When Her Mate Moves Into Town...

By SheLovesHerWords

639K 12.6K 1.1K

Lane Connor. Adored by many and rightly so. Kind, at times to a fault, a smile that lights up any room she en... More

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)
When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)
Chapter One- Whispers of Permission. *Edited*
Chapter Two- What history we make in History. *Edited*
Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*
Chapter 4- Hope For Maybes *Edited*
Chapter 5- Caution: Chair Will Cause Blushing. *Edited*
Chapter 6- Relief in school. Safe? *Edited*
Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*
Chapter 8- Holding Pinkies *Edited*
Chapter 9- Reminder: Thank the girl that pushed me over.
Chapter 10- Help. Looking for lost hickey.
Chapter 11- Sweet and Scary
Chapter 12- Ruining people. The good way.
Chapter 13- Tingles as a wakeup call. That's new.
Chapter 14- Next step? Why not?
Chapter 15- Can soon come sooner?
Chapter 16- We have an announcement. And another. Oh, and another.
Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.
Chapter 18- Beating me at my own game. But hey, I'm a good sport.
Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.
Chapter 20- Lane meet Leah. The evil side.
Chapter 21- We Do Things Short 'Round Here.
Chapter 22- The moments, before the moment of truth.
Chapter 23 - Putting trust to the ultimate test.
Chapter 24 - Love from those just met.
Chapter 25- Ryders POV
Chapter 26 - Two day compromise ends quicker than expected.
Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter!
Not a new chapter.

Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*

21.1K 453 184
By SheLovesHerWords

A/N Hey everyone! So this is the first chapter but in Ryders POV as you can see. I don't like him. At all. URG! haha!

This chapter is dedicated to TheRiverRunsDeep! She was the first to comment and so I figured, why not dedicate a chapter to her. Check out her stuff if you haven't! Freaking awesome I tell you!

Anyways, hope you all like! Thanks! :)


Ryder’s POV:

Today’s the day. LC is now 18 and she’s starting her first day of her last year of High school. New beginnings. I hate that I had to wait so long to get “permission” to ask LC out. Even though I don’t care about the go-ahead from the Connor men, LC is mine either way, Judge is still my best friend. They all are like my family and treat me as such. But I’d drop them in a heartbeat if it meant having LC or if they get in the way of us being together. She comes first.

I was 5 when she was born. One look into her eyes and I just knew that I had to have her.

I was confused for a long time. Confused because my parents always told me that when I find my mate my wolf would practically yell and scream, “MATE!” at me.  Confused because they told me when we touch I’d literally feel this tingly sensation. Confused because none of that happened.

“AH!” I scream and punch my wall as my wolf keeps reminds me of that once again. A day doesn’t go by where he isn’t telling me to, “Move on!” and ‘She’s not ours!’

“BULL! She IS ours!” I yell back at him.

‘Trust me, I’d know if she was and she’s not. Listen to your parents. Did I tell you that she was ours? Did I say “Mate”? NO! I didn’t. It’s because she’s not.’

“I KNOW!!” I yell defeated.

‘Finally. You’re starting to have some senc-‘

“But I don’t care.” I interrupt determined.

‘WHAT?!’  My wolf yells shocked.

“I.Don’t. Care. I love LC. I love her more than anyone ever will and she’ll love me just the same. That is, if she doesn’t already.”

‘Whoa! Hold on a secon-‘

“NO!” I interrupt my wolf. “There’s just something about LC. The fates made some sort of mistake, I’m sure of it. She is the one. And you know what? I’m happy, no, THRILLED you don’t want her because she’s MINE! Now leave.me.ALONE!” I growl and shut my wolf out before he can say something else. It takes a lot out of me but I can handle it. For LC I can handle it.

Blocking him out calms me down a little because it takes a lot of my energy. It’s a never ending battle with him. I’m constantly fighting to keep him out of my head. Since I’m now calm, I make my way over to LC’s place. Her scent keeps me sane. It’s my drug.

