Freedom is freedom

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This isn't going to be a long, deep, thought provoking post. It's just me taking something that hit me really hard, and expanding it.

In this day and age it's so easy to fall into the trap of comparison. We're constantly striving to be better than the person beside us. Everything we do turns out to be a race, a definer of our status, and ultimately a determinant of our worth.

When it comes to pornography addictions everyone has a different trigger. For me it starts off with romance novels. Although the books are fairly innocent they're still enough to get my mind wandering, and before I know it I'm looking at something I shouldn't. So what's the solution? Simply blocking the path that leads to me being triggered: avoiding romance novels in the first place.

For others their trigger is simply being in front of a computer. So again, the solution is simply blocking the path that leads to the trigger; having various programs that block access to porn sites, or maybe not having a personal computer or maybe just not using it in private.

There are some people who can't have a smart phone because the temptation is simply too strong. Again, the solution is blocking the path that leads to temptation; such as blocking access to certain sites, not having internet access, or even downgrading to a "dumb" phone.

We've each had such different experiences with different levels of exposure, so naturally we have different triggers, and as a result have to take different precautions. Different simply means different, NOT better or worse.

I like to think of it as running a race. Traditionally, the person who runs the race the fastest is the winner. Seems logical right? But the only reason this is a valid measurement of the "fittest" competitor is because everyone is running the exact same race, with the same starting and ending point.

But in our case our races are each so different. They each have different obstacles, starting, and ending of course our paths are going to be comparing the way we each run our race and the way that we finish them is stupid, and will leave you feeling inadequate.

The person who can never own another smart phone is just as free as the person who can't watch chick flicks or read romance novels.

There is no hierarchy or levels / rankings of freedom. Freedom is freedom despite what you have to do to get there.

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