Endgame (Book 3)

By brycethehampton

23.7K 2.3K 225

Jay West is ready to readjust back to normal life--again. But with the new challenges he has coming, his wish... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49: X
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note

Chapter 13

466 46 1
By brycethehampton

I silently sucked in a deep breath and held it in fear of him hearing me. My heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest, and I prayed It wouldn't hear that, either.

My hands clenched and uncurled themselves on the ground in anticipation. I wished I could do something to keep it from finding me.

It's feet remained near the car I was hiding under for a painstakingly long time. I resisted the urge to wipe sweat from my eyes. Any little movement could alert him to my presence.

My lungs wanted to explode, but I gave them no reprieve. They could wait for my life to be out of danger.

It screamed again in frustration. Once again, I used the loud distraction to suck in a huge breath of air.

His legs moved erratically, wandering farther into the lot. I was so close that blood began to drop down from my ears.

I craned my neck around so that I could see him again. He had moved far away, but he was in the direction in front of the car.

I trembled, seeing him completely for the first time.

His face wasn't even ugly like the rest of him. It was gross.

A mass of empty, smooth flesh greeted my eyes. A large, circular indent in his lower face was probably his mouth. This guy was completely repulsive.

His spine arched back, his arms and legs spread wide, It continued to screech ferociously. I was tempted to crawl out from my hiding space and confront it just to shut him up, but I knew I wouldn't last long enough to even make a snarky comment.

Long tendrils of green-tinged electricity circled around It. They spread out from his body and scrambled across the lot, winding under- and through- cars and bushes.

One didn't directly come to me, but I saw a tendril turn three cars down from me and begin to head in my direction.

Crap, I thought. If that thing touches me, I'm a goner.

I tried to scoot back from under the safety of the car. I managed to get half of my body from under the back, away from the electric tendril and out of sight of It.

The tendril weaved under the car, and I pulled my finger back just in time to avoid getting stung and discovered. It retreated back to its owner, as there were no more cars on this side.

I quickly moved back under the car as fast as I could, getting a look at the creature. He appeared to be immobilized while using this ability. Could that be my opening, my chance to attack?

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, however, all of the tendrils had formed a circle around It again and fizzled out into the air. He began to move again, now screeching no more.

He didn't see me, I thought in relief.

At least, that's what I thought. His feet redirected themselves so that they were pointed in my direction. Then, he began to walk slowly in my direction.

But I wasn't going to give him the chance.

Before he could reach me, I found strength somewhere in me. It wasn't enough to transform, but I could still use some of my other powers.

I blew the car up above me as I brought my hands together and created a force field. I hesitated for a moment while It looked up to watch the car come back down ad land beside me.

I was floating in the middle of my force field, as I had before when fighting Metagor yesterday. I figured I could fly with it without actually using my flight power instead of just hovering.

It was a good idea, and it would have worked, too. I flew straight up into the air like a human rocket...for about fifteen feet.

A cold, long-fingered hand wrapped itself around my ankle, and I looked down.

It was right below me, and it had a strong grip on my leg. I didn't know how it got through my force field so quickly and so easily.

Since it had no face, I expected It to have a calm, emotionless expression, which was a lot less scary than what I was actually looking at right now.

I had three seconds of airtime before It put me back in my place on Earth. Or in the earth, to be exact.

My force field demolished, I pushed my bruised face off of the ground with my hands. But It hadn't let go of my leg yet, and he had other plans.

He slung my body back, then pitched me in a direction like a baseball player.

I made a heavy-duty force field that protected me as I was hurled through the hospital, floor by floor, ceiling by ceiling.

I passed by some of the rooms and hallways and got a long 0.6 second look at each. Let me just say, I wasn't wondering about what happened to the staff and patients anymore.

I shut my eyes. Never before had I seen so much red...even I couldn't kill that many people in the couple of seconds it took It to do so.

I escaped from the opposite side of the building a few moments later shaken up, to say the least. The creature wasn't far behind, flying through the hole I created.

And here I was, trying to avoid confrontation.

It pulled back its fiat and flew at me faster than I was pulling away, catching my force field and shattering it with what seemed like minimal effort. The next wall I ran into didn't break, and was excruciating. Not to mention, I was fifty feet in the air. The sidewalk hurt, too (duh).

My bones snapped like toothpicks. My head jerker forward, then flipped back on impact. I broke my tailbone, all of the bones in my legs, and some in my right arm as well, for sure. I couldn't even begin to describe the agony I was feeling.

I had never been so utterly powerless against an enemy before.

I took in raged breaths, inhaling and exhaling as best I could, focusing on that instead of It and my inability to move because of my broken bones.

It crashed in front of me, not a single drop of sweat on him. His shadow fell over me like an ominous warning.

He said nothing, but his silence said all it needed to say.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it already!" I exclaimed. "You've proven your point. You've won!"

He raised two fingers: what should have been his thumb, and his index. Electricity crackled between them, bright green and deadly. He held them below my chin, aiming to cut off my neck.

You know what...dying is overrated, I thought.

Then, I did a most unexpected thing.

I bent my head, rotated it, opened my mouth, and chomped down on his left finger.

He screeched. His mouth-hole widened into an oval, and he stumbled backwards like he had just been hit with a truck. His roar could be heard for miles around.

I couldn't move. I was still immobilized. But, even though I was in pain, I grinned. I was going to leave a mark on that sucker if he was going to kill me ,powers or no powers. Too bad I had to put my teeth on his wrinkly, disgusting flesh, though.

As the thing moved away from me, it seemed as if I had hurt him more than I intended to. In fact, it looked as if he had begun to transform.

His spine retreated into his skin, and every elongated feature of his shrunk into normal, human size. His back shortened and became straight. His fingers became shorter and stubby, and his spiky knees and elbows were regular knees and elbows again. His height shortened to a teen's. The green energy around him, darkened and changed back to that of blue.

When he finally crumpled to the ground, he was my evil twin, Zero.

I didn't even bother fainting this time. When the ambulance came, I was given some pills, and I immediately fell asleep.

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