My journey to sexual purity. X

By Fightingforpurity101

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My journey as a Christian girl pursuing a life of purity. (: More

A little bit about me(:
Cold Turkey
True intimacy. X
Properly feeding yourself prevents binge eating the wrong things✌
Whom the son sets free IS free indeed
Mass post on overcoming pornography addiction
Freedom is freedom
Sex drives are [gifts] from God
Idolizing relationships/ marriage
The [bigger] cycle
Yearly check up ☺
The truth will set you free
A little vulnerability goes a long way❤
Be Vulnerable (part 1)
Just go to the Source
History tends to repeat itself
Resilience amidst failure
Life update :)
Dare to obey
A Graceless Journey

Slippery Slope

158 22 18
By Fightingforpurity101

Very rarely do people just find themselves viewing porn. Contrary to common belief, it doesn't just sneak up on you. In reality it's simply the result of steady disobedience as you consistently choose to ignore that small voice (and instead listen to the enemy's).

When I felt lonely I'd initially turn to G-rated romance novels, and without the intent of viewing porn I'd almost always find myself there. I'd start off reading clean romance novels (because in my mind a clean read meant I was still on God's good side), however, slowly but surely I'd find myself drifting further and further away from G rated material. I knew what I was doing, yet still felt like I had no control over it. I heard that little voice, but I'd actively choose to fly right past it in exchange for instant ( and incredibly short-lasted and guilt-ridden) gratification. I'd go in with the intent of reading a harmless romance novel, but would almost always end up viewing porn.

Romance novels were my gateway poison to more toxic ones. The enemy takes our seeds of desires (ex: loneliness), waters it with lies (marriage is everything, and no guy will ever want me- therefore romance novels are my only hope), and from there produces wicked fruit (viewing porn).

You may not be able to control the temptations and desires that bombard your mind, but with Christ you can control the way you respond to them. The more time you give that desire to simmer, the more difficult it will be for you to respond appropriately.

I never want to go to the gym; in fact each day is a battle. I've found that the longer I lay in bed contemplating a gym visit, the more time I have to rationalize, talk myself out of it, and succumb to laziness. Similarly, the longer I wait to say no to porn, the more it builds up, and the more likely I am to rationalize, justify, and succumb to it.

The Lord tells us to flee temptation- not try to stand up to it. God is wayyyyyy smarter than us. Everything that He tells us is for our own good. He wouldn't tell us to flee it wasn't best for us.

You can't be on both teams; you're either with God, or you're not. Our lives are a journey of becoming more like Him; not a race of cutting corners, and seeing how much sin we can "get away with".

G-rated romance novels within themselves aren't bad, but I choose to not read them because I know where I'll likely end up. Amidst loneliness (and really any other emotional trigger) I have to choose to listen to His still small voice, and to ignore the enemy's.

I don't ignore the desire, but instead choose to instantly feed it in a healthy way. I don't give myself time to rationalize, justify, and succumb to my flesh; instead I immediately run to the Lord about it. I tell Him how I am feeling, ask for His strength and protection, and then dive into scripture/ praise.

Here are some of my favorite go to verses. There's a verse for every situation- so I'll try my best to categorize them for you :)

[] Why any of this matters

- 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

- 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

- Titus 2:12

- Hebrews 13:4

- Ephesians 5:3

- Romans 12:1-2


- James 1:12

- Proverbs 5,6,7

[] I am a NEW creation in Christ

*** I run here when the enemy tries to trip me up by throwing my past in my face -_-

- 2 Corinthians 5:17

- Ephesians 4:22-24

[] His power

- James 4:7-8

- 1 Corinthians 10:13

- Philippians 4:13

- Psalm 18:16-17

[] He cares for me

- 1 Corinthians 10:13

- Hebrews 4:15-16

- Psalm 16:5-11

- Psalm 145:14-21

- Psalm 118:5

- Psalm 18:16-17

- Psalm 55:16-18

[] Practical tips/ daily prayers

- 2 Timothy 2:22

- Proverbs 5,6,7

- Matthew 6:13

- Philippians 4:8-9

- Psalm 119:9-12

[] Forgiveness

- 1 John 1 :9

- Psalm 51:1-17

- Isaiah 43:25-26

- Ephesians 1:7

- Micah 7:18-19

- Psalm 103:12


- Galatians 5:1

- Galatians 5:13

- John 8:36

- 2 Corinthians 3:17

- Psalms 118:5

Favorite songs

**** Songs that I'm currently obsessed with :)

- Freedom Reigns -Jesus Culture

- Spirit Move- Bethel

- Robot- Trip Lee

- Won't Go Back- William McDowell

- Withholding Nothing- William McDowell

- Start over- Flame ft. NF

- Mercy- Bethel// Amanda Cook

- Break Every Chain- Tasha Cobbs

- Lion and the Lamb- Bethel// Leeland

- ****RECKLESS LOVE- Bethel

- King of my Heart- Bethel// Sarah McMillan

- I Surrender- Hillsong

- Scandal of Grace- Hillsong

- ****What a Beautiful Name- Hillsong

- This Love- Housefires ii

- ****Build my Life- Housefires ii

- You are Good- Israel Houghton

- Name Above All Names- Kelanie Gloeckler

- The One my Heart Loves- Kelanie Gloeckler

- Praise Is the Breakthrough- Kelanie Gloeckler

- Hey- Leeland

- Your Great Name- Natalie Grant

- I'll Keep On- NF

- Abba- Rick Pino

- ****All is Lost- The Rock Worship

I hope these resources help!! As always, please add on in the comment section!! I wanna hear your go-to verses/ songs. Also, let me know what you think of some of the songs I suggested :D Love you all!! Fight on. Xx

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