You Lost My Heart (Book 3: Yo...

By missymaris

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Three years ago, I fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. Three years ago, I was with my boyfriend, Ronald Weasle... More

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Return
Chapter 2: No Matter How Hard I Try
Chapter 3: The Dinner and the Gift
Chapter 4: Enemies Can Be Our New Friends
Chapter 5: The Quidditch Match
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: My Date With Jason
Chapter 8: McGonagol's Request
Chapter 9: Back At Hogwarts
Chapter 10: Breaking My Heart, Over and Over Again...
Chapter 11: I realize something now. But it's too late.
Chapter 12: The Woman in the Diner
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 14: More Than This
Chapter 15: People Come, People Go...
Chapter 16: What Happens in the Room of Requirement, Stays There...
Chapter 17: You Only Want Me 'Cause I'm Taken
Chapter 18: This Changes Everything...
Chapter 20: Letters and Arrivals
Chapter 21: Receiving Another Letter
Chapter 22: The Anniversary of May 2, 1998
Chapter 23: Reuniting After All This Time
Chapter 24: Being Back Home
Chapter 25: Confronting Ron
Author's Note

Chapter 19: The Seer's Second Warning

1.8K 43 53
By missymaris

Sorry everyone! I know I haven’t posted in forever, but bronchitis has made me feel HORRIBLE lately, not to mention I thought I was dying yesterday :P

So yeah, now I’m on antibiotics for my bronchitis, Claritin for my allergies, prescription nose spray (that smells like roses, haha) and Afrin daily. I’m looking on the bright side, though. I thought I needed my tonsils taken out :P

So, now onto the chapter!


Sarah’s Point of View


The May sun pours in through the window and warms my body. The stained-glass window of the Hogwarts crest is reflected onto the light gray pavers over the fireplace. The Gryffindor crest stands out predominately to me, sparkling with its gold and scarlet details.

“How are you?” Ron mumbles to me, his fingers intertwined with mine.

“I’m good,” I reply, sipping my water. He kisses my cheek, getting up as Audrey and Draco make their way over to us.

”You ready?” Audrey asks us.

I smile and nod and Ron pulls me off of the floor in front of the fireplace.

Ron and I walk—hand in hand—behind Audrey and Draco, going at a steady pace until we reach the Quidditch Pitch. I smile when I step onto the soft grass that lines the stadium.

The last time I was here was when I was in my sixth year. Although, this isn’t the same Quidditch pitch I used to be on. The one I used to play on was much more… sentimental, I guess you could call it. There were hundreds of years of history on the old pitch. The new one is, well, new. No history. The most memorable thing that happened here was the opening ceremony that took place three years ago.

I clutch my new Firebolt in my hand. It’s the newest model; Ron got it for me for my birthday.

Draco and Ron get the Quaffle, Bludgers, and Snitch from the locker room.

”When was the last time you’ve flown?” she asks me.

I sigh. “Four years ago…”

“You didn’t have to fly with your Auror job?” she asks, a little in disbelief.

”Sadly, no. They said flying would bring about too much attention, so they made me Apparate and sneak around everywhere.”

”Wouldn’t Apparating attract more attention?” she asks with a little laugh.

”You’d think, right?” I laugh too. Just then, Ron and Draco come back, holding all of the things needed for a little two v. two Quidditch match.

“I’m… exhausted…” I say in between deep breaths.

Draco laughs at my right, pinching my cheeks. “What? Wittle bwaby Sarah can’t handle a little Quidditch?”

I slap his hand away. “Shut up. We were playing for hours,” I defend myself.

Audrey giggles. “Draco, you shouldn’t be talking. I heard you panting after you tried to get the Snitch before Sarah did. You’re a little winded yourself,” she adds.

Draco sticks his tongue out at her. Ron and I laugh, watching their little stare down. Finally, Ron speaks up.

“Well, we don’t have any seminars for the rest of the day. Shall we go to Hogsmeade?” he suggests.

“Yes!” I cheer, bolting up upright immediately.

“That woke someone up,” Draco chuckles.

“Alright, me and Sarah are going to shower and get changed, and then we’ll be right down. Where do you guys want to meet up?”

“The Great Hall?” Ron suggests.

”Sounds good,” I smile, heading to the dorm as Ron and Draco get to cleaning up the Quidditch pitch.

After showering and changing into black skirt and white blouse with black flats, I head downstairs to the common area, my curls bouncing as I walk, and meet up with Audrey, who seems to already have been done getting ready. She smiles when she sees me.

“Finally,” she huffs, getting up.

I roll my eyes at her, and then smile. “Sorry, I take long showers,” I explain.

”I’ve noticed,” she chuckles, and we walk to the Great Hall, where we meet up with Ron and Draco.

“Took you guys long enough,” Draco says.

”Shut up,” I mumble.

Ron and Audrey laugh. “We were only waiting here for a couple of hours,” Ron says sarcastically.

“You shut up too,” I scold him, but then smile. He kisses my cheek in apology.

“Okay, I’m hungry, let’s go!”

“So we’re going to get some candy at Honeydukes,” Audrey informs us, after we finish our lunch.

Ron and I both nod. “Want to take a walk?” he asks me, right when Audrey and Draco leave the diner.

