A little bit about me(:

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I was going to just start typing my first entry, but then I thought: "they don't even know me!" It's one thing to know someone's story, but I think it means more when you have a better sense of who the author is as a person. 

So here we go(: I go by LB, I'm 18 years old, and I'm a semi  nerdy first year college student. I love to sing, Netflix, bake, eat, laugh, write, roadtrip, ride roller coasters, learn new languages, read, and of course spend time with the Lord. I'm ridiculously laid back, oddly optimistic, and I find everything funny, especially after 10pm xD I love people, and I love spending time with them...but as an introvert I have to keep it limited lol. If it's one on one I can go on for days, but time with large groups of people is very draining for me. 

Moving on to the deeper stuff...like my spiritual walk! I've been walking with the Lord since age 12, but I didn't really understand or take that seriously until maybe age 16...which is ironic because 16 was when I started to really struggle with sexual sin. You can imagine how confusing that was! I was just beginning to discover Jesus for myself...but at the same time I was seperating myself from Him. Two years later I'm doing much better, but I'm far from perfect. I mess up and I sin daily, but I know His unconditional love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness covers my mistakes. I know the Lord is not done with me yet, and I know that I'm still a work in progress. I want to document my journey for myself, but also for others struggling with something similar. Struggling in private makes the journey nearly impossible,  but with community we can overcome anything. This Christian thing isn't easy, it's actually quite difficult...which is why God didn't intend for us to do it on our own. I want to create a community for us to love, encourage, and bring each other closer to Jesus. 

If you want to know anything else about me, or this book, leave me a comment!(: Love you all, and you're each in my prayers. God bless. Xoxo

- LB xx

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