Arriving at the house I park and make my way up to the door and let myself in. I take a deep breath and zero in on LC’s scent. Heaven. Pure Vanilla and Brown Sugar with a hint of Peaches Heaven.

All of a sudden I hear laughter and receive a pat on the back from Ace. I look at him confused.

“You know, you don’t have to just stand there and smell it. You can come into the kitchen and eat some!” Ace laughs.

“WHAT?!” I yell shocked!

“The Chocolate Chip Pancakes…I made some. “ Ace says cautiously. Taken a back from my sudden outburst.

“OH! Sorry man, my mind is somewhere else. Yeah, sure I’ll have some. Don’t have to tell me twice.” I joke hoping that explanation will be enough to save me from questions. It does because next I hear Judge say,

“Hah! Tell you? We never have too. Even if we said you couldn’t you’d help yourself anyway!” Judge says as we shake hands.

“Oh come on! If Chris and Jane heard that you’d never hear the end of it!” I say wondering where their parents are.

“Yeah, I think my parents love you more than us sometimes.” Ace jokes.

“Where are the rents?” I ask.

“Oh, they’re at the Pack house. Alpha Tim called a meeting this morning with the elders. He’s thinking about stepping down. He doesn’t see Josh growing up anytime soon to take his place and he says he’s ready to give up the title of Alpha. So since his son is out of the picture, the next best thing would be his nephew. They’re discussing it all today.” Judge explains.

“Oh, alright. Well I guess it’s just you two that I’ll be asking today.” I say, their faces showing confusion. I lead them to the table and ask them to sit. When they do I take a deep breath, once again trying to single out LC’s scent. It’s easier this time. She must be up and moving around.

“What’s going on man” Judge asks and Ace’s face shows he’s thinking the same thing.

“Well, I’ve known you and your family for a long time and I really do think of you all as my family.” I start.

“Same here Ryder.” Ace says and nods for me to continue.

“Thanks, well, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope that I’ve earned your families trust and you all trust me enough to….” I trail off feigning nervousness in hopes of getting a vote of sympathy.

“Trust you enough to…” Judge urges.

“Trust me enough to date your sister.”

The sound of a fork dropping on a plate and a cup being knocked over is the response I get. Oh, and both of their mouths hanging open.

They sat there staring at me and I was starting to get pissed because I was sure they were going to say no. As I open my mouth to inevitably ruin my 23 year friendship with Judge and this family, Judge clears his throat and says, “Ok”.

I shut my mouth and in turn gave them the same look that they both were giving me for the past 2 minutes.

“Man, Ryder. That is really hard for me to agree to. You know that right?”

As he says that, Ace gets out of his chair and leaves the kitchen without a word.

“Don’t worry about him Ryder. He’ll come around. It’s just you know how we are with her. Hell, you’re the same way. You’re always right there scaring all the guys away. In school you were right with me and Ace telling everyone on the team to step off and that’s exactly why I’m saying yes.” Judge explains.

I appreciate that and I could really care less if Ace ever comes around. All I know is that today I get my girl. For good.

Not a minute later Ace comes back into the kitchen and sits down. He looks at me with a slight glare.

“I overheard part of what Judge said and I agree with him. But one...” He says as he puts up his index finger… “…this goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyway, you hurt my sister and I’ll kick your ass. I promise you that. And two…” another finger “…If and when her mate comes, you need to back off. You can’t get in the way of them. Alright? I’d rather just say no to this whole thing but I happen to know that my sister has a crush on you and this would make her happy and that’s all I want. Understand?”

Do I understand?! Hah! Screw you pup! I don’t care about his stupid conditions but for the sake of LC’s happiness and the fact that she loves her brothers more than air itself I’ll sit here and play nice.

Wait! Did he say she has a crush on me? I feel so high right now.

“I understand, Ace. I care for your sister. I really do, I won’t hurt her.” I say nicely, instantly in a better mood because of her having a crush on me. I also don’t mention anything about her mate. That’s not happening.

