Warrior Cats: Forbidden love...

By WC_Firestorm

95.9K 3.2K 869

• • Slowly editing • • Meeting Him was different than meeting other toms. He makes her feel special like no... More

If you want to be in my story, read this page... -CLOSED-
Allegiances/Characters :
Chapter One (Edited)
Chapter Two (AniLovers)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven (Chocorose and Icestorm18)
Chapter Eight (AniLovers)
Chapter Nine (Chocorose and Icestorm18)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
~!Important Author's Note about the incoming Updates!~

Chapter Thirty-six

1.4K 54 13
By WC_Firestorm

Hey guys~ Here it is—the last chapter of Dangerous Situation! The epilogue is next! Btw, I'm sick with fever, headache, and a cold, so the epilogue might come late :) Please enjoy :)

Chapter 36


A moon had past after Blazeheart’s and Firestorm’s last meeting. The Clan had two new warriors since last moon–Fishleap and Morningfur. Dapplenose had moved to the Nursery, expecting kits of her own.

Blazeheart was sitting on his nest, belly flat on the ground. His dark green eyes were faded and his paws were curled underneath his chest. There is no ‘our’ or even ‘us’ anymore. There never will be ever again! Her last words rung in his head. Because I'm expecting your kits. Blazeheart shut his eyes tightly. 

He was going to be a father. A father! Him! But his mate, no, scratch that, former mate, had made it clear she wanted nothing more to do with him. Blazeheart let out a sigh. He loved Firestorm. Why did it have to go this way? What did he ever done wrong? 

“Blazeheart?” Blazeheart perked his ears. “What is it, Sandwhisker?” he mumbled, not turning around. “Sunstar would like to have a word with you.” “I’ll be right with him.” Blazeheart replied. He stood up from his nest and stretched before padding after Sandwhisker.

“Sunstar?” “Come in.” “I’ve brought Blazeheart.” “Good. You are dismissed, Sandwhisker.” Blazeheart flicked his ears as he watch his leader and the Lead talk. Once Sandwhisker disappeared behind the lichen curtain of Sunstar’s den, Sunstar turned his back on Blazeheart.

“Sit down.” Blazeheart flinched at his leader’s monotone words. Blazeheart twitched his whiskers as he rested his haunches on the ground. He tap the sandy ground of the den with the tip of his tail while he waited patiently for Sunstar to speak. “I’ve been watching you.” 

Blazeheart froze. What? Does he know about me and Firestorm? About she expecting my kits and– Sunstar raised his head and met Blazeheart’s gaze. “You seem..” the ginger leader paused and frowned. “..distant..” 

Blazeheart flinched when his leader’s gaze turned sharp. “I’m.. I’m okay..” “Are you sure, Blazeheart? I’ve noticed that you have changed from the old Blazeheart since last moon.” What can I say? My mate rejected me when she’s about to have my kits! 

“Blazeheart, you didn’t go to the gathering two days ago, which I find weird. I know that you never like missing gatherings.” Blazeheart drop his gaze to his paws. Silence hung in the air for a few moments before Sunstar sighed. 

“Blazeheart I know something’s amiss with you. Tell me. Is it about Tawnyfur?” Blazeheart tensed. Tawnyfur’s white-cough had turned to green-cough. It had became so serious that she had to stay in the medicine cat den. “No.” Blazeheart mewed. 

“Oh, okay.” Silence again. “Blazeheart, I think you really should find a mate, have kits.. you know..” Blazeheart stifled a growl. He had all that. Had. Before Firestorm ended it. He could’ve run away with Firestorm and together they could raised their kits peacefully! Now he’ll never be able to know who are his kits! 

Why, StarClan, why? Blazeheart whispered. I loved her.. “..Blazeheart?” “Huh?” “Are you okay? You zoned out for a bit.” “Oh.. yes.. I’m fine. May I go now and attend my duties?” Blazeheart winced when his leader stared at him in shock. Blazeheart never snapped back, and he felt terrible. 

“Yes, of course. You may. But Blazeheart.. if there’s anything wrong, you can always talk to me about it.” Blazeheart paused. Sunstar had treated him as if he was his son. Blazeheart felt bad—he wanted to tell his leader about Firestorm and the great news about his coming kits. 

But he couldn’t. Sunstar would exile him and he would lose the support of his Clan. Divided loyalties! That’s why! Blazeheart finally understood. He had to choose over the loyalty of his Clan or Firestorm and his unborn kits.. Firestorm knew all this.. and she chose to be loyal to her clan and end things with him.

Blazeheart stiffened. She chose her Clan over me.. Blazeheart sighed. He gave Sunstar a nod and padded out of the den, not wanting to look at his leader’s curious eyes. Blazeheart padded back into the warriors’ den, and into his nest. He curled up into a tight ball and shut his eyes. If I asked Firestorm to leave the clan behind with me, our kits will grow up without knowing our warrior lives. They are also easy prey for predators..

Blazeheart opened his eyes. The image of Firestorm was stuck in his mind. Even though our kits will never know their father, at least they can grow up safe.. hopefully Firestorm will find a mate and convince her clan that she is expecting his kits.. Then our kits will be in safe paws. If Firestorm is able to move on.. then I can. 

And I will.

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