
By demetria_ehxox

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"How long?" Freddy stepped up. Everyone else was distraught. "Looking at the results, a couple of months. Thr... More

Chapter 1 - The tale
Chapter 2 - The manor
Chapter 3 - You only live once
Chapter 5 - Frederick and Elizabeth
Chapter 6 - Will they hit me?
Chapter 7 - I will have a date
Chapter 8 - The Dance
Chapter 9 - What attacked you?
Chapter 10 - They are
Chapter 11 - What does it mean?
Chapter 12 - My world stopped
Chapter 13- My world turned on its axis
Chapter 14 - Calming me
Chapter 15 - What's so good about being a vampire?
Chapter 16 - My decision
Chapter 17 - Daddy's little girl
Chapter 18 - Saving all my energy
Chapter 19 - You?
Chapter 20 - Full of hunger and need
Chapter 21 - You may kiss
Chapter 22 - Please don't leave
Chapter 23 - The fire that burns
Chapter 24 - The viking
Chapter 25 - Will Count Dracula join?
Chapter 26 - The same year
Chapter 27- I give it to you
Writers comment
sequel! - Angel

Chapter 4 - This is just a dream

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By demetria_ehxox

It was like all my dreams and nightmares being moulded together into one. He looked just like he did in his coffin. Apart from his skin was repairing his self.

The strong, dead, musky smell filled the room. “Lord Grayson.” I mumbled. I didn't even think about saying it. A perfect smile spread across his lips. It would have been more perfect, if half of his top lip wasn’t missing. Instantly I gagged and the smell of decaying flesh.

“I’m sorry my dear. But I had to meet you. I’ve been waiting centuries to see you.” His old English accent was so strong, so posh. He stepped forward, I stepped back.

“Maybe I should come back another time.” A look of disappointment crossed his face. “Or not at all.” I mumbled to myself. This is just a dream. I repeated to myself. That’s all. I’m tired, and now I’m dreaming.

“You are not dreaming Darling.” Lifting my head, I sighed. He was still standing there. And most likely reading my mind. I am so going crazy. “Or going ‘Crazy’. That’s a weird term thought.” He seemed confused.

“What are you doing here?” My voice was light. “Well as you undid the chains and removed the flowers I was able to finally start to heal. Thank you for that Darling.” He stepped closer, more into the light.

“I didn't know what I was doing. I can’t even-” He cut me off.

“I know Darling. We do weird things for our soul mates. The ones we are destined to be with. You felt pulled to me. For years I waited for you to find me. I prayed you would. Using the last of my strength to speak to you. To enter your dreams. It was all worth it. You are so much more beautiful than I imagined.” He smiled again. This time he had a full pair of lips. He was healing right here, in front of me.

My head was nothing more than a jumbled mess. “I am not your ‘soul mate’ or your ‘Darling’. I’m confused. This isn’t happening. You need to leave.” I stepped further away from him. Edging closer to my bathroom.

“Please, don’t be afraid of me. I have spent many years thinking about you and only you. I am not evil. Well, I try not to be. Please do not fear me.” His green eyes were pleading. This cannot be happening.

Taking my only chance, I lunged for the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me I heard him slam into the other side. He knocked, pleading with me. But I resorted to putting my fingers in my ears and humming musical show tunes. Finally I opened the door.

The room was vacant. As I did so, mum came into my room. “Is everything okay Baby?” She looked worried. Looking around my room; I didn't see him. “Yeah sorry I’m fine.” I smiled at her.

“I heard a loud thud.” She looked around my room. “Sorry, we all know how clumsy I am. I fell over.” She just nodded and wished me a good sleep. Closing all the curtains, I locked my windows and doors. Lying down on my bed, I heard the faint sound of crinkling piece of paper beneath me. Sitting up, I picked up the piece of paper. It was the same piece of paper that was on my memo pad that sat on my desk. I realised this by the ‘winnie the pooh’ outline in the corner. Childish, I know.

The words Darling, I will come back for you. Were scrawled across in beautiful handwriting. Calligraphy. I wanted to ball it up and throw it in the bin, instead I put it into the draw with the necklace.

Falling back onto my bed, I dreamt of him.

Although I didn't want too.