I nod, getting up. We say goodbye to the owners, an elderly wizarding couple in their late seventies.

The light spring breeze sends a slight shiver down my spine, and Ron instinctively wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Ah, it’s the Veela girl,” a hoarse voice says behind us.

I jump, turning around. A woman wearing yellow and purple robes is standing behind us. Her graying hair is frizzed and lays heavily over her black eyes. She holds out her trembling hand to us, smiling to show us her toothy grin.

“Do we know you?” Ron asks, pushing me a little behind him, protectively.

”You don’t seem familiar, lad,” she tells Ron, but then looks to me. “But dearie, you should remember me.”

“Jezebel Wincaster,” I whisper, and she smiles.

“So you remember me, dear?” she asks, her smile returning.

“Who are you?” Ron asks, still holding me slightly behind him.

“Ronald Weasley, correct?” she asks him, bowing her head slightly.

“Yeah…” Ron says, stiffening up. “How do you know my name?”

“She’s a Seer,” I explain to him. His grip on my hand loosens a bit.

“A Seer?” he repeats.

”Yes, my dear,” she croaks out.

”Why are you here, Jezebel?” I ask. “Both of us are Aur-“

“Aurors, I know,” she smiles.

”Why does that matter to her?” Ron whispers to me.

Hearing this, Jezebel pulls up her left sleeve, revealing her Dark Mark. Ron tenses up again.

”You’re a Death Eater?” Ron asks, anger filling his voice.

“Of course, of course,” she nods her head.

“Why have you come back?” I ask again.

”I need a word with you two,” she sighs. “It’s a dire situation, I’m afraid.”

She waddles over to us, and once we are all at the same pace, we continue walking, Ron in between the two of us.

”Has the future changed since I last saw you?” I ask immediately.

“The future is always changing, Sarah,” she chuckles.

“Then how do you know something ‘dire’ is going to occur?” Ron shoots back at her.

“So naïve, young boy,” she sighs. Ron glares at her. “Some situations don’t change; they’re inevitable. Like this one.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, trying to get the truth out as quick as possible.

“Where is the other boy, Sarah? The handsome one with the dark hair?” Jezebel questions.

“I’m sure you already know the answer to that one,” I retort. Her black eyes meet mine.

“You are catching on quickly,” she says, nodding in approval.

“Last time we met, you told me allegiances would change. Is that what you meant? With mine and Jason’s relationship?” I ask.

”Clever, dear, for you to discover that,” she says. She hobbles over to a bench, obviously out of breath from the walking. I don’t blame her; she’s probably close to eighty years old. Ron and I sit down next to her.

“You knew he was going to cheat on me, then? And you didn’t give me any warning?” I ask angrily. Ron soothingly draws circles on the back of my hand, which is enveloped in his.

”As I said last time, Sarah,” she clears her throat, and quotes herself. “There are secrets to be discovered by you. But telling you would be unwise. Telling you would ruin the adventure. Adventures bring on discoveries. Discoveries bring on mystery. And isn’t mystery the most wondrous thing of life?” she finishes, looking at me intently through her coal black eyes. I nod, remembering when she told me this the first time.

“But why did you come back?” I ask for the third time.

“Why wouldn’t I? There is more I should warn you about, after all,” she says, reaching over Ron and grabbing my hand. She closes her eyes, taking deep breathes. “Yes… Of course,” she whispers, and then her eyes shoot open. “There is much more than I had expected, my dear…” she says ominously.

”Jezebel, I don’t care about adventure, or mystery, or discoveries. Tell me what’s going to happen!” I demand.

She doesn’t say anything back, just smiles.

“You are rushing into things that ought not to be rushed into,” she sighs.

“Then why did you come here, if you’re not going to tell me anything!” I angrily ask, standing up.

“Who said I wasn’t going to tell you anything?” she asks, cocking her head. I narrow my eyes at her.

“Then what is your message for me?” I ask, taking a deep breath.

She stands up too, taking out her wand.

”Those that you have trusted should be trusted no more, for they will only cause pain, both physically, and mentally,” she says, her voice deepening. Before I can question her further, she’s gone, Dissapparating away in the blink of an eye.

Ron stands up too, grabbing my hand in his.

“What does that mean?” he asks.

Those that you have trusted should be trusted no more, for they will only cause pain, both physically, and mentally.

Her warning dances around in my thoughts, and finally, that’s when I understand what it means.

”It means,” I start, taking a deep breath. “Someone, it could be anyone, that we trust, is really not who we think they are.”


Okay guys, I have to end it there, because I’m feeling sick again :(

Sorry it’s been a while. I’ve been sick for almost two weeks straight, and it sucks :|

Now… What are your opinions on Jezebel? Did anyone almost forget about her? Because in all honesty, I almost did, haha. I’ll blame that on the meds I’ve been on, though :P

In other news, only 33 MORE DAYS until my One Direction concert :D I’m beyond pumped for it, haha! In the past couple of days, no matter how crappy I’ve felt, they’ve been that one thing to make me smile… :)

Ta-ta for now! Vote and comment please and make me smile even more!

-Marisa <3

P.s. Wanna hear something cool? I have this prescription nose spray now that smells like roses (Not even joking) when I use it. It is the COOLEST thing ever, haha! 

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