“Don’t make me regret this man. You’re my best friend so I’m trust-” Judge starts but gets interrupted by Ace.

“Shhh. LC’s coming.” He warns.

As she enters the room my senses get attacked. She looks incredible in Blue and her smell alone sets me off. Since I have the go to ask her out it’s going to take even more control to not claim her where she stands. The thought of claiming her brings the hugest smile to my face.

 “Hey guys…” She says cautiously sensing that something went down. “Everything alright?”

That voice. Oh God! That sweet, raspy voice brings my thoughts to me, her and that wall. Oh the things I'd do.

“Yeah! Morning sis. Are you going to eat?” Judge asks interrupting my thoughts.

“Mmm, nah. I’m not really hungry right now.”  She says nonchalantly.

“I made Chocolate Chip Pancakes.” Ace says in a sing-song voice.

“I’M STARVING!” I can’t help the amused face I have when she yells that. That’s my angel. My usually shy girl yelling. For what? Chocolate!

“Where are the heaven holders?” She asks looking around for the plates. Adorable.

“In the cabinet, LC, where they always are.” Judge chuckles.

“OH! And where’s heaven?”  

'You're it' I think but say “In the Sky.”

“On the counter Lane. Right in front of you.” Ace says while he and Judge laugh at my joke. Slowly the tension is leaving this room and it’s thanks to my angel right there.

“Don’t “Lane” me buster! I can’t think straight when there’s Chocolate Chip Pancakes to be eaten. You know that!”

We all laugh at what she just said. Tension completely gone. Only now my wolf is deciding to make an appearance. I keep looking at LC to try and get myself calm hoping she doesn’t notice me trying to keep my wolf down which is causing me to fidget in my seat.

All of a sudden I see her shrug. It seems I’m not the only one with something on my mind.

“Did you just shrug to yourself, LC?” I whisper to her smiling.

She looks up at me through her eyelashes and nods. That look. She really doesn't know what she does to me.

“You’re too cute for your own good, LC.” I say looking deep into her eyes and feel a stirring in my pants. Then I see her blush and don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, although I’m happy I can get that reaction out of her, so I change the subject.

“Hey listen, I’m going to take you to school today alright?”

“Huh? Why? What about Ace?” She asks confused and I hold my breath. She needs to go with me! I can’t last another second without her being mine!

“Carters’ car isn’t working today, LC.” I’m happy when Ace answers because I can’t really talk right now. I don’t want to have to demand her to go to me. “So I’m going to pick him up. I figure 5 of us in my car won’t be too comfortable so you can just go with Ryder and I’ll get Carter, Blake and Riley. That alright?” Ace asks clearly not comfortable with this at all.

“Oh! Yeah, that’s fine.” As soon as I hear that I sigh in relief. Thanks for saving the day pup.

“Great! Then let’s go shall we? Don’t want you guys to be late!” I shout excitedly. I need to do this soon or I'll lose it.

She puts her dishes away and kisses her brothers goodbye. I frown at the thought of her lips touching anything but me.  We get to my car and I open her door for her. As she’s getting in her dress rides up her thigh and suddenly there's not enough room in my pants.

I get in the car and take a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

Suddenly I hear LC. “Ryder, are you ok? You’ve been acting kind of strange this morning. Is something bothering you?”

I laugh because she’s so caring and also because she doesn’t even know what’s coming.

“I’m the best I’ve ever been LC. I just got awesome news this morning and truth be told you can make it even better.” I say.

“Me?” She points to herself innocently.

I nod and then say, “I need to ask you something, LC.” And instantly my wolf comes through.

‘Don’t do it!’

“Shut the hell up! Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?”

‘And?! Doesn’t mean I’m going to. You might fool everyone into thinking that this is just some innocent relationship but you’re not fooling me! You can’t claim her! She already has a ma-‘

“SHUT-UP! She.is.MINE! And I will claim her, when and where I want to!"