“You look like rubbish. Are you okay?” Looking up at Ali, I glared at her. “Why thank you Ali. How nice of you too say so.” She shrugged at my rudeness. I must have had an hour of sleep. After I fell asleep, I woke up again. After that I couldn’t sleep. I even watched the sun rose.

“I couldn’t sleep last night, that’s all.” Walking down the halls, it was only ten in the morning and already I wanted the day to end. I didn't look where I was going as I walked into the weird Mr Sayer. “Are you okay Baby?” We both were sent to the crouching position as I tried to help him pick up the pieces of paper I made him drop by walking into him.

“Well I’m going to be late for my lesson, so I’m going to go. Bye Baby, and Mr Sayer.” Ali scurried off, the hallways began to empty.

“I am sorry Mr Sayer, I’m just tired and wasn’t looking where I was going.” I shrugged at him. “Can’t you sleep?” He asked me as we stood up. I shook my head in response. I handed the pile of papers to him. He thanked me.

“Why?” He was so curious. I began to get frightened. Do I tell him the truth? “Maybe we should go to my office. Its okay, I will excuse you from your lessons.” Following him, my heart beat sped. He was the one who wanted me to go into the house, he was the one who insisted on it. Why?

Shutting the door behind me, he placed the papers on the desk. “So Baby, I’m guessing you met Carlisle.” He smiled.

“Mr Sayer, I don’t understand why-” He interrupted me. “Call me Jack.” Now we are on first name basis? “Okay… Jack… Why did you want me to go into the house so bad?”

A smile captured his lips. He ran a hand through his blonde hair. “Its complicated and I can’t tell you yet. But I know someone who knows Carlisle.” I was so confused. It was nothing but a dream.

“He wants me to give you this.” He handed me a manila envelope, with Darling written in his calligraphy writing. Shaking my head, I pushed the envelope into my coat pocket and left his office without even saying bye.

Going to my next lesson, the day passed by without me even knowing it. I wandered to my lessons without even know I was doing it. My lessons passed, and most of the time my paper was empty where I did nothing all lesson.

Finally the day drew to a close, and I took it upon myself to open the envelope. Sitting on the bench outside, I pulled the cream piece of paper out from its envelope. Opening the letter I couldn’t process the words. All the thing I could see was ‘Darling,’. Sighing, I folded the piece of paper, and shoved it back in my pocket, in its envelope. I was not in the mood for this.

Ali’s mum picked us up as it started to rain. “We are going to the costume shop to find an outfit for Friday night.” Ali told me. I completely forgot about it. We headed to the big wild costume shop, and Ali’s mum helped us. She was a wild child. Mother and daughter.

“How about you being a vampire?” Ali shouted, while holding a dracula costume. Is this a joke? “No.”

We spent a good two hours in there, trying costumes on, taking the mick out of others and just laughing. Finally we picked our costumes. Mine was more of a spur of the moment thing. You’ve got to love pirates.

Ali’s mum dropped me home just as the sun was sinking. Getting home, the home phone rang. It was mum informing me that her and dad will be home late. Dad was always late, but something happened on construction so they are working overtime. And mums company got this new exhibition to work on. Placing my costume in its bag, over my wardrobe. I pulled open the zip to take a proper look at it. It was a ‘sexy pirate’. A short tutu like skirt, with a black overlay. A white ruffle top underneath, and black hook and eye corset went over. Other things will be added, but all in all I was excited now.

“Is that a type of underwear?” His voice scared the life out of me. Zipping up the bag I turned around. I was shocked.

Lord Grayson wore a normal shirt with what looked like jeans. “How weird do I look?” He smiled at me. He was fully healed and washed.

“What are you doing here?” He sat down on my bed. Pulling the crinkled letter from my coat pocket which was left on my bed. “Have you read this?” He straightened the wrinkled piece of paper.

“No, I haven’t. Answer the question, why are you here?” My voice was more stern, snappy more like. “You should. I went to great trouble to get it to you my dear. And I told you I would come to see you.” He smiled at me once more. I was so confused.

“But I don’t understand. Lord Grayson I-” One minute he was sitting down, but now he was standing in front of me. He put his finger to my lips. “Please, call me Carlisle. And you are?” My head was still a jumbled mess, nothing has changed in twenty four hours.

