, right ?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders before giving me a mocking grimace. " Who knows !"

"You are impossible !" I giggled, pushing his shoulder in a good mood before surprising him by hoisting me on my toes to steal a kiss in my turn.

He closed his eyelids as I slowly pushed my lips against hers in a tender kiss before detaching.

I dropped a quick kiss before raising my eyes to meet his eyes until a slight throat cleared us.

We simultaneously turned our heads towards the source of our interruption simply to come face to face with Emma. "Hi !"

"Halla !" I smiled as I bent over Chris as he slipped his arm through my back before making the presentations. "Oh ... er, Emma ? This is Chris, my boyfriend. Chris, Emma. She's a first year of the Kosegruppa."

Chris whirled and shook the brunette's hand before giving me a sly look. "Kosegruppa, huh ?"

"Don't be rude !" I snapped, striking his chest lightly in amusement forgetting in spite of myself the presence of Emma.

"So ... is it coming soon ?" The brunette took me back and gave me a wide look, bringing my hand to my stomach.

"Oh ... ah, we still have time." I answered, rubbing my belly with affection. "Another four months."

" It's cool." Clumsily tempted Emma visibly awkward making me hum and hiding my smile as Chris gave me a slight pressure on my hip.

Fortunately, Noora's sudden intervention saved me from this incredibly awkward atmosphere."Céleste, I have the impression that I didn't see you in the evening. "

"Well, I'm here. "

"Yeah, come on !" She exclaimed, suddenly grabbing my wrist while sending a strange smile in the direction of Chris.

I gave her a strange look as she pulled me with her before looking between the blonde and Chris over my shoulder as they seemed to have some sort of silent conversation.

Finally, I forced the blonde to a stop, clearly tired of all her concealments. "Okay, can anyone finally tell me what's going on here ?"

" I go. Just wait here !" She said abruptly pulling me to position me in the middle of the groups making me frown. "Okay, close your eyes. "

"Huh ?"

"Do what I tell you, Céleste." She insisted with a slight sigh making me give her a bored look." It's a surprise ! Trust me ! "

I let a heavy sigh roll my eyes before closing my eyelids waving my arms in frustration." Here ! What's going on now ? "

"Just wait !"

I felt the blonde move away letting me frown as the groups around us suddenly fell silent.

"Okay ? Noora? "

The rustling of the leaf was suddenly heard forcing me to turn around in spite of myself with my eyes still closed.

"Babe ? Open your eyes." Chris suddenly exclaimed, causing me to turn my eyes just to pant away with gasp.

" Oh my God !" I gasped as I watched him kneel on a knee with a box containing a ring encrusted with diamond.

"Don't swear !" Cried Mathias, making me look around me in realization.

"Chris..." I whispered in a trembling voice leaving the brown beneath me swallowing.

"Céleste." He breathed in his turn also seemingly overwhelmed by emotion. "The first time I put my eyes on your ring, you told me I could never understand. Yet, you tried to make me see your point of view. No matter how many times I fucked up things, you supported me and you made me see the true meaning of what true love was. I promised you one day that you will become Mrs. Schistad. Although you prefer Mrs. Schistad-Nogen... "

I let a laugh through my tears that had begun to flow between the beginning of his speech and now.

I could hear the tender and dreamy gasps of the girls as well as the laughs of our friends surrounding us letting my heart beat at a frantic pace in my ribcage.

"And I know we have to skip a lot of steps. But I'd like to do things right by asking you to share the rest of my life. You are all I need. These babies... and you, are all I need. So... Céleste Anne-Marie Nogen ... will you marry me ?"

I immediately shook my head, weeping tears of joy before accepting quickly, taking his hands. "Yes ! Yes Yes Yes ! "

Chris flashed a broad smile all around his face before straightening up to take the ring from the box under the applause of our friends.

I held out my trembling hand as he slipped the ring along my finger, captivating my gaze before throwing me at him and kissing him passionately.

"Ew! Get a room !" Cried Egil with a sly smile, making us immediately smile in the kiss before turning to the rest of our friends and Sana's family.

The girls immediately rushed at me to see the ring as the boys rushed to Chris to congratulate him.

Even Sara and Ingrid were asking to see the ring I had made was made from my ring of purity.

"Okay, time for a speech !" Vilde suddenly cried out alerting Jonas as he pulled a chair before climbing on it with the speech that Noora had written for Sana.

Well early enough, we all gathered around Sana shouting and clamoring loudly for our best friend with the rest of the large group.

I soon felt a pair of familiar arms circling me making me lean against Chris giving him a look of amazement over my shoulder.

He held my gaze with a broad smile before kissing my nose by signing Jonas playfully to beckon me to listen.

"Okay, I didn't write this by the way, it was Noora. "

Noora widened her eyes immediately before turning to sign William, Isak and then me. "And William. And Isak and Céleste a little. "

" Dear, Sana, this speech is for you. And you'll get it today, because what you've invited us to, today, will knock over American presidents, tomorrow. We live in a chaotic world, where it's difficult to comprehend the rules. Because why are some poo, and others rich ? Why do some have to flee, while others are safe ? Why do people get spit on, on the street ? And why is that even though you try to do something good, it'll still be greeted with hate ? It's not strange that people give up. That we stop believing in the good. But thank you, for not giving up, Sana. Because even though it sometimes feel like it, no humans stand alone. Each and every one of us is an important part of the huge chaos. And what you do today, will affect tomorrow. It can sometimes be difficult to see how it affects, and usually, you aren't see how it all fits together. But the effect of our actions are always there. Somewhere in the chaos. In hundred years, we may have machines, that can calculate the effect of every action taken, but until then, we can trust this ; Fear spreads. But... Fortunately, love does too. »

So this is the last episode of Skam !!! I'm so emotional right now! I can't believe it's really over!

Honestly, at the risk of attracting the wrath of a lot of people, I could not dream of a better end!

There is nothing more than enjoying having an end that matches our expectations, I wanted an
end with a speech from Jonas.

Plus, I know that Chriseva doesn't happen but to be honest, I never really liked this couple.

I hate the stereotype of love at first sight so I prefer to let my imagination finish this plot for me.
For me, this corresponds with the messages of William and Chris. Chris does not really like Eva and he's still a real Fuckboy !! Because let's be honest, who did not like Chris the fuckboy ?!
For me, he remains faithful to himself and does not fall into the cliché of the bad boy changed by love. Emma is just another hook up and Eva gets to start over with Jonas on a healthy basis !!!

In short, I loved following this show and I believe it will always have an impact on me.

To finish this long note, I regret to say that it is also the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed the journey into the life of Celeste.

I want to thank you for all the vote and your comments that really touched me. You're great, stay like you are 😉

Love ya <3

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