I don’t even realize that we made it to her school and that we’re parked until I’m turning to look at her. Trying to see her eyes so that I can calm down and focus on the task at hand. As soon as I look at her my conversation with my wolf seems like it never happened. Here goes!

“LC, you’re in your last year of high school and you’re 18 now. I know we both haven’t found our mates yet and I feel like I’ll never find mine and truth is...” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Hoping that what Ace said about her crushing on me is true.

“…I don’t think I want to when I have the most amazing girl that I have ever met sitting right in front of me.”

“LC…will you go out with me?” I ask and look deep into her eyes. Trying to show her that I’m completely serious.

As she just sits there, I get more and more nervous and I start to fear that she is going to say no. Believe me though, I won’t let that happen. I’m about to beg when she asks the worst question possible.

 “What if we do find our mates?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I just want to be able to call you my girl. Even if it’s just for a day. Please. Please say that you’ll give me a shot.” I plead and say as calmly as I can while inside I’m furious! How can she be thinking about her mate? She belongs to me.

And all that rage is washed away when she says that two-letter word that made my world turn upside down…

 “Ok” It’s so soft I don’t think she even said it.

So I ask her “OK?!”

And with the most adorable laugh she answers with a “Yes!”

I’m so pumped and ecstatic that I get out of my car, run to her side to yank open her door, pull her out by her waist and twirl her. I have her! I finally have her! And I’m NEVER letting go!

While lowering her to the ground and never taking my eyes off of hers I wrap her completely in my arms and whisper,

“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this day LC. You’ve made me the happiest man. You’re my girl now.”

Loving the feeling of her in my arms I lean in to finally taste her sweet lips but we're interrupted when we hear someone clear their throat which scares LC and causes her to jump away from me. Not happening. I huff in annoyance and pull her back to my chest not ready to let her go yet. As I’m looking at her from above and enjoying how she feels in my arms I forget that someone is there until I hear Ace.

“You move fast, Smith.” He says. Oh no! Is brother upset? Cry me a fricken river! Standing there trying to control his anger. Hah! He can try and take me. I’ll take him down before he even makes his first move.

Not wanting to make LC upset I remind him of our conversation from earlier.

“Come on, Ace. We talked about it this morning. I would never hurt your sister or make her do anything that she wouldn’t want to do. I care about her. You know that.”

I can see LC looking between me and her brother. Confusion written all over her face. I notice that as soon as Ace looks at my baby he completely relaxes.

“You’re ok with this, LC? You want to go out with him? You’re happy?” OF COURSE SHE IS!

“Yes, Ace. I’m ok. I am 18 you know?” She says embarrassed.

“I know but you’re still my sister. I can’t have you getting hurt. No offence Ryder. You get it right?” His voice is like nails on a chalkboard but I do have to cut him some slack. I mean he did scare everyone away not knowing that he was ultimately saving her for me. Thanks for that one!

“Yeah man. I got it.”

I give him a fist bump. The fact that he's trying to be ok with this doesn't mean shit to me. Ace is like family but this morning he made himself a threat to my relationship with LC. So family? No. Roadblock? Yes.

I turn to give my girl a kiss goodbye and she turns her head so I kiss her cheek instead. WHAT THE HELL? Pissed off I turn and walk to my car. How could she just give me her cheek! All I know is that won't be lasting long! She's mine and the sooner she gets that the better.

Before I can even make it to the drivers’ side of the car I feel a tiny hand grab my arm and pull me to a stop. As I’m turning to see what’s going on LC kisses me on the cheek I smile at her completely happy with the turn of events and give her a hug. With a “Bye my beautiful girlfriend.” I walk to my car thinking how in due time, my lips are going to taste every inch of that sweet little body of hers. Or should I say, that sweet little body of mine?


See what I mean? You don't like Ryder right? Please tell me you don't like him. It's ok, you can tell me. He's a jerk. I know. Haha! Anyways. Hope you all like it none the less.

Vote, Comment and Fan if you want! :)

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