“You can call me Baby?” His eyebrows got higher. “Baby?”

“Yes, its what everyone calls me. A nickname.” He nodded slightly in understanding. “What’s your real name Baby?”

“That’s none of your business. Look how do you know my teacher, and why are you here?” Carlisle walked back and sat in the rocking chair that sat in the corner of my bedroom. My mother bought it when she had my brother, so its older than me. The chair creaked and rocked under his slight weight.

“Darling, that’s quite a lot of questions you’ve asked in the short time I’ve been here.” I crossed my arms and glared at him. My anger reached boiling point. I was so frustrated.

“Why won’t you answer any! I have no clue who you are. You are a guy who was supposed to die three hundred years ago and here you are. You will not answer one question, without saying ‘Darling’. Which quite frankly I am not your ‘Darling’. You spoke to my teacher? Brain washed me into letting you out of a fricking coffin- which by the way I must thank you for the terrible nightmares I’ve been getting. The only thing there is about you, is rumours and old gossip that you are apparently a Vampire, but unfortunately for you. They do not exist.” Finally my rampage drew to a close.

Carlisle didn't move, his blank expression never faltered. “My dear, vampires do exist. I am one. I have been for just over six hundred years.” Falling onto my bed, I don’t know how much I can take,

“The times here are so different, people are so clean. So hidden behind ‘make up’- I believe it is called. I am sorry for the nightmares and I can take them away from you. Ask me anything. I will tell you all now.” I pushed myself up and leant on my elbows.

“You will tell me everything?” One of my eyebrows raised in suspicion. “If you come here, and sit with me. I will reveal to you every inch of my dark soul my love’.” Sit where?

Sighing I stood up, walking over to him I began to shake. I don’t know what I was scared off. Getting my head ripped off my a vampire maybe?

I wondered where I could sit, seeing as there is one chair. But he made his thought very clear as he pulled me onto his lap. Balling up into the foetus position for safety, I felt safe in his arms even though I didn't want to be.

“When did you become a Vampire?” I said Vampire, with so much disbelief. “It was the year 1415. Its nearly my sixth hundrendth birthday. Hmm.” Six hundred years ago?

“That was the year I was changed anyway. I was born twenty five years before. A man of my time I was lucky and born into a rich family who were close to the queen at the time. Back then I used to be married. It was an arranged marriage but I grew to love her.” Something inside me was bothered at what he said. He loved someone? How does this affect me?

“Anyway. My wife died in childbirth, I was left to look after our son, William. I didn't know what I was doing, so I hired a maid, nanny if you like. I think that’s the term you use. Anyhow, she was a travelling women who I pleaded with for hours before she finally helped. She was a mother to him, doing a better job than I could. When she told me she was to leave to move to the next town, because she missed her family I was furious. I said they could stay at mine. I lived in a very large home you see. Then Maria, the nanny met a weird man passing through. Something was off about him.

         One day I returned home. My house was on fire, everyone was trapped inside. I tried to enter, but the flames were too much, the strange man pulled me out. Peter. I told him to leave me, without my son I was nothing. He listened to my pleas to end my life, but saw something in me. He changed me. He is my maker.

          I have created two, well three vampires since that day. My first one was out of control, killing always so I got rid of him. Then there is Frederick and Spencer. I speak to Frederick frequently. He is a trusty companion, a good friend.”

We were silent for a moment, that’s a lot to take in. His old English accent was strong, some words were hard to interpret.

“Why were you put in the tomb?” I asked him without moving. Carlisle rocked us gently.

“Well, people had doubts. When a vampire passed through he wasn’t like me. When I drink, I don’t take enough to harm a person. I don’t kill. This vampire did. He was Peter, my maker. He was angry at. He changed me, which takes a lot to do. Trained me, fed me, taught me, and I left him. I just left. I hated being under his demand, he was controlling manipulative and evil. He played evil games between couples. It was disgusting. At first I was like him, but I didn't want to be a monster. 

       I didn't know he was passing through. People were dying and going missing but I didn't pay much attention. I should have, but I didn't. No one knew there was another person in town. I didn't know before it was too late, everything was pointed at me. Being wrapped in real silver chains, and having wooden stakes stabbed at me, everywhere but my heart was painful enough. I was carried to where they already had the coffin. On my way, I saw him. I saw Peter. He smiled and waved goodbye. You know the rest of the story. They put the tomb together after, around me.”

I felt a wave of sadness, betrayal and hurt wash over me. I felt so sorry for him. My feelings towards him changed. I felt sorry for him, for everything that happened to him. Still I wasn’t convinced.

“What, well what is it like to be a vampire? Do you sleep? Eat? Like a human? Garlic? Holy water? That sort of thing?” He chuckled lightly at my first slow starting sentence before I was firing words at him.

“Holy water does nothing, neither does garlic. That’s just horrible though. Don’t eat garlic. What else… We are allergic to sunlight but I know a witch who blessed a necklace enabling me to walk in sunlight. I don’t know where it is though.” I lifted my head from where it was nestled on the crook of his neck.

“What does it look like?” His green eyes gazed at me. “It’s a big diamond, gold chain. Was fitting back in the day, now it looks out of place.” Climbing off his lap I ignored his pleas for me to sit back down. Opening the small white draw, I grasped the chain and lifted it out of the draw. The light from my lamp, passed through the diamond and shone a rainbow around my room. Walking over to him I handed it to him He thanked me and put it over his head. “Where did you find this?”

“Its was on top of your fireplace. I was holding it, then I heard something upstairs so I ran. I’m sorry.” He smiled at me, and pulled him on his lap once more. “Don’t be. Thank you.”

“Where was I… Oh, we tend to sleep during the day. Even with the necklace its draining. We can eat human food, but it doesn’t do much. We prefer to stick to blood. Silver as you know burns us. As do those flowers. Erm, a makers call to its child is a powerful thing. I can’t think of what else.”

We sat in a moment of silence as I tried to process his words. “Would you like to meet Frederick?” I looked at him. “Can I?”

“Yeah, I’ve spent the day with him. He’s trying to get me to terms with the new world. He gave me a f-ph-phone is it? Odd creation.” I burst out laughing. He pulled an iphone from his pocket. “He said his number is programmed in it, but I don’t know how it works. Can you help?” He smiled at me. Nodding, I took the phone from him and showed him the basics.

He was beyond shocked. “What other extraordinary products are there?” He was curious. “There’s the internet, laptops, tablets, ipods, mp3, then cars!” I named all these technological devices and explained that people have gone to the moon. He made me show him proof.

It was like teaching a baby chimp. Firing my laptop he called it a ‘Bewildering Beast’. With that I could if died, yet again of laughter. Showing videos of the first steps on the moon, other achievements before playing background music of this time he asked what’s with the ridiculous clothes we wear.

Showing him the short skirts, shorts, crop tops, and jeans he was bewildered.  “I don’t get it. So you dress like a man?” My jaw dropped. Yes I am wearing jeans and a shirt but I am not a man. “Men and women are equal now, so we can wear what we want.”

“Oh, I am sorry for offending you I am just confused.” You could tell he was sorry by his facial expression. “Its okay.” I gave him a small smile. Sitting cross legged on my bed, it felt weird.

In less than an two hours we went from me being afraid of him, to us laughing on my bed. I felt completely safe and comfortable around him. Like I’ve known him forever.

“So, equals?” I gave to him what seemed like a history lesson to me, but a future lesson for him. I told him about the start and end of slavery how it started movements. The women’s act in the nineteen hundreds, how we are all equal. I could see he would have to get his head around that, and frankly that worried me.

He was a powerful man, used to bossing everyone around; especially women. You hear stories from that time, of punishment to women. I shivered at my many history lessons.

“I will never hurt you. I promise you Darling.” He must of felt my shiver beside him. His fingers came up to stroke my cheek.

“I know this is weird, I know you want to keep fighting me but you feel like you have known me forever. I have known you forever. I felt a spark in me when you were born. Every bad thing that happened to you I felt anger and rage. At what was hurting you, and at myself for not being able to protect you.

    I felt when you felt extremely happy and if my heart was to beat it would flutter. I felt the times you cried, and myself cried with you. I know you. From a distance and in my heart. If that isn't enough to prove that I won’t ever hurt you, and I do love you. I don’t know what is.”  

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